NUN MONKTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT NUN MONKTON SCHOOL AT 7.45 PM ON WEDNESDAY 18 JANUARY 2017 PRESENT: Councillors E. Gamble (Chairman), N Gaunt, C Spakouskas, R Watters and D Wood. Also present were District Councillor Ashley Teague, Councillor Andrew Paraskos and the Clerk, Mr J Mackman. 17.001 – TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST (NOT PREVIOUSLY DECLARED) ON ANY MATTERS OF BUSINESS None. 17.002 - TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND APPROVE REASONS FOR ABSENCE All Councillors being present there were no apologies. 17.003 - TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 16 NOVEMBER 2016 The minutes of the meeting held on 16 November, having been circulated and read, were accepted and signed as a true record. 17.004 - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON TOPICS CONTAINED IN THE AGENDA None. 17.005 - FINANCE (a) To receive a financial statement The Clerk presented a detailed report showing the actual income and expenditure for the current financial year for the period to 18 January 2017. The report reflected the receipts and payments below. The bank balances at 18 January were: Current Account £614.26 Business Money Manager Account £11,463.08 (b) To agree accounts for payment (net of VAT); 488 Information Commissioner Annual fee £35.00 489 Upper Poppleton PC Stationery contribution £20.00 490 James Mackman Salary – December & January £271.58 491 Post Office Ltd Tax – December & January £67.80 492 Cancelled 493 School PTFA Contribution to bonfire clearance £62.50 494 James Mackman Expenses including SLCC subscription £37.25 £17.56 (c) To receive a report on income received Rural Payments Agency Annual grant £2,034.29 Resident Easement £500.00 Produce Show Sum to be held by the PC £50.00 HMRC VAT Refund £608.39 HSBC Bank interest 0.81 Northern Powergrid Wayleave £10.35 Page 1 of 5 NMPC – 18 January 2017 (d) To note the internal auditor’s report The Clerk read the internal auditor’s report. Except for one item of expense that had been incorrectly recorded in the minutes the report gave an unqualified approval of the Annual Return. (e) To agree to pay a proportion of the Clerk’s SLCC subscription It was agreed that the Parish Council would pay £17.56 towards the total of this year’s subscription of £177.00. (f) To agree the Budget for 2017-18 and set the precept The Councillors considered the proposed budget that the Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting. After a review of all the discretionary and non-discretionary items it was resolved to keep the precept at £8,000 for the financial year 2017-18. The Clerk completed and signed the appropriate Harrogate Borough Council request form. The agreed budget is attached to these minutes. 17.006 – TO NOTE CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE CLERK 17.006.01 - The Clerk referred to the following items of correspondence (a) HBC - Reduction in grass cutting allowance (b) HBC - Register of Electors 2017 (c) YLCA - Training update 17.006.02 - It was noted that the correspondence received since the November Parish Council listed below had already been circulated to the Councillors (a) Exploreyork – Yortime, December 2016 (b) HARCVS - News & Funding Update – December 2016 (c) HBC - Electoral Review - final recommendations (d) HBC - Boundary Commission - final recommendations (e) North Yorkshire Police - E-Newsletter, December 2016 (f) RPA - Cross compliance 2017 rules published (g) YLCA - Green parking sanctions reply (h) YLCA - Dependent carers allowance survey request (i) YLCA - NYCC budget consultation (j) YLCA - Draft public service ombudsman bill (k) YLCA - No extension of Referendum Principles (l) YLCA - 11 November 2018 bonfire query 17.006.03 - It was agreed that the correspondence received since the November Parish Council meeting, as listed below, be circulated to the Councillors (a) Clerk & Councils Direct - January 2017, Issue 109 (b) CPRE -Field Work - Winter 2016, Countryside Voice - Winter 2016 (c) CPRE - North Yorkshire Newsletter Winter 2016 (d) Open Spaces Society - Save Our Spaces Appeal 17.007 – GREENS (a) To receive an update on the work to the tracks It was noted that no work has been done on the tracks owing to the wet weather. Page 2 of 5 NMPC – 18 January 2017 (b) To discuss parking and other unauthorised uses of the Green and agree to formulate a policy for dealing with them It was agreed that all residents should be emailed about unauthorised use of the Green. Residents who are known to park vehicles on the Green/tracks will be sent a letter. It was agreed to formulate a policy for dealing with the problem of unauthorised Green use. (c) To consider the quotations for the drainage work to Pinfold house ditch It was agreed to accept a quotation from L Philliskirk & Son for this work. (d) To discuss a request for permission to install two seats and plant a tree on the Green A resident had written to ask permission to install two seats on the Green by the tree in front of the The Alice and to plant a tree. It was agreed that permission be granted for two recycled- materials seats. These require very little maintenance unlike wooden seats which need to be refurbished every two or three years. The Councillors agreed that they did not wish to see any more trees on the Green so they declined the resident’s offer. The Clerk is to inform the resident of both decisions. (Action Clerk) 17.008 - PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) To note Local Authority Planning Decisions It was noted that the Local Planning Authority had approved the following applications: Ref: 16/02296/LB – Listed building application for the reinstatement of 1 door opening, alterations to 3 roof lights and installation of 2 windows at Plum Tree Cottage by Mr I Robinson. Ref: 16/03953/FUL – Formation of outdoor riding arena at York Harness Raceway, Pool Lane by Mr & Mrs Welling. Ref: 16/04044/FUL – Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single-storey extension at Green Ridge Cottage by Mr & Mrs Gaunt. Ref: 16/05107/FUL – Alterations to existing building and fenestration to form ancillary accommodation at Warren House Farm by Mr & Mrs Prudhoe. 17.009 – TO CONSIDER THE FUTURE USE OF THE PHONE BOX It was reported that residents of Moor Monkton are restoring the phone box in the village. The only cost is that for materials which will be about £500 – the labour is free. It was proposed that Mike Turnham email all residents asking for volunteers to restore the phone box on the Green. If it is restored the Parish Council will look to using it as a book exchange. It was agreed that, should no volunteers be forthcoming, the phone box will be sold and removed. (Action Clerk) 17.010 – TO GIVE FURTHER CONSIDERATION TO THE SUBJECT OF PERMISSIVE RIGHTS OF WAY It was agreed that Councillor Gaunt and Watters try to arrange a meeting with landowners to see if a right of way can be re-established. (Action Councillors Gaunt & Watters) 17.011 – TO DISCUSS THE QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Four items were picked out of the results for comment. 1. Pool Lane It was agreed that a letter be sent to NYCC regarding the state of the road surface in Pool Lane. The letter will also ask how the County rates the condition of roads and where on the schedule is the resurfacing of Pool Lane. (Action Clerk) Page 3 of 5 NMPC – 18 January 2017 2. Grass Cutting The Biodiversity Group report presented at the last Parish Council meeting included a management plan intended to address residents’ concerns over the length of the grass. The report is to be included on the Parish Council’s website. (Action Councillor Watters) 3. Speeding The Councillors are to consider the information produced by Community Speedwatch and discuss this at the next meeting. It was agreed that enquiries be made about the feasibility of a 20mph limit through the village. (Action Clerk) 4. Permissive Rights of Way See minute 17.010 above. 17.012 – BURIAL GROUND (a) To consider the estimate for work to secure a loose headstone A quotation for securing the headstone was considered. It was resolved that, as the headstone was not very high, it did not constitute a hazard and that no action should be taken. (b) To consider maintenance issues None. 17.013 - TO RECEIVE REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORTS None. 17.014 – TO NOTE FORTHCOMING MEETINGS None. 17.015 – TO RECEIVE DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ COMMENTS (IF PRESENT) District Councillor Ash Teague reported:- Harrogate Borough Council’s annual grass cutting allowance is to be reduced by £250 a year until the sum reaches to zero. This means that the Parish Council should receive £648 this year, £398 next year and £148 the following year. In 2020-21, and from then onwards, there will be no grant. The Local Plan consultation period has ended. There are plans to allow the building of 3,000 in the Hammerton area. 17.016 – TO CONSIDER MINOR MATTERS None. 17.017 - TO CONSIDER ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA None. 17.018 – TO AGREE THE DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that future meetings should start at 7.00pm, not 7.45pm. It was also agreed that the next regular meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Thursday 23 March 2017 at 7.00pm. Page 4 of 5 NMPC – 18 January 2017 Future Parish Council meetings will be held at 7.00pm on 17 May and 19 July 2017. The meeting formally closed at 9.45 Chairman……………………………. Date….........……….……2017 James Mackman, Clerk. 39 Calder Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6RG Telephone: 01904 399277 - email: [email protected] Page 5 of 5 NMPC – 18 January 2017 .
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