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XAVIER Published by the students of Volume CV Issue 7 Xavier University since 1915 September 19, 2018 NEWSWIRE Fiat justitia, ruat caelum xaviernewswire.com Climate survey responses released Results show increases in sexual misconduct reporting, response knowledge BY ELLEN SIEFKE (three) in terms of knowledge Editor-in-Chief of campus policies and proce- Xavier released the results dures, an area Lawson would of its own spring 2018 cam- like to improve. pus climate survey in addition About 21 percent of stu- to one conducted by the Ohio dents reported experiencing Department of Higher Ed- sexual misconduct while at- ucation (ODHE) last week. tending Xavier, compared to The findings point to increas- about 13 percent at other pri- es in reporting incidents of vate universities. sexual misconduct as well “It again points to a stu- as the Xavier community’s dent population that is reflect- knowledge of how to respond ing our prevention education, to them. willing to come to the survey, willing to share what their ex- Xavier’s Climate Survey perience was,” Lawson said. The Campus Climate Sur- A final significant find- vey for Sexual Harassment Newswire photo by Ellen Siefke ing for Lawson was students’ and Sexual Violence was con- Xavier recently released the results of climate surveys conducted by its own personnel as well as the Ohio opinions about sexual miscon- Department of Higher Education. The surveys asked questions about sexual misconduct and responses to it. ducted last April and received duct on campus. Forty-five an overall response rate of residence hall increased by 14 son said this shows a need to vey is part of a statewide ini- percent of students said they 18.0 percent from students percent, from 45 percent in focus more on the intersection tiative called Changing Cam- were “actively involved in ac- and employees. Title IX Co- 2017 to 59 percent in 2018. of drugs and alcohol. pus Culture, which deals with tivities to address sexual mis- ordinator Kate Lawson said Her office specifically saw a 20 The most significant find- sexual violence prevention conduct on campus,” earning this mirrors the 2017 survey, percent increase in reports of ing for Lawson was that 60 and response on college cam- a score of 2.24, slightly above though the response rate from sex discrimination, which she percent of students said they puses. 2017’s 2.20. Lawson said this employees did increase from said is a positive sign. told a friend after experienc- The survey asked students points to the need for an in- 26 percent to 42 percent. “That’s exactly what we ing unwanted conduct, com- to rate their knowledge about dividual to lead prevention “We’re constantly think- want,” Lawson said, “because pared to 24 percent in 2017. where and how to report sex- and education efforts, which ing of ways to try to up the it doesn’t mean it’s happen- There was also a 42 percent ual misconduct as well as the will be the responsibility of response rate, (like) having ing more, it means people are increase in students who con- university’s policies and pro- the new Title IX Program student leaders be the engag- more comfortable coming for- tacted the Title IX Office after cedures on sexual miscon- Director. The position, along ers, faculty doing it in class, ward. People are identifying experiencing unwanted con- duct, among other topics. It with a fellowship dedicated to department chairs doing it in what happened to them as out duct, from 24 percent in 2017 also asked students about the healthy sexual decision-mak- their space,” Lawson said. “We of line with Xavier’s norms.” to 66 percent in 2018. extent to which they agreed ing education and a pilot had a lot of success around Another statistic Lawson “That’s an incredible up- or disagreed with statements program for the theology de- boosting the employee re- found noteworthy was that 46 tick,” Lawson said. “…That’s about sexual misconduct. partment, was announced last sponse rate, which matters to percent of the students who what’s changing here, I think. These results were con- week. students, too, because I think said they had experienced The student body and staff verted into points on a one to “We need to speak to the it reflects their knowledge.” rape reported that only alco- have so significantly shift- five scale and compared not middle, people who haven’t The survey asked questions hol (as opposed to both drugs ed their knowledge base not only to Xavier’s responses had the opportunity to con- pertaining to “unwanted con- and alcohol) was involved. around the intricacies of Ti- from the 2016-17 school year nect the dots between, let’s duct of sexual nature or gen- That’s a 14-percent decrease tle IX but around what these but also to those from 38 oth- say, rape culture and what der-based nature,” meaning it from last year and, according issues are and who to connect er private schools that partici- they’re interested in,” Lawson covered not only rape but also to Lawson, a result of an in- the students to so they can pated in the survey. said. “…Like with any issue, sexual harassment, stalking crease in programs and educa- make the decisions that are Overall, Lawson said the it’s your personal connection and intimate partner violence. tion about the intersection of right for them.” results mirrored previous to the issue. So I think one Overall, Lawson said the alcohol and sexual violence. years. Xavier did score high- of our goals with this new general trend was an increase However, there was a 15 Ohio Department of er than other private schools position and the fellows is in reporting. For example, percent increase in students Higher Education’s Survey in terms of where to get help to increase opportunities for the number of students who who reported that both drugs The second part of the re- or where to report sexual mis- people to see themselves and reported experiencing un- and alcohol were involved lease concerned the ODHE’s conduct, about three out of their role in addressing these wanted sexual conduct in a when they were raped. Law- survey for students. The sur- five. It scored about the same issues.” In this issue... Campus News, Page 2 Op-Ed, Page 6 Sports, Page 8 Features, Page 12 Senior Ben Osborn Occupational therapy Senior Mikayla Smith With only a few days of organized and hosted students reect on their broke the school record summer left, get ready a benet concert called study abroad trip to for a single-round score for autumn with some Noise for Namibia. Guatemala. in golf with a 66. fall-themed prose. 2 September 19, 2018 Campus News xaviernewswire.com Provosts plan immersive program An immersive studies learning experience for sophomore year is in the works For sophomores, the expe- tions classes as examples of rience is immersive studies. how immersive studies might Merrill said the reason for im- play out in a classroom. plementing immersive learn- “She’d go out to the com- ing during a student’s sopho- munity or work with the Ei- more year is that it will help gel Center, identify someone open up more opportunities in the community who needs earlier on in their academic a communication plan, a mar- careers. keting plan, whatever case “If you haven’t been ex- it might be,” Herbert said. posed to any type of cultural “They’ll bring the client into immersion or immersive stud- class, they’ll meet with the stu- ies, (it is) better to do it soon- dents, they’ll talk about…the er so that you’re more aware challenge. Over the semester as you progress through your the students will brainstorm, education at Xavier of what’s put together a plan, present it out there rather than save it to the community partner, vet for the end,” Merrill said. “… it and then perhaps even start Why not do the immersive to implement it.” studies bit as soon as you can Herbert said their goal is so you open up a whole new to include similar experiences world for people?” in all majors across all depart- Sean Rhiney, the director ments. The next part of the of the Eigel Center for Com- process is to figure out how to Photo courtesy of xavier.edu An sophomore-year learning experience focused on immersive studies is currently being developed. Dr. Diane munity-Engaged Learning, assess the experiences, which Ceo-DiFrancesco, who leads Xavier’s study abroad trip to Peru, is among those collaborating on the project. Dr. Diane Ceo-DiFrancesco, could differ drastically across a professor in the Spanish de- departments. BY MADDY GOODMAN vost is in charge of all things cer; and Johnson is the Chief partment and the new faculty “Do we make it a flag in 6WDৼ:ULWHU academic, but then there are Student Affairs Officer.
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