They died on January 8, 1956. Fifty years later, we remember Th e Cast (from left to right) theirtheir couragecourage and and their their mission. mission. Front Row: Rebecca Baker, Christen Price, Laura Ransom, Amanda Joy Martin, Kathleen MacNeil, and Sarah Searles Bridge Back Row: Shawn Green, Grant Knight, Nicholas Wood, Dan Keslar, d[ and Chris Moran Blood: Taking Christ to the Aucas By David H. Robey January 8-13, 2006 Cedarville University Dixon Ministry Center Recital Hall Home to 3,100 Christian students, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered Baptist university of arts, sciences, professional, and graduate programs. Cedarville off ers the quality majors, world-class facilities, caring professors, and award-winning technology you would expect from a university that U.S.News & World Report, Th e Princeton Review, and Peterson’s Competitive Colleges all recognize as one of the top in the Midwest. Each year major employers, law schools, medical schools, and seminaries visit campus to recruit our graduates. Daily chapels, discipleship groups, outreach ministries, and Bible classes challenge students to know God and fully enjoy their relationship with Him. Th is is Cedarville University. Inspiring. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot 1929-1956 Two days after this picture was taken of Nate Saint and an Auca Indian, Nate and his four 1-800-CEDARVILLE (233-2784) missionary friends were killed by Auca lances. WWee RRestest OOnn Th eeee Th e CCedarvilleedarville UUniversityniversity (FFinlandiainlandia) CChristianhristian MMinistriesinistries DDivisionivision ppresentsresents WWee rrestest oonn Th eee,e, OOurur SShieldhield aandnd OOurur DDefender!efender! WWee ggoo nnotot fforthorth aalonelone aagainstgainst tthehe ffoe,oe, SStrongtrong iinn Th y sstrength,trength, ssafeafe iinn Th y kkeepingeeping ttenderender WWee rrestest oonn Th eee,e, aandnd iinn Th y nnameame wwee ggo.o. Taking Christ to the Aucas WWee rrestest oonn Th eee,e, OOurur sshieldhield aandnd OOurur DDefender!efender! WWrittenritten aandnd DDirectedirected bbyy Th iiss iiss tthehe bbattle,attle, Th iinene sshallhall bbee tthehe ppraise.raise. DDavidavid HH.. RRobeyobey WWhenhen ppassingassing tthro’hro’ tthehe ggatesates ooff ppearlyearly ssplendor,plendor, VVictors,ictors, wwee rrestest oonn Th eeee tthro’hro’ eendlessndless ddays.ays. Host Rebecca Baker Jim Elliot Grant Knight TToo oourur aaudience:udience: Elisabeth Elliot Laura Ransom Th iiss ssongong wwasas ssungung bbyy JJimim EElliot,lliot, NNateate SSaint,aint, EEdd MMcCully,cCully, PPeteete Nate Saint FFleming,leming, aandnd RRogeroger YYouderianouderian dduringuring ttheirheir ddevotionsevotions tthehe mmorningorning & Student Body President Chris Moran ooff JJanuaryanuary 33,, 11956.956. Th eeyy hhadad a ppeacefuleaceful aandnd ggratifyingratifying ccontactontact wwithith Marj Saint tthreehree AAucauca mmembersembers oonn JJanuaryanuary 66,, 11956,956, bbutut ttwowo ddaysays llaterater a ggrouproup & Mrs. Shuell Sarah Searles ooff aaboutbout 1100 AAucasucas sslewlew tthehe fi vvee missionaries.missionaries. Ed McCully Th eerere hhaveave bbeeneen mmanyany bbooksooks wwrittenritten aaboutbout tthishis hhistoricistoric eevent:vent: tthehe & Wayne fi rrstst aandnd pperhapserhaps mmostost iimportantmportant bbeingeing EElisabethlisabeth EElliot’slliot’s Th rroughough & Mr. Shuell Dan Keslar GGatesates ooff SSplendorplendor. TToo ccommemorateommemorate tthehe 550th0th aanniversarynniversary ooff tthehe Marilou McCully ddeathseaths ooff tthesehese mmen,en, a ddocumentaryocumentary fi llmm ttitleditled BBeyondeyond tthehe GGatesates ooff & Dayuma Kathleen MacNeil SSplendorplendor wwasas rrecentlyecently rreleased.eleased. Th e EEndnd ooff tthehe SSpearpear, a ffeatureeature fi llm,m, iiss sscheduledcheduled fforor ttheatreheatre rreleaseelease oonn JJanuaryanuary 220,0, 22006.006. Pete Fleming & College Student Shawn Green Th eerere aarere ffewew ggreaterreater eexamplesxamples ooff tthehe ppowerower ooff GGodod ttoo ttransformransform Olive Fleming llivesives tthanhan iinn tthehe sstorytory ooff tthehe AAucas.ucas. WWhilehile tthehe AAucasucas wwereere ooncence & Miriam Shuell Christen Price sstrangerstrangers ttoo tthehe ggracerace ooff GGod,od, ttodayoday ttherehere iiss a sstrongtrong cchurchhurch aamongmong tthehe WWaudoniaudoni ((thethe ccorrectorrect nnameame fforor tthishis ttribe).ribe). Th e ssacrifiacrifi ccee aandnd Roger Youderian ddedicationedication ooff tthesehese fi vvee mmissionaryissionary ccouplesouples cchangedhanged tthehe wworld.orld. & Minister Nicholas Wood Barbara Youderian Amanda Joy Martin OOnn bbehalfehalf ooff tthehe ccast,ast, tthankhank yyouou fforor aattendingttending oourur pproduction.roduction. IItt iiss oourur pprayerrayer tthathat tthehe ssameame GGodod wwhoho rruleduled tthehe hheartsearts aandnd llivesives ooff tthesehese fi vvee ccouplesouples iiss aalsolso rrulinguling yyourour hheart.eart. Th iiss sscriptcript ccontainsontains eexcerptsxcerpts ffromrom Th rroughough GGatesates ooff SSplendorplendor © 11957957 bbyy EElisabethlisabeth EElliotlliot aandnd SShadowhadow ooff tthehe AAlmightylmighty © 11958958 bbyy EElisabethlisabeth EElliot.lliot. BByy ppermissionermission ooff HHarperarper aandnd RRow,ow, PPublishers.ublishers. SSincerelyincerely yyours,ours, BBridgeridge ooff BBloodlood bbyy DDavidavid HH.. RRobeyobey iiss aavailablevailable tthroughhrough DDavidavid HH.. RRobeyobey LLillenasillenas PPublishingublishing CCompanyompany ooff KKansasansas CCity,ity, KKan.an. wwww.lillenas.comww.lillenas.com WWee RRestest OOnn Th eeee Th e CCedarvilleedarville UUniversityniversity (FFinlandiainlandia) CChristianhristian MMinistriesinistries DDivisionivision ppresentsresents WWee rrestest oonn Th eee,e, OOurur SShieldhield aandnd OOurur DDefender!efender! WWee ggoo nnotot fforthorth aalonelone aagainstgainst tthehe ffoe,oe, SStrongtrong iinn Th y sstrength,trength, ssafeafe iinn Th y kkeepingeeping ttenderender WWee rrestest oonn Th eee,e, aandnd iinn Th y nnameame wwee ggo.o. Taking Christ to the Aucas WWee rrestest oonn Th eee,e, OOurur sshieldhield aandnd OOurur DDefender!efender! WWrittenritten aandnd DDirectedirected bbyy Th iiss iiss tthehe bbattle,attle, Th iinene sshallhall bbee tthehe ppraise.raise. DDavidavid HH.. RRobeyobey WWhenhen ppassingassing tthro’hro’ tthehe ggatesates ooff ppearlyearly ssplendor,plendor, VVictors,ictors, wwee rrestest oonn Th eeee tthro’hro’ eendlessndless ddays.ays. Host Rebecca Baker Jim Elliot Grant Knight TToo oourur aaudience:udience: Elisabeth Elliot Laura Ransom Th iiss ssongong wwasas ssungung bbyy JJimim EElliot,lliot, NNateate SSaint,aint, EEdd MMcCully,cCully, PPeteete Nate Saint FFleming,leming, aandnd RRogeroger YYouderianouderian dduringuring ttheirheir ddevotionsevotions tthehe mmorningorning & Student Body President Chris Moran ooff JJanuaryanuary 33,, 11956.956. Th eeyy hhadad a ppeacefuleaceful aandnd ggratifyingratifying ccontactontact wwithith Marj Saint tthreehree AAucauca mmembersembers oonn JJanuaryanuary 66,, 11956,956, bbutut ttwowo ddaysays llaterater a ggrouproup & Mrs. Shuell Sarah Searles ooff aaboutbout 1100 AAucasucas sslewlew tthehe fi vvee missionaries.missionaries. Ed McCully Th eerere hhaveave bbeeneen mmanyany bbooksooks wwrittenritten aaboutbout tthishis hhistoricistoric eevent:vent: tthehe & Wayne fi rrstst aandnd pperhapserhaps mmostost iimportantmportant bbeingeing EElisabethlisabeth EElliot’slliot’s Th rroughough & Mr. Shuell Dan Keslar GGatesates ooff SSplendorplendor. TToo ccommemorateommemorate tthehe 550th0th aanniversarynniversary ooff tthehe Marilou McCully ddeathseaths ooff tthesehese mmen,en, a ddocumentaryocumentary fi llmm ttitleditled BBeyondeyond tthehe GGatesates ooff & Dayuma Kathleen MacNeil SSplendorplendor wwasas rrecentlyecently rreleased.eleased. Th e EEndnd ooff tthehe SSpearpear, a ffeatureeature fi llm,m, iiss sscheduledcheduled fforor ttheatreheatre rreleaseelease oonn JJanuaryanuary 220,0, 22006.006. Pete Fleming & College Student Shawn Green Th eerere aarere ffewew ggreaterreater eexamplesxamples ooff tthehe ppowerower ooff GGodod ttoo ttransformransform Olive Fleming llivesives tthanhan iinn tthehe sstorytory ooff tthehe AAucas.ucas. WWhilehile tthehe AAucasucas wwereere ooncence & Miriam Shuell Christen Price sstrangerstrangers ttoo tthehe ggracerace ooff GGod,od, ttodayoday ttherehere iiss a sstrongtrong cchurchhurch aamongmong tthehe WWaudoniaudoni ((thethe ccorrectorrect nnameame fforor tthishis ttribe).ribe). Th e ssacrifiacrifi ccee aandnd Roger Youderian ddedicationedication ooff tthesehese fi vvee mmissionaryissionary ccouplesouples cchangedhanged tthehe wworld.orld. & Minister Nicholas Wood Barbara Youderian Amanda Joy Martin OOnn bbehalfehalf ooff tthehe ccast,ast, tthankhank yyouou fforor aattendingttending oourur pproduction.roduction. IItt iiss oourur pprayerrayer tthathat tthehe ssameame GGodod wwhoho rruleduled tthehe hheartsearts aandnd llivesives ooff tthesehese fi vvee ccouplesouples iiss aalsolso rrulinguling yyourour hheart.eart. Th iiss sscriptcript ccontainsontains eexcerptsxcerpts ffromrom Th rroughough GGatesates ooff SSplendorplendor © 11957957 bbyy EElisabethlisabeth EElliotlliot aandnd SShadowhadow ooff tthehe AAlmightylmighty © 11958958 bbyy EElisabethlisabeth EElliot.lliot. BByy ppermissionermission ooff HHarperarper aandnd RRow,ow, PPublishers.ublishers. SSincerelyincerely yyours,ours, BBridgeridge ooff BBloodlood bbyy DDavidavid HH.. RRobeyobey iiss aavailablevailable tthroughhrough DDavidavid
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