PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon,, Aug. 6. W3 MONICA SHEA establishing lirioritles for im­ are charter revision, Inland- Druge expressed the (pinion Rrotoration Study Correspondent proving dirt roads and to set Wetlands, and attendsmce at the house took three years of build new priorities. that “Peoide who break the law Robert H. Gantner, Coventry ffom 1825-1827. It has been pwwwwCIoven Tel. 74^949S Police Academy. should be brought to Justice.” There are requests that the architect, will be doing tbe described by bistorians as very The Town Couhcil will meet Watergate Hearings Among the speakers who ad­ council approve the ad­ atudy for the renovation and well constructed, using a dis- to n i^t at the Town Hall at 7;30. Tom Druge, son of Mr. and dressed the student group were ’There will be a communica­ ministrator’s appointment of a restoration of the Julison house tinctfve cut of stpne construc­ Mrs. John Druge of Jones U.S. Reps. Robert H. Steele and tion. tion from the Steering Com­ tree warden and to approve the Cressing Rd. was one of 49 on Main St. in ¥Hllipuuitic. An­ Robert N. Giaimo and U.S. Sen. Mrs. Williams said tbe house Town Council mittee in reference to LisieJce police contract.” Connecticut high school nouncement was made by Betty LoweU P. Wdcker Jr. is badly in need of temporary Park and a report from the There will be a discussion of students participating in the Lou Williams, Willimantib Manchester—A City of Village Charm All of the legislatora urged “shoring up” in order to enable MANCHES’TER, CONN., ’TUESDAY, AUGUST T, 1973- VOL. XCH, No. 261 FOURTEEN PAGES Recreation Committee concer­ the acquisition of the roads and Government Intern Program in Redevelopment Agency ( WRA) PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS their young guesto to “become director. Meets Tonight ning activities at the park. beach of .Waterfront Heights. Washington, D.C. workmen to enter the house a ^ involved in government,” Gantner will be woiting with determine the renovation The Paddle and Prop Gub A request asks transfer of The Ughlight of the trip for Druge said. funds from the Contingency. Raymond Ruge of New York, procedures. and the chief administrator will the Coventry High School stu- The Republics Town Com­ Funds to the Ambulance Fund historic restration consultant. The te m ^ a ry work should have communications regard­ deqt was the opportunity to at­ mittee helped pay for Dmge’s ing boating regulations. to cover a previously approved The ISO-year-old house was begin sometime during the next Dellafera Named tend the Watwgate hearings expenses. He was chosen from News Capsules 1110 council hopes to rescind contract. during the week of July ja . the private residence of the se­ week and will involve putting on several other high school cond eldest of the three Jillson a new roof, to weatherproof the the action of previous meethigs Other items on the agenda After attending the hearings. history students interviewed. brothers. He was a cotton building, and some structural To Hospital Group Kleindienst Testifies machinery noanufacturer. The reinforcing for safety purposes. Agnew Investigated astronauts today resume Store Hoort: Mon. • Sot. 8 -10 Francis P. Dellafera of tain, for a term ending June 30, WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice experiments in their orbiting Manchester, director of Crest- 1978. President Spiro T. Agnew says laboratory. News Stunned Nixon field Convalescent Home, has — John E. Powers, Storrs, for he is under investigation for been named by Gov. ’Thomas J. a term ending June 30, 1978. possible crimiiul vlotoUons but WASHINGTON (AP) - Meskill to serve on Connec­ Whitten and Mrs. Cathels also Yacht Seized has done nothing wrong. President Nixon was ticut’s new Commission on represent the public on the MIAMI (AP) - The Miami Newspaper reports today said “dumbfounded” when told Hospitals and Health Care. commission. Herald says U.S. Customs the investigation involves that his closest aides had Dellafera will represent the Nancy Dolan, Bethal, and allegations of bribery, extortion agents have seized a yacht that nursing home industry on the Darius J. Spain, Danbury, and tax fraud. apparently belongs to financier been accused in the cothmission. His term ends previously were appointed Agiiew made the disclosure Robert L. Vesco who is under Watergate case in mid-April Juiie 30, 1974. respectively by Francis J. Monday night through his press indictment with two former of this year, former Atty. IWMlbMllO Meskill named James D. Collins, speaker of the state secretary, J. Marsh Thomson, Nixon Cabinet officers on Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst n>u Whitten, a Suffield stock House of Representatives, and and declined further conunent charges of conspiracy and said today. ^ FOOD h # MARKETS n / broker, as chairman of thc “other than to say that I am in­ obstruction of justice. Kleindienst told toe Senate commission. - i i K e nocent of any wrongdoing...” The Herald said the 81-4 Watergate committee that he The Commission was created million, 121-foot yacht Patricia first learned of accusations by by the 1973 (General Assembly Second Bomb Error HI was seized last week when it White House counsel John W. to review private hospital and berthed for repairs at a Dean III and former Nixon PHNOM PENH, Cambodia shipyard on the Miami River. campaign deputy Jeb Stuart nursing home budgets and im­ (AP) — Another accidental U.S. pose ceilings where necessary. Magruder early in toe morning bombing near here was of April 15. BLUE RIBBON BRAND Meskill called the commis­ reported today as the U.S. Em­ Seek ‘Outlaws’ sion the single most important He said he immediately bassy an n o u n ^ casualties in BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — USDA accomplishment of the sought a meeting with Nixon, toe BS2 bombing Monday of a ’The established Arab guerrilla legislature this year. and relayed toe information to government base town on the groups are quietly searching him early that afternoon in GRADE 'A' Whitten will serve two years Mekong River totaled more their ranks for “outlaws” they as chairman and continue as a Nixon’s office. than 400 dead and wounded. believe are hurting toe Palesti­ “He was dumbfounded, he member of the commission ’The second bombing in error, nian cause with indiscriminate through June 30, 1976. was very upset,” Kleindienst this time by a U.S. F ill filter- acts of international terrorism. Elizabeth W. Cathels of West said. bomber, was reported to have Informants close to the Kleindienst said Justice Simsbury, was named vice killed four civilians and injured leadership of the Palestine chairman for two years and a Department officials told him, 13 on a government-held island Liberation Organization (PLO), and he told toe President, that commission m em ^r through southeast of Phnom Penh in toe toe umbrella body for most of June 30,1976. Dean and Magruder had im­ Mekong. toe recognized guerrilla groups, plicated former Atty. Gen, John m £ r \ Meskill also appointed; said it is investigating three in- —Sidney L. Cramer, M.C., N. Mitchell, campaign aide Skylab Work Resumes cidents that generated Frederick C. LaRue, Hartford, representing the widespread criticism of Connecticut State Medical Francis P. Dellafera themselves. White House aides SPACE CENTER, Houston Palestine freedom filte rs and H.R. Haldeman and John D. Society for a term ending June (AP) — With a record space Florence, D. Finney; Senate contributed nothing to toe bat­ Ehrlichman, former campaign 30, 1976. walk on toe books, Skylab 2’s tle against Israel. —Oiarles B. Womer, Wood- president pro tempore. aide Robert C. Mardian, "you name it.” lb. bridge, representing the The remaining members of “This is toe first time since (Connecticut Hospital Associa­ the commission, appointed by June 17,1972, that anybody had tion for a term ending June 30, statute, are; Franklin M. 1974. Foote, State Mental Health given me any credible evidence C om m issioner E rn e st A. House To Study that any of them were involved Appointed to represent the in any way,” Kleindienst said. RIto public were; Shepherd, state Insurance Com­ CHECKERBOARD missioner Paul B. Altermatt The hearing was disrupted for —Glen W. Moon, Stamford, about 10 minutes during toe for a term ending June 30, 1978. and state Finance Com­ Interest Rates CAMPFiRE SKINLESS 1 GRADE'S Breaded Veal Steak 1.99^ missioner Adolf G. Carlson. morning session by a half-^zen — Howard V. Wry, New Bri­ young people who took turns By PEGGY SIMPSON Since January, toe Banking A NiMla-RIla Associaled Press Wriler reading aloud from a state­ Cornish Hens 'lb. Committee staff has been ment. They called themselves WASHINGTON (AP) - With preparing an analysis of finan­ representatives of "the Veal Steak $ 1 0 * the prime interest rate at an cial institutions and regulations all-time high, the House National Caucus of Labor Com­ and considering possible mittees.” Nixon Accounts Banking Committee is reforms. (Chairman Sam J. Ervin Jr., MaiiM-flitQ I preparing to investigate toe Before Congress began a Turbot Rllets natton’s financial structure and D-N.C., ordered toe dlsruptors The Quiet One FRANKS monto-Ipng recess last Friday, ejected and they were taken by For SecretXlosts its impact on the credit crunch. Beet a Ptpper Steak i»l« Patman, a persistent critic of Capitol police to a room in toe Workmen cheer as the Glenard P. Lipscomb, a nuclear at­ WASHINGTON (AP) - million in spending for security Rep. Wright Patman, D-Tex., high lending rates, said his pan­ •HOP oavi im otPAHTM un. c h a ii^ n of toe committee, Watergate Conferences basement of the Russell Senate tack vessel, slides into the Thames River. Built by the fvnrnoer'o.
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