Scotland’s Baby Box 5th March 2018 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-2/3 Received Delivered NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2279 1830 NHS Borders 728 580 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 869 719 NHS Fife 2304 1857 NHS Forth Valley 1891 1564 NHS Grampian 4131 3318 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9164 7410 NHS Highland 1800 1459 NHS Lanarkshire 3964 3234 NHS Lothian 6399 5182 NHS Orkney 131 110 NHS Shetland 144 115 NHS Tayside 2548 2140 NHS Western Isles 137 110 Total 36489 29628 WC 29/1/18 WC 5/2/18 WC 12/2/18 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 Cards Received 1049 988 997 1020 663 Orders Confirmed 1187 912 909 941 550 Orders On Hold 80 46 62 49 38 Total Received 19/6-2/3 37152 Total Confirmed 19/6-2/3 35662 Due date by Month 19/6-2/3 Aug-17 2171 Sep-17 3908 Oct-17 3897 Nov-17 3772 Dec-17 3886 Jan-18 3892 Feb-18 3477 Mar-18 3541 Apr-18 3173 May-18 2591 Jun-18 1181 Jul-18 114 Aug-18 1 Total 35604 19/6-2/3 Total Contact for Research 9500 Total Parentclub 8232 Boxes Delivered 29628 Cards Received/Delivered by HB 19/6-2/3 NHS Western Isles 110137 2140 NHS Tayside 2548 NHS Shetland 115 144 NHS Orkney 110 131 5182 NHS Lothian 6399 3234 NHS Lanarkshire 3964 1459 NHS Highland 1800 Boxes Delivered 7410 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9164 3318 NHS Grampian 4131 Cards Received 1564 NHS Forth Valley 1891 1857 NHS Fife 2304 719 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 869 580 NHS Borders 728 1830 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2279 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1400 1200 1187 1049 1020 988 997 1000 912 909 941 800 663 600 550 400 200 80 62 46 49 38 0 WC 29/1/18 WC 5/2/18 WC 12/2/18 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-2/3 3908 3897 3886 3892 3772 3477 3541 3173 2591 2171 1181 114 1 Scotland’s Baby Box 12th March 2018 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-9/3 Received Delivered NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2330 1893 NHS Borders 746 602 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 892 749 NHS Fife 2372 1918 NHS Forth Valley 1912 1621 NHS Grampian 4272 3430 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9267 7611 NHS Highland 1848 1500 NHS Lanarkshire 4030 3347 NHS Lothian 6561 5353 NHS Orkney 136 114 NHS Shetland 146 116 NHS Tayside 2652 2200 NHS Western Isles 143 118 Total 37307 30572 WC 5/2/18 WC 12/2/18 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 WC 5/3/18 Cards Received 988 997 1020 663 863 Orders Confirmed 912 909 941 550 1107 Orders On Hold 46 62 49 38 54 Total Received 19/6-9/3 37698 Total Confirmed 19/6-9/3 36796 Due date by Month 19/6-9/3 Aug-17 2171 Sep-17 3908 Oct-17 3897 Nov-17 3772 Dec-17 3889 Jan-18 3893 Feb-18 3499 Mar-18 3606 Apr-18 3298 May-18 2882 Jun-18 1666 Jul-18 209 Aug-18 19 Total 36709 19/6-9/3 Total Contact for Research 9764 Total Parentclub 8472 Boxes Delivered 30572 Cards Received/Delivered by HB 19/6-9/3 NHS Western Isles 118143 2200 NHS Tayside 2652 NHS Shetland 116 146 NHS Orkney 114 136 5353 NHS Lothian 6561 3347 NHS Lanarkshire 4030 1500 NHS Highland 1848 Boxes Delivered 7611 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9267 3430 NHS Grampian 4272 Cards Received 1621 NHS Forth Valley 1912 1918 NHS Fife 2372 749 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 892 602 NHS Borders 746 1893 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2330 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1200 1107 988 997 1020 1000 941 912 909 863 800 663 600 550 400 200 46 62 49 38 54 0 WC 5/2/18 WC 12/2/18 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 WC 5/3/18 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-9/3 3908 3897 3889 3893 3772 3606 3499 3298 2882 2171 1666 209 19 Scotland’s Baby Box 19th March 2018 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-16/3 Received Delivered NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2398 1953 NHS Borders 764 627 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 916 771 NHS Fife 2432 1980 NHS Forth Valley 1983 1662 NHS Grampian 4396 3523 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9521 7827 NHS Highland 1888 1549 NHS Lanarkshire 4186 3451 NHS Lothian 6742 5539 NHS Orkney 143 117 NHS Shetland 148 124 NHS Tayside 2739 2266 NHS Western Isles 145 123 Total 38401 31512 WC 12/2/18 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 WC 5/3/18 WC 12/3/18 Cards Received 997 1020 663 863 1323 Orders Confirmed 909 941 550 1107 1054 Orders On Hold 62 49 38 54 66 Total Received 19/6-16/3 39021 Total Confirmed 19/6-16/3 37823 Due date by Month 19/6-16/3 Aug-17 2171 Sep-17 3908 Oct-17 3897 Nov-17 3772 Dec-17 3889 Jan-18 3896 Feb-18 3517 Mar-18 3648 Apr-18 3402 May-18 3118 Jun-18 2060 Jul-18 473 Aug-18 46 Total 37797 19/6-16/3 Total Contact for Research 10021 Total Parentclub 8673 Boxes Delivered 31512 Cards Received/Delivered by HB 19/6-16/3 NHS Western Isles 123145 2266 NHS Tayside 2739 NHS Shetland 124 148 NHS Orkney 117 143 5539 NHS Lothian 6742 3451 NHS Lanarkshire 4186 1549 NHS Highland 1888 Boxes Delivered 7827 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9521 3523 NHS Grampian 4396 Cards Received 1662 NHS Forth Valley 1983 1980 NHS Fife 2432 771 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 916 627 NHS Borders 764 1953 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2398 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1400 1323 1200 1107 1054 997 1020 1000 941 909 863 800 663 600 550 400 200 62 49 38 54 66 0 WC 12/2/18 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 WC 5/3/18 WC 12/3/18 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-16/3 3908 3897 3889 3896 3772 3648 3517 3402 3118 2171 2060 473 46 Scotland’s Baby Box 22nd January 2018 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-19/1 Received Delivered NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1887 1441 NHS Borders 599 456 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 716 558 NHS Fife 1899 1474 NHS Forth Valley 1568 1195 NHS Grampian 3436 2628 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 7690 5936 NHS Highland 1525 1111 NHS Lanarkshire 3290 2552 NHS Lothian 5425 4108 NHS Orkney 109 92 NHS Shetland 116 90 NHS Tayside 2168 1693 NHS Western Isles 114 87 Total 30542 23421 WC 18/12/17 WC 25/12/17 WC 1/1/18 WC 8/1/18 WC 15/1/18 Cards Received 942 632 646 1223 1013 Orders Confirmed 733 193 586 1415 1182 Orders On Hold 36 16 38 94 54 Total Received 19/6-19/1 31131 Total Confirmed 19/6-19/1 29980 Due date by Month 19/6-19/1 Aug-17 2172 Sep-17 3914 Oct-17 3895 Nov-17 3769 Dec-17 3867 Jan-18 3771 Feb-18 3131 Mar-18 2924 Apr-18 1945 May-18 603 Jun-18 51 Total 30042 19/6-19/1 Total Contact for Research 8135 Total Parentclub 7217 Boxes Dispatched 24820 Boxes Delivered 23808 Cards Received/Delivered by HB 19/6-19/1 NHS Western Isles 87 114 1693 NHS Tayside 2168 NHS Shetland 90 116 NHS Orkney 92 109 4108 NHS Lothian 5425 2552 NHS Lanarkshire 3290 1111 NHS Highland 1525 Boxes Delivered 5936 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 7690 2628 NHS Grampian 3436 Cards Received 1195 NHS Forth Valley 1568 1474 NHS Fife 1899 558 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 716 456 NHS Borders 599 1441 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1887 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1600 1415 1400 1223 1182 1200 1013 1000 942 800 733 632 646 586 600 400 193 200 94 36 16 38 54 0 WC 18/12/17 WC 25/12/17 WC 1/1/18 WC 8/1/18 WC 15/1/18 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 19/6-19/1 3914 3895 3769 3867 3771 3131 2924 2172 1945 603 51 Scotland’s Baby Box 26th March 2018 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-23/3 Received Delivered NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2458 2005 NHS Borders 786 649 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 941 788 NHS Fife 2501 2045 NHS Forth Valley 2058 1706 NHS Grampian 4517 3645 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9814 8029 NHS Highland 1937 1594 NHS Lanarkshire 4336 3569 NHS Lothian 6930 5703 NHS Orkney 148 117 NHS Shetland 153 126 NHS Tayside 2811 2344 NHS Western Isles 149 125 Total 39539 32445 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 WC 5/3/18 WC 12/3/18 WC 19/3/18 Cards Received 1020 663 863 1323 1026 Orders Confirmed 941 550 1107 1054 1076 Orders On Hold 49 38 54 66 88 Total Received 19/6-23/3 40418 Total Confirmed 19/6-23/3 38899 Due date by Month 19/6-23/3 Aug-17 2171 Sep-17 3907 Oct-17 3895 Nov-17 3772 Dec-17 3888 Jan-18 3897 Feb-18 3533 Mar-18 3690 Apr-18 3496 May-18 3301 Jun-18 2409 Jul-18 873 Aug-18 83 Total 38915 19/6-23/3 Total Contact for Research 10267 Total Parentclub 8915 Boxes Delivered 32445 Cards Received/Delivered by HB 19/6-23/3 NHS Western Isles 125149 2344 NHS Tayside 2811 NHS Shetland 126 153 NHS Orkney 117 148 5703 NHS Lothian 6930 3569 NHS Lanarkshire 4336 1594 NHS Highland 1937 Boxes Delivered 8029 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9814 3645 NHS Grampian 4517 Cards Received 1706 NHS Forth Valley 2058 2045 NHS Fife 2501 788 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 941 649 NHS Borders 786 2005 NHS Ayrshire and Arran 2458 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 BABYBOX ORDERS 1400 1323 1200 1107 1076 1020 1054 1026 1000 941 863 800 663 600 550 400 200 88 49 38 54 66 0 WC 19/2/18 WC 26/2/18 WC 5/3/18 WC 12/3/18 WC 19/3/18 Cards Received Orders Confirmed Orders On Hold DUE DATE BY MONTH 1/1-23/3 3897 3690 3533 3496 3301 2409 873 83 JAN - 18 FEB- 18 MAR- 18 APR- 18 MAY- 18 JUN - 18 JUL - 18 AUG - 18 Scotland’s Baby Box 29nd January 2018 Cards Boxes Health Board 19/6-26/1 Received Delivered NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1969 1530 NHS Borders 616 483 NHS Dumfries and Galloway 748 598 NHS Fife 1973 1569 NHS Forth Valley 1631 1280 NHS Grampian 3624 2782 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 7987 6325 NHS Highland 1566 1184 NHS Lanarkshire 3404 2695 NHS Lothian 5606 4374 NHS Orkney 114 93 NHS Shetland 123 96 NHS Tayside 2234 1806 NHS Western Isles 115 89 Total 31710 24904 WC 25/12/17 WC 1/1/18 WC 8/1/18 WC 15/1/18 WC 22/1/18 Cards Received 632 646 1223 1013 987 Orders Confirmed 193 586 1415 1182 1183 Orders On Hold 16 38 94 54 67 Total Received 19/6-26/1 32118 Total Confirmed 19/6-26/1 31163 Due date by Month 19/6-26/1 Aug-17 2172 Sep-17 3914 Oct-17 3897 Nov-17 3772 Dec-17 3874 Jan-18 3816 Feb-18 3236 Mar-18 3082 Apr-18 2274 May-18 1063 Jun-18 89 Total 31189 19/6-26/1 Total Contact for Research 8803 Total Parentclub 7222 Boxes Dispatched 25894 Boxes Delivered 25312 Cards Received/Delivered
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