FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 VOLUME 18 \ NUMBER 82 ^ i f l V I T E O ^ Washington, Wednesday, April 2 9 , 1953 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT within the department or agency is CONTENTS clearly consistent with the interests of EXECUTIVE ORDER 10450 the national security. THE PRESIDENT S e c . 3. (a) The appointment of each Se c u r it y R equirements for Executive Order Pa®e civilian officer or employee in any depart­ G o v e r n m e n t E m p l o y m e n t Security requirements for Govem- ment or agency of the Government shall ernment employment__________ 2489 WHEREAS the interests of the na­ be made subject to investigation. The tional security require that all persons scope of the investigation shall be deter­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES privileged to be employed in the depart­ mined in the first instance according to ments and agencies of the Government, the degree of adverse effect the occupant Agriculture Department shall be reliable, trustworthy, of good of the position sought to be filled could See Production and Marketing conduct and character, and of complete bring about, by virtue of the nature of Administration. and unswerving loyalty to the United the position, on the national security, but Air Force Department States; and in no event shall the investigation in­ Rules and regulations: WHEREAS the American tradition clude less than a national agency check Civilian personnel; security re­ that all persons should receive fair, im­ (including a check of the fingerprint files quirements for Government partial, and equitable treatment at the of the Federal Bureau of Investigation), employment_________________ 2501 hands of the Government requires that and written inquiries to appropriate lo­ all persons seeking the privilege of em­ cal law-enforcement agencies, former Alien Property Office ployment or privileged to be employed in employers and supervisors, references, Notices : the departments and agencies of the and schools attended by the person under Vested property, notices of in­ Government be adjudged by mutually investigation: Provided, that upon re­ tention to return: consistent and no less than minimum quest of the head of the department or Barth, Jack, et al____________ 2514 standards and procedures among the agency concerned, the Civil Service Com­ Brignani, Giuseppina, et al— 2513 departments and agencies governing the mission may, in its discretion, authorize Cellitti, Amedeo, et al______ 2513 employment and retention in employ­ such less investigation as may meet the Coen, Luisa, et al_____________ 2514 ment of persons in the Federal service: requirements of the national security Krogh, Erik Viggo___________ 2514 NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the with respect to per-diem, intermittent, Meyer, Heinrich C. A ________ 2514 authority vested in me by the Constitu­ temporary, or seasonal employees, or Pneumatiques et Caoutchouc tion and statutes of the United States, aliens employed outside the United Manufacture Kleber-Co- including section 1753 of the Revised States. Should there develop at any lombes____________________ 2514 Statutes of the United States (5 U. S. C. stage of investigation information indi­ Army Department 631); the Civil Service Act of 1883 (22 cating that the employment of any such See Engineers Corps. Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 632, et seq.) ; section person may not be clearly consistent with Civil Aeronautics Administra­ 9A of the act of August 2, 1939, 53 Stat. the interests of the national security, 1148 (5 U. S. C. 118 j) ; and the act of there shall be conducted with respect to tion August 26, 1950, 64 Stat. 476 (5 U. S. C. such person a full field investigation, or Rules and regulations: 22-1, et seq.), and as President of the such less investigation as shall be suffi­ Danger areas; alterations______ 2500 United States, and deeming such action cient to enable the head of the depart­ Ckvlt Aeronautics Board necessary in the best interests of the ment or agency concerned to determine Notices: national security, it is hereby ordered as whether retention of such person is Wiggins renewal investigation follows: clearly consistent with the interests of case; postponement of oral the national security. Section 1. In addition to the depart­ argument____________________ 2510 (b) The head of any department or ments and agencies specified in the said Civil Service Commission 8£t of August 26, 1950, and Executive agency shall designate, or cause to be designated, any position within his de­ Rules and regulations: Order No. 10237 of April 26, 1951, the Exceptions from the competitive Provisions of that act shall apply to all partment or agency the occupant of service; Schedule C__________ 2493 other departments and agencies of the which could bring about, by virtue of Security requirements for Gov­ Government. the nature of the position, a material ernment employment: adverse effect on the national security Sec. 2. The head of each department Appeals of preference eligi- and agency of the Government shall be as a sensitive position. Any position so bles_______________________ 2493 responsible for establishing and main­ designated shall be filled or occupied Appointment through com­ taining within his department or agency only by a person with respect to whom a petitive system____________ 2493 an effective program to insure that the full field investigation has been con­ Commerce Department employment and retention in employ­ ducted : Provided, that a person occupy- See International Trade Office; ment of any civilian officer or employee (Continued, on p. 2491) National Production Authority. 2489 2490 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Engineers Corps Pa&e Loyalty Review Board— Con. Page FEDERALæREGISTER Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations— Continued \ u>3* * i/ÌKirtO’ Kennebec River, Maine ; certain Security requirements for Gov­ State Highway Commission ernment employment—Con. bridges______________________ 2502 Directives to regional loyalty Federal Communications Com­ boards; cases of applicants and appointees in competi- Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, mission tive service_______________ 2493 and days following official Federal holidays, Rules and regulations: by the Federal Register Division, National Operations of Board-__________ 2493 P u b lic radiocommunication Statement of Board_________2493 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ services (other than maritime ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ National Production Authority thority contained in the Federal Register mobile) ; frequency toler- Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as ances_________________________ 2502 Notioes: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Television broadcast stations___ 2502 B & T Metals Co.; modification * and termination of suspension tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Federal Housing Administration mittee of the Federal Register, approved by order------------------------------ 2509 Notices: the President. Distribution is made only by Navy Department the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Acting Commissioner and Dep­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. uty Commissioner; delega­ Rules and regulations: The regulatory material appearing herein tions of authority and assign­ Naval Academy, admission of is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ment of duties___________ ;__ 2510 candidates as midshipmen; which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant execution of loyalty certifi­ Federal Power Commission to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as cate____________ ___ _________ 2501 amended June 19, 1937. Notices: The Fesgrai. Register will be furnished by Hearings, etc.: Production and Marketing Ad­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Connery, Paul J_____________ 2508 ministration per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Indiana Gas & Water Co., Proposed rule making: advance. The charge for individual copies Inc., and Panhandle East­ (minimum 151) varies in proportion to the Apples, canned, U. S. Stand- size of the issue. Remit check or money ern Pipe lin e Co__________ 2508 ards for grades___________ 2503 order, made payable to the Superintendent Manufacturers Light and Milk handling: of Documents, directly to the Government Heat Co. and Cumberland Knoxville, Tenn., marketing Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. and Allegheny Gas Co_____ 2508 area_________ 2506 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Pennsylvania Power & Light New Orleans, La., marketing tion of material appearing in the Federal Co_________________________ 2508 area____________________ 2505 R egister. Federal Trade Commission Rules and regulations: Proposed rule making: Sugar quotas, allotment; Puerto Hearing aid industry; trade Rico, 1953________________ 2493 practice rules________________ 2503 Direct consumption portion— 2497 Principal Officials Foreign and Domestic Com­ Public Health Service merce Bureau Rules and regulations: in the See International Trade Office. Security requirements for Gov­ ernment employment: Executive Branch Health, Education, and Welfare Commissioned officers_______ 2502 Department Fellowships__________________ 2502 Appointed See Public Health Service. National Heart Institute Housing and Home Finance traineeships_______ 2502 January 20—April 20, Agency Rent Stabilization Office 1953 See Federal Housing Administra­ Rules and regulations: tion. Indianapolis, Ind., defense A listing of approximately 200 appoint­ Interior Department rental area: ments made after January 20, 1953. See Land Management Bureau. Hotels______________________ 2501 Names
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