SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME [7] Theme Title: Transport (including Aeronautics) SuperGreen SUPPORTING EU’S FREIGHT TRANSPORT LOGISTICS ACTION PLAN ON GREEN CORRIDORS ISSUES Grant agreement for: <Coordination and Support Actions (coordination)> Grant agreement no.: TREN/FP7TR/233573/”SUPERGREEN” Deliverable D2.4 Benchmarking of Green Corridors Version 2 Due date of deliverable: 15 April 2011 Revised version submitted: 18 July 2011 Organisation name of lead partner for this deliverable: Procter & Gamble Eurocor Document ID number: 02-40-RD-2011-14-02-1 SuperGreen – Deliverable D2.4 – Version 2 REVISIONS/DOCUMENT HISTORY: Index Date Authors Reviewers Subject 11.07.2011 Indrek Ilves Revision according to comments received from the European Commission 18.04.2011 Indrek Ilves Revision 18.04.2011 Harilaos N. Psaraftis Internal review/quality check 18.04.2011 Juha Schweighofer Internal review/quality check CLASSIFICATION AND APPROVAL Classification: R Confidential (CO) DEFINITION Nature of the deliverable: R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other Dissemination level: PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services). Confidential for the Duration of the Project: As for „Confidential‟, but only for the duration of the Project. After final Project Approval by the EC, status for reports classified „Confidential for the Duration of the Project‟ are automatically down-graded to „Public‟. Confidential: The document is for use of the beneficiaries within the SuperGreen Consortium, and shall not be used or disclosed to third parties without the unanimous agreement within the project General Assembly and subsequent EC approval since document classification is part of the EC Grant Agreement. Any executive summary specifically intended for publication may however be made known to the public by the author and/or the Coordinator. 02-40-RD-2011-14-02-1 2 SuperGreen – Deliverable D2.4 – Version 2 Document summary information Authors and contributors Initials Author Organisation Role Indrek Ilves P&G Author Even Ambros Holte MAR Contributor Chara Georgopoulou DNV Contributor Sanni Rönkkö SITO Contributor Paulus Aditjandra UNEW Contributor Eero Vanaale UNEW Contributor Martina Medda DAPP Contributor Sara Fozza DAPP Contributor Revision history Rev. Who Date Comment I.I. 11.07.2011 Revision according to comments received from the European Commission Quality Control Name Date Checked by WP leader Ilkka Salanne, SITO 11.04.2011 Checked by internal reviewer Harilaos Psaraftis, George Panagakos, NTUA 18.04.2011 Checked by internal reviewer Juha Schweighofer, VIA 18.04.2011 Checked by internal reviewer Harilaos Psaraftis, NTUA 18.07.2011 APPROVAL: All partners of the project consortium via a return email have approved the final version of this SuperGreen Deliverable. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Funding for the SuperGreen project has been provided by the European Commission (DG-MOVE) and by partners‟ own funds, in the context of Grant Agreement No. TREN/FP7TR/233573/”SUPERGREEN”. DISCLAIMER Use of any knowledge, information or data contained in this document shall be at the user's sole risk. Neither the SuperGreen Consortium nor any of its members, their officers, employees or agents accept shall be liable or responsible, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss, damage or expense whatever sustained by any person as a result of the use, in any manner or form, of any knowledge, information or data contained in this document, or due to any inaccuracy, omission or error therein contained. The European Commission shall not in any way be liable or responsible for the use of any such knowledge, information or data, or of the consequences thereof. 02-40-RD-2011-14-02-1 3 SuperGreen – Deliverable D2.4 – Version 2 Table of contents LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................... 6 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 7 1 INTRODUCTION - PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................. 10 2 OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 13 2.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE SUPERGREEN PROJECT .................................................................................... 13 2.2 OBJECTIVES OF WORK PACKAGE 2 AND TASK 2.4 .......................................................................... 13 3 BENCHMARKING METHODOLOGY AND KPIS ........................................................................ 16 3.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ................................................................................................ 16 3.2 INTERNAL REVIEW OF KPIS ............................................................................................................ 20 3.3 RECOMMENDED SET OF KPIS AND FINAL METHODOLOGY USED ..................................................... 21 3.3.1 Recommended set of KPIs ......................................................................................................... 21 3.3.2 Methodology used for the benchmarking ................................................................................... 22 4 BENCHMARKING RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 24 4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 24 4.2 BRENNER ........................................................................................................................................ 27 4.3 CLOVERLEAF .................................................................................................................................. 38 4.4 NUREYEV........................................................................................................................................ 46 4.5 STRAUSS ......................................................................................................................................... 52 4.6 MARE NOSTRUM............................................................................................................................. 57 4.7 SILK WAY ....................................................................................................................................... 63 4.8 CONCLUSIONS AND FINAL REMARKS ............................................................................................... 73 5 CONSULTATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS .................................................................................. 77 5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 77 5.2 REGIONAL WORKSHOP IN NAPLES .................................................................................................. 77 5.3 REGIONAL WORKSHOP IN ANTWERP ............................................................................................... 78 5.4 REGIONAL WORKSHOP IN MALMÖ .................................................................................................. 81 5.5 REGIONAL WORKSHOP IN SINES ...................................................................................................... 82 5.6 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................................. 83 6 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................... 86 7 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 88 APPENDIX I. INTERNAL KPI FILTERING RESULTS ....................................................................... 90 APPENDIX II. MEMO ATTACHED TO THE TRANSPORT CHAINS’ CARD OF THE STRAUSS CORRIDOR ................................................................................................................................................... 91 APPENDIX III. MEMO ATTACHED TO THE TRANSPORT CHAINS’ CARD OF THE MARE NOSTRUM CORRIDOR ........................................................................................................................... 108 APPENDIX IV. FILLED QUESTIONNAIRES FOR CORRIDOR BENCHMARKING ................... 115 02-40-RD-2011-14-02-1 4 SuperGreen – Deliverable D2.4 – Version 2 List of Figures Figure 1 - SuperGreen network map 11 Figure 2 - Input-output of Task 2.4 15 Figure 3 - Brenner map 27 Figure 4- Cloverleaf map 39 Figure 5 - Eurotunnel Rail Freight Volumes between 1994 and 2010 (Source: EPCH, 2010) 40 Figure 6 - Average vehicle speeds in England at morning peak (Source: DfT, 2010) 41 Figure 7 - Nureyev map 47 Figure 8 - Strauss map 53 Figure 9 - Mare Nostrum map 58 Figure 10 - Silk Way map 64 Figure 11 - The Silk Way deep sea service, Shanghai to Rotterdam 65 Figure 12: Typical ranges of CO2 efficiencies of ships compared with rail and road transport
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