January 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E27 CONGRATULATING BRIGADIER MORE MONEY, LESS PROBLEMS obstacles were making it difficult to graze on GENERAL CHRISTOPHER their federal allotments. In many instances, FINERTY UPON HIS PROMOTION HON. JOE WILSON their allotted animal unit months (AUMs) had TO BRIGADIER GENERAL OF SOUTH CAROLINA been significantly reduced and in some cases IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES completely eliminated. The trend going for- ward was not positive. HON. KAY GRANGER Wednesday, January 10, 2018 It became clear to me that providing oppor- OF TEXAS Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- tunities for the ranching families to continue er, yesterday, I was grateful to learn that Tide- their livelihoods would be critical to a final out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES water Boats, led by Jimmy Metts, is investing come. A final bill would need to provide area Wednesday, January 10, 2018 $8.3 million to expand their manufacturing fa- ranchers with options that could help them cility in Lexington, South Carolina. This invest- reset their grazing operations and provide Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment will create 100 new jobs. greater certainty for them in the future. thank Brigadier General Christopher E. Finerty This news is on top of AFLAC announcing To meet this need, we developed a program for his outstanding service to our country and that they will be expanding their 700 employ- in which area ranchers could voluntarily retire congratulate him on his promotion to Brigadier ees in Columbia, South Carolina, managed by individual allotments that might not be eco- General in the United States Air Force. Gen- Daniel Lebish, and doubling their employee nomically viable to their ongoing ranching op- eral Finerty has worked closely with me, the 401K matching funds. erations in exchange for compensation from a Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and On the same day Republicans passed his- private third party. across Capitol Hill to inform and advise the toric tax cuts, AT&T led by Pam Lackey an- This program specified that agreements Congress so that we may ensure a strong and nounced they are providing 200,000 employ- were to be voluntary, that ranchers would be ready National Guard. He has also helped the ees a $1,000 bonus. Comcast, whose leader paid for all of the AUMs on their allotment and Pentagon work more productively with Con- in South Carolina is Douglas Guthrie, will be that funding would come from third party pri- gress, promoting a strong and efficient na- providing $1,000 bonuses to 100,000 employ- vate entities and not the federal government. tional defense. ees. BB&T, a valued corporate citizen led by Mr. Speaker, I’m pleased to say that last General Finerty has done this work self- Mike Brennan, will be raising their employee month marked the completion of the initial lessly. He quietly, but tenaciously advocates wages to $15 an hour and providing a $1,200 phase of voluntary retirements. for the Chief of the National Guard Bureau’s bonus for 27,000 employees. In the past year, four families have retired priorities to make the National Guard a ready, Boeing of Charleston, led by Joan Robin- five allotments and received over $1.35 million capable force for operations m the homeland son-Berry, announced they will be donating in private compensation. Some of these allot- and overseas. $100 million to charity that focuses on edu- ments were proving difficult to use and were cation, local communities, veterans and mili- marginally viable in their traditional operations. General Finerty’s promotion grows from a Through our program, the ranchers were paid career of accomplishments and experience. tary personnel. But the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is not only for every AUM on each allotment. Prior to becoming the head of the National On the conservation side, over 126,000 Guard Bureau’s Office of Legislative Liaison, for businesses. I appreciate that next month, American families will see more of their own acres of pristine and ecologically important where he works directly for the Chief of the areas that include winter and summer range National Guard Bureau, General Finerty was money in their paychecks. In conclusion, God Bless our Troops, and for elk and deer, important sage grouse habi- Vice Commander of the Air National Guard we will never forget September 11th in the tat, and some of the highest elevation spawn- Readiness Center and simultaneously the Global War on Terrorism. ing habitat for ocean-going salmon and Commander of the 201st Mission Support Best wishes to Chairman DARRELL ISSA and steelhead found anywhere will no longer be Squadron, which together oversee personnel Kathy Issa for their dedicated service as they grazed. These were high conflict areas that and policy across the country. He has pre- announce their retirement. We look forward to have experienced past litigation and would vious tours in the National Guard Bureau’s their continued service for the American peo- probably see future litigation or regulation. legislative liaison office, the Air Force congres- ple. I am very pleased to say that the voluntary sional budget liaison office, and on the Air Na- f retirement program has been a success and a tional Guard staff. He logged over 3,300 hours win for both the ranchers and for conservation. piloting HH–60 rescue helicopters and flew 45 IN RECOGNITION OF A SUCCESS- While the initial third party funding for the vol- combat missions. General Finerty is a 1992 FUL IDAHO CONSERVATION PRO- untary retirement program has expired, the graduate of the United States Air Force Acad- GRAM mechanism still exists for ranchers to retire al- emy. lotments in the future, should they so choose. General Finerty dedicates all of his time and HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON In doing so, they will be free to enter into new energy to his work, with two exceptions—his OF IDAHO agreements with new terms. These future children, Ryan and Kate. General Finerty’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agreements will be of their own accord be- first priority are his children, and no father tween the ranchers and conservation interests. could be more devoted. Kate and Ryan inspire Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize the and strengthen him Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to following organizations and individuals for their Please join me in congratulating General recognize an important conservation program contributions to the voluntary retirement pro- Finerty on his well-earned promotion and in taking place in central Idaho that was created gram. expressing our gratitude for his selfless serv- as part of the Sawtooth National Recreation The Idaho Conservation League were the ice. Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions backbone behind the voluntary grazing retire- Act. I also want to acknowledge the out- ment program. The legislation provided the f standing cooperation between Idaho conserva- mechanism for the voluntary retirements and tionists and ranchers that have made this pro- they provided the muscle, resources, and ex- PERSONAL EXPLANATION gram a success. pertise to carry out this initial batch of retire- The signing of the law in 2015 created three ments. new wilderness areas totaling over 429 square I want to give special thanks to Rick John- HON. RON KIND miles. This jewel in the heart of Idaho was son, the Executive Director of the Idaho Con- protected for future generations to enjoy. It OF WISCONSIN servation League. Rick worked very closely also returned significant amounts of wilder- with my staff and me as we developed the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness study areas back to multiple use allowing program. He made sure the grant funding was Wednesday, January 10, 2018 individuals and families to engage in outdoor in place prior to passage of the legislation so and recreational activities for years to come. that promises made to the ranchers would be Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to When I began working on the Boulder-White kept after the bill became law. Rick has been have my votes recorded on the House floor on Clouds bill nearly 20 years ago, ranchers on a true friend and partner from start to finish in Tuesday January 9, 2018. Had I been present, the East Fork of the Salmon River were facing this process. I would have voted in favor of H.R. 4581, H.R. significant headwinds to their traditional way of A very big thanks and well done go to John 4564 and H. Res. 676. life. Lawsuits, federal regulations, and other Robison, Public Lands Director of the Idaho VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:56 Jan 11, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JA8.018 E10JAPT1.
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