Community Grant Application Township of South-West Oxford 312915 Dereham Line, Mount Elgin, ON N0J 1N0 Phone: 519-485-0477 Fax: 519-485-2932 Email: [email protected] Web: www.swox.org Organization Name: Primary Contact Name: Phone Number: Secondary Phone: Email: Secondary Email: Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ PO Box Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ City Prov Postal Code Provide basic information about the organization and what it does. Amount of grant requested: $ _____________ Explain how the grant funds will be used, and why the funds are needed: Was a Township Grant provided to your organization in the previous fiscal year? Yes No If yes, please provide details on how it was used and how it made a difference: Please attach updated copy of your Community Group Financial Statement. *Please note- grant requests, once submitted to the Township, are public information and will be dealt with in open, public Council meeting. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg Area 2017 Approved Budget REV Apr19, 2017 REVENUE Bowl for Kids Sake 40000 Curl for Kids Sake 20000 Bid for Kids Sake 43000 Other Events 5000 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS 108,000 Nevada-Ingersoll (Available) 0 Nevada-Ingersoll (King St Variety) 1000 Nevada-SW Oxford (Available) 1000 Nevada-Thamesford (Mac's) 7500 Nevada-Tillsonburg (Mac's) 12000 TOTAL GAMING 21,500 United Way Member Funding 74000 United Way Designated Pledges 500 Municipal 11000 New Ontario Trillium Fund 0 BBBSO Endowment Grant 0 BBBSC Ministry of Education 11200 New Grant Funding 64600 TOTAL GRANTS 161,300 Camp Sponsorship 0 Gifts In Kind 0 Third Party Fundraiser 5000 Unsolicated Donations 15000 Program Sponsorships/Partnerships 20000 TOTAL DONATIONS 40,000 Reserve Fund Interest 1000 Hurley Bursary Interest 700 Ryan Landon Memorial Fund Interest 80 Deb Hickey Memorial Fund Interest 0 Visa Reserve Acct Interest 0 In-Office Sales Income 0 Ryan Landon Memorial Fund 0 Mary Smith Memorial Fund 0 Deb Hickey Memorial Fund 0 TOTAL BURSARIES/FUNDS 1,780 General Fund Raising 1000 TOTAL FUND RAISING 1,000 TOTAL REVENUE 333,580 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg Area 2017 Approved Budget REV Apr19, 2017 EXPENSES Office Renovations 0 Office Equipment 4000 Infosystems 1500 Office Rent 14000 Office Maintenance 1200 Office Supplies 4000 Computer Support 4000 Postage & Shipping 1500 Telephone 1450 Utilities 3350 TOTAL OFFICE 35,000 Wages 193000 Employee Benefits 9800 EI Expense 4000 CPP Expense 9300 WSIB Expense 1225 TOTAL PAYROLL 217,325 Mileage 3000 Insurance 4500 Membership Dues 6000 Accounting Fees 5500 Conferences & Education 4000 Annual Meeting/Vol. Recog 2000 Bank Charges & Interest 100 Miscellaneous 200 In-Office Shirt Sales 0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 25,300 Bowl for Kids Sake 5500 Curling for Kids Sake 3000 Bid for Kids Sake 6000 Other Events 1000 Gifts In Kind 0 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE 15,500 Nevada-Ingersoll (Tremblett) 0 Nevada-BBBSO- King St Variety 200 Nevada-S W Oxford (Zorra) 200 Nevada-Thamesford (Mac's) 5000 Nevada-Tillsonburg (Mac's) 8500 TOTAL GAMING EXPENSE 13,900 Program Resources 5355 Activities/Events 5000 Marketing 16000 40th Anniversary 0 Camp Sponsorship 0 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg Area 2017 Approved Budget REV Apr19, 2017 Ryan Landon Memorial Fund 0 Ryan Landon Mem Fund (Bank Fees) 0 Mary Smith Memorial Fund 0 Mary Smith Memorial Fund 0 Gary MacIntosh Bursary 0 Hurley Bursary 0 TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSE 26,355 General Fundraising 200 TOTAL FUNDRAISING 200 Capital Expenditures 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSE 0 TOTAL EXPENSE 333,580 NET INCOME 0 BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS OF INGERSOLL, TILLSONBURG & AREA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Audited) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS OF INGERSOLL, TILLSONBURG & AREA INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Page Independent Auditors' Report 1 - 2 Statement of Financial Position 3 Statement of Financial Position - Restricted Funds 4 Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances 5 Statement of Operations and Changes in Funds Balances - Restricted Funds 6 Statement of Cash Flows 7 Notes to the Financial Statements 8 - 12 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT To the Directors Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg & Area We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg & Area, which comprise the statements of financial position as at December 31, 2016, and the statements of operations and changes in fund balances and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. Basis for Qualified Opinion In common with many non-profit organizations, the organization derives revenue from donations and fundraising, the completeness of which is not susceptible of satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of the organization and as such we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to donations and special events, excess of revenues over expenditures, current assets and fund balances. Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the organization as at December 31, 2016, and its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. MICACCHI WARNICK & COMPANY Professional Corporation | Chartered Professional Accountants Authorized to practise public accounting by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario Ingersoll, Ontario April 19, 2017 BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS OF INGERSOLL, TILLSONBURG & AREA STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2016 (Audited) ASSETS Reserve General Restricted Funds Total Total Fund Fund (Page 4) 2016 2015 Current Cash $ 488 $ 24,921 $ 10,225 $ 35,634 $ 45,091 Short-term investments (note 3) 59,873 - 10,000 69,873 99,873 Accrued interest (note 3) 563 - - 563 773 Due from (to) other funds - (1,741) 1,741 - - Contributions receivable - 2,950 - 2,950 470 HST recoverable - 2,952 - 2,952 5,373 Prepaid expenses - 4,721 - 4,721 - 60,924 33,803 21,966 116,693 151,580 Long-term investments (note 3) 30,000 - 20,000 50,000 40,000 $ 90,924 $ 33,803 $ 41,966 $ 166,693 $ 191,580 LIABILITIES Current Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ - $ 5,030 $ - $ 5,030 $ 6,753 Employee deductions payable - 4,210 - 4,210 3,349 - 9,240 - 9,240 10,102 FUND BALANCES Fund balances Internally restricted 90,924 - 33,979 124,903 135,156 Externally restricted - - 7,987 7,987 7,887 Unrestricted - 24,563 - 24,563 38,435 90,924 24,563 41,966 157,453 181,478 $ 90,924 $ 33,803 $ 41,966 $ 166,693 $ 191,580 Approved on Behalf of the Board __________________________________Director __________________________________Director Page 3 The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS OF INGERSOLL, TILLSONBURG & AREA STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION RESTRICTED FUNDS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2016 (Audited) Internally Restricted Externally Restricted Ryan Landon Mary Smith IT Infrastructure Hurley Directed Memorial Memorial Total Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 2016 ASSETS Current Cash $ - $ 2,479 $ - $ 6,753 $ 993 $ 10,225 Short-term investments (note 3) - 10,000 - - - 10,000 Due from (to) general fund 1,500 - 173 34 34 1,741 1,500 12,479 173 6,787 1,027 21,966
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