QUALCOMM® SNAPDRAGON™ INTEGRATED FABLESS MANUFACTURING 2 Executive Summary Assembly and Test Services (OSATS) companies as well. The new mobile age has brought with it a new approach to solve the performance and power effi- Although QTI is fabless, it is still invested in ciency problems of modern processors. As a leader advancing manufacturing technology. QTI helps in the mobile industry, Qualcomm Technologies, drive and influence semiconductor innovations Inc. (QTI) implemented the Integrated Fabless through alliances and cooperation with industry Manufacturing (IFM) model to address the changes organizations. In 2013, QTI became a core member in the evolving mobile ecosystem to deliver the of the CMOS Program at the global semiconduc- best user experiences. IFM allows Qualcomm tor research program, IMEC, to extend the group’s Technologies to work closely with selected found- collaboration into advance CMOS process tech- ries, test and assembly vendors to provide nologies. Prior to QTI’s core membership, the two cutting edge solutions that can be manufactured organizations collaborated for several years on 3D in high volume while also meeting the perfor- stacking technologies. Also in 2010, QTI became mance, power, size, and cost requirements of the the first integrated, fabless chip manufactures to mobile industry. join SEMATECH, also with the intent to advance CMOS scaling and collaborate on new technologies. Technical Engagement Flexible Foundries The QTI IFM builds tight technical interfaces among all parties in the semiconductor develop- IFM uniquely positions QTI to adjust demand ment cycle. As a technology leader in the mobile across foundries and select the most cost effective ecosystem, QTI collaborates closely with the process nodes for the various components of a foundries and other services, on virtually every mobile system chipset. aspect of the implementation, including the design In a modern day mobile device, there are multiple rules and design trade-offs. QTI collaborates with chips required to deliver a full solution. Beyond the the foundries to define the features and capabilities normal applications processor and modem, there of the future process generations. This close inter- is also the Radio Frequency front end (RF), audio action gives QTI an input into design targets, like codec, and the Power Management Integrated transistor gate leakage, and into backend features. Circuit (PMIC). In addition, because Snapdragon™ processors For both technical and cost reasons, various are custom designs, unlike other competitors, process nodes are needed to fabricate these QTI works with the foundries to also customize different components. In a Snapdragon SoC, the the standard cell libraries used during the manu- main application processor and modem, which facturing processes. This foundation IP design are the most power and performance sensi- gives QTI more control over the implementation tive, are on the leading edge process node. The of the design, enabling even greater performance engineering requirements of the RF and PMIC and power optimization. The IFM ecosystem also chips are more optimally met on process nodes extends its reach to include Electronic Design generations behind the leading edge. Currently, Automation (EDA) and Outsourced Semiconductor Published August XX, 2013. Copyright ©2013 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved QUALCOMM® SNAPDRAGON™ INTEGRATED FABLESS MANUFACTURING 3 the RF is manufactured to 65nm and the PMIC to output needed for the PMIC, or the tailored the 180nm. transistor width required for the RF chips. The engi- neering constraints force IDMs or their customers These diverse process nodes require access to to seek 3rd party solutions in order to acquire all various fabs and the ability to work with the of the necessary smartphone IP blocks. processes of each. QTI has the tools, processes, and the technical expertise established to work The flexibility to choose between foundries is also with different foundries at different process nodes beneficial to a fabless company. Through IFM, QTI to accomplish this system level optimization can adapt to the increases in demand by sourcing The flexibility to select which process node these from various foundries. Conversely, there is an chips are manufactured allows QTI to optimize added penalty of an idle, multi-billion dollar factory for performance and cost for these different from over estimating demand. The traditional IDM functions. [Figure 1] primarily manufactures their own parts, so it must have enough demand for their product to fill the Incentivized to amortize the latest facility, the fabs to capacity. traditional Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM) is often limited to the latest process node and the For example early in 2013, as the PC market hit previous generation. When new fabs and process its worst decline in history, Intel was burdened nodes are brought online, the initial ramp will with idle and underutilized fabs. In the Q4 earnings typically have lower yields and higher costs. This calls, the Intel CFO admitted the fab utilization forces the IDM to create chips which will not signifi- was near historic lows at below 50% capacity. cantly benefit from the latest process technology If fabs are not in use, they are not making the and do so at a higher cost. Aggregation of industry IDM any money, and an idle or underutilized fab volume is the most economical way to optimize after a multi-billion dollar investment is an ROI for many of these process nodes. expensive proposition.* In addition, the smaller process nodes are phys- Without a fab to fill, QTI is not penalized further if ically incapable of either sustaining the power manufacturing slows. In addition our foundry part- ners are more able to combine multiple sources to optimize capacity. Recently a major IDM has also Figure 1 become a foundry for external designs due to this pressure. Fabless Cost Benefits Moore’s Law began in 1965 by Gordon Moore, where he noted the number of transistors on an integrated circuit was doubling approximately every two years. Nearly 50 years later, as Moore * http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/electronics/10172763/PCs-suffer-longest-sales-decline-in-history.html http://seekingalpha.com/article/1119201-intels-ceo-discusses-q4-2012-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single Published August XX, 2013. Copyright ©2013 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved QUALCOMM® SNAPDRAGON™ INTEGRATED FABLESS MANUFACTURING 4 himself pointed out recently, “It can’t continue Figure 2 forever. The nature of exponentials is that you push them out and eventually disaster happens.” Relative Cost per Gate (log scale) 45nm 1 The advancements in process technology led to 32/28nm .08 much of the innovation during the PC era. Smaller 22/20nm transistors resulted in more complex processors .06 16/14nm -29% Per Year at higher frequencies. Although the impact is not .04 as significant as the early days of semiconductors, .02 there is still performance gain associated with 0 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 smaller transistors. Year Production Today, the economics of Moore’s law are changing. As the manufacturing of smaller tran- sistors becomes more challenging the cost of Figure 3 tools and investment in research and development Capital Expenditures 2010–2012 increases. Added complexity and expense means 2010 2011 11/10% 2012 12/11% 2013 13/12% Company the cost per transistor will no longer decrease as it ($M) ($M) Change ($M) Change ($M) Change Intel 5,207 10,764 107% 11,000 2% 13,000 18% did historically. [Figure 2] Top 10 Total 32,492 48,023 35% 45,425 -5% 47,800 5% Others 18,303 18,042 -1% 13,150 -27% 12,035 -8% While advancing Moore’s Law is still technically Top Cap Spending 53,795 66,065 23% 58,575 -11% 59,835 2% achievable, it is less economically reasonable. *Includes company’s share of joint-venture spending. The cost of the building and operating fabrication plants has increased significantly with the complexity of the process nodes at 22nm and Figure 4 beyond. Observe Intel’s capital expenditures from 2010 to 2012. [Figure 3] Fabless vs. IDM Growth IDM Revenue Fabless Revenue Fabless as % of Total While this rising CapEx has hurt IDMs, it has bene- Semiconductor Revenues ($B) fited the foundry business. Foundries are able to $250 30% 224 225 224 25% 25% 25% 25% 198 202 195 aggregate the industry demand, and source from $200 187 180 188 20% 20% 21% 21% more customers and more volume to amortize the 17% 170 144 15% $150 139 10% 126 126 fab costs. 13% 118 10% 10% $100 8% 5% 7% 74 74 76 6% 50 53 53 56 33 39 17 15 22 Industry data shows the power behind IFM over 7 10 13 $0 0% IDM, as fabless companies have out-grown IDMs by 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 nearly 4x, while foundries have grown by 6x over 1998–2012 CAGR: Fabless: 18% IDM: 5% the last 15 years. During that same time period, a quarter of the value within the semiconductor industry now resides within fabless companies. (Bernstein). [Figure 4] The fabless model does have to contend with the stacked margins between the foundry and Published August XX, 2013. Copyright ©2013 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved QUALCOMM® SNAPDRAGON™ INTEGRATED FABLESS MANUFACTURING 5 the chip design company. However, this inter- Figure 5 dependent relationship means it is in the best interest of both parties to conduct fair negoti- Conventional LTE Radio Channel #1 Up to 10 MHz 10 MHz ations in pricing to ensure mutual success and (Up to 75 Mbps) 75 Mbps Conventional profitability. LTE Network 10 MHz Radio Channel #2 is idle when device receives on the other channel Conventional LTE Device Integration LTE Advanced Radio Channel #1 10 MHz LTE Advanced (Up to 75 Mbps) Up to Aggregated Network 150 Mbps Data Pipe (with Carrier 20 MHz From 1970 to 2000, the transistor was the driving (up to 150 Mbps) 2X Aggregation) Radio Channel #2 faster 10 MHz force behind lower power, better performance, (Up to 75 Mbps) LTE Advanced and reduced costs.
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