Colby Free Press Monday, January 12, 2009 Page 5 Ag meeting to cover research LOCAL TV LISTINGS MANHATTAN — The most Scott Staggenborg. • “Information Transfer , Mo- current information on research, The conference begins with reg- bile to Station,” Bobby Hardin, sponsored by the equipment, economics and more istration at 8 a.m. on Jan. 22, with Texas A&M University. will be part of the Kansas Ag the program starting at 8:45 a.m. • “GIS on the Cheap: Spatial USA FREE PRESS JANUARY 13 - JANUARY 19 02KSCOLBY.DAT Technology Conference sched- Presentation topics and speak- Tools to Process and Integrate uled for Thursday and Friday, Jan. ers will include: Yield Data with Zonal Manage- 22 and 23, at the Holiday Inn in • “Our Current State of the Art,” ment,” Pat Coyne, K-State. WEEKDAYS JANUARY 13 - JANUARY 19 Salina. Ted Macy, MapShots, Data Man- Vendors will give presentations The conference, sponsored by agement. during the breaks to allow pro- USA FREE6 PRESSAM 6:30JANUARY7 AM 7:3013 - JANUARY8 AM 8:30 19 02KSCOLBY.DAT9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 Kansas State University Research • “Real Time Nitrogen Soil Sen- ducers to learn about some of the KLBY/ABC Good Morning Good Morning America The Martha Stewart The View Million- News and Extension and the Kansas Ag- sor, Randy Price, K-State. newest equipment. H h Kansas Show aire ricultural Research Association, • “Variable Rate Fertilizer Eco- The conference will end with KSNK/NBCWEEKDAYSNews Cont’d Today JANUARY 13Live - WithJANUARY Regis Today 19 will feature presentations on pre- nomics, Terry Kastens, K-State. lunch at 11:35 on Jan. 23, fol- L j and Kelly KBSL/CBS News Cont’d The Early Show The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Young and the cision agriculture, plus commer- • “On-Farm Research, Jim Le- lowed by the associations’ annual 1< NX 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11RestlessAM 11:30 cial exhibits and time for informal verich, University of Wisconsin. meeting. Presentations by farmers K15CG Lions Maya & Curious Sid the Super Clifford- Dragon Caillou Sesame Street Martha Word- KLBY/ABCd Good MorningMiguel GoodGeorge MorningScience AmericaWhy! Red TheTales Martha Stewart The View Million-Speaks NewsWorld discussion with vendors, research- • “GIS + Applications: A Ho- about research conducted on their H h Kansas Show aire ESPN Sports- Varied SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ers and farmers familiar with the listic Approach” Walter Mayer, farms will follow the meeting. KSNK/NBCO_ NewsCenter Cont’d Today Live With Regis Today L j and Kelly technology. ProGIS. Registration is $125. Regis- USA Monk Varied JAG Walker, Texas Walker, Texas Movie Varied Programs KBSL/CBSP^ News Cont’d The Early Show Ranger TheRanger 700 Club The Price Is Right The Young and the “This is an applied workshop • “Remote Sensing in Today’s traton, the conference program 1< NX Restless TBS Saved Saved Saved Saved Fresh Fresh Movie Home Home for farmers, consultants, industry, Agriculture,” Lanny Faleide, Agri and association membership is K15CGP_ Lionsby Bell Mayaby Bell & Curiousby Bell Sidby Bellthe SuperPrince Clifford-Prince Dragon Caillou Sesame Street MarthaImprove. Word-Improve. d Miguel George Science Why! Red Tales Speaks World researchers and others who are us- ImaGis Technologies. available on the Web site www. WGN Chang- Believer Hillbil- Hillbil- Be- Dream- Matlock In the Heat of the Nash Bridges ESPNPa Sports-ing VariedVoice SportsCenterlies lies SportsCenterwitched Jeannie SportsCenter SportsCenterNight SportsCenter ing or considering using precision • “Sensor-based Nitrogen Man- KsAgResearch.com or by calling O_ Center agricultural concepts in their busi- agement,” Dave Mengel, K-State. Staggenborg at (785) 532-7214 or TNT Angel Charmed Charmed ER Las Vegas Las Vegas USAQW Monk Varied JAG Walker, Texas Walker, Texas Movie Varied Programs P^ Ranger Ranger ness or farming operation,” said • “Sprayer Technology Update, Lee Scheufler at (620) 257-2508. DSC Paid James Paid Paid How It’s How It’s Cash Cash Overhaulin’ The New K-State Extension agronomist Bob Wolf, K-State. TBSQY SavedProgram SavedRobison SavedProgram SavedProgram FreshMade FreshMade MovieCab Cab HomeDetectivesHome P_ by Bell by Bell by Bell by Bell Prince Prince Improve. Improve. A&E Third Watch Varied Programs WGNQ^ Chang- Believer Hillbil- Hillbil- Be- Dream- Matlock In the Heat of the Nash Bridges Pa ing Voice lies lies witched Jeannie Night HIST Varied Programs TNTQ_ Angel Charmed Charmed ER Las Vegas Las Vegas Blizzard warnings across north QW NICK Barn- Spon- Spon- Max & Backyar- Go Wonder Dora the Ni Hao, Yo Dora the Go DSCRl Paidyard JamesgeBob PaidgeBob PaidRuby Howdigans It’s HowDiego It’s CashPets CashExplorer Overhaulin’Kai-lan Gabba TheExplorer New Diego QY Program Robison Program Program Made Made Cab Cab Detectives DISN Handy Mickey Ein- Tigger & Mickey Handy Imag. Ein- Charlie The Movie A&E Third Watch Varied Programs while Midwest, Northeast dig out Q^R] Manny Mouse steins Pooh Mouse Manny Movers steins & Lola Wiggles FAM Sister, Sister, Sabrina- Sabrina- 700 Club Special Programming Gilmore Girls Full Full HIST Varied Programs Q_R_ Sister Sister Witch Witch House House COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — In New Hampshire, three buses ski resorts, which called it a stim- HALL Paid Paid I Love I Love The Waltons Little House on the Little House on the Touched by an NICKSW Barn-Program Spon-Program Spon-Lucy MaxLucy & Backyar- Go WonderPrairie Dora the NiPrairie Hao, Yo DoraAngel the Go Blizzard warnings were posted and two tractor-trailer rigs were ulus package for their industry. Rl yard geBob geBob Ruby digans Diego Pets Explorer Kai-lan Gabba Explorer Diego across the Northern Plains early among 59 vehicles that crashed “We’ve been in business for 47 SUNDAYDISN Handy Mickey Ein- Tigger & Mickey Handy Imag. Ein- CharlieJANUARYThe Movie 18 today as a bitterly cold wallop of on snowy Interstate 93, sending a years and — this is what I can’t R] Manny Mouse steins Pooh Mouse Manny Movers steins & Lola Wiggles cwb0006-1 FAM Sister, Sister, Sabrina- Sabrina- 700 Club Special Programming Gilmore Girls Full Full snow threatened the region, while dozen people to hospitals Sunday believe — yesterday was by far R_ Sister6 PM Sister6:30 Witch7 PM Witch7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 House11 PM House11:30 residents of the Midwest and morning and temporarily shutting the best gross sales day we’ve KLBY/ABCHALL PaidAmerica’s PaidFunniest IExtreme Love Makeover:I Love TheDesperate Waltons LittleBrothers House & Sisters on the LittleNews House (N) KAKE on the TouchedLawyer byPaid an SW ProgramHome VideosProgram (CC) LucyHome EditionLucy (CC) Housewives (CC) Prairie(N) (CC) Prairie(CC) Sports Angelon Line Program Northeast dug out after their own down a stretch of the highway’s ever had,” said George Shaffer, H h tussles with weekend storms. northbound lanes. area manager of the Alpine Val- KSNK/NBC Saturday Night Live Presidential Bash Saturday Night Live Film Festival (N) News (N) Monk Mr. Monk The Arctic air was to dip down from None of the injuries were life ley ski resort east of Cleveland in L j 2008 Political satire sketches. (CC) (CC) Meets the Godfather Insider cwb0006-1 KBSL/CBS (5:30) NFL Football: AFC Championship -- Teams TBA. (Live) The Unit Sacrifice News (N) News (N) Catch it Whacke- Canada and spread snow into threatening, but it took emergency Geauga County, where 11 inches 1< NX (CC) (CC) (CC) Kansas d Out Montana, the Dakotas and Min- crews about an hour to remove one of snow fell. WEEKDAYSK15CG Germans in Nature Arctic Bears MasterpieceJANUARY Classic Ready 13Rare - JANUARYMystery! An unexploded 19 bomb nesota before marching into the man from a car wedged under the A transportation department d America (CC) (DVS) (CC) (DVS) Wuthering Heights (Part 1 of 2) Digital Visions is found at a busy shipyard. ESPN 2008 World Series 2008 World Series of Poker Las Vegas. Sports- NFL SportsCenter (Live) (CC) NFL Midwest, South and Northeast by back of a tractor trailer, Derry Fire worker in Delaware suffered a O_ of12 PokerPM Las12:30 Vegas. 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 Center3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 the end of the week. Battalion Chief Jack Webb said. broken leg Sunday when an SUV KLBY/ABCUSA HouseAll My HistoriesChildren HouseOne Life Sports to Live HouseGeneral Detox Hospital (CC) HouseRachael Cursed Ray (CC) PsychNews LassieAccess Did a Movie:News OpenABC Range Wld Parts of the Midwest and North- A car that slid on ice caused a plowed through a section of high- HP^h (CC) Medicine (CC) Bad Bad ThingH’wood (CC) TTT (2003)News (CC) KSNK/NBCWEEKDAYSTBS (5:00)News Movie: Movie:Days of Ocean’s our Lives ElevenThe TTT Ellen (2001,JANUARYMovie:The Doctors Ocean’s Eleven13Jeop- TTT- JANUARY (2001)Deal A orsuaveNews ex-con Movie:NBC19 east were already trying to handle 13-car pileup Sunday afternoon way near Wilmington that had LP_j Austin Powers Comedy-Drama) GeorgeDeGeneres Clooney. (CC)Show assembles a team to robardy! a casino Novault. Deal (CC) RatNews Race up to a foot of snow that caused near Greenwich, Conn., sending been closed because of ice. KBSL/CBSWGN WKRPNews in WKRPBold, in NewhartAs the WorldNewhart Turns Honey-Guiding LightHoney- WGNDr. Phil Instant Be-Oprah WinfreyBe- Dream-News Dream-Evening two large vehicle pileups — a two people to the hospital and The National Weather Service 1<PaNX 12Cin. PM Cin.Beautiful12:30 (CC)1 PM (CC)1:30 mooners2 PM mooners2:30 News3 PM Replay3:30 witched4 PM witched4:30 Jeannie5 PM JeannieNews5:30 59-vehicle crash in New Hamp- closing northbound Interstate 95 reported 8 inches of snow at Bliss- K15CGTNT (5:00)Reading Movie:Barney- Movie:Varied LastPrograms Holiday TTZ (2006) LionsA Movie:Arthur LastWordGirl Holiday TTZFetch! (2006) Cyber-A Movie:Maya & TheBusi- Perfect KLBY/ABCQW AllFailure My Children to Launch Oneterminally Life to ill Livewoman livesGeneral it up on Hospital vacation.
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