TIJLANE STIJDIES IN GEOLOGY Volume 4, Number 2 May 27, 1966 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE UPPER MIOCENE DEPOSITS IN SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA HERBERT C. EPPERT . .TR . JJEPAH'l'JfEN'l' OF' GEOLOGY 'ITL.1 N£' UNII'b'RSJ'JT CONTENTS Page I. ABSTRACT __ ____ _ 49 11. INTROD UCTION 50 III. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 50 IV. PROCEDURE 50 V. STRATIGRAPHY 52 VI. MINERAL ANALYSIS OF THE AQUICLUDE 60 VII. SUMMARY ____ __ _ 60 VIII. LITERATURE CITED 61 I. ABSTRACT one ttlocyma, Ostrea cf. 0. tamiamiensis, The presence of undisputed Upper Mio­ Ostrea tamiamiensis monroensis, and En­ cene sediments in Sarasota County, Florida, cope macrophora tamiamiensis. has nor been widely known. Most authors Within the Upper Miocene deposits exists have stared that the Middle Miocene Haw­ an impermeable bur porous bed character­ thorn Formation is overlain by Pliocene to ized by a decrease in radioactivity and elec­ Recent deposits. The Upper Miocene is rep­ trical resistivity. These characteristics are resented in southern Florida by the Tamiami indicative of clay and the interpretation of Formation. The Upper Miocene age deter­ x-ray diffraCtion patterns verified the pre­ mination is based on the characteristic faunal dominance of clay minerals in rhe aquiclude. assemblage, Ostrea disparalis, Chione ?t!o­ Montmorillonite was the dominant clay min­ cyma, and Ecphora qttadricostata tnnbilicata. eral with lesser amounts of attapulgire and Fossil mollusks, echinoderms, and bryozoans alpha sepiolite. collected from ourcrops, quarries, and sink­ holes in this area definitely confirm the Based on evidence presented in this paper, presence of Upper Miocene sediments in the Upper Miocene deposits occurring in Sarasota County. Typical Upper Miocene Sarasota County are considered to be a species include Anadara cf. A. idonea, Chi- lithosome of rhe Tamiami Formation. EDITOIUAL COMMITTEE FOR THIS PAPER: H. K. BROOKS, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida ROBERT 0. VERNON, Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee, Florida HAROLD E. VOKES, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 49 50 Tulane Studies in Geology Vol. 4 II. INTRODUCTION Ill. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Undisputed Upper Miocene deposits 1 pre­ The author wishes w express his gratitude viously have not been recognized in Sara­ to Dr. H. K. Brooks for his helpful advice, sota County, Florida. It generally has been sincere interest, and willing assistance in assumed that "Pliocene" to Recent sa nds n1any matters which made the completion overlie the Middle Miocene Hawthorn For· of this study possible. Particular thanks are marion. Fossil mollusks from quarr ies in due tO Dr. Robert 0. Vernon for his sug­ Sarasota County and souther n Manatee gestion of the problem and for furnishing County definitely confirm the presence of all well samples, electric and radioactive Upper Miocene strata overlying the recog­ logs, and his helpful comments. nized Middle Miocene H awthorn Formation. The author appreciates the helpful sug· It is within these deposits that the confin­ gestions of the following persons, who criti­ ing bed, described below, occurs. These de­ cally read the manuscript: Dr. H. K. Brooks, posits are here referred stratigraphically to Dr. Hubert C. Skinner, Dr. Harold E. Vokes, a lithosome of the upper part of the Tami­ Dr. Robert 0 Vernon, and Arnold Ross. ami Formation. The author appreciates the assistance and During the summer of 1962, the United helpful suggestions of the following persons, States Geological Survey, in co-operation who verified the author's identification of with the Florida Geological Survey, con· the fauna: Dr. H. K. Brooks, Arnold Ross, ducted a pumping test on the well field of and Reginald Scolaro. The author is in­ Venice, Sarasota County, Florida, to deter­ debted to Clifton T. Mansfield and Dr. mine the probable effects of salt water Guerry H. McClellan for their assistance in from the proposed intercoastal waterway on preparation and interpretation of the x-ray the city's water supply. The author served diffraction patterns. as a member of the field party (Florida This paper would not have gone tO press Geological Survey) . without the insistence, encouragement, and Prior to the rests, electric and gamma-ray editorial guidance of Dr. Hubert C. Skinner logs were obtained for as many wells as pos­ of Tulane University. sible. These logs revealed the presence in each well of an impermeable bed character­ JV. PROCEDURE ized by a pronounced decrease in electrical Outcrop samples, well cuttings, and elec­ resistivity and radioactivity (see Figure l). trical and radioactivity logs were studied. Data from wells in other portions of Sara­ The outcrops in Sarasota County are limited sora and adjoining counties also were used to a few dolomite quarries located in the in . delimitation of the confining lithologic northern part of the county and one dolo­ unu. mire quarry in the southern portion. In All known Neogene exposures were ex­ these quarries there is rarely more than 30 amined, measured, and mapped. Informa­ feet of rock exposed, of which approximate­ tion obtained from the field during 1962- ly lO feet are termed "Pliocene" tO Recent 1963 was supplemented from the paleon­ sands. In the southern part of the county tological and petrological coll ections of the at least 200 feet are exposed in Warm Min­ Florida Geological Survey and the Florida eral Springs. State Museum. The limited exposures in Sarasota County required special emphasis ro be placed on 1 It may be noted that Puri a.nd Vernon well cuttings and geophysical logs. The (1959, revised 1964 ), in their "Geologic Map latter were used ro rrace the vertical and of Florida," show the Bone Valley Fonna­ tion extending into extreme northeastern horizontal extent of the confining bed. Well Sarasota County, Florida. This diachro­ cuttings were used ro verify the identifica­ nous formation is assigned variously to tion of this bed in each well , tO provide the "Alum Bl'uff Stage," "Choctawhatchee stratigraphic information concerning the age Stage," or "Alum Bluff and Choctawhat­ chce Stages" in different portions of their of chis unit, and for the mineralogical analy ­ reports, but evidently (Vernon, personal ses of the aquiclude. commun ication, 1966) co nsidered it to be Sampling and study of the section at Upper Miocene age in Sarasota County, Warm Mineral Springs were accomplished Florida. This writer believes the evidence upon which this age assignment is based with the aid of self-comained underwater to be inconclusive. breathing apparatus. \0 llN \IS 12N 145 !SE •20 - ~ - ';i:f_ , ;,;.:; 19(: ;:.~ 0 s~=·~EL -2 0 - - - 40 - - - _- ..> - 60 - - - 80 - - -_ --_-_.., -100 - - ['2]1 -120 -- E£:3 CALCILU11TE 5:9 DOLO/IIITE . 140 ...!:_t:,E.I._ ~ CLAY ~ PIIOSPIIOHITE --- ELECTIHC LOGS ~SHELLS __ ---GAMMA-IlA Y LOGS figure 1. ELECTHIC GAMMA-LOGS DEFINING TilE AQUICLUDE IN THE VENICE WELL FIELO 52 Tulane Studies ;,. Geolon VoL 4 V. STRATIGRAPHY Tamiami Formation in certain localities and Upper Miocene deposits of Florida are unconformably in ochers. Further work may li mited mainly to rwo areas, the panhandle establish whether these beds are Upper Mio­ and the southern peninsula. According to cene or Pliocene. Langdon ( 1889, p. 323 ) the Carolinian A long the west coast of Florida (between Miocene of Heilprin ( 1887, p. 12 7) is rep­ the panhandle and the southern tip of the resented in the Florida panhandle by the stare) , the presence of Upper Miocene sedi­ uppermost bed at Alum Bluff, Liberty Coun­ ments has not been widely known. How­ ty, Florida. This age determination was ever, as early as 1887 ( Heilprin, p. 13 ), rhe based on the presence of the characrerisric probable equivalence of the fossiliferous Upper Miocene gastropod Ecphora quadri­ limestones exposed at Rocky Bluff, Manatee costata mnbilicata. Puri (1953, p. 27 ) rec· County, Florida, ro the Carolinian Miocene ognized the fou r faunal zones, ''Yoldia." was recognized. In addition, material ''Area," "Ecphora," and ''Caucellaria" of dredged from Tampa Bay was referred to rhe Cooke and Mossom ( 1929 ) and Mansfield Upper Miocene by Mansfield (Cooke and and Ponton ( 1932) as biozones at Alum Mosson1, 1929, p. 148 ) . Aside from these Bluff. He referred this formation, a strati· two localities, no sediments in west central graphic unit, to the ra nk of stage, a rime­ Florida have been assigned an Upper Mio­ stratigraphic uni t ( Puri, 1953, p. 28 ) ." The cene age. "Choctawharchee Stage·· as defined by Puri Biostratigraphic studies of the Upper Mio­ includes all Miocene sed iments of post-Alum cene of Sarasma and Manatee Counties are Bluff age in northwestern Florida. presently being made under the direction of DuBar and Beardsley ( 196 1, p. 160 ) Dr. H. K. Brooks. His results earlier sug· recognized the fact that Puri had changed gesred the presence of Upper Miocene de· the rank of the Choctaw hatchee from forma­ posits in Sarasota County. The present study tion tO that of stage "without a stared rea­ was undertaken as a pan of this project. son."' They re fer to the Late Miocene rocks Study of the impermeable lithologic unit of rhe Flori da panhandle as the "Choctaw­ in the supply wells of Venice, Sarasota Coun­ harchee deposits" and ''as a marter of con­ ty, raised the question of the age of the venience for reference have temporaril y re­ bounding strata. This problem and that of tai ned Puri 's fac ies nomenclature for all bur determining the mineralogic composition of the expos ures at Alum Bluff and Jackson the unit are ueated herein. Bluff." T he Tamia mi Form ation as redescribed by THB AQUICLUDE IN SARASOTA COUNTY Parker ( 195 1, p. 823) includes all deposits This confining layer acts as an aquiclude of Upper Miocene age in southern Florida. between the aquifers above and below. All His formation includes the Tamiami Lime­ subsurface logs available from Sarasota stone and Buckingham Limestone of Mans· County and many of those from the border­ fie ld ( 1939, p.
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