Date: 30 March 2020 Town Hall, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7QF Tel: 01768 817817 Email: [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam Executive Agenda - 7 April 2020 Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Executive will be held at 6.00 pm on Tuesday, 7 April 2020 at the Town Hall, Penrith. 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION that the public minutes E/84/02/20 to E/95/02/20 of the meeting of the Executive held on 25 February 2020 be confirmed and approved by the Chairman as a correct record of those proceedings (copies previously circulated). 3 Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any private interests, both disclosable pecuniary and any other registrable interests, in any matter to be considered or being considered. 4 Questions and Representations from the Public To receive questions and representations from the public under Rules 3 and 4 of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution 5 Questions from Members To receive questions and representations from Members under Rule 5 of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution 6 Eden Community Fund Recommendations - Communities Portfolio Holder (Pages 5 - 12) To consider report PP14/20 from the Assistant Director Community Services which is attached and which seeks approval for the award from the Eden Community Fund of grants to the 10 projects set out in Appendix A. RECOMMENDATION that a grant from the Eden Community Fund is agreed for each of the 10 projects set out in Appendix A, to a total of £55,900.88. Rose Rouse Chief Executive www.eden.gov.uk 7 Devolution of Upper Eden Visitors Centre, Kirkby Stephen - Services Portfolio Holder (Pages 13 - 16) To consider report P7/20 from the Assistant Director Commissioning & Technical Services which is attached and which asks Members to consider the devolution of the Upper Eden Visitors Centre in Kirkby Stephen to Kirkby Stephen Town Council. RECOMMENDATIONS that: 1) the Upper Eden Visitors Centre in Kirkby Stephen is transferred freehold to Kirkby Stephen Town Council with terms imposing restrictive covenants on any future use; 2) the transfer of the visitors centre includes the stone sheep sculptures; and 3) the Assistant Director of Governance be given delegated authority to determine the detailed terms of such transfer. 8 Housing Supplementary Planning Document (Pages 17 - 154) To consider report PP15/20 from the Assistant Director of Planning and Economic Development which is attached and which seeks the Executive’s support for the adoption of the Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). RECOMMENDATIONS that: 1) the Executive adopts the Housing SPD set out in Appendix A and issue an adoption statement; and 2) the approach for calculating financial contributions for affordable housing agreed by the Executive on 6 September 2016 be superseded by the adoption of the Housing SPD. 9 Any Other Items which the Chairman decides are urgent 10 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting The date of the next scheduled meeting be confirmed as 19 May 2020, subject to confirmation at full Annual Council. Yours faithfully R Rouse Chief Executive Democratic Services Contact: Claire Watters www.eden.gov.uk 2 Encs For Attention All members of the Council Chairman – Councillor V Taylor (Liberal Democrat Group) Vice Chairman – Councillor M Robinson (Independent Group) Councillors J Derbyshire, Liberal Democrat Group L Sharp, Labour Group K Greenwood, Independent Group M Tonkin, Independent Group M Rudhall, Liberal Democrat Group Standing Deputies Please Note: 1. Access to the internet in the Council Chamber and Committee room is available via the guest wi-fi – no password is required 2. Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 this meeting has been advertised as a public meeting (unless stated otherwise) and as such could be filmed or recorded by the media or members of the public www.eden.gov.uk 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6 Report No: PP14/20 Eden District Council Executive 7 April 2020 Eden Community Fund Recommendations Portfolio: Communities Report from: Assistant Director Community Services Wards: All Wards OPEN PUBLIC ITEM 1 Purpose 1.1 To seek approval for the award from the Eden Community Fund of grants to the ten projects set out in Appendix A. 2 Recommendation 2.1 That a grant from the Eden Community Fund is agreed for each of the ten projects set out in Appendix A, to a total of £55,900.88. 3 Report Details 3.1 The Eden Community Fund is the Council’s community grant scheme. It was established in 2013-14 to support and develop community initiatives within Eden District. The Eden Community Fund combined three previous grant schemes, the Community Fund, Rural Infrastructure Fund and Village Hall Grant. The Rural Infrastructure Fund was discontinued after 2013-14. 3.2 A total of £110,000.00 was available for the Eden Community Fund in the current financial year 2019/20. In the first tranche 2019/20 a total of £44,065.10 was committed while in the second tranche 2019/20 a total of £9545.41 was committed. The total of the recommended awards in the third tranche of 2019/20 is £55,900.88 with a remaining balance of £488.61. 3.3 The Eden Community Fund Partnership Panel met on the 15 February 2020 to assess fourteen applications against set criteria and make recommendations for the award of grants. The Partnership was chaired by the Communities Portfolio Holder and consisted of representatives from Cumbria County Council, Action with Communities in Cumbria, Penrith Action for Community Transition, Cumbria Constabulary as well as individual community representatives. In total fifteen applications were submitted to this funding round. The total amount of funding requested was over double the amount available in the Eden Community Fund budget. 3.4 One application was withdrawn before the Partnership Panel meeting as the applicant still had an outstanding unspent grant from a previous funding round. Of the remaining fourteen applications considered, ten were recommended to receive a grant, three applications were deferred as the funding round was oversubscribed and one application was declined as the Partnership considered that it did not meet the Eden Community Fund criteria. Page 5 3.5 All ten recommended applications and their applicants have been checked to ensure they meet the criteria for eligibility for the Eden Community Fund. 3.6 The criteria for assessing applications to the Eden Community Fund are as follows: Delivers wide community benefit; Contributes to locally identified community needs and priorities; Demonstrates value for money; Ability to measure success of a project or event; and Ability to demonstrate equality of opportunity and the elimination of discrimination. 4 Policy Framework 4.1 The Council has four corporate priorities which are: Sustainable Healthy, safe and secure Connected Creative 4.2 This report meets the “connected” and “creative” corporate priorities. 4.3 This report addresses “Administer community grants totalling £110,000.00 through the Eden Community Fund 2019-20” strategic action in the Communities Portfolio Plan. 5 Consultation 5.1 The recommendations within this report reflect the recommendations of the Eden Community Fund Partnership Panel. 6 Implications 6.1 Financial and Resources 6.1.1 Any decision to reduce or increase resources or alternatively increase income must be made within the context of the Council’s stated priorities, as set out in its Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023. 6.1.2 The £110,000 Eden Community Fund 2019/20 is drawn from the Community Fund budget. 6.1.3 This report recommends awarding grants totalling £55,900.88 to support ten projects. 6.1.4 Payments to successful applicants are made in two stages, with 75% being paid upfront and 25% on completion and receipt of a Project Completion Report and supporting evidence from the applicant. This is to demonstrate that the grant has been spent on the purpose for which it was awarded. Page 6 6.2 Legal 6.2.1 Applicants are required to sign a declaration before their application can be considered. In doing so they agree that: they have authority from their group to make the application; they understand and agree to the criteria; the information they provide is correct at the time of submission; they will submit a Project Completion Report along with the required documentation; and they have appropriate insurance cover. 6.3 Human Resources 6.3.1 There are no human resources issues associated with this report. 6.4 Statutory Considerations Consideration: Details of any implications and proposed measures to address: Equality and Diversity Applicants are asked to provide details of arrangements for those with access or mobility difficulties to participate in projects, and to outline how they will actively involve all sections of the community, including those from different backgrounds. An Equal Opportunities Policy is requested as part of required documentation. Health, Social The provision of the Eden Community Fund Environmental and grants has a direct benefit on the social, Economic Impact environmental and economic well-being of the organisations and communities who are awarded grants. Crime and Disorder There are no crime and disorder issues associated with this report. Children and There are no children or safeguarding issues Safeguarding associated with this report. 6.5 Risk Management Risk Consequence Controls Required That there is Grants are not used for Grants are managed in insufficient monitoring the intended purpose. accordance with the of paid grants. agreed criteria of the grant. Grants are paid in two stages – 75% on approval from Executive and 25% on receipt of the Project Completion Form and Page 7 Risk Consequence Controls Required accompanying documentation. Organisation dissolves Reputational harm to Financial checks are for some reason the Council.
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