Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, HHS § 424.32 (CMP), or a health care prepayment CMS–1500—Health Insurance Claim Form. plan (HCPP), or as part of a demonstra- (For use by physicians and other suppliers tion. Therefore, claims must be filed by to request payment for medical services.) CMS–1660—Request for Information-Medi- hospitals seeking IME payment under care Payment for Services to a Patient § 412.105(g) of this chapter, and/or direct now Deceased. (For use in requesting GME payment under § 413.76(c) of this amounts payable under title XVIII to a de- chapter, and/or nursing or allied health ceased beneficiary.) education payment under § 413.87 of (c) Where claims forms are available. this chapter associated with inpatient Excluding forms CMS–1450 and CMS– services furnished on a prepaid capita- 1500, all claims forms prescribed for use tion basis by an MA organization. Hos- in the Medicare program are distrib- pitals that must report patient data for uted free-of-charge to the public, insti- purposes of the DSH payment adjust- tutions, or organizations. The CMS– ment under § 412.106 of this chapter for 1450 and CMS–1500 may be obtained inpatient services furnished on a pre- only by commercial purchase. All other paid capitation basis by an MA organi- claims forms can be obtained upon re- zation, or through cost settlement with quest from CMS or any Social Security an HMO/CMP, or as part of a dem- branch or district office, or from Medi- onstration, are required to file claims care intermediaries or carriers. The by submitting no pay bills for such in- CMS–1490S is also available at local So- patients. Special procedures for claim- cial Security Offices. ing payment after the beneficiary has (d) Submission of electronic claims—(1) died and for certain bills paid by orga- Definitions. For purposes of this para- nizations are set forth in subpart E of graph, the following terms have the this part. following meanings: [77 FR 53682, Aug. 31, 2012] (i) Claim means a transaction defined at 45 CFR 162.1101(a). § 424.32 Basic requirements for all (ii) Electronic claim means a claim claims. that is submitted via electronic media. (a) A claim must meet the following A claim submitted via direct data requirements: entry is considered to be an electronic (1) A claim must be filed with the ap- claim. propriate intermediary or carrier on a (iii) Direct data entry is defined at 45 form prescribed by CMS in accordance CFR 162.103. with CMS instructions. (iv) Electronic media is defined at 45 (2) A claim for physician services, CFR 160.103. clinical psychologist services, or clin- (v) Initial Medicare claim means a ical social worker services must in- claim submitted to Medicare for pay- clude appropriate diagnostic coding for ment under Part A or Part B of the those services using ICD–9–CM. Medicare Program under title XVIII of (3) A claim must be signed by the the Act for initial processing, including beneficiary or on behalf of the bene- claims sent to Medicare for the first ficiary (in accordance with § 424.36). time for secondary payment purposes. (4) A claim must be filed within the Initial Medicare claim excludes any ad- time limits specified in § 424.44. justment or appeal of a previously sub- (5) All Part B claims for services fur- mitted claim, and claims submitted for nished to SNF residents (whether filed payment under Part C of the Medicare by the SNF or by another entity) must program under title XVIII of the Act. include the SNF’s Medicare provider (vi) Physician, practitioner, facility, or number and appropriate HCPCS coding. supplier is a Medicare provider or sup- (b) The prescribed forms for claims plier other than a provider of services. are the following: (vii) Provider of services means a pro- vider of services as defined in section CMS–1450—Uniform Institutional Provider 1861(u) of the Act. Bill. (This form is for institutional pro- (viii) Small provider of services or small vider billing for Medicare inpatient, out- patient and home health services.) supplier means— CMS–1490S—Request for Medicare payment. (A) A provider of services with fewer (For use by a patient to request payment than 25 full-time equivalent employees; for medical expenses.) or 697 VerDate Sep<11>2014 09:39 Dec 15, 2014 Jkt 232188 PO 00000 Frm 00707 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\42\42V3.TXT 31 § 424.33 42 CFR Ch. IV (10–1–14 Edition) (B) A physician, practitioner, facil- to claims submitted on or after Octo- ity, or supplier with fewer than 10 full- ber 16, 2003. time equivalent employees. [53 FR 6639, Mar. 2, 1988; 53 FR 12945, Apr. 20, (2) Submission of electronic claims re- 1988, as amended at 59 FR 10299, Mar. 4, 1994; quired. Except for claims to which 63 FR 26311, May 12, 1998; 63 FR 53307, Oct. 5, paragraph (d)(3) or (d)(4) of this section 1998; 66 FR 39601, July 31, 2001; 68 FR 48813, applies, an initial Medicare claim may Aug. 15, 2003; 70 FR 71020, Nov. 25, 2005; 71 FR be paid only if submitted as an elec- 48143, Aug. 18, 2006; 72 FR 66405, Nov. 27, 2007] tronic claim for processing by the Medicare fiscal intermediary or carrier § 424.33 Additional requirements: Claims for services of providers and that serves the physician, practitioner, claims by suppliers and nonpartici- facility, supplier, or provider of serv- pating hospitals. ices. This requirement does not apply All claims for services of providers to any other transactions, including and all claims by suppliers and non- adjustment or appeal of the initial participating hospitals must be— Medicare claim. (a) Filed by the provider, supplier, or (3) Exceptions to requirement to submit hospital; and electronic claims. The requirement of (b) Signed by the provider, supplier, paragraph (d)(2) of this section is or hospital unless CMS instructions waived for any initial Medicare claim waive this requirement. when— (i) There is no method available for § 424.34 Additional requirements: the submission of an electronic claim. Beneficiary’s claim for direct pay- This exception includes claims sub- ment. mitted by Medicare beneficiaries and (a) Basic rule. A beneficiary’s claim situations in which the standard adopt- for direct payment for services fur- ed by the Secretary at 45 FR 162.1102 nished by a supplier, or by a non- does not support all of the information participating hospital that has not necessary for payment of the claim. elected to claim payment for emer- The Secretary may identify situations gency services, must include an coming within this exception in guid- itemized bill or a ‘‘report of services’’, ance. as specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) of (ii) The entity submitting the claim this section. is a small provider of services or small (b) Itemized bill from the hospital or supplier. supplier. The itemized bill for the serv- (4) Unusual cases. The Secretary may ices, which may be receipted or unpaid, waive the requirement of paragraph must include all of the following infor- (d)(2) of this section in unusual cases as mation: the Secretary finds appropriate. Un- (1) The name and address of— usual cases are deemed to exist in the (i) The beneficiary; following situations: (ii) The supplier or nonparticipating (i) The submission of dental claims. hospital that furnished the services; (ii) There is a service interruption in and the mode of submitting the electronic (iii) The physician who prescribed the claim that is outside the control of the services if they were furnished by a entity submitting the claim, for the pe- supplier other than the physician. riod of the interruption. (2) The place where each service was (iii) The entity submitting the claim furnished, e.g., home, office, inde- submits fewer than 10 claims to Medi- pendent laboratory, hospital. care per month, on average. (3) The date each service was fur- (iv) The entity submitting the claim nished. only furnishes services outside of the (4) A listing of the services in suffi- U.S. territory. cient detail to permit determination of (v) On demonstration, satisfactory to payment under the fee schedule for the Secretary, of other extraordinary physicians’ services; for itemized bills circumstances precluding submission from physicians, appropriate diag- of electronic claims. nostic coding using ICD–9–CM must be (5) Effective date. This paragraph (d) used. is effective October 16, 2003, and applies (5) The charges for each service. 698 VerDate Sep<11>2014 09:39 Dec 15, 2014 Jkt 232188 PO 00000 Frm 00708 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\42\42V3.TXT 31.
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