MOMENTUM TOTAL We cannot and will Oar enemies mast > not be stopped,— suffer total defeat. s Lt.Gen. Alexander >' Under Secy. of A. Vandegrlft. MARINECORPSCHEVRON —the Navy Bard. PUBLISHED BY TUG UfIITCD STATES mußincs in ths son diego ama Saturday Vol. 111, No. 32 Morning, August 12, 1944 1 What'sThis?Navy New Base Got There First! Guam Falls GUAM, Aug. 7 (AP)—"Welcome Marines" read a sign that greeted CG Named surprised Leatherneck assault To Marines waves storming a Guam beach. MCB Command The board sign had been planted Complete Control in the sand by an American Navy Taken Over By gunner's mate, H. I. Green. Navy Of Island Seized Brig.Gen. Lt. William G. Carberry of Coving- In 20-Day Drive Howard ton, Ky„ said the premature land- Brig.Gen. Archie Franklin ing of the gunner's mate was not Relentlessly attacking Marines Howard, who returned recently exactly regulation and smiled as have completed their conquest of from nearly two years' service in he added Green had been "dis- Guam, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz's the South Pacific, this week as- ciplined." Pearl Harbor headquarters an- sumed command of the Base, Be Courteous nounced late Wednesday follow- succeeding Brig.Gen. Matthew H. ing the capture of 870-foot Mfc Kinsman, SantaRosa dominating the north- east shore. Gen. Howard, a Marine for near- Stand Of Marine ly three decades, went to the South Adm. Nimitz announced that Pacific in October, 1942, with the Garrison At Guam remnants of the once-powerful Jap- Ist MAC. From July, 1943, to June, anese garrison on Guam are now 1944, he served as commanding surrounded inland from Pati point general of all joint forces in the Told By Survivor on the northeast coast and are ex- Solomon Islands, a service for pected to be liquidated soon. Re- which he was recently presented Navy Man Escapes Enemy, maining Japanese on the island ars the DSM by the Army. Hides In Jungles Until under heavy pressure. 2©a-DAY FIGHT TO INACTIVE LIST Rescued By U. S. Warship Re-conquest of seized from Gen. Kingman, also a Marine of Leathernecks out numbered at Guam, a garrison of Marines the many years' service, has been least 40 to 1 refused to retreat and 145 in first days placed on the inactive list and will battled the enemy with every avail- of the Pacific war, took 20 days. go to his farm in his native lowa. able resource in an epic defense of He has commanded the Base twice Guam Island when it was over- Successful occupation of Guam, during World War ll—from Mar. whelmed by the Japanese at the Saipan and Tinian in the Marianas 18 to Apr. 4, 1942, and since April outset of the Pacific war. put American forces in position for of this year. Between those periods, The story of a handful of Ma- future operations against the Jap- he served as commanding general rines defending Guam has been anese homeland. of TC, Camp Elliott. told by Chief Radioman George Cleaning up Guam, Leathernecks Ray Tweed, of San Diego, drove center wedge into the Gen. Howard was commissioned USN, a re- who has been rescued after hiding Jap a second lieutenant 1915 on his maining position threatening in the jungled mountains of Guam MOVING UP. Marines push forward through dense jungle graduation from the Naval Acad- in to cut the doomed force in two for nearly 1000 days—since Jap in- on the island of Guam. Muddy and thick vegeta- after capture emy. He has served aboard a num- streams of Mt. Santa Rosa. vaders captured the island Dec. ber of ships of fleet and 10, tion made the going difficult as assault troops pushed in- the at 1941. HEAVY CASUALTIES various stations in this country land from their beachheads to meet stubborn defenders. Tweed rescued from Guam and abroad. In January, 1941, he was Adm. Nimitz' communique listed by U. S. warship after he Was appointed commandant of the a at- counted enemy dead since the inva- tracted attention of a fighter pilot Marine Corps Schools. From May, Saga Of Bravery sion opened July 20 at more than flying over his island hideout. A 1941, until July, 1943, he was chief 10,000—not taking into account th« •f staff of the Ist MAC. VALIANT DEFENSE Japs buried en masse in a cemetery Ridge since overrun. (Continued on Page 2) Chonito In the admiral's cabin of a joint Moving north, assault forces Harch Proudly expeditionary flagship off the (Continued on Page 2) —— Marianas, Tweed told the story of By PFC. Cyril O'Brien B« Conrteons the valiant defense of the island by GUAM (Delayed)—When a Marine company was with anni- the tiny Marine garrison: faced FDR, MacArthur hilation after it had failed three times to storm the face of Chonito "I was home asleep the morning Ridge, a second company took the ridge from behind. Speeders To Face (Continued And Nimitz Meet on page 2) The second company's advance was up two 60-degree slopes. Its Bonds only concealment was ankle high grass. The hills above were fortified President Roosevelt has been in Or Bondage? Loss Of Gasoline each by two enemy defense lines—one the crests, another the Honolulu for three days conferring on on Dental Appointments flat summits. with Adm. Chester Nimitz and MCB auto owners arrested for The Marines of the second company first advanced up the naked Gen, Douglas MacArthur, it was Available In RD speeding will face suspension of slopes, but were thrown back before a hundred yards had been covered. their gasoline rations for disclosed in Washington Thursday. Because of a temporary lull in a period Gathering all available men, they tried to rush the hills again decreed by the The chief executive was dis- dental activities in RD, Base per- Base rationing under cover of dusk. A squad leader, wounded in the leg as he led addition closed to have spent July 19, 20 sonnel can get prompt dental at- board in to payment of the shouted to his assistant squad leader, "Take over, Hully!" their fines civilian and 21 at MCB. On July 20 he tention by applying directly to the advance, to authorities, Then, he attempted to return to cover. Machine gun fire hit him. it was made clear this week. witnessed a full-scale amphibious RD dental department instead of He tumbled to the bottom of the slope. landing staged for him by the en- to the dental department at the dead, In addition to the fact that OPA With only clip of ammunition per man, the company assaulted tire sth Div. as he sat in a car on Base dispensary, it was announced a has set the 35-mile-an-hour speed again the morning. This time a lieutenant reached the of the a seashore cliff at Camp Pendleton. this week. in top limit to conserve rubber, a like di- hill, but was killed there by a grenade. An automatic riflenian ad- rective issued by the President re- vanced to within 20 yards of a machine gun nest before the gun cut mains an order for military per- him down. One man was hit 13 times before he had gone 20 yards. sonnel, drivers were reminded. He is still alive. Notice of driving violations is "They knew there was not a prayer of of getting up those a chance received by the Base rationing slopes", said IstLt. French R. Fogle of St. Mary's, W. Va. "Yet they board through OPA, with whom kept rushing and falling." violations are filed by the Califor- nia Highway Dozen Blast Way to Top of Ridge Patrol. That afternoon, the company tried to storm the ridge again. Little Stand Erect . more than a dozen of the men reached the top of Chonito. They jumped into a slit trench, 25 yards from the Jap entrenchments. In Guam Marine the trench were four men of the first company, which had tried to take the hill from the front. They had been there for 36 hours. Misses Landing Three of them were the fourth dead. wounded, was GUAM (Delayed) Marines The Japanese showered the trench with grenades. The Marines stormed the beaches of—Guam to- were batting them away with their hands. day, but a Chamorro kid called that they would make the yards Seeing never final 25 without "Pete" didn't make the landing the Marines a assistance, signaled for mortar barrage. They were on his homeland. willing to risk being knocked out it themselves. by Pete was a corporal who spent In the wake of the barrage, the remaining handful of Marines the first 17 years of his life in charged into the Jap positions. They found only Jap alive. His one Guam's largest city, Agana. He legs had been blown off below the knees. went to the 17. S. in for a There three whole bodies be 1937 were not enemy to seen. Two enemy college education. sporting new equipment, had evidently killed each other. One officers, Since the war began, he has had a samurai sword imbedded in his neck. The other, his sword had two objectives in life: to scabbard empty, had bullet a hole in his forehead. Two Jap riflemen help free his people, the Chamor- were huddled together, as by protect if seeking companionship to ros, of the Japanese yoke, and to themselves from the flying fragments of the 81s. learn to fly. The top of was the hill furrowed with shallow spider trenches. While aboard a Navy transport wound They aimlessly about the summit like the tracks of a huge bound for Guam, he realized COMMAND CHANGE.
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