tsri 1. Page 16 —November 28. 1943 DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES 16 Radio Stations Girl Stowaway s Idyl Blasted by Torpedo BRISTOL. England Nov. 27 To Carry Times 1 1 pi IDcirnillic Lucia James. 23. I«>\ ed an American sqiloi so much <twiwitfymfytmZm she stowed away «n his ship when I | it sailed lor North America, but Mystery a mail torpedo ended tier idyl. UPTO TO PAY AT HADLEY FINSTKR WALD’S Drama She emeiged, hut qinckly, when V A"YEAR J<- the lotjado struck the ship. Res- r Story to Be Heard Tt*st «hr taken to li.tlil.tx and th»-n sent hack to Bristol. Michigan, Ontario ADVERTISEMENT ’ in * /. 4 Different Days —; | on BACKACHE, ¦r vv -.Mystery U'-e G+fl W+H* F i ~ i ¦. Sr T’nfflnlfhwi Kv< ‘ is the t'¦t le i t * H \ r\ • .. • I 0 ¦ TTI LEG PAINS MAY Detroit Sunday Tinier will s{»on- ~r f sor over Its radio stations in next DANGER SIGN * *1 f Mich lean and Ontario BE j . ' : • *'j Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and • Of Tired Kidney* ' Saturday, the day of the broad- Wfcrn disorder of kidney function tomtit* mmtrr remain in blood, cast differing on various stations poisonous to your ! it may rauiw nagging backache, rheumatic i Hh| a« indicated pain*. leg |.»ins. h** of pep and energy. got- | ting up right*.swelling, puffinon* under the | it MI4 IfK. Y\ c\es, headaches and distiness. E requent or I i. scanty passages with smart <nie and burning WJLB. IVtrmt, 12:15 p. m cornet imp* shows then* is something wrong your kidneys or tijjLuVi. ’A.wjyjj, WFDF, 10 j* rn. with bladder. ; Saturday: Flint. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan’» . U. L ite. l A a Rapids, Friday, WLAV. Orand Tills, uM successfully by millions for over , Wk. p. iCU T) Friday. WIBM 4(* years. They gae happy relief and will help j i 9 30 nv 8 p. (CWT) Friday. tha 15 miles of kidney tube# flush out poison- Solid Mahogany ( hina Base, Silk Shade Period Desk Chairs Blond Maple Desk Smart Boudoir Lamps Sewing Cabinet Jackson m uu> waste your blood, Doan's Dill*. I Lansing. p. Friday; from lict Kneehole Desk T.amps Ideal Perfect for the sewing WJIM. 9 m. ADVERTISEMENT Fine quality “Grand Rapids Fxqulslte Table Lamp! Genuine Smart, period design Desk New, modern. make Christmas mother WKBZ. Muskegon. 7:15 p m. Made” Cocktail 'Fable of genu- China base with brass decora- Chairs with comfortable leath- of solid maple In lovely blond gifts. Delicately designed Bou- or daughter. Hardwood constnuv design (CUT) Friday; WCAR. Pontiac. ine solid mahogany. Beautifully tion. Silk shade Included. erette seats. Heavily built cab- finish. Solid oak interiors . doir Lamps Attractive glass lion. Walnut finish lyre WHLS, Port Doctor Explains 4 t 5 p nr Thursday; mortised top rail Choice of soft pas- {\TT inet wood fianie. Smart, decora- fX?* bases and smartly #"v m sides. Convenient Jw rx V ’’ SfT /\ET Jk 0 Huron. 11.30 a. nr Thursday; Hand rubbed l’ay tel colors. Pay only / Rich mahogany fin- V| five pulls, other pleated shades. .. P wJe'k swinging d r a w e r /| p. nv “C'-f Easy WSAM Saginaw. 715 (jail Bladder *1.25 weekly ish. $1.25 weekly .. excellent features terms. Each for accessories.... it'WT' Friday. WTCM. Traverse EASY TERMS! EASY TERMS' EASY TERMS! EASY TERMS! EASY TERMS! City. 7 (0 p. m <CV\Ti Wednes- Ttie evpenenre of 3b years with day W.TMS. lronwood, 1 15 p. ni o\ei to *OO cases of common call rr*ry at# 'if tntt t m y (CUT) Thursday. jgp*’'' bladder and liver tils- -a. W? .-• Tpl 1 ONTARIO Ms orders is described rn-tirrtr ¥[ m a new booklet by jf 7 r\ Chatham, 5 to p m CFCO, w lock. 1, ; J V ' Thursday; t'KOCT Hamilton 1:30 pox ‘ Hi jtfv f»805. Desk 4, r%W:j,v t*TT ~\rv p m. Saturday; CKCR, Kitchener. \ j. Kansas City, Mo. 9 15 Friday; fKCO. Ottawa ° & ;s !l ol'lpt tells 8 15 n. m Friday; CJCS, Strat- " v surgery In ford. i 15 p. m. Fnday. k runny cases may be Front Page Drama always is miueceasary t either or based on human interest material i t• 1 «*, or stif from the files of The American may he relieved * medi- .. Weekly, great weekly magazine by his palliative cal treantient Also are described many HRT which comes regularly with The nymptoma of Gnll Stones and infected Detroit Sunday. Times. tinll madder. Send for free booklet today.! i&- m Ik*, k i Solid Mahogany 50% Wool Comfort 25% Wool Cannons Priscilla Curtains Chenille Bedspread 5-Pc. Dinette Set most gift'... Beautiful English square Ijimp Give useful, neepssary gifts this From the famous mills of Can- Crispy, snow-white Priscilla" For the colorful ll**a\ily constructed of seasoned Curtains of fine weave. Heavily tufted Bed- hardwoods. Beautifully finished Christmas! Each Chenille 'i'able of selected solid mahog- Sateen comforters non. 25% w001—75% cotton. panel measures 2** yards long spreads in~glorioiiH new pat- and decorated. Include* th* Richly edges. any. Rich, mortised sides. 3 for healthful warmth-wlthout- bound 70x80-ineh and 44 inches wide. Extra large terns Woven with many col- Drop leaf Table and * match* < weight... _ Choice of soft ruffles. All ready to ors. Color combi- :n* fhairs s*e, shelves. Beautiful par 50% c; rk size. '* ** f\C) 4 s^' '* / O CT t\r* r/ 7 hand rubbed finish wool 50% cotton pastel colors. Easy “v hang. Price per -v nation to harrno- ffk • • v $125 weekly filling. Color choice • terms. Each pair ** nize with any room. ¦ r 1 FASY TERMS' EASY TERMS t EASY TERMS! EASY TERMS! EASY TF.RMM It's clearer sailing when eyes are ship-shape. 4k So I¦ 11111 W »lfll come In at your earliest convenience and have GIFTS IN WOMEN’S and MISSES’ APPAREL! BUY THEM ON EASY TERMS! your syes checked in our modern, scientific optical department. ' & Glasses to Improve your mm , v ' vision and enhance your appearance will be pre- scribed, if you need * 12/' ' V^JIS m 1 them. If not, we will tell you so. t > 1 v: I 5i “ '¦ >'* . S OR. J. KOOIKER ' 4 y Charge . Optical Department Open In . ,! ~ T* Monday and Saturday Night* Till 9:00 I - (•?ABUBHCD l««4 GLASSES L *¦ mm\ g k. ‘ m V ifaflMr\ i GERSON’S ON J JEWELERS Quality Hosiery Rohes ililfflRayon Satin Slips Chenille Aprons C ostume Jewelry Pull-Over Sweaters Quilted 136 MICHIGAN AVE. The ideal Christmas Rift for all Glamorous warmth-giving quilt- A most desit able gift for her! They're new! Thev're colorful! Costume Jewelry makes a fin* She'd lo\e a Sweater this fcait U Pmiii'i OutetUn* Ca. women! Fine quality. long- ed Robes in stunning floral de- Beautiful Rayon Satin Slips in And they make perfect gitts gift. A wide assortment of Christmas Smart, pull-over On Mlthltan A»e. CREDIT wearing Hosiery in glorious sign. Choice of newest pastel tailored or lacy styles. Ex- Fine quality aprons with lovely lovely designs and vivid color styles in the most wanted col- ing« new shades . pv colors. All beauti- r\ quisitely designed tufted chenille de- $ Newest sash- s; -e ors Many all wools (U\ . fv v qa '* t\i\ So Charge it! Pay. nJ //• fully Sizes --expertlv tailored. £-f signs Choice of | Vkwl ions! Ml types. | I included Sizes 11 ' J lined. | XeOg/ X*V/\/flf /x *7 1 • « Charge able Jan. 10th... 12 to it ... * ... • . Sizes 12 to 35.... colors Your choice to 10 if.. EASY TERMSf GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS! OPEN MONDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00! 40 ¦pi «¦ / \ . a Ml V -w X dXribBmll - jut - ,>iur*i iwiv . /''¦>;:/¦. Jfc I Ift. m . ¦* * • • • i ' nun 1 '//SrtA. il * % Ik W Mnitn to the \ctr I*nlriolir { “Marlboro” Shirts ‘Wemhlev* Ties Men’s Leal her Jackets S^\ Men’s Smart All-Wool Gloves Fanious ¦se Men’s Phoenix Robes feature—- Give him Gloves this Christ- Full cut, fine toimt BroatfHoth* A bea-utiful selection of hand Rugged raj»eskin Leather Jack- Nationally advertised Phoenix Warm, comfortable. Flannel, mas! Warm, all wool gloves Shirts in a wide variety of fiat- tailored Ties In rayons and ets. Full zipper front and breast Hose, famous for long wear Se- blanket Rohes for men! Plaids, "Knot# 1 our America" with ribbed wrists for comfort terns and colors. Guaranteed silks. Select from patterns pocket. Slash pockets and plaid lect. from a large variety of ml stripes and fancy patterns In * and fit. Smart kha- £ sanforized Expert galore Stripes, $ /WV lining. Swing back f* ot«. in at ripen, plaids, prpr(» variety of colors. $ m rv w '*Cfw l\/\ sr\ ** belt. solids, etc Longs gift for '"fc -“4 kl plain knit ... l\ tailored Sizes 7 I plaids, large and | 111 I with half and Perfect I llf *fX n * A • J 1 X•vfvs 1 UU Charge it! pair.. 13 a to 17 .small figures Sizes 36 to 16... shorts 10 2 to 13.... him All sizes... EASY TERMS . FA.SY TERMS W iCrgv r P? rA'i * * / ! / / /' / ' / > / WJR * iwfel /W f /TSjf 760 ON YOUR RADIO :|U ; 3ft ¥¦ 11 - j With Lighter ( hild’s ToySiHorse Toy C Ho\s* Novelty Shirts Decorative Pillows Electric i Tableware hild’s Rocker Iriiln// Manilttfi ihroui/h Soft. comfortable, decotafixe looking for a Good Smoker? A wonderful gift value for boy Here’s the set that all young Massively built of seasoned Perfect for the Well-dressed Pillows in a wide assortment of ; ' -' Smart, -all metgl nr girl' Heavily built Child's sfers love.
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