Compiled by UNA REES

Compiled by UNA REES

Index Compiled by UNA REES Abhotl. E.A., 276 church, 209-10, 214 Abingdon, 206 hundred, 293 abbey, 61-2 Banbury, 172, 295-6 abbot, Aethelwine. 61 road 10, 16-23 Adand, Arthur, 272 barrow, 1-·3, 7, 12, 16-17, 19--20,285 Henry, 272-4, 298 Ba~·eux, bpI of, Hervey, 216 al!rial photography, 20, 285, 290 Bayzand, Ric., 299 Aethdmar, ealdorman, 61 Beaufiz family, 218, 231, 233 Aethelred, II , king, 26. 70, 73 Henry, 216-17, 232 A~as's map or Oxford, 96, 99,100,102.104,108-11, juliana, wife of, 216-17 115, 12:1-4, 127, 145 Lucy, dau. of, 217, 219, 222-3, 225, 232 agriculture Matilda, dau. of, 217, 232 beekeeping, 197 Beedon, Berks., 279 common land, 231-2 Belstead, Thos., 261 cows, 227, 260, 291 Bennett, John, 262 demesne, 23, 26, 217-19, 227-8, 232 Bcrnwood, Forest, 216, 231 (icld·syslcms, 223-5, 238, 290 Bt'sse ls, Sir Peter, 146, 204 crops in, 227-8 Bicester, 169, 172 harvt'sting. 229, 235 priory, 230 oxen, 227, 231, 233 road to, 1&-19 pannage, 229--30 Bigbury in Shipton on Cherwell, 17, 19 p;gs, 229-30, 291 Bishop, Bartholomew, 52 ploughing, 227 Nicholas, 52 sherp, 228, 230-1, 235, 237, 291 Bladon, 18--19, 292 see also land Bogis, Geo., 262 Agriculture. Royal Commission on, 265 bones, human, 143, 147-8, 188--90, 286, m burials AlcheSltT, 290--1 animals and fowls, 8,120-1. 130, 155, 190--92,200, alien priories, 45 205, 291 Alynlon. Rob., 293 fish, 154-7, 192-3, 197-8, 205-6, 291 Aquileia, 5, 11 - 12 bone and ivory objects, 37-40, 64. 70-2, 87--8, 165 Aries. 5-7, 10-13 Botherhill, Wm., 263 Arnold, Charles, 261 Bowers, J ohn, 261 Ash ....·orth, Miles, 263 Bracy, Cesil, 238 Ashby, Jos., 265-6 Bradley, G.G., 272 Asthall, 252-3 Bradshaw, john, 261 Augsburg, 169--70 brew houses, 79, 113. 221 bridges, 16--17, 157,210,285 Badock's map, 52,96, 108, 110, 122-3 Bright , J.F., 270 bakehouses, 76, 79, 113 Brill, Bucks., 37, 75,117-18,172,174,17&-7,186-7, Ball, Sidney, 268-9 292 Beattie, james, 260-1, 264 Brame, Sir John, 222 B~che, John, 234 Browning, Rob., 271 Wm., 237 Brug, Bruly, family, 217, 232-3 Bampton, 294 Bubb, Geo., 262-3 DEX 301 Buckler, J., drawings of, 64 Cok, John, 238 Burford, 260 Cole's map, 285 burials, 33, 37, 42-3, 143, 162-3, 173, 182, 185, Cole, Chas., 52 188--90,203-4,207, su also Oxford, Domini­ Wm., 52 can priory cemetery Combe, Mrs., 274-5 Burghers, M. (engraver), III Copeland, 275 Burroway in Clanfield, 210 Corbet, John, 298 Butcher, S.H., 269-70 Cornwell, rector of, 293 Butler, A.G., 267-73, 275--8 corrody, 233, 236 Emily, 267 Corse, Henry, 262 Harriet, 267-78 courts Bynde. Stephen, 237 royal, 259, 264, 292-3 eccles., 294 Canlk, Francis, 263 manor, 226, 231-3 Canterbury pilgrim, badge of, 283 Cottage I mprovement Soc., 273 Capel, Kent, 243-4 Cowley, 234 Carlisle, 263 preceptor of, 218 Carter, Cco., 261 SI. Bartholomew's, 213 castles, 87, 206, 291, Ste Oxford Crispin, Miles, 216 Cawarden, Sir Thos., 247-8 Cromwell, Thos., 204 Cernel, Somers., 261, 263 cross, medieval, 19-20 ChadlinglOn, Walter Conbryghe of, 293 Crowmarsh, 281 Chalfont St Giles, Bucks., 240 Cumnor, Rog. of, 79 Chalgrove, 187, 206 Cuneslowe, 15-16, 20-23, 236 Chandler, \\1m., 261 Cuxham, 230, 235 chaplains, 209-10, 213 Chapman, Ben., 261 Daniel, C.H.e., 272 Charles II, son of, 295 Deale, Abraham, 261 charters, 15-23,76,78, 108- 10, 209,217- 19,221-3, Deddington, 78, 172 22>-6, 23tH, 236, 238 castle, 87 , 291 Chancrville, 251-65 Dedham, Essex, 261 Chartist Land Plan, 251, 254, 256--60 Denny abbey, Cambs., 200 Chase, D.P., 275 Derby, 261 Cheltenham, 260 deserted villages, 219-21, 237, 290 Cherwell, river, 15-18,20, 21, 26 Dimford, Alonzo, 261 Chesney, Wm. of, 78 Dodgson, C.L. (Lewis Carroll), 270 Chester, Hugh, earl of, 26, 44, 50 D'Oilli, Hen., 216 Wm. fitz Nigel , constable of, 50, 217 Rob., 216 Chinnor, Mr., 264 Domesday Book , 21, 26, 43, 61, 216-17 Chipping Norton, 16 Dorchester, 169 Chitty, Jos., M.P., 273 abbey, 218-19, 226, 228, 233 Church, R.W., 276 dovecotes, 115, 129 Civil War, 97 dower lands, 234 Clan field , Friars' court , 211, 213 Doyd, Hugh, 210 St. Leonard's chapel, 209-14 drama, 247-50 vicar of, 210 Draycote, 233 Clarendon Palace, 185 Wm., s. of Wm. of, 234 Clarke, John, 261 Drayton, 281 clay pipes, 57, 162, 187 Clifton, R.B., 271 earthworks, 1-3, 8, 291 Cnut, King, 61 East Hanningfield, Essex, 244-5 Cobbett, Wm., 257 Edgeworth, Harriet S~t. Butler Cock bill , John, 265 Edward the Confessor, 26, 43, 73 Cogges barony, 63 Elizabeth, Queen, 249 coins, Roman, 1- 13 enclosures, 13th cen., 218, 223, 232 barbarous radiates, 3--7, 10-13 14th cen., 223, 233 4th cen. copies, 3-7, 12- 13 16th cen., 215, 237 Saxon, 67, 70, 73 Enslow bridge, 1&-1 7 Medieval, 11 , 155, 166, 177 Epwell hunt, 298 later, I I, 84, 149, 166, 286 Evcnlode, river, 19 coins, counterfeiting, 293 Exeter, dean and chapter, 209-10, 214 302 INDEX Eynsham, 184 Hardwick Marriage Act, 295 abb<), 50-2, 61 Hasele, john 238 Thos., 238 FClcplacc, Adam, 63 Wm of, 234 Fisht'T, Wm., builder, 79 Hawkins, Edw., provost of Orid, 267, 277 fishponds and fisheri~. 96-8, 101-6, 109-10, 123, Haye, Wm. , 263 128-9, 206 Hayes, Elizabeth, 261 Filz Alan. John, 225 Heleforde, 'igel or, 238 Fitz Ellis family, 218, 222, 231, 233-4 Henry. s. of Simeon I, 61 Rob., 230, 233-4 Henry, s. of Simeon II, 61, 63 ~1argarel , 233, 238 Stephen, s. or, 63 Wm .• 231 Hensington, 17-19 Fitz Nigel. John. 218, 222-3, 232, 234 H('nslow Close in \,Vater Eaton, 22-3 Isabel, widow of, 234 he riots, 233 Fitz OliveT, Wm., 225 Heronsgate, Herts., 259 Forest Hill, 223, 226, 231, 233 Heyford, Lower and Upper, 290 forgc. 78 Heywood, jasper, 249 Franklyn (Frank') family , 218. 234, 238 Hicks, john, 262 Frere, \Vm., 23 Ifill, Charles, 262 Fulbrook, 252-3 Holland, T E., 269 Hollar's map, 96, 99, 110 Gatton, Francis, 272 Holmes, james. 261 Gamel family, 229, 233-4. 236 Holton. 231, 234 Cathard, John, 262 Hornby, Othaniel, 262 Geoffrey. s. of Durand. 76, 78-9 !lonorius II, Pope. 216 Peter, s. of, 78 lIorn, Ric .• 52 Georgr I, 283--4 Hornt~, john, 262 Geri, Rob, 218 Horsepath, 279 Gilbert, Thos., 262 Hugh, s. or Lancelin, 216 glass remains, 52, 56-7, 149. 167, 170-1 , 205 Hugolin, royal chamberlain, 26, 4>-4 sandglass frame, 157, 167-9 Hull, 196 Gloucester abbey, 50-I Humber stream, 18, 20 GodSIOW abbe}', 23 Hundred Rolls, 217-8, 222, 234-5 Goodehap, Will., 264 Hunt, W. Holman, 274-5 Cooderslonc, Norf.. 281-2 Hunt, james, 285-7 Goodwill, Eliza, 262 Huntingdon, 43 Goring, Berks., nunnery, 217-18 Hurst , H ., 113, 115-7. 123, 126, 128, 130 Gorleston, psalter, 241 Gosrol"d, 16, 21-2 Ickford, 234 Goulburn, Edw., 298 Thos. or, 234 Hen., 299 Alice. widow of, 234 government, su couns Idsworth, Hallls., 240 ministry, Stanhope - Sunderland, 283--5 industnes parliament (1250), 142 blanht manufacture, 265 (1388), 293 cloth making, 169-70 elections, 273 linen making, 195-6 bills, 284--5 Irdand, Charics, 262 Parliamentary sdect commillee, 259-60 Ivri, Rag. de. 21 Privy Council, 247 Grat('ley, Hams, 261 jackson, Ben., 263 Great Horwood, Bucks., 226 jews, 232 Grimshaw, Henry, 263 John, King, 61 Grove, priory, 200 Johnson, Ceo., 26] ClJildrord, Surrey, Blackfriars, 147, 203--4, 206 Susannah, 263 Jordan Hill in Water Eaton, 23 Hailey, 262 Jowett, Ben. , 271, 277 Haileybury school, 268 Hale, john, 238 Karlinton, \·Vm ., John, s. of, 209 Hanison, Christopher, 262 Wm. s. of, 209 Hardham, Sussex, 241 Kelmscot, wall paintings, 239-45 Harse su Worminghall brook Kepeharm, john, 61, 78 INDEX 303 kilns. 279-80 maps, ancient, 1>-17, 19,21-2,96,99,100,102,104, Kirham, Hen .• 261 108-11, 113, 115, 122-4, 127, 163,210-11, Kirk, Tho~ .. 263 285, 290 Kirtlington, 26 markets, 8, 92. 260 Knight, james. 261 Maples tead, Essex, 261 Knights Hospitallers, 213 Mar5ton. 20 Knights Templar, 225, 233 Mary, Queen, 247-9 Knox, E.A., 272 Maycock, Thos., 262 Kutt", Reginald, 218 Meadowcourt, Dr., 284 merchants, 61, 63 Laing, 273 metal remains, 8, 37-8, 57-8, 70-3,80, 84-5. 88-9, tamp, 73--5 119-20, 147-8, 157, 164--5, 207, 292 land dOlh-seal, 162, 169--70 land·markrl, 232-5 brass lellers, 182 land-nl('asurel1lents pewter pilgrim badge, 283 hides, 21, 50, 216-18, 232-3 sword, 281-2 rood, 238 Metcalr, john, 263 yardlands, 217- 18, 225-6, 230-2, 234-5 Middleton Stoney, 206, 290-2 land rerorm mills. 98, 109-13, 223, stt also Oseney abbey Land and Labour Ltague, 258 rulling. 109, 123-4, 128 Land Restoration l..tague, 266 windmill, 222 land tenure Milton under Wych ....·ood, 297 rreeholder5, 218, 232, 260 Minchin Buckland, Somerset, 213 1<.,,",, 52, 64, 78-9, 113, 115, 201, 231, 264 minsters, 15 , 43--5, 50, 61. 209 .. illein tenure, 218, 232-5 Minster Lo\:ell, 4.'), 251-4, 259. 261, 265 landscapt studies, 289-90 miniS, >-7, 9--13 Lawrence, T E., 286 mollusc and insect remains. 2.

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