ummer ustang S1916 CALIFORNIA FOLYTECFiNIC M STATE UNIVERSITY 2007 S ii Three of rock’s Phase one: Done. giants take on the tVV Phase two: Who knows? Mid-State Fair IN SPORTS, 8 IN ARTS, 4 Volume LXXI, Number 6 Thursday, August 2, 2007 2 birds with West Niie Poly fraud virus found in SLO County suspect in Laura Kasavan als can expect to experience symptoms siu h as fever, Ml SI \\(, DAllS he.ulache, body .lehes, and a small iinmber m.iy develop custody severe illness. ' I homas said. I WO birds 111 Sail 1 uis Obispo County testeil positive Less than 1 percent o f infected individuals develop Laura Kasavan UH KMS^ molo for West Nile virus last month. I lie San 1 uis Ohispo severe illness. Symptoms inelnde high fever, lieadaehe, Ml SIAMi D VIl V Erik Sattcrstrom and friends at County Public Health Department reported that one coma, tremors, luimbiiess and paralysis. Tliese symptoms their ‘06 high school graduation, j bird was found m San Luis ( )hispo and the other w as can last for several weeks, and neurological etfects mav A t^il holy business student found ill Nipomo. be permanent.The virus infection can be fatal. charged vvitli grade fraud selieme Moscjuitoes are vectors, meaning that they become Symptoms develop from five to 15 days after the in­ by C'oiitra (\ista CAumty prosecu­ infected with West Nile virus after feeding on infected fected nH)si.|iiito bite occurred. C ar crash tors last week is in custody at the birds and then iiuy transmit the virus to animals and Knrt liatson. director o f environmental health at West ('oniity Detention Laeility in hnmans. the health department, said that the county's mosquito Kiclimond, Calif. State health ofricials said that evideiiee o f the virus abatement efforts are particularly high at this time of claims Poly Julian Revilleza, 25. is being held m dead birds is often the first indication that the virus year. on six counts o f illegally altering has been introduced to a new region, or that the risk of "We use a granular material made out o f etirn cobs data, said detention facility ofricials. transmission is high. and spread it with blowers or belly grinders. The ma­ His bail is set at S250 ,<mH). student, 3 Dr. Gregory Thomas, eonnty public health ofricer, terial IS essentially a bacteria that appeals specifically Ikevilleza allegedly led a eash- said ill a statement that most people infected with West to mosquitoes," Batson said. “The mosquito larvae eat for-grades scheme with 3.^ current Nile virus do not show any symptoms. the material which shuts down their development and and former I )iablo Valley Ciollege others “However, up to 20 percent o f infected individu­ sec Virus, page 3 students. Megan Priley Investigators said that students at \UMAN(. DAIIV DVC. allegedly paid Revilleza hun­ dreds o f dollars to alter their grades I’oly students may Ittok back so that they would be eligible to im the summer of 2<Ml7 with memo­ transfer to universities like U (i . ries of tragic events where to<i many • Berkeley, UC! Davis and San Fran­ priceless lives were taken. cisco State. Grade elianges dating For the fifth time in the past year, a back to 2(M(1 h.ive been found. Cal l\dy stiulents life has been taken DVC! administrators h.ive sent by a car accident. SLO COUNTY TOTAL corrected transcripts to each univer­ ('al Poly student Enk Satterstmm, ^ sity that had accepted the charged l‘>. was behind the wheel of his Nis­ 2 birds San Luis Obispo^ students. san 3.S(tZ on July 23, when he lost C!al Boly is currently investigating eontn>l of his car and killed a pedes­ TOP STATE TOTALS 'W i bird whether or not Revilleza changed trian couple in San Jose, before hit­ liis own grades to receive admission. ting a ta'c. Neither Satterstrom nor Kern County; 79 birds Bill Diirgin, C!al Poly provost and his passenger survived the accident. Nipomo vice president for Academic Afr'airs, California Highway Patnd ofticials Stanislaus County: 73 birds could not comment on Revillezas s.iid Satterstixim was driving with his ! Fresno County: 72 birds actions at this point. friend Ma.\ Harding annind S:20 F3owcver, he said that C!al Poly p.m. when he lost control of the car j Santa Clara County: 37 birds did receive the revised transcripts and hit physicist Paul Batra, 65, and i Shasta County: 34 birds fmm DVC. his wife, Uma Batra, 57, as thcw were "We have received ofricial infor- see Accident, page 2 L A U R E N R A B A IN O MUSTANG DAILY .see Fraud, page 2 State budget impasse threatens CSU funding Brooke Robertson site that in the absence o f a state budget, he will "continue to Senate Republicans blocked the governors proposed $145 M l STAND DAIIY pay regular salaries and wages, including overtime, to all state billion budget at the beginning o f July, calling for cuts to re­ and Cialifornia State University employees who are covered by duce (California’s budget deficit. Four weeks into the new Fiscal year and without a budget, the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.” Although the seven-year deficit has decreased over the ("aiifornia State University professors are not seeing the effects C!alifornia-elected ofricials and their personal staff, policy­ years. Senate Republicans said the proposed budget would in­ of spring contract negotiations in their July 31 paychecks. making appointees and legal advisors not protected by civil crease the deficit to $5.5 billion next year, and force many new All CSU faculty members were set to receive one percent service laws cannot be paid until a budget been enacted, programs to potentially be cut. pay raises effective June 3(1, with another 3.7 percent raise ef­ Chiang said. “The question now is whether we cut education funding.” fective July 31. Once a state budget is approved, assuming the higher edu­ (California (iov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said in a July 20 state­ These raises are the result o f a contract battle this spring, cation “compact" is fully funded, faculty raises will be paid ment.“! don’t think that’s what the people o f (California want. w'here 23 C!SU campuses picketed and 94 percent o f C!SU retroactively, according to the (California F.icnlrv Association I will not cut education.” faculty voted to strike. (CFA). Schwarzenegger’s proposed budget allocates $06.3 billion (!SU ofricials negotiated base p.iy increases o f 20.7 percent According to the (CFA. any loss o f funding would mean towards education, a 4.4 percent funding increase from the over a four-year period for faculty members, including step skishing classes for all students, cutting new student enrollment, 2006-07 budget. incre.ises for eligible faculty. and reopening (CSU employee contracts. If contracts were re­ .see Budget, page 2 State C!ontroller John C!hiangsaid in a statement on his Web opened, (CSU faculty could strike when fall classes resume. News editors: Sara Hamilton, Ciiana Magnoli imistangdailynewsra M u s ia n (. Daiiv riuirsday, August 2, 2007 u’v%'\%'.imi<iitangdaily.not : N e w s i worked at home with his .iiid did .il kiiuls of work of-li\iiig p.i\ .idjustiiieiits. Mc- Accident around.'' .Anderson ^ald. Budget (4iiitock’s pl.iii would .iKo Harding’s was held luesdas. |ul\ .il .it (« p.m. continiiffl fioiH ptigf I coutinnffi from page / in-state tuition for uiulocumciitcd ,it the t!hurch ot lesiis Cdirist of I .itter-il.i\ S.ntits in Al- Ot, SIO.S billion wtnild be students ,iiid iiicre.ise the miiiiiiium niaden. walking on till.' side of the road not far from tlieir home. spent on higher education, w inch grade point average to c]ualit\ toi a .At cording to the N.itional S.itets ( 'ouiicil, motor ve­ I lie ear s exeessiw speed along w ith a bend m the road would en.ible over 35,(100 new C'al (iraiit B. caused the dri\er to lose control. C 'lll’ officials said. 1 he hicle deaths in September 2iint> totaletl .).S7n — tlow ii 2 students to be supported in the Senators met Moiuiav to try car iMii into two trees, killing both the ilriver and passenger percent from the September 2tHi.T total ot .^.M()(i. University o f Ckilifornia, Clalifor- and finalize the budget, where instantly. Ckilifornia alone had 2,S.S‘) car accidents that resulted nia State University and (kilifornia Senate Republicans called for a Satterstrom was enrolleil at ('al Poly but chosen to in deaths in a nine-month period. Ckil Poly has seen five C]oniniunity Cxillege systems, ac­ tax-relief package, which WDuld take the spring quarter oti. 1 le had planned to return in of those inottir accidents resulting in death just within the cording to the governor’s Web site. give tax cuts to revenue-generat­ the fall. He graduated from Valley Cdiristian High School past year. ing businesses such as biotech and Another tragedy occurred on June 20 along U.S. 1 hgh- e S U funding would increase 111 2i M It). high-tech firms. way lOl in Paso Kobles.Aiina Kose I uskiii, 20, died two to S4.4 billion, escalating from the "Hrik and I had several classes together senior year.
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