',TV^Tr?..i-S'.'Ert-.*5'«sn«-4.Trjw.'»-s;"iWf" •' '""•" i" ucub uixMQn Hagamun Mem. Library Bast Hnven, Thur. June 9, 1955. Branford R-nVw-Eait Haven News 8 Conn. 5-4 Coach Crisafi —« E. H. Catholic red perch. , , _ E.H.H.S. Blasts Boardman, 13 To 0; . ((.ontlniied I>om I'agc One) librarian and then be allowed to DANOINQ catch one "fish" Xor each book i Members of the school system Our Telephone Numbers lug program Is lielng arranged Women At Dinner read. i will act as JUd(?es and the win­ ^^ is buck al * / Crisafiincn Face ScymourTomorrow with itneinberR of the press ami The contestant then Writes his ner will be Judged on the num­ ber of book.s rend, types of An Independent I^r-liniriK Iheli- K'i"« for n vie clergy to be senb.'d at the head name on' one side of the fish, Kdiloriah llOhari 7.S«11 Held In Cheshire iMoks and a report made on one PALMERS CASINO fury over .Seymour tomorrow; f^ast Unveil tdhle. , The ^dinner, which will nnd the name of the book read Twenty two ICasI Hnv(?ii mem­ of the books. The fourth the high whool bnsehall cnnnon- ab be hold at; tho Weeplifig Willows on the other side. This fish will INDIAN NECK BRANFORD, CONN. bers of the New Haven Council bo dropped Into a' box on the through seventh grade contest­ Weekly Newspaper ndefl hapless Boardman Trade MauHe 2b .1 will liegin at (i.'OT p. in. ants will be awarded prizes on a ,1 of Calholic Women. at'j:ndcd librarian's desk In the children's ®hf tM\ School lo the tune of J.1-0, nt l,u/.7i If Messliin urged East Haveners thai orgaiiiznlion's biennial din­ room. At the end of the contest first, second and third basis. "cCJl'-Yfi CENTS the high school field, Monday af­ .iauei'nig p who hnve ant already rlone so. Saturday Night ner held recently nt the Waver- the fish will be counted and Third graders, who win, will EAST 1 IA\'KN: CONNl^TlCUf. THURSDAY. JUNiru-, 1053^ ^ ternoon. Pnolillo cf 2 to get out and tiuy llirjlr tickets t^iibllihul v/»fVly by FK* PI*H Publitalioni. Inc. ly Inn, Cheshire. prizes will be awarded to the have n party and story hour at Sullivan ss .1 so they will bo nSsUTed of a Vol. X — No. 14. Yrarly S»lisiri|jliuii ^tJiO Gus Weber'H Orcheslra While Mike PadllUo, with a Those i:i ntendance wore: Mrs. winners. the end of the contest. The con­ tlouhle and a triple, and Unlph Mvllllo A, rf ;i place at the iianquet; table. The conloslnnls will be paired test will run from Juno 27 Mcllllo, .1, ;)b :) .Tolin Mnran: outgoing elecled Dedications Of O\crl)rook And Deer Uun Seliools SMOOTH DANCE RHYTHMS Klrceto n home run, paced the "'I'hls testimonial ts being eon- executive board nicmhcr; Mrs. off as follows: Third graders through August 12. The children East tinven nltnek, Fmn .laur- Guslnfson Hi ,'i ductod by friends of the Ukcnlile will fish for white fish; fourth may register at any time. C of C Rebuts Stories Raymond Minller, who Inducted l.a^VlOi' c 2 3 Areas Condemiied As nlg muffled tho vocational boys' conch who are carrying out a ihe now slate of officers; Mrs. and fifth grndeis. green crapples WATCH FOR THIS BIG DATE Porlo 21) 1 nnd sixth and seventh graders, bats with n ncnt two-hitter. desire to publicly aeclalni this John Partlnnd, v/ho acted ns one SATURDAY JUNE 18, 1955 I.allie rf 1 young man WIIOHC interi.'St in Pace. Trade's plicher, got lo SIfeelfl ct of the hoste.s.ses: Mrs. Allien : Coining I The New England Dance Sensation 1 the welfare of our youth goes Juurnig for n single In the sec­ .Scholtman ss Baker; Mrs. Furman Campbell; Below Health Level 1 far beyond bis call of duty on On Main St. Juveniles DANCE . , . Linger awhile with . ond, ami Nober followed with Nnrrncel It Mrs. H. E. Chambers; Mr.s. Hen­ 0 the nthlelld field," Messina .said. From where I sit.../^ Joe Marsh one In the fourlli. Pace hiust Sniltii .lb ry .7. Connelly; Mr.s. Janv.'s Col­ Jerry Grady, dinirman of tlie Zoning and Planning 0 "This lime we aim to sing his AL GENT I LI'] I have'known It'wasn't his day, iilure. lb bert. commission, staled recently iWnt the body has found tlinl II praises, not for his tremendous AND HIS ORCHESTRA I when after being soundly clouted Gi leco e Also; Mr.s. Burdetlo Colhnrn; tliree areas in lliis town are unheallhy due to inadequate Scliarf Denies He 1 .successes in the renlin of sports, Tlie lift\ CharU's Callaliaii 14 Otitstanding Musicians 14 , by Pmilllto, Conch, Frank CrIsntI Mrs. lilrnest Dowman; Mrs. hut lor his ' succes.ses utlnlned Sad Note sanitary facilities. Featuring I substituted Slreclo for the heavy Ilonrdiunu Thomas Fenlon; Mrs. Walter In t,lie quiet, coiiflnes of a closed Grady said the commission i Gave Slalemciits Betty Peterson; Warren Stephen, Joe Olinipio, iilttlMi; conterflcldcr and Slreolo Gourtzien-skl; Mrs. H. W. Ilack- From The Bugle had discussed tlie proposed sew- . PI I T T I 11 promptly sent a pitch oil the af) r It room. Here, lie has given the To Colohralc Fiixl Mrixs George Jalbcrt, und a hi^.tt ol ollicia barlh; Mr.s. G. V. Jleldl; Mrs. I age plan for the town, and LlOllS LiUlU 10 11181311 way.- . CtitiHjion If 2 (I (J youth of our town his wLsd^m Andrew Lang; Mrs. Charles I To The Press "Dance Music As You Like U" ns n mentor niid counsel as a All nf us oti tho Clarion were we want their competition to, "from aplannlng point of view I'nvislnonei'a of .Si. Clare's cWnri'.li, Montaupnin, will Vie. Enst Haven opened their half Ijeluea 2b :i (I U Mauro; Mrs. Thomas Maioni-y; Officers Al Country In n letter lo Chief ot Police friend. Many of our erring keep us on our toos. the board," tavors such inslal- of the first with a five run bni- Mnsclll i; 2 0 (I Mrs. AlbZ'rt Norlh; Mrs. Wll- niarmcri to le;irn Ihnt our prin- nlile 111 witness n unique mnsn nl 10:30 n. m, Sunday, wlien Kdwin Priest Insl iiiglil, Don youth has been saved from del­ I'rom where I sH, this country Intion. Nehor ef 3 0 1 liam Schurk; Mr.s. .In.seph ci|inl rivfil in Ibr newHpnpfr field House Tonight Iwu Ijiothcrs, Ijolli pvieslH nasist in llie celebrnlinn of \h'' Dnrllett, iiiesldeiit ot Iho Cham- • rnge. Mautto singled, I-.U/./.1 was However, Grady said that such Clnffone lb ;i 0 0 inquency because of such wis­ Smylhe und Mrs. .Toseph Vlg- — Uin Itnlrnvitln It a g I a —nuK'wi nccdH papers with different points The annual instullntion and rnlly oiclainccl t\a a Miwy- her of Commerce, denounced re­ sale on an cr^ol'! ! Jnuernlg was approval while ijased on condi­ iiisl muss of n llilrd brollier, vec I'nce p .'1 0 1 dom and counsel." ilolll. hnve til Khiil down. of view—iust ns'ft needs people dinner dance of the Enst llnveii cent hendllnes referring to "de- •^afe on a sacrifice; t^aollllu doub­ tions exisling In tlie town, does iauill iniasionnry. led and iiulilvnn singled. Delueia .'lli .'I (I 0 "This pha.se of Coach Crl.safi's Crops wpru bad in Btilosvillo with different WenB nnd tnsieH. Lions Club will be held al 7; 10 I llniiuency iirolilems" confront- Among the featured spvakors not Include the commission's ap­ The Uev, Holieit Caihilinil, will , j liiR Main Street mnrehnnis East Haven turned tho game .Soteie ss 2 0 U conlrihutioii to tlie weifaic of Inst ycnr nnd one of Ihoir fac­ Ydtj may prefer iced ten as a hot- lonlght in Florin's Country House spent four yeurs In the Marine of (he evening were the Very proval, or disapproval, of melti- int ns niolipriesl and the IteV.' ' Ueferrlhg to Ihe news head­ Into a complete rout with three .Sodeie c . 2 0 0 our community has never been tories niovcil out of town. Juat weather cooler ... 1 generally in Foxon. Corps, during World War 11, ftev. Henry ,T. O'Brien. Arch­ ods necessary 19 raise appropria­ l''i'iiiicls Cnliniinn, will serve aa j line ns "uutorutunte," Dnrtlett more runs in the second. Adding Boielil tf . 10 0 publlclMil, and although we chooHc a cold KIRRH of beer. But In addition lo their wives, the serving In the Phclflc.' bishop of Hartford; Mrs. Ijuclllo tcmpornry hnni times, of course tions for Installation. (it Kup when the Uev. Charles' snld,Hint It could he oonslrucd HAVEN Insult to injury, the locals scored 11 Mautte 2, Poitu 1, Lu//,1 2. know lie would prefer to keep Malsey, prominent authoress nnd —but the huple needa help now if either of UH couldn't express Lion's guests will also Incliiiii' I'^uliowiiig his disclinrgc from In this matter the chairman ('Hlliihiiil celebrales his first ns lo menu Hint the Chamber one In the fouith and cllmnxed I-ulno 1, .Inuefiilg Z, raoilllo 2, it that way, we as the grateful the Itev. William .1. Duly, spiri­ if it'fl to survive. hlB opinion, nnd net nn it. that Alberl F. Sprafke, district gover­ Ihe service llio (iriesl ertlered St.
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