2332 Second Avenue North | Birmingham, AL 35203 | 205.458.9566 | HipBrandGroup.com Experience You Can Bank On. Brand Focused Marketers Whether you want to raise brand awareness, generate leads or drive revenue, you need a vibrant presence in today’s marketplace. HipBrand Group builds customized marketing programs for companies throughout the Southeast: We create brand positioning, advertising, digital tools, interactive campaigns and social business programs using the communications channels and creative strategies that work. We do this by tapping customer insights, tailoring the creative to each channel and employing the latest technology. The result is a seamless experience for users and full measurability for you. Unlike some boutique shops our experience is firmly grounded in solid, traditional marketing principles. From local, regional and national Addy awards, our team members have worked extensively for many of the South’s leading brands and companies over the last 25 years. We love what we do, and love getting it right. We find inspiration and success in working directly with accomplished people like you. We’ve learned a great deal more over the years and we’re pretty certain you can’t find a group as highly experi- enced and creatively talented anywhere. Especially not a team with such deep and integrated expertise in branding, digital marketing and public relations. Oh, and did we mention we’re humble, too? But don’t take our word for it. Peruse this agency overview and get to know us a bit through our bios and our work. Learn that we provide attentive service and strategic thinking. Then agree that together we’ll create results oriented communications that resonates deeply within each community you serve. Experience You Can Bank On. The Team Julie White For over two decades, Julie has provided public relations-focused branding and marketing services to companies across the Southeast. Julie is a content strategist who develops targeted, relevant and mean- ingful online and offline communications solutions. She has served as national PR director for Bass Anglers Sportsman Society and as director of account services and public relations for leading Alabama marketing agencies. Her key clients include Samford University, UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, Superior Bank, Porter Capital Corp., Birmingham Area Chamber of Commerce, Grow Alabama, RealtySouth and Jones Walker. Scott Schablow Scott creates smart online marketing ideas for successful brands to grow revenue & profits. As a web strategist he helps brands understand how to integrate digital technology, social media and traditional marketing. Prior to Hip Brand Group, Scott served as VP Interactive for 10 years at Luckie & Company, which in 1998 merged with Scott’s interactive agency, Schablow/Beaumont. Scott was also a Capitol Hill TV news correspondent in Washington, D.C. His key brand accounts include Regions Bank, Blue Cross Blue Shield, AT&T, Little Debbie Snacks, Moore’s Marinade, LouAna Cooking Oil, Bonnie Plants, Alabama Public Television and McWane Science Center. Experience You Can Bank On. The Team Michael Alfano Michael’s work as senior art director and creative director at leading agencies and his own design studio with over 120 clients has won numerous regional, national and international awards. He is an industry professional who has worked with just about every type of business from small upstarts to Fortune 500 Companies. This wide range of experience and a multi-disciplined skill set enables Michael to help clients communi- cate their brand effectively to key target audiences across a full range of media. Although he is best known for his engaging graphic design and illustration, Michael produces innova- tive work which effectively communicates his client’s brands and business culture helping them achieve goals and new benchmarks of success in the marketplace. Key clients have included SouthTrust Bank, the Helen Keller Foundation, Collateral Mortgage, Superior Bank, Pepper Place Saturday Market, Sloss Real Estate Group, Regions Bank and Retina Specialists of Alabama. Chris Elliott Chris has had a successful 16-year career as an online designer, using his broad experience in almost every medium as Creative Director for numerous companies in the advertising, software, usability and design industries. Previously, Chris was a principle partner, and Creative Director for Triptych Design New Media and KickMail, as well as serving as Creative Director for Intermark Interactive. Key clients have included Children’s Hospital, Toyota, Green Resource Center for Alabama, DAXKO, Big Oak Ranch, Baptist Health System and Balch and Bingham. Experience You Can Bank On. The Team Meg Holmes A graduate of the Portfolio Center, Meg is a senior level copywriter with a reputation for highly conceptual work that has appeared in The One Show, National and Regional Addys and Show South. Meg’s favorite concept is actually the business itself. Where else can you be paid to put Albert Einstein’s signature on a baseball, dress Icarus in a business suit, or have a farmer grow fields of talk? Meg has worked on big name clients such as Little Debbie and Toyota, big hearted clients such as the Associated for Retarded Citizens, and one client, the Vulcan statue, that was just big. She has been contracted by major agencies to develop work for such high-profile clients as Red Mountain Bank, Subway Restaurants, McWane Science Center, Southern Museum of Flight and the Birmingham Zoo, and such critical projects as pitches, rebranding campaigns and new product launches. She has worked with leading agencies such as Intermark Group, The Slaughter Group, BLR, Totalcom, Cayenne Creative and Luckie & Company. Grant Tatum Led by a passion for design and craftsmanship tempered by 18 years of experience, Grant is a creative designer with success advertising, design and publishing. He has worked with national, regional and local businesses (including finance, telecom, and healthcare) to develop brand messaging in all media. Grant has worked with agencies such as Luckie & Company, Lewis Communications and BIG. Key account experience includes Regions Bank, AmSouth Bank, AT&T, Gulf Power, Tiffen Motorhomes and Little Debbie Snacks. Experience You Can Bank On. The Team Freida Pierce Freida has extensive experience providing media planning and buying services to a well-established client base. With over 20 years experience in the advertising industry, Freida has handled multi-media campaigns including television, cable, radio, outdoor magazine, newspaper and internet. For 13 years Freida was Director of Media Buying for O2 Ideas and SlaughterHanson Advertising in Birmingham, Alabama. Key clients have included Talladega Superspeedway, Visionland, Bruno’s Memorial Golf Classic, Alabama Tourism & Travel Department, Golden Flake, Alabama Power Company, AmSouth Bank and Superior Bank. Evan Keller Evan has never met a programming challenge that he couldn’t conquer. His 15 years experience develop- ing rich internet applications doesn’t begin to describe the high level of problem solving and innovation that he brings to each application he works on. As the senior application developer at Luckie & Company for 12 years Evan has engineered powerful online tools designed for the end user in mind. Key clients include Regions Bank, Balch & Bingham, Alabama Tourism & Travel Department, Bayer Advanced, Little Debbie and AT&T. Experience You Can Bank On. The Services HipBrand Group professionals have a 25-year history of creating successful brands, strategic messaging and effective positioning within the marketplace. We are uniquely qualified to distill the essence of your brand’s benefits and develop a meaningful brand presence that drives home your unique selling points across traditional and emerging digital marketing channels. Unlike traditional agencies, our flexible organizational structure encourages collaborating with a com- pany’s internal executive and marketing teams as well as with external agencies or consultants already in place. Experience You Can Bank On. The Services HipBrand Group can work with your in-house marketing team and with your existing agency on specific project needs; or we are available to serve as an agency of record to provide turnkey communications solutions and management. 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