- Catholic Paper "Noilting is mo,..: desl,.dle OWest fh~n fhai C~iholic p~pe"$ in Unitecl States should n.acoe ~ la,.ge c/,.cu­ Estahlishecl laf{on, so ih~t eCf1e"yone THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH may n.acoe good ,.uding." October 22, 1831.. -Pope BenedU:f IV In Essentials, Uniry; in Non-Essentials, Liberry; in All Things, Chariry. VOL. LXXXXIII No. 11 CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1924 PR.ICE SEVEN CENTS COMPLETE DENIAL $2,500,000 FUNERAL MASS ON WAY TO ROME THIS ISSUE TRIPLE JUBILEE JOINT CONGRESS In Cleveland'. Catholic Building Of Fr. Runnebau"l Celebrated by Of The Catholic Telegraph I. Will be Celebrated at Gethaemani Archbishop. Fr. Tieman Preached Printed in Our Own Plant. Abbey on May 21. That She Impugned Patriotism Program For Thi. Year. American Cardinals-Designate Catholic and Orthodox Theo­ of Catholics Made By [N. C. W. C. News Service.] Almost two hundred priests of Stop Over at Paris. Visit This issue of THE CATHOLIC Bardstown, Ky., Mar. 19-The logians to Meet and Discuss Cleveland, Mar. 14.-More than Cincinnati and neighboring towns TELEGRAPH was printed on the date for the triple jubilee to be Viscountess Bryce. $2,500,000 will be spent in new attended the solemn funeral obse­ Cardinal Dubois. huge presses of The Telegraph celebrated at Gethsemani Abbey, Plans for Re-Union. Catholic institutions churches and quies of the late Rev. A. F. Runne­ Press, at 414-416 East Eighth Sf. near here, has been definitely ar­ Msgr. Brown Consecrated. schools, in the city of Cleveland baum, at Holy Family Church, Price Lausaune Treaty Disregards Although published for more than ranged for Wednesday, May 21. alon~ during the coming year, ac­ Hill, last Monday morning. Most 92 consecutive years in the city of On this occasion there will be cele­ Will Convene at Velehrad Canon English Dead. cordmg to plans already approved. Rev. Archbishop Moeller officiated, Catholic Interests. Cincinnati, under the present name, brated the diamond juibilee of the Next Summer. One half of this total will be assisted by the priests announced in "THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH" foundation of the well-known [N. c. w. c. · Special Cable.] necessary for the first unit of the our last week's issue. Among the [N. c. w. C. Special Cable.] the publication has never befo;e Trappist abbey; the golden jubi­ ONDON, Mar. 17.-Complete group of buildings for homes for clergymen present were: Rt. Rev. ARIS, Mar. 17.-ArchbishopSl been issued from its own press. lee of the ordination of Rt. Rev. [N. c. w. C. News Service.] . Hayes and Mundelein reach­ The ancient files of THE TELE­ Edmond M. Obrecht, 0 . C. R., denial was made here by ?rphans, the first of several build­ Bishop-Elect F. J. Beckman, D. D., P RAGUE, Mar. 15.-Arrange­ L Viscountess Bryce, widow of mgs to be erected at Parma a to be consecrated here on May 1, for ed Paris Saturday on . their GRAPH, running back to October and the silver jubilee of his con­ the See of Lincoln; Rt. Rev. Msgr. way to the consistory, at which 22, 1831, the date of the first issue, secration as Abbot of Gethsemani ments for a Congress of Ca­ the former British Ambassador to southwestern suburb. ' P tholic and Orthodox theologians St. Igna~iu~ Church will put up J. T. O'Connell, V. G., Proth. Ap, they will be raised to the Cardina­ are well preserved in book form in Abbey. the United States, of statements our offices. The early papers were ,and prelates to consider the ques­ ascribed to her during her stay in a new bUIldmg to cost approxi­ Toledo, 0.; Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. S. late. They departed for Rome Abbot Obrecht has a nation­ mately $400,000. St. Philomena Mesker, Connersville, Ind.; and Rev. yesterday morning, and are ex­ 12% by 9% inches, and the pages wide circle of friends, both among tion of a union between the Catholic America, impuging the ' patriotism carried but three columns. While the clergy and laity, as well as a and the Orthodox churches were of Catholics. The statements, in will add to its present church with Msgr. B. Moeller, chancellor. A pected to arrive this aftrenoon. an edifice to cost $200,000. The splendid choir of men, directed by The Archbishops reached Cher­ there is some local history in the old personal acquaintance with many made at a meeting held in OImutz letters of Major Archibald Butt files, the reading matter largely con­ during the past week. The Congress military aid to President Roosevelt' present St. Philomena will be re­ Prof. Leo Thuis, rendered the mu­ bourg Friday evening. Although of the princes of the Church, mem­ modeled and be made a part of the sic of the Mass most impressively. the voyage from America was cerned the Old W orId, in which the bers of the foreign hierarchy and is to be held in Velehrad July 31 to were published in various news~ Catholic population of this country nota.ble persons in Europe; and it August 3, 1924. It was said at the papers in the United States. When newer building. St. Catherine The funeral.sermon was delivered rough, they were not sick. Due by Rev. Louis A. Tieman, an intimate to the heavy sea, it was impossible then mostly immigrants, was vitally is quite certain that the triple ju­ Olmutz meeting that the pope plans shown by the national Catholic Wel­ ~t. Cecelia and St. Clement par: to send a special representative to Ishes have approved plans for new freihd of the departed pastor, and to celebrate Sunday Mass on ship­ interested. bilee will 'bring to Gethsemani the fare Conference correspondent the A number of years ago, the paper presence of many, and the wired the congress; and assurances have quotations from Major Butt's letterl schools to cost respectively $130- was an affectionate priestly tribute. board, but Rosary service was held Some expressions by Father Tie­ instead in the Palm Court of the had its own composing room, but, in and written felicitations of numer­ been received that many of the dis­ in which her supposed conversation 000 and $100,000 each. : tinguished prelates and scientists The new preparatory seminary man, that will long be remembered Berengaria. recent years, THE CATHOLIC ous others. appears, Viscountess Bryce said: TELEGRAPH has had neither Among those who have already of the Catholic and Orthodox bod­ "This report is inaccurate. I cer­ to. replace the present St. Mary by the vast concourse of people Owing to the hasty departure DIocesan Seminary in use for present, were: "Father Runnebaum of the two Cardinals-Designate shop nor press; and the acquisition signified their intention of assist­ ies in Czecho-Slovakia will attend. tainly did not impugn the loyalty was a real 'Nathaniel', without de­ of the great printing department by ing at the notable ceremonies are Agenda Drawn Up for Congress of Roman Catholics in America; many years, will cost, it is expect­ from New York, the French clergy The preliminary meeting at 01- ed, at least $500,000. ceit or guile. His friendship knew were not notified of their coming the company is a notable step in Cardinal Dougherty, of Philadel­ and I shall be much obliged if you progressive development. phia, who will pontificate at the mutz was held under the auspices will have the same publicity given no intrigue or cunning; he was a in time to arrange a fitting recep­ simple, humble priest of God 'with­ tion; consequently there was no This newspaper is now issued solemn jubilee Mass; Bishop of Archbishop Precan. Previously to this denial as has been given to from one of the largest and best Chartrand, of Indianapolis, who questionnaires had been sent out to the report itself." out fear and without reproach'. His formal welcome at the landing. PASSION PLAYERS forty-one years in the ministry were Though tired, the Archbishops, im­ furnished printing plants of its will preach the sermon; Bishop a number of prominent ecclesiastics, Viscountess Bryce critized Pres­ marked by strict devotion to duty. mediately took the train for Paris. kind in the State; and the printing Floersh, of Louisville, many mon­ asking for suggestions as to sub­ ident Roosevelt, according to the of this paper is but one of many signori and hundreds of clerical jects to be considered and methods He knew no idle days; he was al­ In the French capital the pre­ text of the Butt letters, in conver­ Visit White House. Reception ways on duty. With his devotion to jobs, that will be turned out each and lay friends of the genial ab­ of procedure. Among those from lates paid visits Saturday morning whom answers to the questionnaires sation with him and others at the Marred By Misunderstapding duty, he united a gentle~ess, like week by The Telegraph Press, which bot and his noted abbey. white house, for his public letter to the Papal Nuncio and in the is completely equipped for all kinds had been received are the Greek­ the gentleness of his patron, St. afternoon to Cardinal Dubois, re­ urging religious tolerance, pub­ of Diplomatic Custom. Francis de Sales, and in every pa­ of printing, binding and ruling, with Ruthenian Archbishop Szeptycki, of lished a few days before. rish that was blessed by having him turning later to the residence of publications ana catalogues our Lwow; Father D'Herbigny, Presi­ the Nuncio, where they had long specialty. Three of the most modern CONSISTORY dent of the Oriental Institute in "I do not object tQ. your advocacy President Collidge's Courteous as assistant or as pastor, he won and cordial conference with Arch­ of a Jew for president," Viscoun­ all hearts to himself.
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