The Connector The Secretary’s Special Representative Reta Jo Lewis Office of Global Intergovernmental Affairs Volume 7 Published: May 2013 Delivering Results for the American People U.S. Department of State economic security, environmental to build a new Olympic Park in security, you will feel our success or Brazil. Inside The Connector: failure just as strongly as those people in those other countries that you’ll S/SRGIA has also worked Delivering Results never meet.” closely with the U.S. Conference for the American 1 of Mayors (USCM) to engage The Secretary’s Office of the Special cities and establish subnational People Representative for Global Intergov- linkages between U.S. mayors ernmental Affairs (S/SRGIA) enacts and their counterparts around the Secretary of State John Kerry delivers U.S. Cooperation remarks at the University of Virginia in Secretary Kerry’s view by building world. with Brazil on 1 Charlottesville, Virginia, February 2013. ties between states and territories, cities and counties, and tribal commu- Mega-Sporting nities. In April 2013, S/SRGIA, in Events In his first major foreign policy collaboration with our Brazilian part- address as Secretary of State, ners, celebrated the one year anniver- Bringing John Kerry spoke at the Univer- sary of the signing of the Memoran- Subnational Per- sity of Virginia on February 20, dum of Understanding (MOU) be- spective to UN 2 2013 and emphasized that: “In tween the Government of the United Conference on today’s global world, there is no States and the Federal Republic of Climate Change longer anything foreign about Brazil to Support State and Local foreign policy.” Cooperation. Secretary of State John Kerry, Massachu- setts Governor Deval Patrick, and Special Representative Lewis meet at the U.S. Increasing Secretary Kerry believes that the In November 2012, Los Angeles Department of State; February 2013. Women in everyday lives of the American Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa led a people are now more intertwined delegation of business and city lead- In April 2013, S/SRGIA co- Decision-Making 2 with the lives of citizens in ers to Brazil to showcase Los Angeles convened a meeting with Inter- Roles in Govern- countries throughout the world business opportunities. This trade national Organization Affairs, ment than ever before. He stressed mission resulted in AECOM, a multi- (IO) and USCM to develop a Massachusetts that: “In the global challenges national company headquartered in nationwide campaign in cities to of diplomacy, development, Los Angeles, winning the competition combat discrimination and pro- Governor Deval mote tolerance. (Cont. on 3) Patrick Trade 2 Mission to Colombia U.S. Cooperation with Brazil on Mega-Sporting Events Ambassador Locke’s Invest- ment Forum in 3 In March 2013, Special Repre- opportunities for partnerships China sentative Lewis led a U.S. dele- between the United States and gation to Brazil to advance the Brazilian state and local officials S/SRGIA Hosts U.S. – Brazil Memorandum of and the private sector. It was a Visiting Understanding (MOU) on Coop- great opportunity to talk about Subnational eration to Support the Organiza- the U.S. commitment to assist 3 tion of Major Global Sporting Brazil in a wide range of areas, Delegations Events that was signed in 2011. which include collaboration on The delegation included, Mi- (l-r) Michele Kwan, Senior Advisor for Public youth development and training; Countdown to the chelle Kwan, a decorated Olym- Diplomacy, Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon, women in sports; social and 2014 FIFA World 4 pian, who currently serves as Jr., and Special Representative Lewis meet with racial inclusion, accessibility; Senior Advisor for Public Diplo- Aldo Rebelo, Brazilian Minister of Sports in English language training; cul- Cup in Brazil Brasilia, March 2013. macy at the U.S. Department of tural exchanges; and security. State, and Ed Foster-Simeon, While in Brasilia, the delegation Additionally, the delegation met Contact Us 4 President, U.S. Soccer Founda- members met Brasilia Governor Ag- with Senators Paulo Paim and tion. nelo Queiroz and his ministers as well Ana Amelia of Rio Grande do as the federal Minister of Sports Aldo Sul and Cyro Miranda of Goias. Rebelo. These meetings expanded (Cont. on 3) The Connector Page 2 Bringing Subnational Perspective to UN Conference on Climate Change During the UN Framework Convention on cities in combating climate change while Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of ensuring economic security at the local the Parties (COP 18) held in Doha, Qatar in level. December 2012, the U.S. Department of State hosted a panel discussion at the U.S. While at COP 18, Special Representative Center. Special Representative Lewis led the Lewis also participated in an ICLEI event dialogue entitled, “Actions at the Local entitled, “Cities Hold the Key to Doha Cli- Level: Integrating Energy, Climate and Eco- mate Gateway.” She discussed the integral nomic Development,” which focused on the role that state and local officials play in nexus between economic security and climate Special Representative Lewis delivers remarks at bringing about lasting and sustainable poli- change at the subnational level. ICLEI event during COP 18. December 2012. cies to combat climate change in our in- creasingly urban world. Subnational repre- The panel was comprised of representatives Council, and the Center for Climate Strate- sentatives from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, from the Office of California Governor Ed- gies. The state and local panelists pro- and Japan also participated in the ICLEI mund G. Brown, Jr., the U.S. Green Building vided unique perspectives on the role of event. Ambassador Locke’s Investment Forum in China In December 2012, Special Representative Lewis participated in (l-r) Ambassador the Ambassador’s Investment Forum in Beijing, China. Ambas- Gary A. Locke, sador Gary Locke brought together 150 of China’s top investors Philadelphia Mayor with representatives from 25 U.S. cities and states. American Michael A. Nutter, and Special Repre- law firms, consultancies, investment banks, and public relations sentative Lewis firms also participated to provide Chinese partners information attend the Ambassa- about investment opportunities in their respective cities and dor’s Investment Forum, Beijing; states. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, President of the U.S. December 2012. Conference of Mayors, delivered remarks at the forum and un- derscored that local communities in the United States are eager to attract investments from China. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Trade Mission to Colombia Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick met leaders from the Colombian business com- During their meeting, Governor Patrick and with Secretary Kerry and other officials at the munity and Captain Alfonso Salas Trujillo, President Calderon signed a Memorandum U.S. Department of State in preparation for the President of Port Society of Cartagena. of Understanding (MOU) to formalize his trade mission to the Republic of Co- collaboration between the Common- lombia, February 16-19, 2013. wealth of Massachusetts and the Repub- lic of Colombia focused on science, tech- The Governor’s trade mission promoted nology and innovation. This agreement job creation and the desire to expand the will enhance scientific and technological economic engagement and opportunities development and economic activity, between Massachusetts and Colombia. while promoting collaboration and part- The mission also highlighted the partner- nership among private and public institu- ship between the United States and Co- tions and universities. Furthermore, the lombia on issues such as innovation, life agreement will encourage mutual coop- sciences, and clean energy economy. eration around clean energy issues, in- The Governor’s delegation included cluding non-conventional renewable Massachusetts business executives and energy, energy efficiency and demand government leaders. Governor Patrick Governor Patrick (r) signing an MOU with the President of and response to water innovation technol- and his delegation met with Colombian Colombia Juan Manuel Santos Calderon (l) and Minister of ogy. President Juan Manuel Santos Calderon, Foreign Affairs Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar. Governor Patricks’ Flickr. The Connector Page 3 Did you know? Increasing Women in Decision-Making Roles in Government The United States and Colombia In January 2013, Special Rep- women’s participation in decision-making at signed a Free Trade “It is essential for gov- resentative Lewis joined more the local level is vital to achieving develop- Agreement in 2006 erning bodies around than 300 women in Paris, ment goals. to eliminate tariffs the globe to be inclu- France for the Global Confer- and other barriers ence of Local Elected Women. The Conference passed a resolution that to trade. sive and representative and that we must meet Deputy Mayor of Paris Anne stressed the important step undertaken by Hidalgo, Chair of UCLG UCLG to transform the Gender Equality Com- The UN Conference this challenge at the Standing Committee on Gen- mittee into a permanent body of the organiza- of the Parties (COP) state and local levels so der Equality, convened elected tion. Conference delegates applauded the 19 is to be held in that women will be a women leaders from Europe, crucial role played by the African network, Warsaw, Poland in voice for their commu- Chile, China, India, Ivory Réseau des Femmes Elues Locales d’Afrique November 2013. nities, states, and na- Coast, the Philippines,
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