TflE SUN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1916. L.C.ALBRO MAKES VENETIAN FETE IN "PICKWICK PAPERS" TO-NIGH- T, PROMPTLY AT 8;30 MRS. GRONER BRIDE VANDERBILT HOME SELLS FOR $5,350 In the Grand Ball Room of the Plaza Fifth Avenue, 58th to 59th Street (Admission by card to be had free et the. Managers! Phpi' Uich-tnitni- l. ForiuiT Miss of IfHliini City's Witr Victims del Hare Copy Is Star Ttom in Sale Vri.. Miirrics in Park 85,000 by Novel of the Coflrjroshall Primitives and Other Old Masters Avimiiio Homo. belonging to Nicolas Riabouchinsky HONEYMOON IN HK KM I'D A NOTED PERSONS IN POSES DAY'S TOTAL IS SUTJIW IF MOSCOW On Exhibition To-d- ay Until Noon Mr M.iry Puce tlroiicr. daughter of , Mis William K. Vanderhltt cave the A first edition of "Pickwick Papers" .Mrs. It. Pace of Hlch-ir.nii- 'l, At the American Art Galleries Mr niul James use or her house. (IdO Fifth avenue, last brought $r.3."0 when sold yesterday to to MAIIISON NOP A nr. MOtllll Va.. was married Lewis Colt evening for nti entertainment of tab- - George D. Smith tho Dickens and at The sal will be condoned by Mr. THOMAN K KlltHV or Albrn )cstctday afternoon at her home, Irnux lvnnt In aid of war sufferers of I Thackeray salo from the library of Ed presence rcla-- jiii Park avenue, In the of I onlco. win W. Coggeshall at the Anderson AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers l'.ev. (I vis and Intlniate friend?. The It proved to he one of the most ar- Am would bo Inttlcnted by the Mnillson Hq. South. F.ntrance K. Md Street, New Vork Or luvld J. Itiiriltl of the Murlile Co- tistic entertainments of the spring sea- unusual price paid, It Is nti unusual copy lligate Church pet formed the. cmtiiony. son, nnd the tableaux, after paintings of ami contnlns the four scarce addresses, The bride, who worn a costume of the hrocaile, wan unattended. Venetian school, were shown under nil tho advertisements and many ex- l.l'.le ainl 'liver the Janus Albrn acted an hi brolher'a best direction of Itaron de Meyer. These ceptional plates. It Is dated 1836. In man tableaux were dlsp.icd In a huge frame addition to other points which endear Public Sales of Extraordinary Importance AntoiiK those who witnessed the cere- which wns placed nt the north end of It In tho eyes of collectors Is a page of ,r ,,ni' "" 'Jeorge S. mony "crc the CJothlc dining room, nnd they were the original manuscript which was bought I'.rcwstcr, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Dana by Mr. Only u The American Art Galleries most effective In every way Cotfgeshalt In England. Uibson. Ml"" Josephine (llbson, Mrs. from the few other pages of the, manuscript are .MADISON HQtTAHK SOI' I II J.inits C OCiitmor. Dr. nnd Mrs. I'rnest point of costumes, lighting nnd general known to bo In existence. Kahuestock. t)r Clarence Fahnestoek, arrangement. Thero were several presentation copies ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. Mr. William Nelson Cromwell, Mrst. The tickets of llrst editions of Dickens's works, Be Sold Albro. Miss Elizabeth Colt Albro, were sold nt $25 each nnd To at Unrestricted Public Sale James the by the author to hla friends, Mrs. Kdward T Stoteshury and Mr. and audience was. limited tn 200. the which were disposed of yesterday, and Friday & Saturday Afternoont of Thig Week 3 Mrs Sidney II, Hutchinson of Philadel- seating capacity of the room. While perhaps none, was more Interesting than at phia, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward 11. Stet-tliilu- the pictures were being shown there tho copy of his "Amerhan Notes," which Mr. and Mrs. Anthony .1. Drexel presented to Carlyle In Oc- wns appropriate music by Armand he Thomas At the American Art Galleries Middle. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van tober, is 12. Carlyle wrotu his name VSV'k, Pf. and Mrs. .lohn Randolph Vescey's orchestra and Tom Dobson on the llyleaf of each volume and In- Page, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Livingston Cam sane n scries of Italian songs. There serted his bookplate. The copy was By direction of The Mr ami Mrs Moses t'nilerhlll nnd Car-ro- ll was also guitar music by Miguel I.lohet. bought by the E. P Duttou Company 9 1 .760. presentation copies TaIor. There were many for other Mr and Mrs. Alhro will spend their murmurs of admira- sold yesterday Included a first "Christ- honeymoon In Hcrmti.tu and after their tion as each picture wa shown, and inas Carol," Inscribed by the author to Tiffany Studios return will live nt 515 Park avenue. they may be called some of the best his llfu long friend and distinguished Klven In New Vork. The nlo. literary contemporary, Albany A Grand Collection of eer flrt It was bought by the Rosen-bac- h BEDFORD KALLEY. tore was Clma's nnd the' "Tobias Company for ? 1,000, A copy of Rare and Beautiful Angel." In which posed .Miss Maud Kalin. "Tho Chimes." Inscribed on the half rerrinonj In llol- - Trinity Clinrrh W. Forbes Morgan, Jr., and Harry Cush-In- c title In the autograph of the author, "f'harles Dickens Junior. From his on llrnnkljn llelittits. 's 3d. This was follow nt by father Charles Dickens Sev- Old Chinese Rugs Carpets M . Hoatrlce Sherman Kalley, daugh- "Dream of St. t'rsnla," with enth September isr.s," was also bought and ter nf Mr. and Mrs Frederick Draper Mrs. Arthur S. Burden nnd Mrs. Henry by the Rnseiibach Company for $l,"O0. Cnmprlvln their entire atntk of tlieae rsre and beautiful wear, nil Kalley, was married to Alfred Clarke of whlrh are of the high standard peculiar tn the hnuse nt The Tiffany Worthlngton Hull. A "Nicholas Nlckleby" first edition Mudlna, ami whlih are now Innger Hedford afternoon by the Rev. One of the most presented by Dickens to his friend. Sam- no obtainable In Chine. Pr .1. Howard Mellsh In the Church of Imposing of the tableaux was Ulorglono's Rogers, to whom "Master A descriptive ratnlmrue, Illustrated by autoehromatlc nd half tone plates. uel Esuulre. Kill be mailed to applicant on receipt of one dollar the Holy Trinity on Brooklyn Heights. "Madonna Unthroned" nnd In thl Humphrey's Clock" was dedicated, was Mr Hedford Is a son of Mr, and Mrs. $!).", posed Miss llarbaia C Itutherturd. bought by the Dutton Company for AND Alfred Cotton Hedford of Hrooklyn and An "Oliver Twist" presented with an lilen Coxe. Is. I., nnd a nephew of K. T. Cyril Hatch and Dudley Morgan autograph letter to Thomas Hill, which Monday & Tuesday Afternoons Next, May 1st and 2d, Hedford. The cenmony nt 3 o'clock wns Inserted, wns bought by Oeorgo .Mia has been followed by . reception nt Mr. and Mrs. lldlth Denron In I nal of Mali. Wels for Js".ri. A presentation copy of Kalley's home, 10 South Portland nvc-r.u- e. Titian's "Education of I.nve" was next "The Village Coquettes" was bought by At the American Art Galleries HnMiklyn. shown, with Mrs. Sidney W Flh. Miss Charles Sesler for Mrs. Arthur Turner Soule was her sis- Mary Kernochan and Miss Mary Ho)t The original manuscript of 'The Vil- The Collection of the Chinese Connoisseur ter's matron of honor and a cousin of the Wlborg. Miss Kdlth Deacon made a , lage Coipiettes" with the dedication to bride, Miss Frances Cralk Plnckney of most striking tlcuro In her rooiolete stilt Martin Stokes, who produced the play Richmond, acted as tlower girl. The I of mall, noslm-- as "Si neon.-.,.- '' nf'er and acted In It, brought 1,000 when sold General Hwang Hsing bridesmaids were Miss nuth Hutchinson Mantegna's famous painting of that' Ci ome D. Smith. Presentation copies of Augusta. Mlsi Helen Culver Kerr title. Miss Dorothy Hlgelow was seen in' "Sketches b.v Ho" brought "&. hint President cf the Chinese Republic. of Manhattan, Miss Frances) Hedford, a I In HcIUM's "Madonna and Child." and ' whin sold to !eorgo Wels, and a first couln of the bridegroom : Miss Agnes In the Veronese's "Finding of Moses" iiIUhhi of the same work was sold to !, cie Midlng. Miss Allcne lllock and .Miss there were Mrs. W llourke Cookran. D, Smith for 5s5. The original manu Antique Chinese Porcelains and Pottery. Pell.l Sprague Howen. .Mrs. Charles de I.oosev Oelrlelu. Miss script of Dickens's speech delivered at Henry Hotcjikls.s of Manhattan was, Mary Cass Canfleld. '.Miss Katharine! (lore Home, Kwislugloii, May 10. Ix.M.J bought by tleorge D. Enamels, Jides, Snuff Bottles and Rare Old Chinese Paintings. ifji man ami me usners were Kdward .Miller nnd Mis? Mercedes d Acota. LUNCHEON TO PADEREW3KI. MISS BROOKS OUT OF CAST. was Smith fori F de Seldlng of Summit, N. J.; Dean! Mrs. Alexander D. U Pratt was quite 'FORTUNE'S FETE' FOR 51. '.'CO. Illiiilratfd Cniatogiiv Mailed on Itrielpl nt I'lMv Out. Hedford, a brother of the bridegroom; tragic In her poe of "Judith," after the Fiom the Interesting but limited j I'riMlnopr' Arthur Turner Soule of South Orange, painting of Allorl. This tableau .: 3lr. .Inmea l.owrll I'ulnnm lloatea Daughter Leaves Cohiin of Dii kenslana In the Coggeshall In the Book and Print Department 1 into-M- il Itlts-t'nrllo- lil.iaty, own dictionary by Kdward Richmond Ware. Uvlng-- plcted JtulUh with the head of at the n. OF THE BLIND A "The (irent I, over." Dickens's I.yman Short of Manhattan and Another famous ti.ifiitlnc shown BENEFIT llnrrl' S.nnuel Johnson brought the highest n frrnr.
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