. - - _ _ .-- -_ /~ / - C L . _ TECHNOLOGIES, INC. April 27, 1988 I . Dr. John Glenn Nuclear Materials and Safeguards Branch 23 / S! 76~ g ,,7 . Region I - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue I i rih, King of' Prussia, Pennsylvania 19706 Dear Dr. Glenn: Please amend our Materials License No. 37-20658-01 as follows: , 1 Condition 12. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of, Delbert W. Devins, Edward M. Stopper or R. Phillip Dunwody. Resumes for Mr. Stopper and Mr. Dunwody are enclosed. Mr. Stopper has worked with me for about four years; Mr. Dunwody has worked at MPSI for about one year. During these periods they have both been actively involved in density gauge repair. They have loaded sources under my supervision and have been trained in safe radiation procedures. Each has attended one of the radiation safety courses that I have given'for our customers. I am quite confident that they will be responsible handlers of the radioactive material for which we are licensed. f b Enclosed is a check for $120 under Category 3rl.og_______,. ]_ N __, Ro mittcr_ . ___f m u n Sincerely yours, Chech Ro ~ / p7gL (y, Amrunt 3 / g g{, FccC:tcay .3 ~ ~jk~j~Q Delbert W. Devin Type of en ft} _ Q _ _ President etc Ud L * g p Dato .ptee___g._/jp/fjg , Is1/ mag - ----- Enc: Resumes v ~ Check ? Ct) q IN 01 HW BBSI i PDR it i LO!D3'd-03/d3338 g[9os2][?j.bo6be-01 B MPSITECHNOLOGIES,INC. , I 240 Arch St., P.O. Box M-312, York, PA 17405 Telephone (717) 843 8671 Telex: 840446 - : .'L____ __ .. _ _ - _ _ n' 'o .- (" , Philip Dunwody/ , 'R. "(717) 266-6346 * | EXPERIENCE L .19,8 7-Present MINERAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS, INC. Senior Electronics Technician c In-house and field service troubleshooting, ' set-up and; calibration of instrumentation supplied by COALSCAN'and MPSI; including ash analyzers, density gauges, sound and motion analysis. Assemble devices, super- vise drafting of drawings and selection of components. Various ancillary duties. 1979-1986 BURROUGHS CORPORATION (UNISYS) Engineering Technician Installed and reconfigure software and hardware testing systems. Incorporated field engineering updates. Built and tested engineer- ing prototypes. Maintained peripherals (disc, tape, printers, modems, smart and dumb terminals). PC and PC clone installation and repair. Fiber optic and LAN development work. 1983-1985 Electronic Test Technician Contributed to start-up of A15 rework / support center, trained and directed the efforts of j seven rework people. Operated and maintained automated test equipment and fixtures. Im- plemented test program corrections and improve- ments. Tested, debugged and repaired printed circuit boards and power. supplies. Developed microscopic multilayer and miltiwire card repair techniques. Guided refurbishment of B7800 and B7900 modules. Controlled PROM burning activity. 1979-1982 Production Test Analyst Tested debugged and repaired printed circuit boards. Operated manual and automated test equipment. Developed skills on meters, oscillo- scopes, and logic analyzers. Learned hand and i machine soldering and desoldering and wire- I wrapping. 1982-1983 COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES Test Technician Facilitated set up of debug / repair area for VIC-20 and C-64 microcomputers. Learned high- volume troubleshooting techniques. t ______________-_____--____-___-____________O __ _-. _ _ - _ _ u_ , . , 4 ' - U U . R. Philip Dunwody Page two * . 1978 CABLE TV OF CHESTER COUNTY- Installer / Technician Installed service at customer level. Performed ! " maintenance and troubleshooting at system level. EDUCATION Burroughs After-Hours Courses - Unix Workshop - 1986 - Pascal - 1985 - CANDE - 1984 - Digital Logic and Electronics - 197, 1983 West.Chester University - 1983, Interfacing Microprocessor Rets Electronic School - 1980-1983, certificate Widner University - 1969-1971, Engineering Henderson Senior High School - Graduated 1969 PERSONAL Burroughs Exemplary Action Award, September 1986. Deacon and board of directors member. House renovation and audio-visual equipment repair. i -__s_ .__________.m___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - -_ _ _ - _ - __- - _ . m( 9 9 ,;[,; .. NERSONAL RESUMf % . >m ePERSONAL DATE:,. %i. 14 , , e |Edwar6|M. Stopper. Marital Status'- Married '40? Pafdletown:Rd. Phone - 717-938-2693 Etters,; pat . 17319 ,e Birth Date '. March"8, 1931: g (HeightV-5.'11"~ Hsalth ' Excellent- Weisht '16041bs. PROFESSIONALiOBJECTIVES': n ' T. ' Desiren of Electronic Industrial Contro1' Systems :P. Design ;of Electro -M6chanical! and/6r: Elbetro-HydraulicjControl?Sfstema ;2., 'Use'of computers forLcontrol of above u.,: Management in'=anyJof.theJabove EDUCATION :- * !Penn-State University q - Mid dietown., ' PA. ' , E.S.>TElectronic Design Engineering Technology 10/74 --3/77 ' ' 'c .Williamsport Area Community College ' Williams > ort, PA. 3 Associate Derrree - Electronic' Technology 9/72 c/74- Dale Carnegie Course as well as numerous short courses in computer control, hydraulics and q mechanical. engineering Military Schools U.S. Naval Ease Norfolk, VA. ; Maintenance of Electronic Navigation Plotters 3/71 - 5/71 l ' U.S. Naval Base | , Sen Diego, CA. Basic Elect, and Communication Electronics ' a/70 - 9/70 ; h __ __- --_ _ --- - - _ _ __ - _ _ _ ___ 0 . _ _ ' ! ' (2) , ~ (L) Q ] - . | EXPERIENCE: Koppers Company, Inc./ Mineral * Processing Systems, Inc. ' * - y77 g 2h0 Arch St. Present York, PA 17403 | Chief Engineer - February 1981 | Directly responsible for electrical, mechanical and hydraulic design of large grinding mills and speci,a1 enFineered products. Must design, size and specify equipment used in the engineered products group. Other responsibilities include, reviewing engineering | specifications, preparing engineering proposals, ) resolving all deviation reports for the engineered products group, resolv.ing field engineering problems, and occasionally perform field service work. ! IBM 6/76 to i 9/76 Mechanicsburg, PA. ) Materials Attendant 6/74 to Holiday Swim Pools 9/74 and Williamsport, PA. 6/73 to Complete installation and repair of all pools. 9/73 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Instrument Society of America Society of Mining Engineers of AIME l PERSONAL INTERESTS: Youth soccer coach, hunting, fishing, gardening, winemaking (member American Wine Society and officer in York "Mustmakers" REFERENCES: Furnished upon request. ! | 108864 "0FRCIAL RECORD COPY" gg - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . ._ ' " . .. O O . : (FOR LFMS USE) -- e : INFORMATION FROM LTS * SETWEfN- * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ * LICENS E FEE MANAGEHENT 6RANCHi ARM : PROGRAM CODE: 03214 ANO : STATUS CODE: 0 REGIONAL LICEN1 NG SECTIONS : FEE CATEGORY: 35 3d 3P : ~XP. DATE: 19890131 : FEE COMMENTS: ___________________. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LICENSE FEE TRA'JSMITTAL A. R EGIO N 'f 1. AP PLI C A TI ON ATTACHED APPLIC ANT /LIC ENSEE : MPSI T EC HN]L O GI E S , INC. RECEIVED DATE: 330510 30CKET MO: 30206S4 CONTROL NO.: 10E364 LICENSE co.: 3 7-2 0 6 5 f,-01 ACTION TYPE: AMENDMEflT 2. FEE ATTACHE 0 AMOUNT: 3.D.EC. CHECK NO.: . _3D_5,,33_ _ 3. COMMEfjTO SIGNEE FP oATe ::c3D)5C::::::::::::_~::::~ 3. LICENSE'FEt MANAG5 MENT 3RAN' C H E C t, WHEN MILESTONE 03 IS ENTERED /__ 1. FEE C ATE GORY END AMOUNT: _ )_ ___ __ ______________ , _____ 2. CORRECT PEE PAIO. AP PLIC A TION MAY 71 E PECCE55ED FOR: A M E tid P:N T _____ ________ RENEW AL ______________ LICENSE ______________ 3. OTHER __________________________________ , __________________________________ 5:cNeo _________ _ _ _ ' _ _ cATE ________________ _f_J[}f_________ __ 1 ----_-_LD '.
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