The Library WEEK-END WEATHER „ Friday: Mostly cloudy and H. F. Ward Speaks continued mild. Possibly rain. Saturday: Slowly clearing and somewhat colder. Sunday: P rob­ Tonight at 8 P. M. ably generally fair and contin­ ued moderately cold. ‘A Live College Newspaper’ Volume 25. Issue 17. University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, February 15, 1935. Price, Five Cents. Pinafore Presented U. N. H. Announces Blue Key Chooses Wed. and Thurs* to Commencement Committees New Program for Capacity Audiences Chosen at Senior Class Shindig Teacher-Training Fourteen Pledges Credit Due Mrs. White and Greater Development of Prof. Manton for Fine Seniors Approve Members Now is the Time Teacher Abilities from Class of ’36 Presentation at Meeting Held Provided Wednesday For All Good Greeks Dr. A. M. Stowe Stresses Watchman Says He Initiation of New Men to McNally, ’35, and Furnans, A Senior Shindig, the purpose of AN EDITORIAL Need of Departmental Didn’t Play “Mean be Held at Banquet ’37, Do Well in Major which was to obtain class approval It is time that all loyal Greeks lifted their heads above of the committees chosen for com­ Cooperation Spring Term Parts mencement exercises, was held at the the warm sands of lethargy to face, frankly and honestly, Trick” on Potatoes the very serious problems which confront our local fra­ Commons Trophy room last Wednes­ Recognizing the demand made by President Ansara Points day evening. One hundred and fifty ternities. by Roy Lovely secondary schools for teachers having When questioned Tuesday evening, seniors attended the meeting. A strong surge of anti-fraternity feeling has been in not only an appreciative understand­ to Achievements for A program which included acts by Iver Magoon, for thirty-six years a Capacity audiences greeted the per­ ing of adolescents and of their educa­ Past Year members of the senior class was pre­ evidence throughout the country for some time. In many valued watchman at this University, formances last Wednesday and Thurs­ tional needs but an intelligent_ com­ sented. In the program was a tap places it has resulted in abolishment of fraternal societies. denied that he has been turning off day of the Gilbert and Sullivan light prehension of educationally signifi­ dancing exhibition by Ed Healy, the light in Nesmith cellar every Fourteen juniors have been pledged opera “ H. M. S. Pinafore.” The long THIS MOVEMENT IS GROWING. It has many sym­ cant aspeets of a democratic society, feats of magic by Don Smith, piano night as he went on his rounds of to Blue Key, senior honorary soci­ weeks of arduous labor on the part of pathizers in Durham, though, as yet, their sentiments have the University of New Hampshire an­ University buildings. the cast, and of exhortation by the selections by Margaret Felix, and ety, it was learned from a statement movies of last May Day’s activities, not been crystallized into definite action. However, the nounced here yesterday the establish­ Early in the week he was given issued by Cosmo Ansara, president director bore ample fruit. Time af­ ment of a teacher-training program. widespread publicity as the man who ter time the audiences demanded that of commencement, and of the Har­ potential threat to fraternity existence should be quite of the organization. vard game. apparent. Speaking on behalf of the commit­ was guilty of turning off the light The, pledges, who in their first solo and chorus numbers be repeated, tee of the faculty that have been at each night. The light in question and the encores were cheerfully given. Business of the committees was In the face of these difficulties, WHAT ARE THE three years at the University of New taken up and approved by the class, work on the teacher-training pro­ was to be kept shining on a bin of Hampshire have best exemplified the One should not come to Gilbert FRATERNITIES DOING TO REMEDY MATTERS? Ap­ gram, Dr. A. Monroe Stowe, profes­ potatoes so that Dr. O. R. Butler of principles which Blue Key strives to and Sullivan expecting anything selection of various members of com­ mittees was approved and their re­ parently, they appear to be content to either evade the sor of Education made the follow­ the Experiment Station could deter­ accomplish, namely to promote the weighty. With one exception, the ing statements with respect to the mine the value of artificial light when general welfare of the University, muse is a comic one, and when the ports were heard. problem entirely and concentrate their main efforts on Speakers for the class day exer­ program : used to sprout them. According to are: William Thompson, William Kid­ light-hearted mood is captured by the such less troublous affairs as house-dances, or to engage The purpose of the University of news reports the veteran watchman der, Edward Hubbard, Jr., Guy Ped- actors as successful as it was in this cises were announced and approved. They are: Address of Welcome, Ron­ in destructive criticism of their inter-fraternity govern­ New Hampshire teacher-training pro­ was caught by Dr. Butler who is sup­ erzani, Philip Shannon, Ben Bron- presentation, few things in the ald Wilde; Address to Alumni and ing group. gram is to help students, who have posed to have been curiously aroused stein, Jere Chase, L. Wendell Knight, theatre are more enjoyable. Others Faculty, James Burch; Class History, the necessary capacities, to become because his “everlasting” light was Leon Ranchynoski, Alvin H. Parker, have been more sophisticated or riot­ It should be remembered that NO GOVERNING Elizabeth Scudder; Class Will, James the kind of teachers needed by our always off in the morning. Austin McCaffery, Edward Rogers, ous than Gilbert, but none excel him GROUP IS WORTH VERY MUCH WHEN IT LACKS AN Bannon; Ivy Oration, Nathaniel American high schools. The light has been constantly on Frank Musgrove and Thomas Burns. in the art of subtly poking fun; and Eisem an; Class Ode, John Starie; the ACTIVE SENTIMENT BEHIND IT. Therefore, every in­ Our high schools need teachers well those potatoes, at least during my “These are the members who in the the music of Sullivan fits so perfectly Class Marshal will be Fred Walker. dividual fraternity member is responsible to the extent that prepared in the subjects which they patrols,” insisted the night watchman opinion of the present senior mem­ that the operas are the despair of On the Class Day committee will he acquaint this group with his desires and offer them his desire to teach. As many new teach­ as he started out, lantern in hand, bers of the society, have achieved all who have tried to emulate them. for another tour of duty. He proudly be Glen Stewart, chairman, Kenneth support. ers are called upon to teach in three unusual distinction in their three Excellent Singing White, Curtis Funston, Edwin Bald­ subject-matter fields, our State re­ showed that since 1899 he has needed years in college,” said Ansara. This is where much of the trouble lies, and which quires each candidate for certification three different lanterns to expose to As none who saw it need be re­ win, and Bernice Whitehead. “ Membership in* the organization does manifests itself in such surface indications as foul play in to be prepared to teach three sub­ him the dark corners of campus not necessarily fall upon those who minded, Pinafore is sheer travesty, The Commencement ball committee jects, which are referred to as a buildings as he went through them; have been most popular, but rather but some of the music is as fine as any consists of the following: Chairman, intramural sports and unfair rushing practices. Ever since all the co-eds were shel­ it is extended to those who have been Sullivan ever wrote. There are more Cosmo Ansara, Charles Grocott, Ar­ Our fraternities should formulate a constructive pro­ “teaching major” and a first and a second “teaching minor.” Our Uni­ tered and nourished in Smith, their interested in the University as a than faint traces of the man who thur Toll, Ruth Towle, and Marjorie gram based on the aim of building up the characters and only holdout on campus,” he ventured whole, and in some way, have helped wrote “Onward Christian Soldiers” Martel. versity of New Hampshire teacher- personalities of individual members. to add. .to promote its welfare and uphold in the stirring chorus, for he is an The following will be on the Cap training program requires the pros­ Formerly from Epping, he moved its honor and traditions.” Englishman, and the solos, duets, and Gown committee: Chairman, Hen­ That is the only justification for existence which a pective teacher to complete satisfac­ ry Trow, Edwin Gale, John Reed, torily 36 credits in a teaching m ajor, to Durham in 1899, but lost his home These juuior pledges do not be­ trios, madrigals, choruses, and the fraternity has. On any other basis it soon degenerates by fire ten years ago and now resides like of which the piece is full are Sul­ Ruth Bresnahan^ and Rita Kidder. 27 credits in a first teaching minor, come members until after the annual into nothing more than a place where one may secure room in Newfields. banquet which will be held in the livan at his best. On the Cane committee will be and at least 18 credits in a second Bertram Tower as chairman, Clifford and board accommodations, and that at an expensive figure. teaching minor. middle of the spring term. The two leading roles, and that of Ellsworth, Albert Furnans, Helen THE JOB OF THE UNIVERSITY IS TO SHARPEN Our high schools need teachers Captain Corcoran, demand fine voices, Blue Key Activities Chase, and Genevieve Blake.
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