74 AUDITORS REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT Name : MODERN EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL & CULTURAL ORGANISATION Address : 110, Natalwala Building, Veer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai- 400 016. Financial Year : 2007-2008 ; 1-1 Esc-. 41 CONTRACTOR, NAYAK SLXISHNADWALA (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS) For Modern Ed17v—,‘,t . -nal Social & Cultural tdriaasz tioa Dr. M. A K hat' h tay Executive Secretary gnu putvolf gamos Fomnpa gel :ssn IN omeXed I nom:is noun umutinwnage smdins uoneinumng %5 I :ssai (10110tV (ICIIVOES) LI 111P01£ 'stun° nofqo gip Jo' sosuodx3:ssn SIO`OPCSI S696SeS Own° osodind gm /pi sasuadx3:ssin 015'669411 00t00`091 (foot sin idwaxg:ssn 00t00s091 (MD) PooPYtICI P 889108 awootg gam° 00t6S4/.01 (gE)0 Sin KlwaX3:SSai 00t6S-1.01 luawalels iad se meg lecdep z ammuodx3 gluon! u! sunup nd se non umiguoG) ZZ/eL6rOf uomunnun kieummA I minus JaW0 WOJJ 311103tIl 3WODNII AO IN1314131VIS 800ZI0'IE LOOZIOt Onui 3191nPliti all9NOWITY-31118)., 600111110i APAlsglf 319L£ PLLYVV • Ar J 1 1100E-LOOTKI 910 OOP !119100141111919,9 2m -101.19mS maA g1911918 91emle09(011 1sta/PPy uommue2.10 mamma w lupus inim9itonp3 asarpow aassassw ODS3114 MESCO Annexure-I MODERN EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION 110,Natalwala Building Veer Savarlcar Marg Mahim Mumbai 400 016 Name and address of the founder members: Name and Address 1 Dr. Mohd. Abbas Khatkhatay Sea Breeze, B-2, 1st floor, 81, Mod Road, Mahim, Mumbai-400 016. _ Miss Zarina Tajani Sea Breeze, 3rd floor, Room NO.303 Lollar Chawl Mahim Mumbai-400 016. Mr. Mohammed Hussain Khatkhatay Elco Arcade, "D" Block, Room No. B/37, Hill Road,Bandra (W), Mumbai-400 050. 4. Mr. Irfan Merchant 6, Fatima Manor, St. Monica Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai-400 050. 5 Mr./qbal Patel Zubeda Manzil,2nd Floor 147/149,Cadel Road, Mahim Mumbai-400 016. 6 Mr. Abdul Kader Mustufa Haidery Building,2nd Floor, 124,Cadel Road, Mahim,Mumbai-400 016. 7 Mr.lmran Merchant 6, Fatima Manor, St. Monica Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai-400 050. 8 Mr.Farooque Khatkhatay 126,Cadel Road, Mahim Mumbai-400 016. 9 Mr.Hafizulla .H. Baig 10,Dargah Street, Mahim,Mumbai-400 016. 10 Ms.Tajwar Sultana Kadri 182-B,Cadel Road, Mahim Mumbai 400 016. MESCO MODERN EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION 10,Natalwala Building Veer Savarkar Marg Mahim Mumbai 400 016 Annexure - II to the Return of Income for the Assessment Year 2008-2009 Name of pers ins who were Trustees/Manager during the period. 01/04/2007 to 31/03/2008 Dr. Azhar All Qureishi President Mr. Aziz R.Sharifi Vice President 3. Mr. Salman Kardame Trustee 4 Mr. Saeed Ahmed Vohra Hon.Secretary Mr. Mohd. tarhaan Makba Treasurer Mr. Idris 4.boira Trustee Mr. Hilaluddin Shaikh Trustee Mr. Mohd. Farooque Saciya Trustee Mr. Salman Kardame Trustee Mr. Haider Mamajiwala Trustee Mr Nazir Shaikh Trustee Ms.Zaitoon Officewala Trustee MES' FORM NO. 10B (See rule 178) Audit Report under Section 124(b) of the Income-tax Act 1961, in the case of charitable or religious busts or institutions. We have examined the balance-sheet of MODERN EDUCATIONALSOCIAL & CULTURAL ORGANISATION as at 31g March, 2008 and the profit and loss account for the year ended on that date which are in agreement with the books of account maintained by the said trust or institution. We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and beli )-4 were necessary for the purposes of the audit. In our opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the head office and the branches of the above named *truk/institution visited by us so far as appears from our examination of the books, and proper returns adequate for the purposes of audit have been received from branches not visited by us, subject to the comments given below:- NIL - In our opinion and to the best of our information, and according to information given to us, the said accounts give a true and fair view — (0 in the case of the balance-sheet, of the state of affairs of the above named *trust/institution as at 3P March, 2008, and (ii) in the case of the profit and loss account, of the profit or loss of its accounting year ending on 31g March, 2008. The prescribed particulars are annexed hereto. For CONTRACTOR, NAYAK & KISHNADWALA Chartered Accountants AMV00/ak M.H. Contractor. Partner Reg. No. 2811. Place : Mumbal. Date :31.07.2008 MES CO ANNEXURE Statement of Particulars I. Application of income for charitable or religious purposes Amount of income of the previous year applied to charitable or religious After deducting the purposes in India during the year. administrative expenses of . Rs.57,60,175/- a total of Rs.3,10,48,118/-. Whether the trust/institution* has exercised the option under dause (2) of the Explanation to section 11(1) ? If so, the details of the amount of income deemed to have been applied to charitable or religious purposes in India during NIL the previous year. Amount of income accumulated or set apart* for application to charitable finally set apart or religious purposes, to the extent it does not exceed 15 percent of the NIL income derived from property held under trust *wholly for such purposes. In part only Amount of income eligible for exemption under section 11(1Xc) : (Give details) NIL Amount of income, in addition to the amount referred to in item 3 above, accumulated or set apart for specified purposes under section 11(2). NIL Whether the amount of income mentioned in item 5 above has been invested or deposited in the manner laid down in section 11(2)(b) ? If so, the details NA thereof : .. Whether any part of the income in respect of which an option was exercised under clause (2) of the Explanation to section 11(1) in any earlier year is deemed to be income of the previous year under section 11(18) ? If so, the NIL details thereof 8. Whether, during the previous year, any part of income accumulated or set NIL apart for specified purposes under section 11(2) in any earlier year — has been applied for purposes other than charitable or religious purposes NO or has ceased to be accumulated or set apart for application thereto, or has ceased to remain invested in any security referred to in section 1 11(2)(b)(i) or deposited in any account referred to in section 11(2)(b)(ii) or NO section 11(2)(b)(ii&or (c) has not been utilised for purposes for which it was accumulated or set 2 MESCO apart during the period for which it was to be accumulated or set apart, or in the year immediately following the expiry thereof ? If so, details thereof. IL Application or use of income or property for the benefit of persons referred to in section 13(3). Whether any part of the income or property of the *trust/institution was lent, or continues to be lent, in the previous year to any person referred to in section 13(3) (hereinafter referred to in this Annexure as such person) ? If so, No. give details of the amount, rate of interest charged and the nature of security, if any Whether any land, building or other property of the *trust/institution was Ei made, or continued to be made, available for the use of any such person during the previous year ? If so, give details of the property and the amount of No. rent or compensation charged, if any Whether any payment was made to any such person during the previous year by way of salary, allowance or otherwise ? If so, give details No. Whether the services of the *trust/institution were made available to any such person during the previous year ? If so, give details together with No. remuneration or compensation received, if any 5. Whether any share, security or other property was purchased by or on behalf of the *trust/institution during the previous year from any such person ? If so, No. give details thereof together with the consideration paid . Whether any share, security or other property was sold by or on behalf of the *trust/institution during the previous year to any such person ? If so, give No. details thereof together with the consideration received Whether any income or property of the *trust/institution was diverted during the previous year in favour of any such person ? If so, give details thereof No. together with the amount of income or value of property so diverted. Whether the income or property of the *trust/institution was used or applied during the previous year for the benefit of any such person in any other No. manner ? If so, give details. C 3 ME III. Investments held at any time during the previous year(s) In concenzs in which persons referred to In section .13(3) have a substantial interest SI.No Name and address of Whire the Nominal Income Whether the . the concern. concern is a value - of from the amount in company, the investment. col.4 number and investment. exceeded 5 Bass of shares per cent of held. the capital of the concern during the previous year say. Yes/No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) NIL Total r For CONTRACTOR, NAYAK & laSHNADWALA Chartered Accountants "wax lee4 M.N. Contractor. Partner Reg. No. 2811 Place : Mumbai. Date :31.07.2008 4 rtt pl..3 - 400 001. Jad. elaandoon, ilooc 7, Sir It M. Rea. Fort, Madooi ntractor, Nayak 81 Kishnadwata T.I. : 6623 0600 / 2266 1819 • Fax : 2261 5814 18, 1st Boon Pudspaso, K. D. Road s We Rate OIL Musolai - 400056. Chartered Accountants TeL 262.8 6909 / 262S 4083 / 6515 93.59 •• Fax 26286747 ( AUDITORS REPORT RELATING TO ACCOUNTS AUDITED FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2008 OF MESCO (MODERN EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL & CULTURAL ORGANISATION) TRUST UNDER SUB-SECTION 2 OF SECTION 33 AND SUB-SECTION 2 OF SECTION 34 OF THE BOMBAY PUBLIC TRUST ACT, 1950.
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