District. Project Description BE 2016-17 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000012-Improvement/Rehabilitation of DWSS atMasjid Quba Shahnigar and Tek 200,000 Azurdam Drosh CHITRAL LOWER CL15000018-"Improvement/Rehabilitation of DWSS atMakar gole,Traur and 600,000 Laugurbat Paeen Masjid" CHITRAL LOWER CL15000019-Construction DWSS Ustrum Shishikoh 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000020-Construction/Repair of water tankHakimabad 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000021-"Provision of Pipe for WSS Lalmibakarabad,Ghaziabad, orghoch and Tor 418,000 deh chumurkhon" CHITRAL LOWER CL15000023-Provision of Pipe line for WSS atKoghuzi 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000024-Pipe line at Bakamak Maidan and PachiliOchosht 160,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000025-Water Tank at Alian 250,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000029-Water tank at Dolomos 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000030-Construction of Water Well Broze Kol 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000031-Provision of pipe Maskoor 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000032-Water tank at Mixhi Gram 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000033-Water tank at Izh 150,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000034-Rehabilitation of WSS Zalabad Arkari 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000035-Rehabilitation of WSS Shagram maidan 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000036-WSS at Galah 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000038-WSS at Ghurdan Dagh 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000039-Improvement of Water Supply SchemeOtresh Barenis 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000040-Improvement of WSS Sheli Lasht 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000041-"improvement of Water Supply SchemeDomon tek sheli, bebolak, 600,000 Hindustan, achingole bakarabad and Faiz abadkoh Chumurkhon" CHITRAL LOWER CL15000042-Repair of Water Tank at DHQ HospitalChitral 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000043-Pipeline for DHQ Hospital Chitral 141,877 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000044-Provision of pipe for WSS for TehsilMastuj 500,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000045-Pipe Line Jamalandeh Kosht 400,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000046-Pipe Line Shinjur Aan Kosht 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000047-Repair of Pipe Line Soragh 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000048-WSS Odir payeen 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000049-WSS Shotkhar 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000050-WSS Ghourda 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000051-WSS Werkop 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000052-Construction of Water Tank Shalan Sor 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000054-WSS for Village Jumbishal 400,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000057-Repair of Water Tank at Balim 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000058-Magasarandeh WSS 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000059-Provision of Pipe for WSS UC Terich Area 500,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000060-WSS Yoskisht Yarkhun 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000061-Construction of Water Tank Ghoru Payeen 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000062-Construction of Water Tank Ghoru Bala 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000063-Construction of Water Tank at ChuinjBala 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000064-Purchase of pipe for Ward No.17 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000065-Water Tank at Samagole 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000066-Water tank Aach Kosht c/o Zafar 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000067-Improvement of WSS Zondrangram TerichC/O Syed Shah 250,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000068-Improvwement of WSS Meragram No.1 250,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000069-Shitrakhi Gohkir WSS 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000070-Provision of Pipe for Riri Tordeh Owir 110,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000071-Construction of Water Tank Govt. RHCHospital Warijun 500,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000072-Provision of Pipe 2000 ft Barum Owir 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000073-Construction of Well at Khotan Lasht 150,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000074-Provision of pipe line at Lonkoh Terichpyeen +Thussan Kushum 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000075-Provision of pipe line at neyuk WerkopTorkow 130,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000076-Provision of pipe line Istaru torkhow 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000077-"Repair of link road Patai Nagar,kalkatak, Beori Bala, Chik dam and 700,000 Pedestrain road at Muzhgol Orsoon" CHITRAL LOWER CL15000078-"Improvement/Rehabilitation of link roadat Lawi, Dap Khairabad and 700,000 Azad dam road Drosh" CHITRAL LOWER CL15000079-Construction of Pedstrain Road at MoxhGol Orsoon 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000080-Construction of Pedstrain Bridge atNagar Gole 600,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000081-Improvement/Rehabilitation of Link roadlangorbat and pedstrain Road 700,000 Swardam Masjid Arandu CHITRAL LOWER CL15000082-Construction of Link Road shirati shishikoh 500,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000083-Construction of Pedestrain Road Shiratishishi koh 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000084-Repair of Bridge Patigal Shishikoh 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000085-Pedestrain Bridge at Darisht Chumurkhon 470,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000086-Improvement of Road at Achin goleBakarabad 250,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000087-Rehabilitation of Road at shelli brozeand Darisht Chumurkhon 250,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000088-Rehabilitation of link road at KuruKhoguzi 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000089-Repair of link road at Jugumi Barenis 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000090-Rehabilitation of link road atAkhonzadagndeh tordeh Chumurkhon 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000091-link road at Dangerikandeh 400,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000092-lind road at Dahar 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000093-Pedestrain Road at Jangbazar Paeen nearTablighi Markaz 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000094-PCC Road at Bakamak 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000095-"Improvement of Lind roads theng sahan,sahan Bala and iskon lasht 550,000 Atani" CHITRAL LOWER CL15000096-Construction of Pedestrian road tharalu 150,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000097-Repair of Bridge at Berir 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000098-Bridge at Sarukjal Bumburate 1,000,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000099-Rehabilitation of link road atThoriandeh ayun 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000100-Repair of road at Atani lasht 400,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000101-Constructioin of Footable Bridge AwiBirir 1,398,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000102-PCC road Tinghen near new masjid 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000103-link road at singoor Street Gul Nawazkhaki 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000104-Chew dok road near Badsha gaey home 198,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000105-Construction of Jeepable road 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000106-link road Jangbazar 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000107-Link road Moshanghal 400,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000108-link road Kari Lot deh 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000109-Construction of road Dangerikandeh 500,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000110-Construction of road Kari Payeen 500,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000111-Rehabilitation of JeepableRoad(Teshghar) 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000112-Improvement of Road Bakarabad Bala 1,500,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000113-Improvement of Road Bakarabad payen 1,000,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000114-link road at zahmik 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000115-Rehabilition of Road Siwakht 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000116-Rehabilitation of bridge mokh 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000117-Construction of link road Dolomos Coluny 265,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000118-Rehabilitation of JeepableRoad(Teshghar) 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000119-Rehabilitation of Jeepable road atbeshgram juara 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000120-Rehabilitation of jeepable road at shotpayeen 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000121-Rehabilitation of jeepable road at pasttoragh 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000122-Rehabilitation of jeepable road at Muxhnoghor 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000123-Improvement of Road pardush mori 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000124-Improvement of Road Dashmanandeh lashtbarenis 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000125-Improvement of Road Pryet Nala area 319,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000126-Improvement of road Goldeh Broz Domontek bajawool chochort 700,000 gumbat and dom broze CHITRAL LOWER CL15000127-Rehabilitation of Foot ball Ground roadayon I 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000128-Rehabilitation of foot ball Ground roadat Tharalu Ayon 350,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000129-Repair of Road Shaliden 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000130-Link road Shenjur Aan top Shadok 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000131-Link road Barumkagh to Halaqandeh Kosht 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000132-Link Road Muxhgole 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000133-Link road Shokorduri 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000134-Barumkagh road near School 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000135-Link road Kulum Tiwaruk 150,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000136-Link road Istaru Nodragh 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000137-Link road Dok Shagram 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000138-Link road Odir Bala 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000139-Link road Odir Muldeh 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000140-P/Bridge Shagram Werkop 298,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000141-Shachar Road Melp Bala 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000142-Link Road Rayeen 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000143-Link Road Nisur Rech 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000144-Repair of link Road Urwaht Khot 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000145-Support Wall For Link Road of Sonoghur 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000146-Restoration of Link Road SheghniandehPhort 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000147-Repair of Link Road at Broke Laspur 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000148-Repairing of Phase-II Dothan RoadMeragram 219,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000149-Improvement of Nichaugh Tordeh Road 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000150-Riri Tordeh Road 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000151-Improvement of link road Zondrangram Dok 150,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000152-Improvement of link road mirghish 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000153-Improvement road from machonic bridgeto Longole 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000154-Improvement of link road at PaghashtNiashko 150,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000155-Improvement of link road Madak from linkroad to Bala 200,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000156-Link Road Bang Bala Yarkhun 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000157-Link Road Bang Payeen 300,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000158-Const; of link road at Istordeni Mastuj 100,000 CHITRAL LOWER CL15000159-Goshen Road Kushum 600,000 CHITRAL LOWER
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