(1)ftitdW~ flu PUBLISHED DAILY ander order of THE PIREJZDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE an PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities VOL. 2 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1918. No. 364 CONTRACTS FOR 61 VESSELS U. S. TROOPS ADVANCE U.S. S. WESTOVER SUNK OF 439,800 DEAD-WEIGHT TONS IN COUNTER ATTACK BY TORPEDO ON JULY 11 LET BY THE SHIPPING BOARD WITH GREATEST DASH INEUROPEAN WATERS; 47 TO BE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION The Secretary of War made the following statement to the TEN OF CREW MISSING Skinner and Eddy Corporation of press yesterday afternoon: WAS A SUPPLY VESSEL Seattle to Build Thirty-Five of The department has received from Gen. Pershing an official the Ships-Fourteen, of 47,000 confirmation of the opening of Ship Was Eastbound When Tons, to be Wooden Vessels. the counteroffensive along the Sunk-Eighty-Two qf the lines carried in the newspaper Crew Rescued-Assistant dispatches. American troops are The Shipping Board authorizes the fol- Paymaster R. H. Halstead Jowing: participating both as complete During the week ending July 18 con- divisions and as units in associa- and Ensign R. D. Caldwell tion with the French. The first tracts for 61 vessels, representing 439,800 -Among Those Missing. dead-weight tons, were let by the United objectives seem everywhere to have been attained, and while States Shipping Board and Emergency The Navy Department authorizes the Fleet Corporation. Of this tonnage 392,- no accurate count has been made it is clear that many prisoners following: 800 will go into steel construction, the The Navy Department is informed rest into wooden ships. have been taken, and guns and other war mat6riel captured. that the U. S. S. Westover was tor- Thirty-five to One Company. * Our official reports also con- pedoed and sunk in European w-vaters To the Skinner & Eddy Corporation, of on July 11. Eighty-two of the crew were Seattle, firm the fact that the American went a contract for the builfing soldiers advanced with the great- saved. Ten have been reported missing, of 35 steel cargo steamships of a'dead- as follows: weight tonnage of 332,800. The Mobile est dash and gallantry, and were Asst. Paymaster Robert Herbert Hal- Shipbuilding Co., of Mobile, Ala., received still advancing when last heard stead, United States Naval Reserve a contract to build 12 steel freighters of a from. Force. Next of kin, Mrs. Myrta J. Hal- combined tonnage of 60,000, making 47 stead, 227 North Sycamore Street, Lan- of the steel type provided for in the new sing, Mich. contracts. Ensign Ralph Dillingham Caldwell, Wooden Ship Contracts. MINOR MUST PROVE HE IS18 United States Naval Reserve Force. Next of kin, Mrs. Lena S. Caldwell, 20 Contracts for building 14 wooden ships BEFORE HE CAN ENTER ARMY Runnels Street, Woodsford, Me. were divided between K. M. Murdock, of John Cole, mess attendant, third class. Jacksonville, Fla., who will construct 6 Father, Louis Jorden Cole, Brentwood, of this The act of Congress approved May 18, type, with a total tonnage of 21,000. 1917, establishes 'Md. The Missouri Valley the minimpm age limit Bridge & Iron Co., for voluntary enlistment in the United Bryan Deal, fireman, second class. of Quantico, Va., which will build 7 of Mother, Mrs. Ollie Deal, London, Ind. an aggregate tonnage of States Army at 18 years. 24,500, and the A circular letter recently issued by James Brown Estes, seaman, second Continental Shipbuilding Corporation, of class. Mother, Mrs. Drucie B. Estes, Yonkers, N. Y., which The Adjutant General of the Army says: was given a con- " The large number of applications Hartwell, Ga. tract for building 1 vessel of re- 1,500 tons. ceived from parents and guardians for Edward Lewis Griffin, fireman, third the discharge of minors under 18 years class. Mother, Mrs. Almira F. Griffin, of age, inclosing satisfactory evidence 2032 Ellsworth Street, Baltimore, Md. Reports Lieut. Roosevelt that the soldier is under this age, indi- Harvey Harrison, fireman, second Missing in Air Battle cates the necessity of more care on the class. Mother, Mrs. Dora Harrison, part of recruiting officers in order to Noblesville, Ind. avoid unnecessary expense to the Gov- Frank Willard Hollows, chief ma- The Secretary of War has authorized ernment and annoyance to troops in the chinist's mate. Wife, Mrs. Lucille Hol- the making public of the following cable- field in the subsequent discharge of such lows, 344 Fourteenth Street SE., Wash- gram: men, and to avoid placing a blot for life ington, D. C. Wilfred Joseph Serey, water tender. The ADJ-UTA19T on the record of a boy whose offense of GENERAL, misstatement of his age -arises usually Father, Jack Serey, Winchester Avenue, Washington, D. (.: from a patriotic desire to serve his Ashland, Ky. Headquarters 1st Brigade, Air Service, country. Austin Clyde Wilson, seaman. Father, reports First Lieut. Quentin Roosevelt, " Hereafter no applicant under the George C. Wilson, 311 East Twelfth 95th Aero Squadron, registration age -will be accepted or en- Street, Muncie, Ind. first pursuit group, listed The Westover was a supply ship of missing. until he has proven to the complete Last seen on enemy's sides of satisfaction of the recruiting officer that about 5,000 gross tons, 410 feet long lines in Combgt with enemy plane(s) he has reached the age of 18 years. The and 54-foot beam. She was eaitbound about 9.15 morning July 14. Nearest proof required will be (a) birth certifi- when torpedoed. relative, Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Oyster cate, baptismal record, or school certifi- cate, or, In case (a) is not available, (b) Bay, Long Island, N. Y. Easy to buy, convenient to handle, no afidavit of parent or of guardian with red tape--Get a WAR-SAVINGS STAME PESRING. legal evidence of guardianship." to-day, 2 THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN: FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1918. ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN TAKES Directors Appointed by Property Custodian to OVER THE BECKER STEEL COMPANY Manage Steel Company AS AN ENEMY OWNED CORPORATION A. Mitchell Palmer, Alien Property Custodian, announces that he has ap- PLANT IN WEST VIRGINIA 664, but was unable to ship thik to Ger- pointed the following directors to act for many and later sold 1t at a profit of his office in the management of the $6,000. As a result of this transaction Becker Steel Co. of America, which has Secret of Making German "High. Becker reported to the Alien Property been taken over by him: Custodian on July 15 last that he was William H. English, vice president Speed" Steel Will Be American- now holding $54,476.38 for the benefit of-the Empire Trust Co., 120 Broad- of his brother Reinhold Becker, or Stahl- way, New York City. ized - Enemy Ownership Dis- werk Becker A/G. E. M. Sawtelle, 5 Beekman Street, closed by Investigation, After Vice Attempt to Camouflage Ownership. New York. In his investigation of the affairs of Paul T. Brady, Westinghouse Elec- President Had Reported It Was the Becker Steel Co., Mr. Garvan discov- tric & Manufacturing Co., 103 Broad- ered a noi el attempt to camouflage the way, New York. - 100 Per Cent American. enemy ownership. Adolph J. Becker, George Dix, Midvale Steel & Ord- vice president of the company, is the nance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. brother of Reinhold Becker, managing W. A. McCorkle, president of the The Alien Property Custodian author- Bank, Charles- izes the following: director of the Stahiwerk Becker A/G., Citizens' National of Germany, the business of which is ton, W. Va. A. Mitchell Palmer, Alien Property Royal A. Weller, 31 Nassau Street, Custobiaii, announced yesterday that he the manufacture of parts for high-power motors, engines used in agroplanes, and New York, and eT-United States had taken over the Becker Steel Co. of William E. Chilton, of America, with offices at 90 West Street, accessories for aeroplanes. In June, Senator 1918, he made a sworn report to the Charleston, W. Va., will act as coun- New York, and a plant at Charleston, company. W. Va. The Becker Steel Co. owns the Alien Property Custodian that there were sel for the patent rights in this country for the 4tan- no enemy interests in the Becker Steel ufacture of " high-speed " steel, so im- Co. He claimed that the 5,000 shares branch of the German house by organiz- portant in the construction of aeroplane of stock originally held by the enemy in- ing the Becjter steel Co. of America, a and automobile motors, and dental and terests had been canceled, and that the New York corporation, with a capital surgical tools, company was 100 per cent American stock of $10,000, later increased to As a result of the taking over of this owned. $250,000. company by the Alien Property Custo- Paid Visit to Germany. In 1914 the New York corporation pur- dian the secret German process for the Adolph J. Becker claimed that 2,500 of chased the Baldwin Steel Co. of Charles- making of " high-speed " steel will be these shares were canceled because his ton, W. Va., and a deed of trust was Americanized. The Becker Steel Co. is brother, Reinhold J3ecker, had failed to executed in favor of the Title, Guarantee now doing considerable work In connec- live up to a contfact to deliver certain & Trust Co. of New York of the entire tion with Government contracts. machinery to the Charleston plant. He plrut and property, securing a $500,000 German Ownership Disclbsed. also claimed that in June, 1916, he went bond issue. to Germany and purchased 2,500 addi- The New York corporation was dis- This company was taken over by the tional shares from his brother, and that solved, being succeeded by the Becker Alien Property Custodian after an in- later he turned this stock into th6 com- Steel Co.
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