FKiUKE FEARS S.'S. American Legion at a ^ ' Nov. lA—(AP)—A BfWlpap^: oorrsipoMdent aought to m HITLER MOVES money today on his report of the aettvitiee o f the Antvulean. TO POT IN ACTION delegation to the Pan-Anwrlcan MEANTROIM conference. He referred to Secretary of Bta^e HuU In a wlrdesa’ BIG RELIEF PLAN to its newqiaper as “ S.OjB.” F ord p ffinster Dedares But the message nevw got FaGtical Leaders .Wonjer sMore. -^nentoBs on‘> ewer Alps, hearing the dlstieas mdl Why CeafereBce WiS Q u c d o r ’s Acts lett rs, kept interrupting to ask To Hare F o v M ffioi Meg the AmeHoan Legion's p nttton. URDAHIOBIED lin OiM a ‘Hence to ■ O f Relief Refls B e iv m EnrepeaB Stalnfiy” May Be Aheat New Terk Hmrsdaj , aaS WAOe*. SAYS ISCOVERY A a Paris, N ot. 14.— (A P )—^Frmch Washington, Nov. 14;—(AP) Fmt Lm lef Adsplty Tdlt cemba* Wheg Other Pro­ fears of Chancenor Hitler's danger IS LAW OF PEOPLE Pramdent. RoosevM and Alfred B. to peace were openly acknowledged &nith meet today at the White Go u b o k of (3uuige m jects Wffl Be Ready AO House for the avowed purpose of by Joseph Paol-Bonconr, minister o f .y foreign affairs. In the Chamber of Geaaal Dedfies r \ having a social .diat. Naval Program. Over the Natioo. Deputies today. He declared Qer- But the poUtieally-minded never­ Tw>n “ eacaltation'' w u “fraught w itt theless hdd' the meeting was more advmiturous posslbQRles.” NRA Is M os^ CweaiM i tegnlflcaat than that They took Washington, Nov. 14— (A P ) — that position despite agreement by London, Nov. 18 — (A P ) — The “ It Is perhaps," he said, “ a On learning that at least half ths menace to ESuropean stability.” White House ofRciats and Smith British Admiralty today announced Paul-Boncour implied that a face- WA ‘Utde Feflew.” thut they were wrong. revision of its 1983 naval program governors of the states will be on i ' » to-face tjtllr between France and '' reasons, said' the doubters, to Include twp new type 9,000-ton hand with many majrors and relief Ctermany had been refused by de­ wefe numerous. wprkers tar tomNidw’a conferoioe LoottvO n^Nov. 14—(AP) — cruisers w lte tti^ireased armaments claring: “No accord or alliance can .jenrwt and newest was the feet on the new “ Civil Works" set-up. be made except within the frame­ Gen. H u g h J e d u a e n , Natiianid New Torit—the nation’s wqttestdtii: e :hy vlrfiie, of iia S.to 1 vote agair st ^ 4 Prohibition Amendment—4* and cos cruiser of the 6,200-ton in IsButeg: Itouw JlcensM- Hefe’a a group of eagw. ayj4cahts Ifirihg up for pernoite t^tJMither the residPresident en t nor sSmith ^ t h Arethuaa class. President Roosevelt made arrange­ work of the Lesigue o f Nations.” T oyer v ‘^DdST'^tlimd^^ doing a wishing business ments today for a personal pres­ Referring to the German elections at New York Cfity’s Beverage Ooatror offices. ‘ - >> - • ^ the recCTt New Sir Bolton Meredith Byres Mon- toward waghtcyton and tb6 pro- 4 "SSorii Q ty mayoral election in which sel. First Lord of the Admiralty, entation of the plan to the meeting. Sunday, which expressed German ,Jdbn P. O’Brien, Tammany Demo­ From public works funds, 8400,- confidence in their governmental blems awaiting settlement there made a statement of this decision of after iteelarlng t^.Recovery Act is crat, was roundly defeated. the Admiralty in the House of Com­ 000,000 has been allotted to carry policy by an overwhelming vote, he Backed McKee mons. until February 1, on the theory that said: “ the people's law” and is most con­ He said the decision was made by that time much unemidosrmenE “ Hitler’s victory Sunday will ac­ cerned with “ths Uttle fellow” In A t the same time, it was recalled, NOTH) DOCTOR FINDS James A. Farley, President Roose­ after reviewing the latest cruiser slack will have been taken up by tea celerate the demands. Despite re­ the final-addrem eMila tour of the programs of other eountrles and getting imder way of projects for Miasiasipjti basin. velt’s good friend and post-master peated assurance of peace and re­ general, backed Joseph V. McKee, “following the most anxious consid­ which public works money already gardless of the government’s will, SpeaUng before more thdn 10,000 ,S lL F Recovery candidate who lost to eration and with much regret.” has befe granted. the imderlying principles of the persons sad interrupted several London Naval Fact. President Roosevelt’s expressed movemmit create risks which the times ai^ilause, Johnson in his Fiprello LaGuardia, Fusionist but $ ran ahead of O’Brien. Eyres MonasU emphasiasd that aim it to get 4,000,000 men jobs on neighbors dare not disregard.” speech last night denied that N R A a self-sustaining basis between Some held the Rooeevelt-Smlth the United Stktes and Japan, under Significant Oestore “ has coisored the radio’’ and said Gennan SpecMist Who;Qp' the terms of the London Naval Tbursday, when the latest plan i f It was Kgarded as significant tho public is not being misled “ by meeting might develop talk about a scheduled to begin operation, and Dr. S. J. Maher Desdrftea reorgamzation of the New Toik Treaty, were entitled to build- the that Panl^oncour carried to the the tpm-tom beat^ of powerful ships which those two countries mid-December. people whose own ptoposes me City Democratic lineup. rostrum documents enclosed in the . erated o& Mrs. Gen^Hni- contemplated but that, nevertheless, Harry H. Hopkins, relief adminis­ red,*whlte and blue of the French crossed’’ by statutes such as the Method of Changing Dead- Others At Conference trator, said today funds to carry tbs NRA. Smith, John J. Raskob and Dr. it would be the policy of the British flag. AFTER CAR CRASK government, by agreement, to ren plan beyond February are not avail­ The for^gn said France 4 Minion Back ney Figord ED Tragedy. Raymond Miller at New York, were able. - Jobaaea said Amsrieaa Fsdsm- strict the v e s s ^ at larger sixes as did not demand an investigation un­ Germs Ho Hamdess invited to the capital to attend a The governors and relief worksril tlon o f Labor figures show tkat^'4,- much as possiMe. der Article 21S of the Versailles dinner of Catholic University trus­ He edso said it ^ u ld be the will meet tomorrow with Hopkina, 000,000 men bave retuijaed to wMk Treaty of aUeged German rearming licteria. Y o w f Ctejde D Aalo Stnidi Beriln, Nov. 14.—(A P)—Profes­ tees. .Raskob the wiseacres remem­ British policy to reduce tee nuud- who has been named as director o f since Om recovery adiafBtstntlcitt bered, was Smith’s presidential mum size cruisers to be constructed the civil works administration to because it would run the risk of hav­ tioos. 'Z^ IfBJi, he sor Arthur Wold'M^er, 48, chief ing to enforce the provislona of ttie campaign managet in 1988 and a in the future by sgreenm it handle the emergency program. “ pezhaps Mars luiavtsr surgeon ,of tee West Ebid hMpital, man who lost bis post ss Demooratie The relief administration esti­ article akme, thereby implying Iso- jWiBten, OoBBn 'Nov. 14.— (X P )~ ^ Each has R i^ He stated tea|^ rvvlsioB of the killed Ids wife and himself today. National com m it^ Malrman abegut 1933 pregrram of 80.7X1 cqfetruotion mates that there are 4.24 persons latlow ( fh artlansd m Page San) T^tpcom lee of a “ i^ecifle cure” fo r He deelised flatly against any ar­ ^ He wssi. ope of ths best known the time F^ranklln D. Roosevelt wtei woidd not iacreMe cost but, on in each family and that the ino- was.Wd forth todag^by surgeons in Germany and its, 1929 his piarty’B nomination for the presi­ the contrary, would result in a xnediate effect of their plan, if it rangement outside the League and succeeds, will be to put 8,000,000 to said ambafisadors could negotiate Pp. Stephen J. lusher, intetsstiOBal wmt to Italy to peHorin thf suc­ dency. — amail,feduction at tee sapense. cessful operatem on H rA Ctefe Bi the backg^bni^- o f the meet- Sto Bteton prsf i mfi his a»- a position tq get off the relief rolls* the resiK would be std>- on thr^dlseiwo' awl'-iPFfai The toan now calls for the men to a^ied to the. World War allies and Iterty.' Nov. > A — (^ i — key, wifmsf tee ferinw' t r by recalling teat tee Eli .1^ u a nUHeagoea « 8 yiiw g Shelb^ 'obii^ diedApdgy E .m ~ (ROtga f b P x py^priudnfl -one'^eruiser woric ^•nSBfgra vroek at'provateng- . RSssen fer ths defeiS. dhsk ^wagis Of terir-oommuntty. hButemoeA te'^a mest-: was not immedistely agfedned, mid teTM -of te a ;^ «te a m i ctoas of _^ jaO.SQlltoU arasw m - GERMANT'S A'lTf^UlNt ^ fe d crbaBqg mtetdsBt to teeir About , 8100,000,000 a month untfi Beriln, Nov. (AP)—Goteany teg 'of called ^hy . t)ie . It took plaes at teo vMsym' ^reai- 6,400 j tozu4^ each fdrmed With eight Oramecticut *lSff>6rcuiosl8 ^bramShr >)teme tity on tee Ne4r Y^ork, New and guns ifefe:tlviBiy, Febtuary .will M ’ used along wite was b^eved today to be looking ex­ l ^ v e n and Hartford reflfodd.'' dence in CSuoiottenburg, ths sur­ ffeleral and stato relief funds for pectantly for a friendly gesture Shm of which he is chairman, that geon uring a' aportiqg rifle.
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