Target Store Redevelopment Project 6.0 Other CEQA Discussions Draft EIR 6.0 OTHER CEQA DISCUSSIONS 6.1 GROWTH-INDUCING IMPACTS Section 15126.2(d) of the CEQA Guidelines states that the assessment of growth-inducing impacts in the EIR must describe the “ways in which the proposed project could foster economic or population growth, or the construction of additional housing, either directly or indirectly, in the surrounding environment.” The project site is within a redevelopment area, which seeks to attract private investment into an economically depressed community. The proposed project would not induce growth, but would seek to stimulate the economy of downtown Azusa. The proposed project would bring growth to the area by providing 129 net new jobs. The new jobs would be available to the local community and the project applicant would be encouraged to hire locally. With the addition of jobs, the proposed project would foster economic growth in the project area. The proposed project would not create more jobs than the adopted Southern California Association of Government (SCAG) forecast for the San Gabriel Valley Cities Council of Government (SGVCCG) Subregion. The new jobs and retail use would help to revitalize the downtown Azusa area. Thus, the proposed project would meet the goals of the Merged Project Area Redevelopment Plan by stimulating economic growth in the area. The proposed project does not include the construction of housing. In addition, the operation of the proposed project is not expected to induce population growth in the project area because similar uses currently exist on the project site. Therefore, the proposed project is not anticipated to increase population growth either directly or indirectly. 6.2 IRREVERSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES Irreversible environmental changes are not anticipated for the proposed project. Construction and operation of the proposed project would rely upon the use of nonrenewable resources but not at levels that would be considered out of context with urban development. Use of fossil fuel derived energy sources, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, electricity, and natural gas, would be necessary for transport of workers and materials during construction and provision of electricity, natural gas, and fuel for vehicles during the life of the proposed project. Although fossil fuel consumption would constitute the depletion of a resource that is irretrievable and irreversible, the amount of resources consumed would not be of an extraordinary nature in a regional context. 6.3 EFFECTS DETERMINED NOT TO BE SIGNIFICANT Agricultural Resources The project site is located in an urbanized area and is currently developed with commercial, industrial, and parking uses. No agricultural uses are present within the project site or surrounding area. The project site and surrounding areas are not zoned for agricultural purposes and are not under a Williamson Act contract. According to the City of Azusa Existing Land Use Map, the nearest existing agricultural use is located approximately 0.4 miles east of the project site within the Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan area. Due to its relatively urban setting, the project site is not included in the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency.1 Since no agricultural uses or related operations occur on or adjacent to the project site, the proposed project would not directly or indirectly cause the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses. Therefore, the proposed project would result in no impacts related to farmland, agricultural zoning, Williamson Act contracts, or agricultural uses. 1State of California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, website: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/dlrp/FMMP/overview/survey_area_map.htm, accessed May 19, 2008. taha 2007-058 6-1 Target Store Redevelopment Project 6.0 Other CEQA Discussions Draft EIR Cultural Resources Historic Resources. The project site is currently developed with commercial and industrial buildings, as well as a surface parking lot. These buildings contain a supermarket, automobile-related uses, a restaurant, a beauty salon, a drugstore, and a laundry business. The proposed project would demolish the existing buildings and construct a two-story retail building. Each of the existing buildings on the project site was constructed in 1968 or later and has no architectural or local historical significance.2 As such, the existing buildings are not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places or the California Register of Historic Places. The project site does not contain elements that would be considered historic by the Office of Historic Preservation and the State Historic Resources Commission or the local register of historic resources. Therefore, no impacts to historical resources are anticipated. Archaeological Resources. According to the Analysis of Existing Conditions and Trends Report prepared for the City of Azusa General Plan Update, at least nineteen archaeological studies have been conducted within the City limits. These studies covered 0.5- to 45-acre areas within the City and none of them determined that archaeological resources were present. No archaeological resources have been identified or are known to exist on the project site. Therefore, it is unlikely that archaeological materials would be found on the project site. The construction of the new building would require minor grading and excavation. As discussed above, the discovery of archaeological resources remains low. However, any excavation activity would have the potential to encounter undiscovered archaeological resources. Since unknown resources may be altered or destroyed by site excavation or other construction activities, discovery of archaeological resources during construction would be treated in accordance with applicable federal, State, and local guidelines. The proposed project would require minimal excavation and grading activities. Therefore, less-than-significant impacts are anticipated related to archaeological resources. Paleontological Resources. Paleontological resources are not known to have previously been discovered on or adjacent to the project site. Although the possibility of discovering paleontological resources on the project site remains low, the potential for accidental discovery during grading and excavation activities always exists. Since unknown resources have the potential to be altered or destroyed by site excavation or other construction activities, discovery of paleontological resources during construction would be treated in accordance with applicable federal, State, and local guidelines. The proposed project would require minimal excavation and grading activities. Therefore, less-than-significant impacts are anticipated related to paleontological resources. Human Remains. The project site is currently developed, and no human remains are known to be present. In the event that excavation does uncover previously interred human remains, these would be treated in accordance with appropriate State and federal guidelines. However, the proposed project would require minimal excavation and grading activities. Therefore, less-than-significant impacts are anticipated related to the disturbance of human remains. Hydrology and Water Quality Water Quality. The project site is developed with commercial and industrial buildings, as well as a large surface parking lot. As such, the project site is entirely impermeable. Vegetation on the project site consists of limited landscaping and scattered trees. The existing uses on the project site were developed prior to the adoption of current water quality standards and discharge requirements. Under existing conditions, surface water runoff from the parking lot may contain vehicle pollutants, including oil, washer fluid, and coolant. With the proposed project, impermeability would be the same as under existing conditions. The proposed project would not cause any increase in surface water runoff. 2Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor, Property Assessment Information System, available at http://assessor. lacounty.gov/extranet/default.aspx, accessed March 10, 2008. taha 2007-058 6-2 Target Store Redevelopment Project 6.0 Other CEQA Discussions Draft EIR Project-related construction activities have the potential to result in adverse effects on surface water quality as a result of minor soil erosion, subsequent siltation, and conveyance of other pollutants into municipal storm drains during project construction. However, construction activities would occur in compliance with erosion control measures imposed by the City of Azusa Public Works Department. In addition, proposed project construction would be consistent with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to reduce pollution in storm water discharge to levels that comply with applicable water quality standards. Therefore, less-than-significant impacts related to surface water quality are anticipated. Groundwater. The project site lies within the San Gabriel Valley Groundwater Basin. Due to releases of chlorinated solvents from industrial facilities, portions of the San Gabriel Valley Groundwater Basin have been designated as a Federal Superfund site. Groundwater in the project area can be found at depths between approximately 50 and over 150 feet below ground surface (bgs) and generally flows to the southwest. Groundwater levels often fluctuate due to seasonal variations, groundwater withdrawal
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