HAMILTON RAILROAD MODEL No. 5 ERE is ti watch for the Railrond man who lcants accuracy. This purticular case is designed by Hamilton to [~roperlyprotect the ftzmoun 992 tnoxetnent. It is sturdily constructed und has s/>ecial clust-proof features. It is uxailnhle in either IOK filled yellow or 14K filled grcen or tullitc gold- with choice of four differ. YOU LIVE WITH TIME ~.;iilro;ttl n~;tn bows to his timepiece. You mcn livc with time. It is timc you feed into the EVnERY;trning f~~rnace. It is timc that flickers in the speeding \vheels of your train. Accur:tcy is ;I prt of your job. You need a watch thxt will insure your gettillg thcrc on time- ;tl\v;l\-:;-and the Hamilton is just the very watch to do that job. That is one of the reasons why it is the fi~vorirew;~tch of most railroad men. That is also why the Hamilton is known everywhcrc :ls "The Railroad Tinekeeper of America." Soon, perhaps, you will be considering a new timepiece for your own usc. When you do, ask your jcwcler to sholv you the Hamilton railroad models-watches that havc bceil helping to make r,lil~-oadhis- tory since 1892. Show your old timer to your jcwcler. Hc m:ly have a trade-in proposition that will appd to you-wherehv you can own :L Hamilton, the latest word in r:~ilro;~dtimekeeping. There is a copy of the Hamilton Time Book waiting for you-as well as orhcr intercstir~gfolders de- scribing Halnilton Rai1ro:td models. Address Department R, Hamilton Watch Conrpny, Lancasrcr, Pcnna. samilton "The Railroad Timekeeper of America" SWITCH TO THIS ON Guaranteed to Outwear Any Other Sole . You get onto the Main Line of shoe economy whe to Goodyear Wingfoot Soles. You get foot comfort-you get long wear-and money! This new Goodyear Wingfoot is GUARAN7 TO OUTWEAR ANY OTHER SOLE. It is the salvation of the family pocketbook in tl days of "going-up" shoe prices. Waterproof. Springy. Sure gripping. Tough enouj for the toughest service, good-looking on any shoe This sole is the peerless walking mate of the famous Goodyear Wingfoot Heel, which 67% of all shoe jealers say they prefer to any other. It is the igh peak in Goodyear's production of more fian 30,000,000 pairs of soles. ?ut the children on them, too-the kids love em and can't wear them out. R >t them on new shoes made by America's eading manufacturers, or have your shoe . 3e sure you get Wingfoots-look for the WINGFOOT 'SOLES Tan and Black - SUCCESSORS TO y-THE CARR-LOWRY LUMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS 8. DEALERS ' IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL ~ Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" 1) Exchange Building MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone 6 - 2312 The Mount Vernon I/ Car Manufacturing Co. II of weather. ; BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS II OF ALL KINDS /I MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS Page THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MACAZINE WM. L. HUCCINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Alloclalc Editor W M. MsMIUAN. Adocrllsfn# Manager H.A. PICKENS. Asat. Ed.-Friaco Mechanic J. J. KAPLAN. Ad~erllsfngSollellor Vol. VI NOVEMBER, 1928 No. 2 Permission is given to reprint, with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Traffic Departments Merge October 15 ..................... ... ...... ................ ..... .. ........ ...................4-5 Frisco Builds Pensacola Station ...................................................................................................... 6 Employcs Reqr~est Bus Regulations.............................................................................................. 7 Sews of tile Frisco Clubs ......................................................................................................................8-10 Mew Su~~parlorI.oungc Cars In Scrvice ................................................................................................ 11 General Pershing Is I~risco's Guest .............. .................... ...........................................12 Five Brothers 111 Yale Car Department ................................................................................................ 16 AirpFanc Will Not Supersede Railroad-Strys Sr,rrctarg NrCrtrrhrrr ......, ......... ....................17 New Paint Givcs Engincs Sow1 A1)pearanc.e........................................................................................ 18 Freight Car Damage Decrcascs 5.1 Per Cent ...................................................................................... I9 Two Pages oi Praise From Frisco Patrons................ ... .....,,.,,...,..,....,.,,,....,...,,,,,.,..,.,,,..,,,,,.. 20-21 Loconiotivc Fuel Perfortilance Records ............ ... ................................................................................. 22 For Meritorious Service ............... .. .........................................................................................................23 Frisco Hospital Associa+ion Report ................. ................ ............................................ 24-25 The Pension Roll .......... .......................................................................................................... 26 27 Homemakers Pages.... - ......................... .. .................,.............................................................. 2'3 -2:) The Twilight Hour ... ............................................................................................................................ 30 \Ifinsome Children o isco Folk ...............,.......................................................................................... 31 EditoriaIs ................ ................................................................................................................................ 32 Flashes of Alerrir ................................................................................................................................... 33 Frisco Mechanic ... .(.................... ................................................................................................. 14 -30 Friseo Family N I............................................................................................................................ 4-72 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER me Msca Employes' Slagazlne ls a monthly publlcatlon devoted prlmarlly to the lntereab & mom thrn 30.000 actlve and retlred employes of the Frlsco Llnas. It contatns storlea, ~(ams or current news, personal notes about employes and their famllles, articles deallng ~lhvarlous ph'tses of railroad work, poems, cartoons and notlces regardlng the servlcs. Good clar photographs sultable for rcproductlon are especlnlly desired, and will be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawings must be in black lndla drawlng Ink. Employes are Invlted to wrlte artlcles for the magazine. Conmlbutiom should be type- mitten, an one slde of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor, Frlsco Bulldlng, Bt. LOUIS, 510. Dlstrlbuted free among Frlsco employas. To others, prlce 15 cenm a copy; subactlptlon rate $1.50 r year. ddvertlslng rates will be made known upon appllcatlon. TRAFFIC DEPARTMENTS MERGE OCT. If DECIDED departure from la, Florida, goes to RIemf standaxllzed solicits t i o n Freight and Passenger Solic- Tenn., as traffic manager of A activities on American rail- third district, comprising * roncls was announced October 16 itors Unified in One Depart- nisco?~filississippi .. \?alley p by Frisco Lines, in the unification tory, including Mobile and :; of the solicitation efforts of the ment - Many Changes i Orleans. His assistant is Yr passenger and freight depart- Titles and Duties P. AIatthev7s, now assistant F ments. Effective October 15, all era1 passenger agent at Memp passenger and freight agents The fourth district, conlprl were merged into one large traffic de- all of Alabama and the Southeas' partment, with jurisdiction over both in charge of Mr. D. F. dIcDona~ freight and passenger business. now executive general agent "This movement is intended to SIemphis, Mr. dIcDonough's titlt solidify our solicitation efforts into one traffic manager with headquarten large department, and obliterates all Birmingham, Ala. His assistant ia departmental lines between our J. E. Springer, now division frd freight and passenger units," Mr. J. agent at Birmingham. R. Koontz, vice-president in charge of Among the inter-district change traffic, said in announcing the move. be made in line with this unifia "We believe this will materially program, General Traffic Manager! strengthen our business getting ler announced the following: strength, as well as greatly siml~lify Mr. F. J. Lawler, who has be~r the mauy ramifications of railroad so- vision freight agent at St. Louis licitation work." comes assistant general freight The merge of the departmenta passeiiger agent, retaining hi^ places a St. Louisan, BIr. S. S. Butler, Lonis headquarters. Mr. HarrisonT at the head of both freight and pas- formerly division passenger agent senger departments with the title of comes division freight and passr general traffic mauager. Nr. Butler's agent at St. Louis. former title was general freight traf- Fire new on-line general a? fic manager. were appointed as follows: Mr.' Mr. J. N. Cornatzar of St. Louis, pas- M. Forrester, commercial agen director senger traffic manager and J. N. CORNATZAR Springfield, becomes general agr of development, was made assistant that point. Mr. T. H. Banister, vice-president. mercial agent at BIen!. The position of passenger becomes general a? traffic manager was award- there. 311.. W. H. Crow ed to SIr. John W. Nourse, visiou freight agent
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