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By GREG BROWN adequately catechized, people From the Latin adventus, Editor who don't know what the meaning “coming," Advent church teaches, what the has begun the church litur­ Some church observers church believes." gical year since about the predicted the Synod for Bish­ Catechesis and evangeliza­ Ninth Century. ops of America would pit tion were the topics Bishop The season turns Chris­ north against south, chastis­ Wuerl addressed with his fel­ tians' hearts not only to ing the United States for cre­ low bishops on the synod’s prepare for the commemo- ating or worsening many Latin first day. ra Jon of the first coming of American woes. "For many, it is not a matter Christ, but also to the But quite the of alienation from R o m a n tic expectation of His return in opposite has hap­ or hostility a d v e n t u r e majesty to complete the pened in the early towards religion, work of redemption. days of the Vati­ See other but simply sheer The tragic demise in 1916 It is that second coming can City gather­ synod stories indifference to of Russia’s royal family, the that is the focus of this ing. according to on page 9. spiritual values,” Romanovs, seems hardly a weekend's reading from one participant. he told the gather­ tale for a children's movie. Luke, which describes “the Pittsburgh Bishop ing. “Without ade­ But the new animated film Son of Man coming on a Donald Wuerl. quate evangeliza- “Anastasia" is guaranteed cloud with great power and "One of the things that has tion that brings one to an to bring them in over the glory." happened this first week that experience of God, there is lit­ holidays. This dual nature of the is pretty clear is a conver­ tle hope to alter significantly See page 10. season is outlined in the gence of opinions about what the current economic or social General Norms for the the problems are and what conditions." Liturgical Year and Calendar needs to be done," he said. On a positive note. Bishop issued by the Holy See: "We face so many of the same Wuerl added that there is a "Advent has a twofold issues." sense among many young character: as a season to Bishop Wuerl said a major people that the material world prepare us for Christmas concern throughout the west­ does not provide all the when Christ's first coming to ern hemisphere is the secu­ answers they need. us is remembered (and) as a larization of society. "Over and over, the phe­ season when that remem­ “As life becomes more hec­ nomena of youth gatherings brance directs the mind and tic and centered on material from as large as World Youth heart to await Christ's sec­ items, we're losing the spiri­ Day to as modest as parish ond coming at the end of tual quality of life," the bishop programs speak of the search­ time." said. “People are recognizing ing for value and direction that By sharing joyfully in the that something is missing, characterizes a growing num­ preparation for the even if they don’t know what ber of our faithful," he said. "That's one of the reasons Messiah's first coming, we 4» ' ' -',t J Pholo by Douglas Kaqp that something is. “We must work to pass on this synod could be renew our fervent desire for Father Raymond Loccardi prepares to light the Jlrst candle on his second coming, gj the content of faith to a large the Advent wreath at St. John in Coylesvtlle, Butler County. number of people not See SYNOD on page 9 Putting on Festival to preserve true meaning of Christmas the squeexe By PHIL TAYLOR festival s theme. Fidel Castro, shown above Assistant Editor Creche blessing , concert on the agenda The concert at Heinz Hall is addressing the United supported by the Pittsburgh Nations, enters into the For the second year, several but tickets must be ordered ecumenical Christmas Festival on Sparkle Season as such, Symphony Society. discussion about economic area Christian denominations through the mail from spon­ had its beginnings about the but to approach this in a pos­ Ten choirs boasting more embargoes and how Vati­ will sponsor events to remind soring groups. same time the term “Sparkle itive manner," said Fr. Leng­ than 300 singers will perform can and U.S. political inter­ the public of the true meaning The program is being spon­ Season” appeared in the area. win, who is serving as festival at the concert. The concert will ests don’t always coincide. or Christmas. sored by the Christian Leaders At that point, Fr. Lengwin coordinator. also feature spiritual readings See page 4. Some of the highlights Fellowship, which consists of said, diocesan officials and Last year was the first for and prayers for the Pittsburgh include an ecumenical bless­ religious leaders from various other Christian leaders were what area religious leaders community. ing of an outdoor Nativity area denominations. deluged with calls and com­ hoped would become an scene at Gateway Center in "We're trying to remind plaints that the true meaning annual event known as the Tickets to the Heinz Hall Downtown Pittsburgh and a people in the midst of many of the holy season was being ec.umenical Christmas event are on a first-come, first- Hold the beef: A recent pro­ night of sacred Christmas other voices that this is truly lost. Festival. served basis. For a maximum o f posal for Catholics to music at Heinz Hall. Both about the birth of Christ and “The bishops and denomi­ In addition a public aware­ four free tickets to the Heinz return to meatless Fridays events will be held Wednesday, about God's incredible love for nation leaders determined ness campaign will begin in Hall event, send a stamped, has received a lot of atten­ Dec. 10, with the blessing by each of us," said diocesan almost three years ago that early December with bill­ self-addressed envelope to: tion. Some have suggested religious leaders taking place spokesman Father Ron they wanted to do something boards and street pole banners Christmas Tickets. Diocese of the action is meaningless, at 6:30 followed by the concert Lengwin. to emphasize the true meaning bearing “Share the Love — Pittsburgh. Ill Blvd. of the but this week's editorial at 7:30 p.m. The event is free, The origins of the of Christmas, not as an attack Christmas Spirit," the Allies. Pittsburgh. PA 15222. ffi says critics are missing the point. See page 4. Indiscriminate giving: Fa­ Fired-up Catholic youth gather in Kansas City ther Frank Almade, dioce­ san secretary for social By JO HN FRANKO City, Mo. The total included concerns, says we should Staff Writer 136 from the Diocese of remember that in the gift- Pittsburgh. giving season, Jesus There were many memo­ “Being with 17,000 Catholic instructs us to “to give to rable moments at the 24th Christians, there are really no those who beg from us, bi-annual National Catholic words to explain it," said regardless of their worthi­ Youth Conference, but one Jenny Martin, 16, of St. Fer­ ness,” defined the incredible spirit dinand, Cranberry Township. See page 5. of faith which filled the “It’s just awesome." participants. The conference gave youth Millions in grants: The dio­ When Bishop John Smith the opportunity to experience cese has awarded a record of Trenton came to the end prayer, community service, of more than $3 million in of his homily during the workshops and recreational, grants to elementary Region Three (Pennsylvania local and national schools in the diocese. and New Jersey) liturgy, he entertainment. See page 3. posed a final question. “It was a real eye-opener for “Region Three," he asked, them to see so many Catholic “How do you feel?” Remedial parenting?: A kids, and to see that being “We feel good, oh we feel local mother asks the ques­ Catholic can be so exciting," so good!" thundered a thou­ said Father Edward Czemerda, tion that all parents dread: sand young voices, echoing coordinator for spiritual for­ "Am 1 doing a good job?” a phrase heard throughout mation for the diocesan Office See page 5. the conference. for Youth and Young Adult “I feel good, too," replied Minlstiy. I n d e x Bishop Smith. "Because in “The conference itself is so you I see Jesus." good. It’s a high-quality event." Diocesan n ew s.............................. II The face of Christ was Among the highlights of the Editorial/official .............................4 everywhere in the more conference were a daily Opinion/comment .........................5 than 17,000 who gathered Photos by John Franko Entertainment............................... 10 Nov. 20 to 23 in Kansas See YOUTH on page 2 Showing their local pride are, from left, G retchen Sandy and Amy Morton of St.
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