Kunatite, CuFe (PO) (OR) °4R 0, a new 2 4 2 2 2 member ofthe whitmoreite group, from Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia. Stuart J. Mills Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Be, Canada, V6T 1Z4 email: [email protected] Uwe Kolitsch Mineralogisch-Petrographische Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Museum, Burgring 7, A-10lO, Wien, Austria William D. Birch Department of Geosciences, Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia Jifi Sejkora Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, National Museum, Vaclavske nam. 68, CZ-1l5 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic ABSTRACT Kunatite, CuFe2(P04)2(OH)2'4HP, (IMA 2007--(57), is a newly defined mineral from a quarry in Late Devonian granite near Lake Boga, northern Victoria, Australia. The mineral occurs as acicular to lath-like microcrystals forming compact to slightly open spheres, hemispheres and flattened sprays up to about 0.25 mm across, with individual fibrous crystals up to 30 flm long and 5 flm thick. Kunatite is associated only with chalcosiderite-turquoise. The crystals are yellow-green with a pale yellow streak and are transparent; the lustre of the aggregates is silky and the estimated Mohs hardness is 3. Kunatite is monoclinic, P2/c, with a = 9.863(10), b = 9.661(6), c = 5.476(6) A, ~ = 92.45(3)°, V = 521.3(3) A3 and Z = 2. The calculated density, based on the empirical formula, is 3.063 3 • = ~ = = = g/cm Crystals are biaxial (-), with a 1.703(3), 1.742(4) and y 1.762(3), and 2Vca1c 70°. Orientation: Z-c, with straight extinction and slight pleochroism: X = very pale yellow (almost colourless), Y = pale yellowish, Z = yellowish. The strongest five powder-diffraction lines [d in A, (I/Io)' (hkl)] are: 9.849, (100), (100); 4.386, (90), (210); 6.892, (80), (110); 4.924, (80), (200); 2.697, (60), (320,002,230). Kunatite is a new member of the whitmoreite group and the phosphate-dominant analogue of arthurite. The name is derived from the Australian aboriginal words kunat kunat, meaning cotton weed (sp. Actinobole uliginosum). Kunatite also occurs at the Huber open pit, near Krasno in the Czech Republic. Raman spectra ofboth type and Czech kunatite and infrared spectra ofthe Czech kunatite are also presented. INTRODUCTION Kunatiteis anewsecondaryphosphatemineralbelongingto thewhitmoreite group.ItoccursintheLateDevonianLake Boga Granite in north-western Victoria, Australia (Mills et al., 2008a) amongst a diverse assemblage of secondary copper/ uranium phosphate minerals (Henry and Birch, 1988), including the three othernew speciesulrichite (Birch et aI., 1988; Kolitsch and Giester, 2001), bleasdaleite (Birch et al., 1999) and lakebogaite (Mills et aI., 2008b), as well as Tresco several other very rare phosphates including meurigite­ (Na) (Kampf et al., 2007), metanatroautunite (Mills, 2004) VICTORIA and a new polymorph of sampleite (Giester et aI., 2007). Mostofthesecondaryphosphatesoccurasmillimetre-sized crystals in miarolitic cavities and on joint planes in the granite exposed in a large quarry 10 km south-south-west of Lake Boga township (35° 33'8" S, 143° 38' E) (Figure 1). Thesecondaryphosphatesowetheirorigintocrystallisation from circulating groundwaters charged with P, U and Granite Cu that were derived from oxidation reactions affecting Quarry !2::r I .. primaryapatite-(CaF) (formerlyfluorapatite; Burke, 2008), I 2km uraninite and chalcopyrite in the uppermost levels of the exposed granite (Mills et al., 2008a). Figure 1: Map Australian Journal ofMineralogy Vol 14, No 1, June 2008 3 As well as kunatite, the whitmoreite group contains (Sejkora et aI., 2006). At this open pit, the apical quartz anothertwo phosphates (whitmoreiteandearlshannonite), and greisen part of a cupola of autometamorphosed whilst the related arsenates of the isotypic arthurite group Li-mica-topaz granite was mined for Sn and W ores. are arthurite, cobaltarthurite and ojuelaite. Several other Here, kunatite is associated with apatite-(CaF), isokite, inadequately described minerals which are likely to be triplite, chalcosiderite-turquoise, leucophosphite, members of these groups were reported by Sejkora et pharmacosiderite,whitmoreite,earlshannonite, kolbeckite, al. (2006). All of the minerals are rare, with arthurite the and several unknown minerals, including the F-analogue most common. The phosphate members occur mainly as of perhamite and Zn-Fe3+and Fe2+-Al dominant members late-stage minerals in granite pegmatites and greisens, of the whitmoreite group (see also below). whereas the arsenates are found mainly in oxidised zones above ore deposits. APPEARANCE AND PROPERTIES Kunatite was named for the rural district of Kunat around Kunatite from Lake Boga occurs as acicular to lath-like the town of Lake Boga. The mineral data and name were microcrystals thatare radiallyintergrownto form compact approved by the IMA Commission of New Minerals, to slightly openspheres, hemispheres andflattened sprays Nomenclature andClassification(CNMNC) inMarch2008 up to about 0.25 mm across (Figures 2 and 3). Individual prior to publication (IMA 2007-057). The name is derived fibrous crystals are up to 30 !--lm long and 5 !--lm thick. The from theAustralianaboriginalwordskunat kunat, meaning small size ofthe crystals and their indistinctoutlines made 'cottonweed' (inthis case thespeciesActinobole uligino5um, identificationofforms difficult. However, by analogy with which grows in the region). Type material is deposited in other minerals of the whitmoreite group, the crystals are the collection of Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia probably flattened on (100), so that prisms belonging to (M40728 and M43772). the [001] zone are likely to be present, as well as {100). The crystals are yellow-green with a pale yellow streak and are transparent; the lustre of the aggregates is silky. The OCCURRENCE Mohs hardness could not be measured but is estimated to be about 3, based on other members of the whitmoreite The new mineral was first found about 1990 by mineral group. As observed under the petrographic microscope, collector John Carey, who donated several specimens kunatite crystals are brittle with an irregular fracture; to Museum Victoria. At the time, the small amount of there is possibly one cleavage direction parallel to [001]. material hindered complete description of the mineral, The density could not be measured due to the small size even though it was recognised quite early as being an of the crystals, but was calculated to be 3.063 g/cm3 from analogue ofarthurite. Kunatiteoccursononly aboutseven the unit cell and empirical formula. or eight small (3 cm or less across) pieces ofgranite matrix, which may be the contents of a single miarolitic cavity. Kunatite crystals are biaxial (-), with a = 1.703(3), ~ = The only supergene mineral associated with kunatite is 1.742(4) and 'Y = 1.762(3), measured using white light; chalcosiderite-turquoise, which forms tiny blue-green 2V could not be measured but was calculated to be 70°. globules. Thin bladed crystals of manganoan ferberite Orientation: Z-c, with straight extinction within error occur on several of the specimens, but this is regarded as limits; optical orientation (+) (crystals are length slow). In an accidental association. The matrix minerals are smoky transmitted light crystals show slight pleochroism, from X quartz, white albite, cream orthoclase and muscovite. = very pale yellow (almost colourless), Y = pale yellowish, Z = yellowish. Dispersionis weak, characterunknown, and Kunatite has also been found in supergene altered there are slightly anomalous bluish interference colours. phosphate accumulations in the abandoned Huber open Absorption: Z>Y>X. The Gladstone-Dale compatibility pit, near Krasno (50° 06' N, 12° 48' E) in the Czech Republic index is 0.046, categorised as good. Table 1: Chemical composition of kunatite from Lake Boga. Constituent wt.% Range Ideal** Probe Standard CuO 16.08 14.66-17.29 16.88 copper ZnO 0.03 0-0.06 zinc CaO 0.05 0-0.13 wollastonite Fe20 3 27.56 26.62-29.05 33.88 hematite Al20 3 0.56 0.38-0.76 corundum P20S 22.96 22.12-25.42 30.12 apatite-(CaF) As20, 5.14 4.59-5.68 arsenopyrite HO' . 2 (calc.) 16.61 19.12 Total 88.99 100.00 *H20(calc) content calculated on the basis of the ideal "whitmoreite"-type formula (H20 = 4) and charge balance. ** Theoretical composition calculated from the ideal formula CuFe3+2(P04)2(OH)2·4Hp 4 Australian Journal ofMineralogy Vol 14, No 1, June 2008 Figure 2: Radiating aggregates of yellow-green kunatite crystals on quartz from Lake Boga, Victoria. Museum Victoria specimen (M43772). Photograph by Lucy Gibson and Bill Birch. Field of view about 3 mm. At the Huber open pit, kunatite was found in cavities expected from the stoichiometry of other members of the of strongly altered original triplite accumulations in whitmoreitegroup. Thisphenomenonhasbeen reportedby several morphological types (Sejkora et al. 2006). It forms other authors for membersofthe whitmoreite andarthurite abundantbrightyellow-green radiatingto semi-spheroidal groups (Raudsepp and Pani, 2002). Raman spectroscopy aggregates up to 1 mm (K1 type; Figure 4) composed of (see below) showed no carbonate bands, so no CO, would brittlevery thin tabularcrystals to 0.5 mmlong and yellow­ be expected in the analyses. - green, well-formed elongate tabular to flattened acicular crystals up to 0.2 mm in length (K2 type; Figures 5 and To overcome this problem, the empirica1formula has been 6), or light yellowish green, six-sided tabular aggregates calculated on the basis of the stoichiometric whitmoreite up to 0.3 mm composed or fibre-like tabular crystals (K3 formula with 14 anions (setting 4 HoO) and taking into type; Figure 7). account the contents of non-essential elements. This yields the formula: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Chemical analyses (7) of Lake Boga kunatite were carried Density and Gladstone-Dale factors were calculated out by means of an electron microprobe (CAMECA SX50, using this empirical formula. The simplified formula is WDS mode, 15 kY, 25 nA, 5 [lin beam diameter) at the CuFe)+/PO)2(OH)2·4Hp, which requires CuO16.88, Fep, University of Melbourne.
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