Environmental Assessment Report Environmental Impact Assessment Project Number: 37139-02 January 2010 IND: Uttaranchal Power Sector Investment Program – Subproject 1 Prepared by Water Resources Development & Management for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. EIA & EMP REPORT FOR PROPOSED SOBLA-I SMALL HYDRO POWER PROJECT ON SOBLA GAD A PROJECT OF UTTARANCHAL JAL VIDUT NIGAM LTD. Maharani Bagh, GMS Road, Dehradun DISTRICT DEHRADUN – 248 001 (U.K.) Prepared by : Water Resources Development & Management Indian Institute of Technology, ROORKEE. Ph : 01332-285774 Fax : 271073 Draft Report CONTENTS Sl. No. Contents Page No. 1. Introduction 1-9 2. Description of the Project 10-17 3. Description of the Present Environment 18-66 4. Alternatives 67-69 5. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 70-82 6. Economic Assessment 83-89 7. Environment Management Plan 90-110 8. Disaster Management Plan 111-122 9. EMP Implementation and Monitoring 123-124 10. Conclusion* - Remark *Conclusion will be submitted final report ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to the Management of UJVNL, Dehradun, U. K. for appointing us as a Consultant for EIA/EMP study for proposed Small Hydel Power Project at Sobla, Distt. Pithoragrah, Uttarakhand. We are happy to convey our deep sense of gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness for the unstinted co-operation continuously extended to us by Chairman UJVNL Sri Yogendra Prasad and the Managing Director Sri. R.P. Thapliyal. We also express our thanks, to Mr. S.K. Rastogi former G.M. S.H.P., Mr. Arvind Kumar G.M. S.H.P., Mr. S.C. Baluni D.G.M. ADB Project and other staff members of UJVNL, Dehradun and Dharchula, for the unstinted co-operation continuously extended to us by them. We also express our thanks to villagers, census department, Forest Department, PHED, Irrigation department, Statistical department, Wild Life of India, and Indian Meteorological Department for providing us necessary information and congenial atmosphere during study. It is my pleasant duty to thank our Team of experts from the Deptt. of Water Resources Development Management (WRDM) Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee: Mr. Pradeep Nagrath, Er. A.K. Kakkar, Dr. S.C. Sharma and Dr. Nripendra Kumar Singh, Mr. Shrikant Singh who have assisted in preparing this report. We are also thankful to the supporting staff especially Mohd. Nadeem, Jagdish Bhatt, Ravi Kumar whose contribution is significant. Devadutta Das Date : WRDM, IIT Place : ROORKEE List of Tables Table No. Particulars Page No. 1.1 Installed capacity of power 2 1.2 Percentage of hydro share in total installed capacity 3 1.3 Region wise hydro power capacity 3 1.4 Sector wise hydro power capacity 3 1.5 Plan of UJVNL in Uttarakhand 4 1.6 Litho tectonic sucession of Kumaun Himalya 7 2.1 Classification of Hydro Power Station 11 3.1 Likely impacts of the project 19-20 3.2 Environmental attributes and frequency of monitoring 20 3.3 Altitude wise prevailing climate 22 3.4 Prevailing wind direction and average cloud cover 23 3.5 Average Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed & Predominant 23 wind direction during April-May 09 3.6 Mean monthly temperature (in 0C) at Dharchula (1972-78) 24 3.7 Mean monthly rainfall (in cm) at Dharchula (1972-78) 24 3.8 Details of Ambient Air Sampling Locations 25 3.9 Ambient Air Sampling Schedule 26 3.10 Summarized Air Quality Data 26 3.11 National Ambient Air Quality Standard 27 3.12 Ground Water Sampling Location with distance & direction 28 from Sobla 3.13 Surface Water Sampling Location with distance & direction 28 from Sobla 3.14-3.18 Results of underground water analysis 29-33 319-3.21 Results of surface water analysis 34-36 3.22 Water Quality Criteria as per CPCB Guidelines for aquatic 37 Resources 3.23 Ambient Noise Monitoring Location 38 3.24 Summarized Noise Level (dB) data of various locations 38 3.25 Ambient Quality norms in respect of noise 38 3.26 Soil sampling locations 39 3.27 Physical properties of soil 39 3.28 Chemical properties of soil 40 3.29 Available Nutrients in Soil 40 3.30 Rating of soil 41 3.31 Exchangeable Cations 41 3.32 Available Micronutrients in Soil 41 3.33 Critical Limits 42 3.34 Land Use Pattern of Pithoragarh district 42 3.35 Land use pattern of Dharchula block 43 3.36 Land requirement for the project 43 3.37 Geographical indicators 44 3.38 Size of block and No. of family 45 3.39 Population details of Pithoragarh district 45 3.40 Population statistics of Dharchula block 46 3.41 Literacy rate of the state district wise (2001 census) 46 3.42 Literacy rate of Pithoragarh district 47 3.43 Literacy rate of Dharchula (2001 census) 47 3.44 School and college available in Dharchula block 48 3.45 Population wise no. of villages in Dharchula block & 48 Pithoragarh distt. 3.46 Economical distribution of population 48 3.47 Health facilities available in Dharchula block & Pithoragarh 49 distt. 3.48 Details of electrified villages and available roads in 49 Dharchula block & Pithoragarh distt. 3.49 Other facilities like Post Office, Telegraph Office, PCO and 49 Telephone available in Dharchula block & Pithoragarh distt. 3.50 Population Statistics of surveyed villages 50 3.51 Size of Holding 50 3.52 Occupational Pattern of Selected Households. 50 3.53 Cooking Fuel Used 51 3.54 Animal available in Dharchula block & Pithoragarh district 51 3.55 Disease and their proportion found in surveyed villages 52 3.56 Family Budgets 53 3.57 Irrigation facilities in Dharchula block and Pithoragarh 54 district 3.58 Irrigated land area in Dharchula block & Pithoragarh district 54 3.59 Size of Land Holding 54 3.60 Use of Agricultural tools, fertilizer and No. of wear house for 55 seed & fertilizer storage 3.61 Area under important crops in Dharchula block and 55 Pithoragarh district 3.62 Area under important crops in Dharchula block and 56 Pithoragarh district 3.63 Average productivity of important crops Pithoragarh district 56 3.64 Productivity of important crops Pithoragarh district 57 3.65 Van Panchayat Status in Uttarakhand 58 3.66 Habitat and other species associated meadow vegetation 62 3.67 List of flora found in study area 63-64 3.68 List of Fauna found in study area 65 3.69 Fish dwelling in rivers of project surrounding area 66 5.0 Emission level from Coal Fired Power Plants (tons/Yr.) 70 5.1 Extent of tree removal 72 5.2 Ambient status Impact wise mg/m3 73 5.3 Expected Noise Emissions 74 5.4 Water quality standards for fresh water classification 75 5.5 Effluent Discharge stands (Inland surface water) 76 6.1 Cost Estimate (Reconstruction of Sobla SHP) 83-84 6.2 Cost estimate for the implementation of EMP 85 6.3 Cost estimated for catchment area treatment work 85 6.4 Cost estimates for the implementation of DMP 86 6.5 Direct Employment and Income Generation during 87 construction period 6.6 Direct Employment and Income generation during operation 88 period 7.1 Magnitude of anticipated impacts and proposed Environment 92-95 Management Plan 7.2 Proposed management plan (phase wise) 96-101 8.1 Important Telephone no. of Govt. Officials 122 9.1 Monitoring/Analytical Equipment/required for Project 124 List of Figures (At the end of Report) Fig. No. Particulars 1.1 Political Map of Pithoragarh 1.2 Proposed site marked in trekking map of Kumaun Hills 1.2(A) The proposed site and location of Askot Sanctuary and Nanda Devi Bio Sphere Reserve and Ecological resources of Pithoragarh Distt. 1.3 The physiographic-lithotectonic domains separated by intracrustal boundary thrusts of regional simension most of these thrust faults are active. 1.4 Simplified Geological map of the Lesser Kumaun Himalaya (After Valdiya, 1980b) 1.5 Occurrence of various mineral deposit in Kumaun in the context of Geological formations. 1.6 Relief Map of Uttarakhand 1.7 Drainage network of Kumaun showing different hydrographic regimes and their typical drainage basins. 1.8 Forest Map of Uttrakhand State 1.9 Seismic zoning map of India 2.1 General Layout Plan of Sobla – I Small HEP 5.1 Impact Identification Matrix for proposed Small Hydro Power Project of UJVNL on Sobla Gad at Saobla, Pithoragarh 8.1 Emergency Management Organization Chart List of Plates (At the end of Report) Plate No. Plates details Plate 1 (A) A view of land sliding at Chautuldhar (B) Water sampling on Sobla Gad Plate 2 (A) Surface water sampling on Dhauli Ganga (B) Water sampling at village Dar Plate 3 (A) Ambient Noise Monitoring in village Dar (B) Ambient Noise Monitoring at diversion site Plate 4 (A) Soil sampling at village Khairi Gaon (B) Soil sampling at village Dar Plate 5 (A) Socio economic survey work at Sobla (A) Socio economic survey at site Abbreviations Sl. No. Abbreviation Full Form 1. AAQMS Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station 2. AE Assistant Engineer 3. ADB Asian Development Bank 4. BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 5. BPL Below Poverty Line 6. CIC Chief Incident Controller 7. CO Carbon Monoxide 8. CPCB Central Pollution Control Board 9. CFC Chlro floro Carbon 10. CEC Chief Emergency, Co-ordinator 11. CFC Chloro Fluoro Carbon 12. CAT Catchment Area Treatment 13. DB Decibel Audible 14. DMP Disaster Management Plant 15. DO Dissolved Oxygen 16. EE Executive Engineer 17. EAG Environment Action Group 18. EPG Environment Planning Group 19. ECC Emergency Control Centre 20.
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