LOWER COLUMBIA SALMON RECOVERY & SUBBASIN PLAN December 2004 10 References This section includes a comprehensive list of references including those cited in Volume I of the Lower Columbia Salmon Recovery and Fish and Wildlife Subbasin Plan and Technical Appendix A. Abbe, T.B. and D.R. Montgomery. 1996. Large woody debris jams, channel hydraulics and habitat formation in large rivers. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 12:201- 221. Adams, T.N. and K. Sullivan. 1989. The physics of forest stream heating: A simple model. Weyerhaeuser Technical Report. 044-5002/89/1. Technology Center, Tacoma, Washington. Aitkin, J.K. 1998. The importance of estuarine habitats to anadromous salmonids of the Pacific Northwest: a literature review. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Lacey, WA. 25p. Alderdice, D.F., and F.P.J. Velsen. 1978 Relation between temperature and incubation time for eggs of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). 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