671 LEICESTERSHIRE .. LUTT.ERWORTH. Official Establisltments, Local Institutions &c. POST, MONEY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savinlls Medieal Officers ~ Public TTaccinators-No. 1 dutriet, Bank &. Government Insurance & Annuity Office, Oxford H.. W. Fagge, Regent st. Lutterwol'th; NOJ ~ diiltrict, street.-Ezra Miles, postmaster. Letters arrive at 4.46 Charles Hutcbinson, Claybrooke; Nos. 3 ~ 4 diRtricts, R.m. ; delivered at 7 a.m. : 2nd post, ll"tters 8rriv(' at 11.15 J. B. Waterhon~, Peatling Mag-naj No. 5 diAtrict, C. a.m.; delivered at 11.30a.m.; dispatched at 9.20 a.m. &. E. Hedley~ Welford; No. 6 district, G. M ... Dickinson, 7.50 p.m. Money orders are granted & paid from 9 a.m. PaiIton till 6 p.m Superintendent Refistrar, James Driver, Regent street COUNTY MAGISTRATES attending Lutterworth Petty Registrar qf Marnages. John Pateman, Cburch street Sessions:- Registrar Qf Births ~ Deaths, .}ames Lionel Lee, High st .At the extreme end of the old Wood market 8 substantial The Earl oCDenbigb & Desmond, Newnham Paddox,Rugby brick Workhouse was erected in the year 1840, calculated Rev., E. Elmhirst, The Rectory, Shawell to hold 200 inmates; Thomas Measures, ,master; H. W. Rev. John Marsh Lakin, The Rectory, Gilmorton Fagge, surgeon; Rev. Robert Seddon M.A. chaplain; Rev. Canon Pownall, The Rectory, South KiIworth Mrs. Elizabeth MeaIBures, matron John W. Morrice esq. Catthorpe Towers A. W wArkwright esq. Broughton Astley RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY •• C. MarrioU esq. Cotesbach bouse Clerk. J ames Driver, Regent street T. F. Hazlehurst esq. Misterton hall Medical Officer, C. A. Moore M.B. Leicester Major Pearson, Lutterworth house Inspector ~f NuiAances, Henry Fauton, Churcb street Corbet Smith esq. Walcote house PUBLIC OFPICERS:- List of places in the Petty Sessional Division :­ Assessor q.f Taxes, John Coaton, Town Hall street Arneshy, Ashby Magna, Ashby Pana, Bittesby, Bittes­ Clerk to Highway Board, James Driver, Regent street well, Broughton Ast1ey, Bruntingthorpe, Catthorpe,CIay­ Clerk to the Petty Se.~sions ~ Steward of the Earl of brooke Magna, Claybrooke Parva, Cottesbach, Dunton Denbigh's Manors, Thomas Herbert Watson, Oxford st E&1sett,Frowlesworth, Gilmorton, North Kilworth, South Inland Revenue Officer, WilIiam Collier, Wickliffe tar Kilworth, Kimcote & WaltoD, Knaptott, Leire, Lutter­ Secretary ~ Treasurer to the Town Estate !1'rustees, worth, Misterton, PeatIing Magna, Peatling Parva, Jallles Driver, Regent street Sbawell, Sltiarshy, Swinford, Ullestborpe, Walton-in­ Stamp .Distributor, Thomas ChamberJin, Church street Knaptoft, Westrill & Starmore, Wigston Parva, Wil­ Superintendent of" Fire Brigade, Thomas Hllrley,High st Jougbby Waterless. Petty Sessions are held at the Town Town Crier, W. Wheeler Hall, High street, every alternate thursday SCUOOLS:- Clerb to the Magistrate. ." Thomas Herbert Watson & Governors appointedfor the Management ofthe Lutter­ Thomas Baxter esqrs worth Schools, Rev. T. H. Tarlton M.A.chairman; Rei. INSURANCE AGENTS:- W. H. Benn M.A. & Rev. E. Elmhirst M.A. appointed by Accident, W. E. Vernon, Church street Sherrier's Trustees; J. Bedells,. G. S. Wardley, T. H. British Empire MutualL~fe, J. Wood burn, George st Watson, appointed by the Town Estate Trustees; H. County Fire, A. Buswell, High street Blunt, W. Footman, J. B. C. Fox, T. Turner, appointed Guardian, W. Mawson, Church st. & J. A. Walling ton, by the. ratepayers Cottesbach Elementary, George street~ Alfred Binns~ master ~ Miss Phreni:r: Fire, John Burness, Bank U nderhill. mistress Provident Life, A. Buswell. High street Infants', Church street, Miss Phrebe CottreIJ, mistress Royal Exchange, J. Driver, Regent street CONVEYANCE :- Royal Fire ~ L~t6, J. Pateman, Church street Omnibus to UJIesthorpe station, from the' Denbigb Arms," Scottish Equitable Lif~, W. E. Vernon, Church street thrice daily, sundays excepted Standard Life. T. Chambel'lin* Church street CARRIERS TO :- Sun Fire ~ Life, F. W. BottriJl, High street ASHBY MAGNA-Bates, from 'Ram,';.thurs. 4 p.m.; PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:'- Clarke, from' Angel,' thurs.3.30 County Court Office, Wood market J FranciR Barrowesq. BOSWoRTH~Cross, from' King's Head,' thurs. 3 p.m judge; Bohun Henry Chandler Fox, registrar.& high BRADPORD LANE-Wilkins, from ~ King'i.Head,' thurs. bailiff; John Pateman, bailiff; open daily, from 10 till 4- ; & sat. 4.30 p.m saturday, 10 till 1. The district comprises the parishes BaINKLOw-Wilkins, from ~ Uuicorn,' thurs of Arnesby, Ashby Magna, Ashby Parva, Bittesby, Bit­ BRUNTINGTHORPE-Hunt, from. 'White Hart,' thurs. teswell, llrou!:\"hton Astley, Bruntingthorpe, Catthorpe, 5p.m Cla~brooke Magna" Claybrooke Parvs, Copston Magna, CATTHoIlPE-Crisp, from' White Hart,' thurs. 4 p.m Cottesbach, Dunton Bassatt, Frowlesworth. Gilmorton, CHURCHov¥Il--Carvell. from' Stag & Pheasant,' thurs. Kilworth (North), Kilworth (South), Kimcote & Walton, 4- p.m.; Hig~8, from' Coach & Horses,' thurs Knaptoft (part of), Leire, Lutterworth, Misterton,Monk'o CLAYBROOKE-Bailey, from • Angel,' tburs. 6 p.m.; Kirby. Pailton,Peatling Magna, Peatling Parva,Shearsby. Astill, from' King's Head,' thurs Sbawell, Sutton-in-the-Elms, Swinford, Stretton-under­ COUXTESTHoRPE-IJu4bard, from' King's Head,' thu1'8. Foss, Ullestborpe, WaIton, W alcote, WiIloughbyWaterless, 4p.m Wibtoft, Willey, Wigston Parva, Welford & WaIton-in­ DUNTON BASSETT-Hipwell, from 'Stag & Pheasant,' Knaptoft thurs. 4 p.m.;. Ward, from' Ram,' thors. 4 p.m Fire Brigade, Higb street, Thos. Hurley, superintendent GILMORToN-Swingler, from' Stag & Pheasant,' thurs. Gas Light ~ Coke Co. High street, Thomas Brown, sec 4 p.m Inland Reven'U8 Offic£? • Denbigh Arms,' High street, HJNCKLEY~Argyle, from' King's Head,' thu1'8. 5 p.m WilIiaot Collier, officer HUSBANDS BOIi!WORTI!-John Cross, thu1'8 Police Station, Beast market~ Thomas Rowlett, superin­ KILSBY-Bennett, from' King's Head.' thura.4 p.m tendent for the Lutterworth division LI!lIRE-ClaIke, from' Angel,' thurs. 5- p.m Stamp Office, Church st. Thomas Chamberlin, distributor LEICBS~ER.,--Finche. frolll ' King's Head,' thura. 4 p.m.; Town Hall, High street Rainbow; from his own house; wed. & sat. 7 B.m.;. Sharp, LUTTERWORTU UNION. from his own house, sat. 7.30 a.m The Union contains the following parishes :-Arnesby, LILBuRN-Crisp, from' White Hart,' thurs Ashby Magna, Ashby Parva, Bittersby, Bitteswell, MONK'S KIRBY-Hall, from' Unicorn,' thurs. 4 p.m llroughton Astley, Bruntingthorpe, Catthorpe, Copston NORTH KILWORTH-Bennett, from' King'lt Head,' thurs. Magna (Warwick), Cottesbach, Dunton Bassett, Frowles­ 4 p.m.; Rainhow. Regent streetyevery day worth, Gilmorton, Great Claybrooke, Kimcote with PAILTON-HilI, from' Coach & Horses,' thurs. 4 p.m.; Walton, Knaptoft, Leire, Little Claybrooke,Lutterworth, Clark, from' White Hart,' thurs. 4 p.m RUGBY-Willey, from I Kin~'8 Head,' sat. 10 a.m .L~isterton, Monk's Kirby (Warwick), North Kilworth, Pailton (Warwick), Peatling Magna, Peatling- Pana, SHA.NFORD-HiIl, from' King's Head,' tburs. 4 p.m Sbawell. Shearsby, South Kilworth, Stretton-under-Foss SHEARS BY-Read, from' King's Head,' thnrs. 4 p.m (Warwick), Swinford, Ullesthorpe, Walton-in-Knaptoft, SOUTH KILWORTR-Wood, from • Stag & Pheasant" Welford (Northampton), Wibtoft (Warwick), Wigston thu1'8.4 p.m Par,a, Willey (Warwick), Willoughby Waterless SWINPoRD-Andrews, from f White Hart,' ti)Ul'S. 4 p.m ULLESTHORPE-ElIis, from' White Hart/ thurs. 4 p.m Board day, alternate thursdays W ALTON-Butlin, from ' Ram,' thurs. 4 p.m Clerk to Guardians, Jamer, Driver, Regent street WILLEy ..... Sheppard, from' Peacock,' thurs.. 4 p.m AI"tstant Overseer, Collector, Reliemng. ~ Vaccination WOLVEY-Thorp, from' Angel,' thurs. 4 p.m OffioeT7> W. Hw Berry; Cburcb street( YBLVRRTOFT-Andrews, from' White Hart,'thul'i. 'p.m .
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