12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Craig EFdeuite rthheirsd tform 208 responses View all responses Publish analytics Summary Personal information What is your highest level of education? Primary school 5 2% High school 39 19% Diploma 28 13% Bachelors Degree 86 41% Masters Degree 39 19% Doctorate Degree 11 5% Demographics Sex Male 128 62% https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 1/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Female 80 38% What age did you turn in 2014? 35 36 33 34 39 37 43 42 41 40 23 24 25 26 27 29 1 30 32 5 31 19 17 18 15 16 13 14 21 79 77 80 81 86 67 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 2/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms 66 69 68 70 71 72 73 74 76 59 58 57 56 55 64 65 62 63 60 61 49 48 45 44 47 46 51 52 53 54 50 Are you currently a full time student? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 3/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Yes 30 14% No 178 86% How many people live in your household? 1 22 11% 2 76 37% 3 30 14% 4 49 24% 5+ 31 15% How many children under 18 are in your household? 0 126 61% 1 29 14% 2 41 20% 3 11 5% 4+ 1 0% How many members of your household regularly went orienteering in 2014? 0 10 5% 1 70 34% 2 75 36% 3 24 12% 4 19 9% 5+ 10 5% Orienteering membership Were you a member of an orienteering club in 2014? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 4/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Yes 201 97% No 7 3% Membership You are a member of... A metropolitan club 156 75% A non­metropolitan club 45 22% Where do you currently reside? ACT 18 9% NSW 55 26% NT 1 0% QLD 17 8% SA 8 4% Tasmania 12 6% Victoria 48 23% WA 33 16% New Zealand 2 1% https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 5/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Other country 5 2% Other 5 2% Orienteering experience How many years have you been orienteering? 1 6 3% 2 9 4% 3 11 5% 4 7 3% 5+ 175 84% How many times a month during winter (April ­ September) do you participate? 0 8 4% 1 20 10% 2 37 18% 3 46 22% 4 35 17% 5 26 13% Other 36 17% How many times a month during summer (October ­ March) do you participate? 0 17 8% 1 33 16% 2 35 17% 3 28 13% 4 30 14% 5 23 11% Other 42 20% How many times in total did you orienteer during 2014? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 6/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms None 6 3% 1­5 11 5% 6­10 14 7% 11­20 39 19% 21­50 85 41% 51+ 53 25% Do you do any orienteering­specific training? Yes ­ alone 45 22% Yes ­ in a group 42 20% No 121 58% What sort of events do you participate in? Sprint / Street / Park 179 86% Bush ­ Local 173 83% Bush ­ >1hr drive 173 83% https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 7/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms MTBO ­ Local 34 16% MTBO ­ >1hr drive 36 17% Adventure racing 25 12% Rogaines 67 32% MTBO ­ International 10 5% Bush ­ International 64 31% None of the above 3 1% Do you travel interstate to orienteer? Yes 154 74% No 54 26% Do you travel overseas to orienteer? Yes 88 42% No 120 58% How many kilometres do you travel each year to orienteer? <100 9 4% 100­499 16 8% 500­999 30 14% 1000­1999 33 16% 2000­2999 37 18% 3000+ 83 40% https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 8/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Have you ever traveled in a group to go orienteering? Yes ­ In Australia 74 36% Yes ­ overseas 41 20% No 93 45% Are you a member of a rogaining association? Yes 66 32% No 142 68% Are you a member of another sporting association? Hobart Hash House Harriers Bruised Battered Walkers no Football Golf Mountain biking Richmond Harriers Monash University Athletics Club (Life Member) National Sports Museum Bendigo Little Athletics Golden City Netball Association Bendigo Basketball Association Lawn bowls Golf Hockey Sailing Killara Croquet club Bicycle, easy regular rides Table tennis club running club Tennis club Windsurfing WA Running club https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 9/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms parkrun Athletics Victoria Rowing ACT Rogaining ACT Western Athletics Athletics Victoria Cycling club. Hockey WA Cycle Touring WA Ultimate frisbee Fitness Centre Table Tennis Victoria AFL Victoria Cricket Victoria cycling mountaineering Girraween Athletics Club Macquarie Uni Hockey Club Hockey SA Cycling BikeSA No yes Tennis soccer club mtba Tennis ARA ­ rogaining AOCRA ­ outrigging ARF ­ rafting ACA ­ canoeing etc Triathlon WA MTB Australia Hockey club Croquet MCC member Victorian Business Runners Victorian Trail Runners ACT Rogaining Association NSW Rogaining Assocition Australian Mountain Running Association ACT Veterans Athletics Club Athletics Victoria Park Run bowls Audax Long Distance Cycling Yes No. And I am not sure how relevant this survey is to me as I only do StreetO and only belong to OV for the season tickets, etc. Running/Jogging Club/parkrun many cycling clubs Harriers Cross Country Norwood Little Athletics Athletics Tasmania Richmond Harriers National Sports Museum Newcastle Cross Country Club https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 10/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Bowls Golf Adelaide Hills Masters Cycling Club Parkrun Bicycle NSW The Bush Club Tennis Running swimming soccer netball Geocaching Do you participate in any of the following for health or relaxation? Stretching 67 32% Yoga / Pilates 35 17% Massage 38 18% Acupuncture 1 0% Physiotherapy 64 31% Chiropratic 22 11% None 59 28% Other 56 27% Orienteering information How often do you access the internet for orienteering information? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 11/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Daily 76 37% Weekly 116 56% Monthly 10 5% Hardly ever 5 2% Never 1 0% Which of the following information sources have you accessed in the last year for orienteering information? OA web site 163 78% State web site 195 94% Club web site 118 57% Australian Orienteer magazine 144 69% World of O 75 36% Eventor 177 85% https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 12/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Twitter 18 9% Facebook 110 53% International Orienteering Federation 83 40% Other hardcopy newsletters/magazines 42 20% Other digital newsletters/magazines 54 26% Word of mouth 102 49% Other 20 10% Do you currently receive a copy of the The Australian Orienteer magazine? Yes 192 92% No 16 8% The Australian Orienteer How do you receive a copy? As a member of a club/state organisation 189 91% I purchase it directly 1 0% Other 2 1% How many years have you be receiving The Australian Orienteer? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 13/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms 1 9 4% 1­4 41 20% 5­9 35 17% 10+ 107 51% Do you keep back issues of The Australian Orienteer for reference? Yes 123 59% No 69 33% How many other people read your copy of The Australian Orienteer? None 64 31% 1 57 27% 2 32 15% 3 21 10% 4+ 18 9% What other sporting magazines have you read in the past 12 months? None 107 51% Other 85 41% The Australian Orienteer ­ Content Foot O world championship (junior and/or senior) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 14/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms 1 13 6% 2 17 8% 3 39 19% 4 51 25% 5 72 35% MTBO world championship (junior and/or senior) 1 52 25% 2 63 30% 3 31 15% 4 28 13% 5 18 9% World masters orienteering championships 1 14 7% 2 20 10% 3 66 32% 4 60 29% 5 32 15% Other international events in which Australia competes 1 16 8% 2 19 9% 3 68 33% 4 62 30% 5 27 13% https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 15/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Australian championships & Easter carnival 1 8 4% 2 3 1% 3 24 12% 4 57 27% 5 100 48% State championships 1 10 5% 2 18 9% 3 47 23% 4 62 30% 5 55 26% National Orienteering League (NOL) events 1 20 10% 2 29 14% 3 51 25% 4 51 25% 5 41 20% Profiles of leading Australian representatives 1 19 9% 2 14 7% 3 37 18% 4 80 38% 5 42 20% https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FYvPqpABnTAMOkZTM3nTv39Ux4ozWWGrLmODJlgFpGs/viewanalytics 16/50 12/2/2014 Media & Communications within Orienteering Australia ­ Google Forms Profiles of leading Australian masters competitors 1 19 9% 2 23 11% 3 60 29% 4 60 29% 5 30 14% Training diary reports 1 34 16% 2 41 20% 3 43 21% 4 48 23% 5 26 13% Maps showing route choices for challenging legs 1 5 2% 2 6 3% 3 17 8% 4 39 19% 5 125 60% Maps showing route choices for place getters at major events 1 5 2% 2 8 4% 3 19 9% 4
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