University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 6-27-1908 Spanish American, 06-27-1908 Roy Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news Recommended Citation Roy Pub. Co.. "Spanish American, 06-27-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news/91 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. US0MMB fálVaai 03DQR Of JO The Spanish American VOL JY. ROY, MORA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE, 27, 1908, NO. 23 WILL CELEBRATE Ball In Honor of Miss Cane. SOMETHING DOING Water Works Meeting Last Friday evening at Bushke- - The Roy Water Works Co. held vitz Hall a dance complimentary to their meeting in the new Bushkevitz Miss Beulah of was giv- A Good Base Ball Game and Other Cane, Colmor, hall on Wednesday evening, June 24. Horse Stealing and a Genuine Old- - en by L. E. Aldredge and Roy Wood. The stockholders were nearly all pres- Closing the Day Amusements. About fifteen couples were present and Fashioned "Hold Up" Takes ent. Chairman Goodman called the With A Grand Ball. themujic furnished by Messers Hanson stockhold- Place in Roy. meeting to order, the Krause and Stanton together with the ers discussed various plans for the to smooth floor made the evenintr pass operation of the Roy Water Works The committee have decided give Our little town is composed of a Bush-kevit- all too quickly although the weather System. another grand ball in the new z v was slightly warm for dancing. class of law-abidi- peaceful citizens, hall, on Saturday evening, Mr. Bushkev'itz suggested a plan, The guests departed for their homes and are known far and wide for their which was a very .good one. He said July 4th, ,1908. The management has hospitality and courteous treatment ,1.. : 1 i at a late hour, after expressing then at present the' stockholders were Hiuue extensive jiepttrttuuiis turn tiiunc , that , , . 10 one allu au But there seems to be .. .,, , - selves as having spent one of the most unable to pipe the water into town and who aueiiu 111 ue royally nun- . ... , . ,w,.. .l, W í ... or me season i'cmwua cr m ta n enjoyable evenings but fio"u that all that could be done at the ai the quiet of our little burg, .,, ,. ii ti , regretting mat miss ane s stay win disturb present time would be to put up a me iiroinmii win uunsist in mi uie , . , . and if they are apprehended they will 1...... .1 A ! 1 i vi aw rt.twi w v.ii.v large wind mill and storage tank and latest uuiices mini American uuu be summarily dealt with. Spanish, .everybody should be make a contract with some reliable and Last Monday night Vm. A. Brumage to Homeward Bound. person who would agree to furnish the able to tip the "light fantastic" had his horse hitched in front of Roy people of the town with good . water their heart's content. The excursion train passed here Bros, saloon, calculating to go home delivered at their houses for 20 cents In the afternoon there will be a ball on jts return from ei paso Texas, at nine o'clock. When Mr. Brumage per barrel, and tuke good care of the irame netween me nome team aim suiue Monday evening about 7:30. caminí to his horse, lie found started mt water works property, giving a roy- good neighboring team, which gives six coaches of Dawson's jolly base horse) saduie and all gone. He had 5 w alty of cents on every barrel thus promise 10 ue very eAc:uuK nw. t hall fans and visitors. Dawson playea ma-- some parties ()ut looking for the j sold." The secretary of the company to nnisn. three interestimr iraines there last rauder, but no trace of him has as yet to sell coupon books to people who Everybody is invited to come and weev coming out winners in two of been found. would use the water. Also that a spend the day in Roy and enjoy them-- tjlem anij leaving one with El Paso. Again, on Tuesday night as Fred public watering trough be installed in selves, see the ball game and other Dawson is playing the fastest ball Ogden was returning home from the ...i 11. ... i . .. ... the center of the town, which is to be amusements anu witness uie gruuu 0f the southwest this year, anü are office between 10 and 11 o'clock hewa kept filled with water for the fre- - use display of fireworks in the evening. now touring the southwest through El met at the railroad crossing by two of all outside public who would come After which they should attend the pas0, Texas; Bisbee, Arizona; Cami- highwaymen who commanded hiin to heiM to trade. The business itipii grand ball in the hall, which promises ne!l) Mexico; Tucson and Phoenix, throw up his hands. And of course. 1)3 would be taxed in proportion to their to be one long to remembered by Arizona, and other points. ' Fred complied with the request. .One holdings. ' those who attend. They will play Tucumcari on the of the robbers kept the gun in ÍYed's Later, Win. C. Roy, the chairman, . .10th, and return home to be ready for face) whe the other relieved him of came up to the hall and was called on a game on the home diamond July New Field Division. what valuable he Ijad, consisting of for his views on the matter, and he Uth. something' $ft.l)0 money, to The Sixth field division of the U. S. over in proposed a plan which was the best bunch keys, e'.c. The rob- Land office, which now comprises tin bacco, of one and the original one as was first territories of New Mexico and Arizo- Base Ball Park Imprjvemets. bers went north on the railroad track proposed. ' - and Fred went home and gave the na, has been divided and a new divis- There has baa a some talk of having He is .wiiyng to pipe the water in'o ... 1. .. .1. alarm,'' got help and rel'wned to town ion created to oe Known as lit: the baseball park enclose! andS V- - town, bui lie would ratlrer see two no clew to were Twelfth. The new division comprises lieved that if the Roy team mikes a but the highwaymen, good men in full charge of the who found. ihe territory of New Mexico while the good showing the Fourth, the baseball system and do it up in proper style. There is one thing certain if these Sixth is the territory of Arizona. fans of the town will gladly part with He wants to buy up all of the small caught they will Captain F. C. Dezendorf, present chief enough money to see that they have night marauders are stockholders and have full control of be given a of the law they of special agents of the present Sixth tne hest grounds and a good baseball taste that the whole works. The matter was left will forget. division, has been transferrin! to team never on the table for further consideration Brumage's horse was Phoenix, Arizona, the headquarters of The Las Vegas Optic puts it this Later Mr. of the stockholders, which will ba f- found by Tom McGrath live miles west the new Sixth division, and Leroy (). way; lake a town so small that it is inally decided at lbs next regular of town in with his horses, and the Moors, present chief of special agents a mere flyspeck on the surfac2 of the meeting next week. saddle hung up in the . house. A of tlu Oa'tlan J, California land ottie map. .Let the town put our a winning freak of nature we suppose. will come to Santa Fe as head of the base ball team and instantly it grows curious Broken at Last. new Twelfth division. These changes until you think of it in the same class The drought at last has been brok?n 1. become effective July as Milwaukee where the bser grows, or Out Again. by a heavy rain on Thursday night, Reasons for making this change ai St. Paul, where the Swedes come which lasted about two hours, during announced by Fred Dennett, Commis- - fr0m. Carrie Nation has been on a ram which time an inch of water fell. This i.ner of the General Land Office at There has l)23n sonu discmrage- - page again, ibis time attempting to wjll .put the crops in excellent condi- Washington, are that the present New ment among the boys since Manager wreck some of Chicago's thirst par- tion, and will, mature crops which ; en- Merieo-Arizon-a division is entirely Harmon went to Dever on account of lors. In on? place she became .were in the ground. too large and too hard to cover from his health but the boys have got to- gaged in a roíigh and tuinblp! melee Indicalions are that we will get some one office. The expense of looking gether and will try it again. with the bartender, the latter throwing moi"3 this week." Never was it known nfter the affairs connected with the her bodily into the street', wh?re for a to the old timers t lie sfc dry during .I'l.ilsi .lui niiuutu'l Ck Tio(jir! ilianv- office will be cut down by Willie nnc 1 wanr u, x int - the months of May and general land Mark Twam on Advertising.
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