y- * FinalFi * l pgrti^Dudy,.// Edition I _j^»rner_______ _____'__________________ TkeFha Ma* JN t»r DedicaDedicated to^Serving »ndid P r^ot! ^ o tln e tho Growth afNifN Ias IrriIrriitated ldah» Countiesunties . __ 1..................... .................~ ' ' . TTVVlls O IN f a l l s , IDAHO,. MONDA'i MAY H , 1964 7~ TEN CENTS • ^ ... — lu rd er ■ it to M ui | | 7 1 A mn eie r ic a nn s s J Q i e ierieann Foiled,F I m i lI l n M ilitiilitary PlP l a n e ^ M s A r rrested e s l I r To»,.th Viet Na'n-m . MayM a y 111 (ffO— A - c B i r a n a - P f '^ te d of nlottinifttins tpto kkill U. B. Secretary m ara on hla arrival Tuesday C r a s hI NN e a r M i a n i l a ! W S. McNaro»ra «" h illco hcadquartort today, po- window »t police headi; I MANILA, May 12 (Tuufldayl-CUi'uoflday)_(U lU )~ A_U._S..military_lrai^illitury_lraim pj)rf^plano daiTylhK" if led 09 NKiiyen Van Trol; gpkv -‘5 % . / a i « n t t o t l « e d a» 1 I ' 8IJ A m orican Horvico, jiurHcmuolurHonuol cvaHhojlcviu la'at niRht (InriiiKdiiriiiK a VainHlornV’a'ri half mllo . I window, landed on a Jeop» □ ' 8!! “r . .Mond-floor window. I ■ short of tho i-unway at Clark nlr f(Mforce ha ho hi tho Philji>pinoi4,I*hilj|>plno« killing 71 perm n iH . ' [talizcd. Police B&id he was ’'. uS »n<l w“ hoBplUllzcil. r I Tho 12 Hiir.vivorH \vpro in ci'itical or neiu*-criticul conditioniindltion at tlio Clark hano hon- ^ 1 ' three isusp^cted V iet Conff Ijj^ l ■J^V olw .uon.orthreo«u " pitiilp l t tt l 606 C miloH north of Maitjla.M anjla. a» ■air forco Hpokojmnui’aald.)»mn»r aald. Tho l'hilippino« dl- II Bgents picked up Seitur- liL'it'rA'-- ’’i _ ^ ^ ■ Haalor ralHod to 1R7 t h o day nl^hnififBfc as they tried to I tofcul n u m B e r oi? p era o n H ' mine a Bridge on the route I Y killed in a aerioa of air ' ( M c N a m a r a McNannaM cNnmara will take from ^ ''' : GO GOPCIioicePiice Probably •/ cruHheapi; aince laat Thurw- ■ ',j Balgon airport into the capital. ood D em o o r U. S. A^iBaasador Henry CaBot Ijodee was ejTpeotod to Be riding 'ilin nlr forco npokeRinan nald il .with McNamara. '< - : . ■ "n’ WWon’t ( Debate;bate Leader ‘2:.:ih«iro was no hint that-tho four- 1| i -w ith McNfl afltv utfr Several other Vlet Cong b o s - { Jut C13fl. n m ilitary version of j 2?yoBK.Mftyll®f» Bavoml W ASHINGTON, Mayr 11 (/P)—(/P>~Tli Tho UopuBllcan,prc.^l- {11°,“ pocU Havo Been picked ui>. A .I, ..' ' '■ WAS ‘‘>7 - Iho Booing 707 Jetliner, wns lu ' S , fl. Tnunan 6»W I jw cU hav< ___............................ I I donfcjaldonfcJ«l «oniJiieo-im»y'#r«t-.oqual..liiiii;[)t-.o q u al..lim L \ J.iu t. h o jH iin likk o jyly trouBli>iroubii> prior to Iho cra.nh; u STL thouaht PefenM O qquanllty u e n llly oof high oxploslvea has ' Boon unearthed since the arrut V_ ' "I Wto’ jfdt'Bn'jfdt' tho Hjmitf'teloviHion‘lovinion HcreenHcn -with ProHlderiC(leriC ' It was uDt known Im- iiJ RoBert B. Me-, H .of-tBa-Uurea..poIlc;o_<rourcfisBeen uno^l aald. • ur- d.l IV to I y what cnvi^id the too much of-ft-H -o r-tB 8-Uur( c6te<R388B^3fi6S^_,. JohnHonJohnHoi in Iho campaign.gn. ConKroHiConKroHH hua ready for ac- ' Tlie Vlot Conit agents confessed crrtfijj, which occurred n« th e S L a to run ior vlc« fl T h o V lot • tion a compromiao-BilLlQ-HUUDOitL-to-HUHpgiidJIorJho Demo(irailc Biu_j«t. thoy plumed to Blow up the H M I ....... ' tion a < -BlK_J«k_tranK|iort. carrying 73 il Z ^o a -U ^9 Dem‘>-__n Brldjre.-'Otie-or-thfr-agento-wa*th ey plain ■ ■ ■ ggK ^S ^T .: . I und llopuBlicanllo preHidonlijTTinlijtr noinlnooanomino llio provlaion"^n 'piwuicn«<piMiscngurs uiuntT crovrm flm ftrrs; il iT u S a fB u t lh®-fOP- 0 ht\at[e;~Cm -tlio^cOmmuiiicHtionrt acl.. w hiclih ic h rodu:ro(iu>roH B ro a fic u a te rH''H 'tot o .w«s coicoming t{i for a . Inndlng BHtldent »ald B« W caughtcau«lU laylaying a wire under the Bridge. 3Io led police to the two .> imako n u k o equal time avail'alSlolalSlo for all'lHmall nidatlJirrrf-ffoo■fr.r..--‘'*t4»r-tt-fli«ht,-Jrom _JltaY la_ftlr_______i ,uan»ort.«»y K oBrlda«. ilie r diiifentti 5IB a n d a m in e 'with forco bofio. Calif., v ia Hawaii. .-.TTpr^cnt Jolm- M oUior tiiiBn M t(motimo inia jfivcn to ono. PaK- . A iiiMikcjjiiiunHIM nt, tho T rav is i Lwi W onan exploalvcxploslvo chargo hidden In an ■old_kcrQacilo can Burled In Uie ■ Raft;o of thia Icifiulution pre- ■A - originally paid Uioro were 1 '^viM-«nj>-Muse-ln_ll .old—ke r^ i 1 ‘h o G o v . /O IdftHi(lytHmdnnta idn a.^ woll ils Mrvlccmen ' .) nonilimllntf n mudBAtik oof the rlvor. I KmimaBly tim itBl; w ould open t h e V F llV Wallace U.S. offlclaU did not say n r..T ------------—---- raBoard1}«m\ii<L Uve flight. But Travis j 'lYumon ' U.S. off I wilyw ily for tolcvlHion-racho (h> . a li-Mied a M y7E5<l~htalcmcntrlater ------“i — io Oi« 3oi>*>>' |i wwhet>]or hotiior p(iltornate plans had H B I ■ BBates ates Botwoon Uio m ajo r ciindl- I 0 | Boen iiuide for McKamara's. or- 'STo<SmiJ^gnU wjvylntf only- mlllUvry personnel . 1 iw?h(iel wh«K» hB U H BodU liuidfl datfliidatoii nucnuch ax Uini^o Botwoon Uon. were alKiard. An air forco spokes- I tsi.'! don’t Utliilt Mo- n rival, l>OLiCEMAN Vern BUlvoldtIdt 'peers"Into’peot« In suBraerced c*r asIS It’S' pulled from IrrlcaUon -eaimlml J‘ihnJohn F. .Kennedy ivnd Vlco rrcn- f x man hi Manila, Maj. jolin llado- ' jifli'g % DtiHOcret. Jf M . Oflit,Oflit. IWfflJIMTflXweH D. Taylor, ch aJr- w u found Inside (he car, one off fivefire personperson* killed In »ol«« Hun-tl- l‘lo»tIdent niinichard M. Nixon in Tool).iOOO. I n JfH o t S p o t m S iU r. man or Uie UJ3. Joint clilefs of at Boise. A Body of a woman was found 1 mnclicr, also said Uiore were no Be*! « n«v one.'* H m a n or Uw dsy. Police BeUeve Usymond A. BeasonS,BcosonS, Ki, l|i treupunilBle lo rr Ui«Uio flve^deiflve^ death s. 11 Is Believed heh e WWhllo hllo thero has Boon hu flnnl . dependents on Uie plane. ................,.Q staff,staff., ojrhojrlvad without Incident J®* doclfilon,doclslon. top DomocratH do not UALTIlIIALTIMOIUC. May 11 fUPO- today to j(jJoin wiUi McNamor* lu droivDod«**ro»noa (A P w lrephoto) Ji, 7" nio craidi occurred ub 1:15 ttmms^eassaaaeus^ M ¥ ¥ ¥ ' ■•■' ¥ , ¥ ¥ ¥ expect I»ro»ldent Johmont to Aln)>juna Oov. Oeiirgo C. Wai- „ ,j, ,.j. conforonccs on Uie var against ¥^ ¥ ¥ V p.m . au a ftJn. EOT). - conforenccn aurco tflto fnco-to-fnce deBatenBalo laco todiitodiiy carries his M aryland' UadumachoritJidu,', wUd a medium to Uie coiomunlAt guerrillas. ^ r ' “i Tl wwlUiIUj hln UepuBllcan opponent.-int.- prc.'ikUmtprc.'ikUintlal primary .ciunpalunpaign v falMng a t th e rForce ln.'ilcnd, JohuRon may tako1,1^ (.o Uifl Kju’itcrn uhoro conumnilty:imuy <j ripped Into the • I Y m HonAo o f r( ‘ urnimd JUflt ouUltlo j-h^porlme-_______ aUon iiorc/' Taylor wild, '“lliat Is X I------- ttlflvl-nocr-tlmonn-dlBcuaa-thfr-ift- Pive-Boisesisean^M ur^ *r.rv».\ t4>r of tile Rprawllng fclr"76y6® ; iveiJs lls tho tamo rcoium McNamara is ■' sjio.*! and«nd slalo Iho cojmj for hLn election.,election.. lUs OOP rival WouldLiVm '!■*»« Bchcduiiui B p.m . isnyr) BlUHO.^ ‘ coming, too." . “Tr^ h„L »il«ech In CnmBrlduo. was one ^ “£>oa*t Bo su rp rised Jf wo *ro B hav e Uio sam e am o u n t, of ,tlm 3 o ot,iwo planned.l)yUlm-6«arcKa-” L-u*'” l l io M an ila air control cen ter for tho stimo piirposa, But would ^ oadcd runwivyfl at Olark field 'w Bomber BBack ack ltcr«licfe overy . couplo of I I UonlBt Kovernor m Iuj h e o d ^ montiu*,'* Taylor aald. *‘W« got ^ lu n t f o r K iil l l e r aapptar p p e ar sMparatoly. ,„t„ cam - cloftod fo r a n liour a n d 30 jfpAT.ie, Oftllf.. M iy U Wl montiu*;* r P o lice Hun Into his final week of com- Q-i m inutes following th e crash. iilr fBcc« unvdlad today rodulorreg u lar oiifloiialy«ja o f Uio Vlot N<un BOISE, M ay 11 (UPD——Moro Moro thithiin !!0 mon iioarcliodjed lliol}i6 NoiN ow Y ork cwiml totlnylay *nio'llio ijlato Prciddont Kennedytnody palijnlntfpciiunhnj for Un» May IB prl- sltunllQn In Wa.BhlnKton BuB we tho hows conforonco thatit ho mary. ^ a 'I7irt ®crft.?ii wtw Believed to, B* fasleit and orMllleRt sltu u tlo n li for tho Body of a M other’a'8 daydny kilUkillof o t Xlvo.
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