MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNGIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, THE CtTy OF FL|N FLON, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY g,2OO{, AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT ln the Ghain Moyor Dennis BALLARD Gouncillors: Col HUNTLEY Bev JOHNSON Dovid KENNEDY Dovid LAW Angelo SIMPSON Tom THERIEN RESOLUTION NO. I Moved By: THERIEN Seconded By: SIMPSON Resolved that the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 19,2000, be adopted as received. Carried 7-0 GORRESPONDENGE was dealt with/referred to Committee as follows: 1. Letter, dated December 15, 2000 from Colleen McKEE, Special Events Co- Ordinator, FLIN FLON FRIENDSHIP GENTRE, relative to 14th Annual Sled Dog Races. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. (Councittor KENNEDY volunteered). 2. Letter, dated December 13, 2000, from W.D. (Drew) GODDARD, Community Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Division, MANITOBA JUSTIGE, relative to auxiliary policing initiative. Referred to the Protective Services Committee. 3. Letter, dated December 19,2000, from Joseph P. DION, Director, Policy and Public Affairs, FEDERATTON OF GANADIAI{ lf,UillClPALlTlES (FCM), relative to resolutions for annual conference. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. 4. Letter, dated December 20,2000, from David SHEFFORD, General Manager, NORIIAN REGIONAT DEVELOPilIEI{T GORPORATION, relative to membership renewal. Referred to the Finance Committee. Minutes - Council Meeting Page2 January 9, 2001 GORRESPONDENGE (cont'd.) 5. Letter, dated December 21,2000, from Bert LAGIMODIERE, Chairman, IiANITOBA AIRPORT OPERATORS COMMITTEE, relative to annual general meeting. Referred to Councillor Dave LAW. 6. Letter, dated December 22,2000, from R.S. (Bud) OLIVER, Mayor, GITY OF SELKIRK, to The Honourable Gord MacKINTOSH, Minister of Justice, relative to Victim $ervices Program. Referred to the Protective Services Committee. 7. Letter, dated December 29,2000, from C. MACKIE, HEALTH SGIENGES GENTRE BURN TEAM, relative to financial support. Referred to the Finance Committee. 8. Letter, dated December 18, 2000, from Gordon MITCHELL, President, FLIN FLON & DISTRICT GHAMBER OF GOMMERGE, relative to membership. Referred to the Finance Committee. 9. Letter, received January 2,2001, from Anne TUMAK, relative to snow femoval. Referred to the Engineering Services Committee. VARIATIOI{ ORDER/GONDITIONAL USE ilOTIGES Application for Conditional Use 1/2001 by TERRACRETE THIESSEN TEAM for Parcel B, Plan 7122 (Cliff Lake Road) to allow the location of a trailer on the property in question for office use purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2 Moved By: KENNEDY Seconded By: THERIEN Resolved that the Fire Ghiefs Repoft for the month of December, 2OOO, be received and filed. Carried 7-0 Minutes - Council Meeting Page 3 Januarv 9. 2001 RESOLUTION NO. 3 Moved By: Seconded By: HUNTLEY Resolved that the Agreement, dated January 9, 2001, between The City of Flin Florr and BE/ARSKIN AIRIINES, for Baggage Handling, be ratified and approved for signature by the proper officers of The City of Flin Flon. Carried 7-0 RESOLUTION NO. 4 Moved By: LAW Seconded By: JOHNSON Resolved that the Agreement, dated January 9, 2001, between The City of Flin Flon and BEARSKIN AIRLINES, for Air Terminal Rental, be ratified and approved for signature by the proper officers of The City of Flin Flon. Carried 7-0 RESOLUTION NO. 5 Moved By: Seconded By: HUNTLEY Resolved that the attached Agreement, between The City of Flin Flon and Her Maiesty The Queen (Depaltment of Highways & Government Services), for the exchange of land, be approved for signature by the proper officers of The City of Flin Flon. Carried 7-0 RESOLUTION NO. 6 Moved By: LAW Seconded By: THERIEN WHEREAS the Federal and Manitoba Provincial Governments have announced another CANADA/MANITOBA INFRASTRUGTURE PROGRAM, and WHEREAS The City of Flin Flon wishes to participate in this joint funding venture, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of Works and Operations be authorized to apply to the CANADA/IUANITOBA INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM for tunding on the following projects: Prioroity #1 - Lift Station Replacement Priority #2 - phase tr ef the Seeendry Channing Sewer and Water Holding Tanks Caried 7-0 RESOLUTION NO. 7 Moved By: LAW Seconded By: THERIEN R.osolvod rhat rho Euilding Inopeatofo Report for rho m0rrh 0r DEEcmbErr zoo0, be received and filed. Carried 7-0 EE-rE-jE.EEde E u - o -o E -E; E, H : ': E -3 ? s : '{ E :ts g'EUU o-i t, f i !E A 3g-yZ E e E F e6 ?E E Y t.t E= i E + = a q*A y - = - o. ; aE ='? ,.= d = i.) ; 4 E _:i !l E C ; E i z :Z . 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V) * ooO {-- >: O .a l LTJ qttro F CD .;+ r Cl Minutes - Council Meeting Page 4 January 9, 2001 RESOLUTION NO. B Moved By: Seconded By: THERIEN Resolved that the Building lnspecto/s Report for 2OOO, be received and filed. Carried 7-0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 Moved By: THERIEN Seconded By: HUNTLEY Resolved that the aecounts in Schedule "A", in the amount of $2621960.73, and Schedule "B", in the amount of $2fl3,4.98 for a total of $265r{ 95.7'1, be approved for payment.
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