-THE DAILY REGISTER. RED BANK • MIDDLFTOWN, \ J.: 7TF.SDAY, JULY 15. 1969 Top of theiNews Curriculum Report •TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — A new undeclared war < raged in Central America 'today between Honduras and- El Salvador, with each accusing the other of aggression. The Due in Middletown Organization of American States ordered a peace team MIDDLETOWN - The I refuse to accept it," he trouble, you would have Bad downs from Washington. Board of Education Tomor- declared. He added that it a lot of it. But we tried Honduran authorities charged that Salvadorean ground row will receive recom- is not his job to do anything your way instead, and where forces invaded Honduras yesterday at two points, and that without "due consideration Salvadorean planes made widespread attacks. Unconfirmed mendations and a progress have we gotten?. Well, it's up of all kids and taxpayers of reports said seven cities were bombed. report from a curriculum to you — you take it now and committee headed by Joseph Middletown." A dispatch from Guatemala, which borders both coun- see^what you can do," she tries said Salvadorean officials reported some 1,000 Hon- Marion, teacher of social "The kids _ are to be ad- told the board. duran troops had crossed the border into El Salvador. sciences. mired for their ideals, but Support for the board came Sources in Tegucigalpa said the Honduran air force's World The three-man group has they will learn they can't from a direction perhaps un- War II Corsairs also1 crossed the frontier and ran into heavy been working daily in the change the world over expected. Joel Haness of 6 antiaircraft fire. high school library, said Paul night," Mr. DeBrown con- Heather Lane, a frequent F. Lefever, school superin- cluded. board critic, reminded the President Fidel Sanchez Hernandez of El Salvador held 1 a three-hour emergency meeting with his cabinet, then an- tendent, sifting book titles 'You Take It Now students that though their nounced he had ordered his army "to exercise the right of and sorting course material Miss Klinedienst answered ideas and ideals may be legitimate defense." for an integrated U.S. History for the Brotherhood. "You ever so admirable, in truth A government statement, broadcast from San Salvador, I and II curriculum to' be: pat us on our backs and tell they have yet to face reali- said the Salvadorean forces had been ordered into action POLICE GET AWARD—Matawan Township Police Chief Ralph E. Wallace holds gin in the high school this us we have ideals, but ty. after "continuous attacks by Honduran troops on the Sal- merit award presented to 'his force as Police Department of the Year by the New fall. couldn't it be that maybe our "Give the board a chance," vadorean frontier, violation of air space and the,knowledge ideals are actually the reali- Jersey State Safety Council. With him are Township Manager George E. Smith, The committee's job has he urged. that Honduran troops and air force personnel had mobilized been to incorporate in his- ty? If we were the kind of The board adjourned until in Santa Eosa de Lima for a large-scale attack." left, and Patrolman's Benevolent Association president D. Gary Dickey. tory courses contributions to people who wanted to start Wednesday, July 23* the American scene of mi- nority groups — especially Mental Health Board Staffed the American black people, TRENTON — Representatives of the boards of mana- Mr. Lefever told the board Shrewsbury Seeks gers at the four state mental hospitals and the Neuro-Psy- New Patrolmen last night. - chiatric Institute were named to one-year terms on the new "It's the first time the Community Mental Health Board yesterday. Among those board has had committees appointed was Edwin Gage of Oakhurst, named to represent working over the summer-to" Lower Speed Limit JhJIarlboro Board. - , _ :-.„;.....;..', .„..;„.,-.: upgrade thejofferings iift.Jhe__. students in4 the fall," the tracks" ffibiiigh the borough. superintendent observed. He speed limit on Sycamore Council President Doelger Ave. soon may be lowered said "Shrewsbury was une- Senate's ABM Approval Nears bring the total force to 37 Mayor O'Hern Jast night professed ' himself "very RED BANK - The Bor- to 40 miles an hour jn this quivocably opposed to rout- WASHINGTON — Sen. Winston L. Prouty's announce- men, five of them black. Two said Mr. Moore had been re- pleased." ough Council last night ap- borough. • .«; ' ing the freeway through the ment of support for the Safeguard program has moved members of the force aren't jected at that time because Not very pleased at all pointed two new policemen, prime industrial area of the the administration close to Senate approval of the missile on patrol: Detective Lt. Rob- of",a foot condition "which was a delegation of about 70 The Borough Council last introduced an ordihance rais- borough." defense system — but critics still are plugging for a com- ing the salary for probation- ert C. Scott, the department's seems to have cleared up." black and white residents night approved a county en- promise. Sen. George D. Aiken, like Prouty a Vermont Re- ary patrolmen by $300, and human relations coordinator, i Called'Racism' who want a special elective, gineer's report recommend- Mr. Postel added that the publican, says by giving a little ground the administration acted to enforce .a require- and' Detective Lt. Benjamin 'Stafford w! 'Thompson, course in black American ing a 10 mile an hour reduc- route would hot be definitely couM command 60 of the 100 Senate votes rather than4ak-, ment that all policemen un- H. Glover, who will be on president of. the Red Bank history. tion along the length of the decided upon until Septem- tag a chance on a one or two vote victory. The latest Asso- dergo periodic medical exam- leave until Aug. 31, 1970, dl- Branch, National Association The Rev. • Vassie L. Peek road. It is now 50 miles ber and that he thought .en- ciated Press poll shows the Senate evenly split, 49 opposed gineering difficulties would inations• ••• . • • "recting a police recruitment for the Advancement of Col- of the Human Rights Com- - 'per hour. The report will w and 49 for the antiballistic missile-ABM-program as pro- preclude the right of .way One of the men hired last program for ghetto youths in ored People, has said Mr. mission asked Richard F. now be sent'to the director posed by the administration. Jones, board president, point- near the railroad tracks. night, Raymond Moore, of 20 Newark for the state Police Moore's rejection is an exam- of the.state division of motor : blank whether there will be E. Sunset Ave., here, a 37- Training Commission. ple of what he alleges is rac- vehicles for expected final He also reported that aii a separate course in Negro year-old sergeant on county Mr. Van Pelt will actively ism in the police department. action soon. extension of Silverside Ave. Ruling Favors Parkway Aides history in the fall. 1 Sheriff Paul Kiernan's staff, join the force "as soon as he Mr. Moore js a graduate of Council president Richard was planned through the bor- TRENTON — The Garden State Parkway was told yes- 1 is black.,The governing body is well enough," probably by Nutley High School and at- No Black History , J. Doelger. said the expected ough to Shrewsbury Ave. or terday by New Jersey's highest court that it could not "No, we will not have a has announced its intention the end of this week, Mr. La- tended Morris Brown College, speed reduction was "the Hope Boad, according to the force its employes to retire before they reach the compul- separate black history course to hire more black police- brecque said, and Mr. Moore Atlanta, Ga. for two years. culmination of years of ef- county .master plan. sory retirement age of 70. , next year," Mr. Jones de- men. will join the force as soon as He is married and has been fort by many residents and In a 8-0 decision, the State Supreme Court held that the' clared. He added that the The resignation of Council-' he can arrange to leave his a Red Bank resident six the police going back to w Jersey Highway Authority,, the semi-autonomous pub- The other, "Ernest Van Pelt, •^board-has-found-tio-schools" jnanJtohert C. Neffjwas- ac- jb^witirihe sheriff'sTofficer "yeareTT : . ^ l9"6i.".He also said "Forty lie agency which runs the parkway, lacked the power to es- 25, of 18 WorflfleyTSt., here, in the area offering such a . cepted wirn'regrete; by the Mr. Moore, who is. an in- miles an hour was not as tablish its own retirement policies. ' learned of his appointment Mr. Van Pelt has lived in course. council. Mr. Neff is moving from a. bed in Riverview Hos- structor in the Monmouth Red Bank 23 years. He at- low as we wanted," but rep- to Little Silver. Mr. Marion explained that pital, where' he was admitted County Police! Academy, has tended the Mechanic Street resents an improvement over the recommendation of the- Councilman Frederick J. Surtax Bill Amendments Set Sunday after being overcome been on the sheriffs staff School, graduated from Red the current limit. Mancuso~was named to the since 19^4. He served in the Bank High School, and served state Department of Educa- Conviction Appealed - WASHINGTON — More than a half dozen Democratic by fumes from a faulty chlor- tion is that no separate Negro borough hall committee, to Marine Corps and applied for in the Navy from 1961 to 64.
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