The Clinton Independent. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1897. WHOLE NO.—160g| \ SUDDEN DEATH. BY THE FIRST OF AUGUST The Fashions of the Day Are displayed in all kinds of Dress TO FIGHT THE BELL CO Wear At John Hicks ’. Kob ’t. Davies, an Old Pioneer of Greea- Will the Electric Light Plant lie Located bush, Found Dead. In the Water Works Building. Special. Heavy Electrical Shower Visited Rob't. E. Davies, an old and highly Michigan Independent Telephone From now on until after the 4th we The question of removing the electric Returned Home Last Saturday will give special prices on all season ­ St. Johns Yesterday. respected resident of Greeubush town ­ Companies Combine. light plant from its present location, Afternoon, able millinery, of which we. have just ship. this county, was found dead in bed near the St. Johns Manufacturing Com­ added everything up to-date for our yesterday morning. lie had been suf­ pany ’s works, to the water works build ­ mid-summer trade. NCMBKK OF TELEPHONES AND Kl.KC- ing, has been occupying the attention fering for some time past from heart ABOUT *.5 COMPANIES REPRESENTED AFTER ONE LONG WEEK OF WEARY Mrs. L. Canfield . TKIC LIUMT METERS BIKNED OUT. of the village board for some time past. trouble but the day previous to his death AT THE MEETING IN DETROIT. At the meeting of the board last even ­ TRAVELING. A Run On Summer Goods. he had beeo feeling unusually well, and ing it was voted to remove the plant to the place above named. It was esti­ That is our experience for the past KwidcncM of Mrs. Hallenbeclc him ! Hiram retired at his usual hour. The next week. If you are interested in Hot . H. Fildew, of St. Johns, Representative mated that the entire cost of the re­ Think That the Anticipation of the Pleas­ Weather Fabrics, it will be worth your Dunn and (lie Works of the Manufac ­ morning, his attendant, who was sleep ­ moval and the necessary addition to the ing in the same room, arose and think ­ of the Crowley Company, Elected water works building would not exceed ure* That Were In Store for Them while to see our new Dimities, Organ ­ turing Company More or Lean dies, Lawns' etc. John Hicks . Treasurer of the Association. $5,000. Was Somewhat Greater Than Damaged. ing that Mr. Davies was sleeping, dressed and left the room. Returning It is believed by most of our business the Realization, The best work at lowest prices may be men that the cost of operating the two secured at G. B. Torter ’s. in a short time and seeing him lying in The Michigan Association of Indepeud plants can be materially reduced by A heavy electrical storm passed over the same position, with one hand resting ent Telephone Companies was organ ­ combining them under one roof, and It Pays to Trade at John Hicks’* Eureka , June 22.—Last week our this village yesterday afternoon, doing on the back of a chair, went to the bed this, together with the fact that the two to awaken him, when it was discovered ized in Detroit last Monday, about thirty new boilers that will he necessary for town became excited over the Farm for Sale. considerable damage to property. The that life had down. representatives being present. The fol­ the successful operation of the plant can The John Scriven farm on sections Mr. Davies was about 65 years of age be used to good anvantage in case of runaway of Darwin and Earl house occupied by Mrs. ilallenbeck, on lowing telephone companies were repres Kirby. The boys left home Saturday five and six, in Victor, eight miles from Floral avenue, was struck and badly and was born in Kent county, England. ented : Detroit, Dearborn, Graud Rap ­ large fires like the recent factory blaze, St. Johns, will be sold cheap, or will Coming to America in 1850, he settled has induced the council to make the afternoon on their bicycles, staying that trade the same for St. Johns property, damaged. The lightning entered at the in the state of New York, where he re­ ids, Wayne, Lansing, Plymouth, Mon­ change. The contract for building the night in Ithaca, from whence they took or smaller farm. The farm consists of chimney, knocking it to pieces and tear* mained two or three years, when he re­ roe, Mt. Clemens, Port Huron, Adrian, necessary addition to the water works in a Sunday excursion to Toledo. They 217 acres, good buildings and orchard. ing up the roof. It then went down the moved to Grand Rapids, Mich. He St. Clair, Jackson, Cheboygan, Pontiac, building will be let at ouce and the Enquire of William Byrne, administra ­ came to Greenbush in the fall of 1855, plant will be located in its new quarters were accompanied by a young man tor, or J. II. Fedewa, St. Johns. chimney into the house, tearing the Flushing, Memphis, St. Johns. by the first of August next. and has been connected with the Green- (Crowley), Lake Odessa. Owosso. Corun ­ named Robert Trice, of Maple Rapids, plaster off the walls and ceilings, and bush Fanning Mill Factory with his who was trying to pass himself off as Linen Dress Goods ruining a gasoliue stove. The houses on na, Northville, Ypsilanti. Three Rivers, brother, William T., ever since. Three Saginaw, Ann Arbor. PERSONAL. the state representative of the McCor­ Are popular —don't cost much —and are each side of this one were also slightly children survive him. Nellie, now Mrs. cool. Se our new patterns. The Crowley Telephone Company, of mick Binder Company. They regis­ damaged. No one was injured, as Mrs. Harry Flowers, James R., and Edith, Milo Prey spent Sunday in Eureka. John Hicks . ilallenbeck had left the house about live all living in Greenbush. this village, was represented by J. H. tered at hotels under assumed names. minutes before it was struck. The He was a member of the M. E. church, Fildew. Levi Frlsbie spent Sunday in Fowler. At one plac6 the hotel man said to the Girls Wanted. house belongs to the II. M. Perrin es­ and w as most highly respected by every- Judge Hatch, of Pontiac, in response L. Conn went to Lansing this morning. older gentleman (Trice) that Earl Kirby to a request from the committee on by­ Bert Pulfrey spent Sunday in Corunna. We can give immediate aud steady tate. oue, liaving,held the office of township looked young for a hired man, when it imployment to twenty girls. The residence of Hiram Dunn, on clerk for over twenty years. laws for an expression concerning the Mrs. 8. A. Palmer Is visiting in Bay City. was stated that he was only traveling views of the members on the scope of Harry Waldron spent 8unday in Durand. Michigan Clothing Co ., Brush street, was also struck and the The funeral will be held tomorrow for pleasure. But the anticipation of Ioni a, Mich. chimuey knocked off. Ihe damage (Friday) at 10 o'clock a. m., from his the organization said that the main ob ­ Miss Ethel Finch spent Tuesday in Fowler. pleasure has been greater than the real­ ject was to break lip the hydra-headed Ellis Gould was in Ionia Tuesday on business. ization and on reaching Bowling Green, Summer Capes and Jackets there was slight. ate residence. Rev. Carman, of Maple monopoly which has so long controlled The tall brick chimney on the Manu ­ Rapids, officiating. The interrment Miss Ivah Patterson spent 8unday In Owosso Ohio, the two younger boys had determ­ At your own price. JonN Hicks . facturing Company ’s factory, was also the country. The plan now being fol­ Judge Daboll went to Ionia Monday to hold ined on returning. They started on bi ­ will be made in Eureka cemetery. lowed he declared was democratic. It visited by a bolt of lightning and slight* court. cycles without money. At West Unity, Fresli Fish Daily. ly damaged. Loral Brevities. was to form companies in the different John Snelling, of Elsie, spent Sunday in St. Ohio, through the kindness of the mar­ The telephone companies sustained localities to give the people a better ser­ Johns. shall of the town, they were loaned 1 have made arrangements with the damages to quite an extent. The Bell —The foundation is being laid for vice at a cheaper rate than lias been Mrs. O. A. Whitlock spent Sunday in Grand money to pay hotel expenses. From best fresh fish dealers at Grand Ilaven Harry Mack’s new residence, comer of given. It is not proposed to go into the here they went to Hillsdale and joined and Petoskey for a regular daily supply Company ’s switch box at the corner of Walker and Swegels streets. Kapids. of fish. The fish from these points are Clinton avenue and Walker street was courts against the Bell company. That Mrs. V. J. Willie went to Detroit Wednesday “. E. Kirby, a student, and the three burned out, and also a number of —Foerch's orchestra will furnish the ill be taken care of, he contended, by started with bicycles and reached Eu­ taken out of the water at night and are the National association. In forming morning. here ready for the table at noon —hard, phones. The Crowley company report music for the opening ball at Merle Bert Stanley returned Monday to bis home reka, Saturday afternoon. The boys seventy-four phones burned out. A Beach, Friday evening, June 25,1897. the local companies it is found that the were absent one week and both agree sweet and only 10 cents a pound.
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