Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association Vol. XII.-No. 10. JULY, 1937. Threepence. GLENGARRIFF, on the shores of Bantry Bay, in Cork, is an Atlantic garden rich with tropical shrubs and luxuriant foliage. Thackel wrote, while there :-" Were such a bay on the Mediterranean or the Baltic. English travellers would flock to it by hundreds." IRISH TRAVEL July, 1937 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SOLVE ALL EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS THROUGH US. Cutlery China, Glassware, Delph, Aluminium, Lounge, Table and Kitchen Requisites. Prompt Satisfactory Service. Have your Old Silver made New THE MUNSTER &LEINSTER BANK LTD. We have been appointed Sole Agents and HAS 215 BRANCHES &. SUB.OFFICES Receiving Depot for Newbridge Cutlery Co., Ltd., IN ALL PARTS OF IRELAND, INCLUDING for Repairing and Replating Cutlery, Spoons and DUBLIN GAL'VV'AY BELFAST ~ATEBFORD Forks. Also Holloware articles: Teapots, Jugs, and CORK DERBY Dishes of every description, etc., etc. LI:MEBICK KILLARNEY Prices on request for special Hotel quality. pOBH (QUEENSTO'VV'N) Guaranteed Silver Deposits. AND IS REPRESENTEO BY AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD SPECIAL FACILITIES IRISH HOTEL SUPPLIES, LTD. AVAILABLE FOR TRAVELLERS HAMMAM BUILDINGS, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOME AND 11-13 UPPER O'CONNELL STREET, DUBLIN. FOREIGN BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Head Office: Managing Director: SOUTH MALL. CORK 'Phone: 44966. T. G. JO ES. ~~, CLERYS '\~/])~ Ireland's Great Department Store ~ ~ particularly invite all visitors to Dublin l ( to see their beautiful collection of 11' \}!'.. ~ , ~ IRISH LINENS '-'-la- IRISH REAL LACES MOTOR IRISH HOMESPUNS MEX SPIRIT IRISH POPLINS and SILENSOL IRISH BELLEEK CHINA MOTOR OIL We have regular customers for DISTR';UTED BY o/~ these goods all over the world %. ~MULLAN BROSLTD. CLERY &CO., Ltd., OIConnell St., Dublin 26 UP O'CONNEI.L ST. DUBLIN, C,B. july, 1937 IRISH TRAVEL L!fi the ~omYOllr snaps CHIARASCURO is a rather difficult word much used in highbrow art circles. Simply defined it means the play of contrast of -Iiilit and shade in a picture. The glint of the sun on rippling water; the shadows of the leaves beneath the trees; the lights in baby's frank open eyes. These are all difficult subjects, often spoiled by snap anaemia, which reduces the "chiarascuro" to veiled obscurity. Let Agfa Isochrom Film strip off that veil, and make your snaps full of intriguing light and shade. ISOCHROM FILM AGFA S~EEDEX CLACK-the camera that stops you mi88ing IFREE BOOKLET "How to take Photographs," free on opportUDltles. Press a l'utton and out shoots the front ready for application to; W. GAW LillITBD, 16B South Earl Street Instantuse. No. 51 takes 16 pictures I!' x 2t' and costs32/6.. No. 74 DUllLIN.' , takes 8 pictures 21' x 3i', price 30/-. Bothtake standard roll film. Sole dutrilndor8 of Agfa Photographic Product8 for ths I.F.S. 229 July, 1937 • SIX ROUTES TO IRELAND COR K-Direct. Leave Paddington *5.55 p.m. FISHGUARD to Every Tues., Thurs. and Sat. LIVERPOOL to DUBLIN Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. Sail 10.15 p.m. Nightly (Sundays excePted). LIVERPOOL to BELFAST Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. Sail 10.15. p.m: Nightly (Sundays excepted). GL AS G 0 W to BELFAST-Direct. SlI:il from Glasgow 10.0 p.m·t Nightly (Sundays excepted). GLASGOW to DUBLIN via Greenock. Every Monday, Wednes­ day, Friday and Saturday. GLASGOW to DERRY via Greenock. Every Monday, Wednes­ day, Friday and Saturday. • Restaurant Boat Express. tSaturdays 10.30 p.m. ---~_. - ARDE T LOVERS visiting Ire I and Donegal G should make a Handwoven point of seeing Lissadell Tweeds and Gardens, where a very Handknitted large collection of Alpines Stockings, and other Hardy Plants Jumpers, etc., can be seen growing in also fine Rock Gardens, MOl'aines, Handmade Retaining Walls, etc. Lingerie and Hand­ BANK OF IRELAND SEEDS A SPECIALITY. embroidered ESTABLISHED 1183. Goods, always in FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS LISSADELL IS SITUATED stock. AT ABOUT FOUR MILES WEST Head Office: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. OF THE SLIGO - BUNDORAN BELFAST .. CORK .. DERRY ROAD. AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND. MANAGER, LISSADELL, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS TRANSACTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS SLIGO BY DAY OR NIGHT AT COBH (QUEENSTOWN) AND GALWAY DOCKS. IRISH FREE STATE. July, 1937 IRISH TRAVEL SUBSCRIPTION: Wholesale from the 5/- PER ANNUM, Irish Tourist Association Post Free. and from Eason & ,Son, Ltd. COPIES FREE TO ALL MEMBERS IRISH Retail from OF THE all Newsagenls and ASSOCIATION AND from the OF ITS ASSOCIATE Irish Tourist Association. DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL Price - 3d. ~ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION, DUBLIN ..........,.. VOL. XII. JULY, 1937. No. 10.. ualRing :JBetween Uhe 1ines T happened in one of those felicitous corners of of women's talk, so entertaining and consuming that I Europe where 11 Trespassers will be Prosecuted" their senses were closed to the thunder of a train bearing has not yet been taken at its face value. down on them. This near tragedy, of course, happened Two women of the countryside met while making a in Ireland, the country of the unexpected. It was only familiar short-cut homeward by way of the railway line. a month ago in that region where wonders never seem They were experienced steppers from sleeper to sleeper, out of date. Surely it is the nearest case of being talked to death yet recorded. Mercifully it turned to the but, after all, it is easier to sit down for a gossip j so they sat facing each other, one on each rail, in the sunshiny paradox of a good story, as so many things do in Ireland, afternoon. Only the cricket chirped in the meadows where you can always get a laugh even in the teeth of tragedy. below them. The bark of a dog in the distance sounded like an outrage on a world at peace with itself. They D. L. KELLEHER in 11 Coming Events." were monarchs of all they surveyed. This was nature's Own drawingroom for those two on their steel seats, out of reach of the work-a-day world. They warmed to the exchange of gossip-" And do you tell me," 11 Did she really r " and all the rest. CONTENTS Louth-Gap of the North PAGE So lively and absorbing was the talk that the train By H. S. Skeffington, M. A. 232 from Mountain Stage was almost on top of them before Rowing in Ireland. By Skipper ..... ..... 233 Dublin Horse Show ..... 235 they roused to the whistle of it. One of them stepped The Glamour of Curracloe. By 11-1. Butler 237 clear, but the other fell inwards on the track, fair in the \Vhere the Sea Trout Run. middle, so that the whole train passed over her while By Capt. ]. B. Drought 239 The Irish Theatre. By Outfront 241 she kept her presence of mind and lay flat. Faltboating in Ireland. By H. B. H ammond..... 243 The Aran Islands 244-245 Chivalrously the guard realised the situation and Ballycotton, in County Cork ..... 246-247 pulled the alarm signal. The engine-driver slowed Radio Athlone 248 down, and the two ladies were invited to take their places Gorey and the Seaside Resorts within its Vicini;: By T. E. Leggett 249 on, instead of under, the train, while all steamed off Picturesque Carrick-on-Shann, n. By].]. Sheerin 251 happily enough, if a little shocked, to the home stop at Cork Chatter. By T. O'D. ..... 253 Ci Interest to Hotels 255 the next station. Ireland's Leading Hotels 257 There never, surely, was such tribute to the quality A Directory of Hotels 259 23" IRISH TRAVEL July, 1937 Louth as a Holiday Resort The Gap of the :l-£orth The Sun God's Corn Measure By H. S. SKEFFINGTON, M.A. Carlingford Castle, with its glorious mountain back­ ground, is one of Louth's picturesque piles. OUNTY LOUTH is the smallest Some County Epithets. " Rebel" Cork; Limerick is named in Ireland, like the State of Maine We give loving nicknames to several in remembrance of Sarsfield and the Wild C in U.S.A. and Rutlandshire in of our counties, as the United States Geese, "City of the Broken Treaty'" England. And because of its compact­ Clare is Ireland's Banner County; Meath: ness, it has a character peculiar to itself ; chooses for each of the States its own from Tara and the Kings "Royal indeed, every county in Ireland has its special flower, a gracious idea. We say Meath"; Tipperary, from its soldiers own individual features, peculiarities "Sweet County Down "-perhaps its " Gallant" Tipperary. Was it Kickha~ which you can, if you are county­ air deserves this epithet, perhaps its who ga~e his native county that proud conscious, sense the moment you cross people; Tyrone of the Bushes; Cavan appellation? And so Louth is called from Cork to Kerry, from Limerick to of the Lakes (for their special natural "Th~ Gap". (or Gate) of the North, Clare, from Dublin to Wicklow, from features); Wicklow is the Garden of standing, as it does, sentinel between Roscommon to Leitrim I So. too, with Ireland; Kerry is called, simply, t~e ~einster and Ulster, to which province Louth. Kingdom (there is only one); Cork is it once belonged. The easiest most obvious approach to Ulster (unle'ss you go west v~a Sligo) is via Louth; it was there ill 1591 that Owen Roe O'Donnell (" Gallant Red Hugh ") passed on his way, an escaped prisoner from Dublin Castle, to his mountain home in far Donegal. What Louth Offers. Louth is an ideal base for the traveller in search of beauty: it offers a historic background, scenic beauty, sea, wood, and pasture; a seaboard with golden strand, and inland the lovely Boyne Valley with its thousand historic asso­ ciations.
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