College news Meetings of Council Professors and Lecturers for 1975/76 were elected At the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held (see p. i 68). on gth July Sir Rodney Smith KBE, President, was The following were elected as new Members of in the Chair. the Court of Examiners: Professor N L Browse Professor Emerich Polak, of Prague, was admitted and Mr C V Mann (General Surgery) and Mr to the Honorary Fellowship of the College. V T Hammond (Otolaryngology). In addition Mr Dr Denis Dooley, Dr Frederic Kohn, Dr R G W R I, B Beare, Mr C W S F Manning, Mr J P Ollerenshaw, Mr Giles Romanes, and Mr Norman Mitchell, and Mr J N Ward-McQuaid (General Rowe were admitted to the Fellowship by election. Surgery), Mr R F Macnab Jones (Otolaryngology), Diplomas of Fellowship were granted in accord- and Mr Lorimer Fison, Mr M J Gilkes, Mr C G ance with the pass list (see p. I 69). Tulloh, and Mr J Winstanley (Ophthalmology) were Diplomates were presented in order of medical re-elected for second terms of three years. and dental schools as follows: Fellows, Fellows in The Nuffield Prize was awarded to Dr David Dental Surgery, Fellows in the Faculty of Anaes- John Gwilt. thetists, Members, Licentiates in Dental Surgery. Sir Michael Woodruff FRS FRCS then delivered Faculty of Anaesthetists an address to the new diplomates (see p. I 66). It was noted that the following had been admit- ted to the Honorary Fellowship in the Faculty: Professor Sir Geoffrey Organe Dr Vernon Hall At the Quiarterly Meeting of the Council held on Professor W D M Paton FRS I oth July Sir Rodney Smith KBE was re-elected and that Dr S C Cullen, Professor J Severinghaus, President and Mr R H Franklin CBE and Mr R S and Dr C H Boyd had been admitted to the Handley OBE were re-elected as Vice-Presidents for FFARCS by election. the ensuing year. The Faculty has followed the decision of Coun- Mr A W Badenoch FRCS and Mr A S Frere CBE cil to rescind the rule preventing Fellows in the were admitted to the Court of Patrons. Faculty from being eligible to apply for election Mr George Qvist was re-admitted as a Member to the Board until i o years after the acquisition of Council and Mr Ian Todd and Professor Geoffrey of their Fellowship. Slaney were admitted as newly elected Members of As from Ist January I976 the MCQ paper in the the Council of the College. Dr Brian Sellick, Vice- Primary FFARCS examination will be used as a Dean of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, was admitted filter for entry to the rest of the examination. to Council as an invited representative of the Faculty. Donations to the College Sir Stanley Clayton PRCOG was admitted as the During the past few weeks the following generous newly co-opted Member of Council representing donations have been received: obstetrics and gynaecology. £io OOO.OO Sir Cyril Kleinwort Charitable Dr A J Whitaker was admitted to the Fellow- Settlement (further gift) ship by election. £3300.00 Smith's Charity Estate (further gift) Professor Gordon Seward was admitted to the £2104.98 The late Mr S H Hardy (legacy) Board of Examiners in Dental Surgery. £538-44 F C Eyre Esq (7-yr covenant £50 p.a. Council noted that Professor E S R Hughes FRCS + tax-further gift) had been elected President of the Royal Austral- £150.00 C T Bowring and Co Ltd (further gift) asian College of Surgeons for the ensuing year. iI5o.oo The Royal London Mutual Insurance Mr L B Scott FRcSEd, of Liverpool, and Mr Society (further gift) R E D Williams FRCSEd, of Leeds, were elected In addition there have been a number of gifts to the Fellowship ad eundem. under £ioo which total £595.89. College news Faculty of Surgery: Election of Dean 20th October I975, stating their date of birth in and Vice-Dean the application. At the meeting of the Board of Faculty of Dental Surgery held on i8th Mr H Hovell Victor Horsley Memorial Lecture 1975 July 1975, John The Victor Horsley Memorial Lecture for TD was rc-elected Dean of the Faculty for the I975 cnsuing year. wAill be delivered by Mr Walpolc Lewin Hon. DSC At the same meeting Professor Paul Bramley was MS FRCS in the Edward Lumley Hall of the Col- elected Vice-Dean of the Faculty for the ensuing lege under the auspices of the British Medical year. Association on Thursday iIth December at 5.30 p.m. The title of the lecture will be 'Changing attitudes to the management of severe head Court of Examiners injuries'. Notice is hereby given that the Council on 8th Jan- ulary 1976 will elect members of the Court of Exam- College Dinner iners as follows: The College Dinner on Wednesday 12th November GENERAL SURGERY Three examiners to be will be followed by a talk by Mr Alistair Cooke elected, one of the retiring examiners being KBE (Hon.). eligible for re-election. Applications for tickets for the Dinner, price Fellows of the College desirous of becoming can- £6.oo including cocktails and wines at table, should didates for the office must make application by let- rcach Mr \V F Davis at the College not later than a ter to the Secretary of the College on or before week before the date of the Dinner. ELECTION TO THE COUNCIL, 1975 On Thursday 3rd July 1975, as a result of the LAWRIE, Reginald Seymour (Guy's Hospital, postal ballot of Fellows, Mr George Qvist was re- London) 514 elected and Professor Geoffrey Slaney and Mr Ian KIRK, Raymond Maurice (Royal Free Pelham Todd were elected as Members of the Hospital and Willesden General Hospital, Council of the College. Mr Neville Stidolpli and London) 368 Lt-Col W C Moffat acted as Scrutineers on this WOOD, Kenneth Fowler (The Leicester Royal occasion. Infirmary) 354 The result of the Poll wvas as follows: NAYLOR, Arthur (Bradford Royal Infirmary) 338 STUBBS, John (Kensington and Chelsea Elected Group of Hospitals) 334 Votes BASSETT, Harold Frank McGhie SLANEY, Geoffrey (University of (Manchester Royal Infirmary and Royal Birmingham, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Manchester Children's Hospital) 329 Birmingham) 759 QVIST, George (Royal Free Hospital) 756 MOLONEY, George Edward (The Radcliffe TODD, Ian Pelham (St Bartholomew's and Infirmary, Oxford) 320 St Mark's Hospitals, London) 730 HORTON, Robert Elmer (United Bristol Hospitals) 312 Not elected TINCKLER, Laurence Francis (Maelor General Hospital, Wrexham) 276 KINMONTH, John Bernard (St Thomas's Hospital, London) 6I2 KESSEL, Lipmann (Royal National LLOYD-ROBERTS, George Charles (Hospital Orthopaedic Hospital) 265 for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street) 603 BRADLEY, John William Paulton WADE, James Stanley Hilary (University (Hillingdon and Harefield Hospitals) 230 Hospital of Wales, Cardiff) 54I CASSIE, Gordon Fordyce (Queen Elizabeth II BROOKS, Donal Aleredith (University Hospital, Welwyn Garden City) I70 College Hospital and Royal National In all 3071 Fellows voted and in addition I8 Orthopaedic Hospital) _j23 votes wverc found to be invalid. I 62 College nIews ADMISSION TO HONORARY FELLOWSHIP Professor Emerich Polak At the Ceremony of Presentation of Diplomates held both classical anid modcerni music to perfection. on gth July 1975 with Sir Rodney Smith, Presiclent, 'This citation would be incomplete if I did not in the Chair Professor Emerich Polak, of Prague, refer to his personal qualities of kindness, sympathy, Czechoslovakia, was admitted to the Honorary and deep understanding. I feel sure, Mr President, Fellowship. Mr Ronald Raven delivered the Cita- this congregation will applaud with enthusiasm as tion in his honiour as follows: you confer the Honorary Fellowship on this dis- tinguished man, the first Czech surgeon to receive 'Mr President, this honour, who has dedicated his life to the art 'Today, when we welcome newv diplomates, it and science of surgery.' is my privilege to introduce, Professor Emerich Polak of Charles University, Prague. This ancient univer- Tnhe President theni admitted Professor Polak to sity was founded in 1348 by the Emperor Charles the Honorary Fellowship with the words: 'Professor IV. His father was sufficiently misguided to fight Polak: From the applause you can see that it gives against the English and consequently died in the everybody here very great pleasure indeed to see Battle of Cruchy. During World War II Charles you in Liondon andl at this College for such a University was transferred temporarily to Oxford, reason, and I think it gives particular pleasure where some of Professor Polak's students continued to those of us who have had the opportunity to their education. visit Prague and to be able to speak with first- 'Professor Polak has distinguished surgical an- hand knowledge of the great regard, respect, and cestry. In this pedigree I see several well-knowrn affcction with which you are heldl in your own names in surgery, including Professor E Albert, who country by all your colleagues. For my part it introduced Lord Lister's surgical methods to the gives me personally much pleasure; and what Continent, and Professor K Maydl, who organized greater bond outside medicine could there be than a modern surgical department in Prague at the end to remember that you and I first met in the gar- of the last century. Professor Polak's teacher wvas den where Mozart stayed when he was composing Professor Rudolf Jedlicka, remembered for his work "Don Giovanni"? And so, by the authority of on the surgery of peptic ulceration and pancreatic the Council and by the powers vested in me I admit cysts, who always spoke with enthusiasm about his you to the Honorary Fellowship of this College visit to London at the beginning of this century.
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