NATURAL PROPAGATION AND HABITAT IHPROVEHENT - WASHINGTON VOLUME IIB -SIMILKAMEEN RIVER HABITAT INVENTORY FINAL REPORT, 1983 Published by Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Division of Fish and Wildlife April, 1984 --_---IEC bl!i!k -~_---- _____---__-___ __-- -- _-__---- --- PREFACE This project, No. 83-477,was funded by the Bonneville Power Administration in the FY 1983 Fish and Wildlife Program under contract No. DE-AC79-83BP119O2. The report is presented in two volumes. The main body of the report (Volume I) contains a description and analysis of the habitat inventory data collected within the Similkameen River Basin upstream of Enloe Dam between August and October, 1983. Because of their volume, the appendices to the main report have been produced under a separate cover (Volume II).The appendices include the detailed habitat inventory summaries and the data calculations which formed the basis for the conclusions presented in Volume I. Copies of Volume I or Volume II may be obtained from: U. S. Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Division of Fish and Wildlife - PJ P.0. Box 3621 Port land, Oregon 97 208 3711.1 IEC_ ____--___- bed____ ---- - TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I Page PREFACE i LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF APPENDICES (Volume II) vii . ABSTRACT VIII EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ix 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA 2. 1 Similkameen River Basin 2.2 Specific Study Streams 3.0 METHODS AND MATERIALS 6 3.1 Habitat Assessment 3.1.1 Project Methodology 3.1.2 Reach Determination 3.1.3 Physical Stream Inventory 3.2 Fish Population Inventory 3.2. I Sampling Site Selection 3.2.2 Fish Sampling Methods 3.2.3 Preliminary Analysis 3.2.4 Resident Fish Populations and Standing Crop Estimates 17 3.3 Potential Anadromous Salmonid Spawning Area and Capacity 20 3.4 Potential Anadromous Salmonid Rearing Area 21 3.5 Anadtomous Salmonid Production Estimates 21 3.5.1 Slaney Steelhead Trout Model 21 3.5.2 Chinook Salmon 22 3.6 Hydrology 23 3.4.1 Field Techniques 23 3.4.2 Published Data 24 3.6.3 Data Analyses 25 3.7 Water Quality 26 3.7.1 Field Techniques 26 3.7.2 Published Data 27 3711.1 IEE beak TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I Page 4.0 RESULTS AND [DISCUSSION 28 Habitat Inventory 28 Fish Population Inventory 31 4.2. 1 Population Characterist ics 31 4.2.2 Resident Fish Populations and Standing Crop Estimates 35 Potential Anadromous Salmonid Spawning Area and Capacity 4G 4.3.1 Steelhead Trout 40 4.3.2 Chinook Salmon 46 Potential Anadromous Salmonid Rearing Area 50 4.4.1 Steelhead Trout 50 4.4.2 Chinook Salmon 51 Anadromous Salmonid Production Estimates 52 4.5.1 Steelhead Trout 52 4.5.2 Chinook Salmon 54 Hydrology 56 4.6.1 General 56 4.6.2 Mean Flows 57 4.6.3 Peak Flows 59 4.6.4 Low Flows 61 4.6.5 Regional Hydrology 62 4.6.6 1 983 Hydrological Conditions 63 Water Quality 64 4.7.1 Temperature 64 4.7.2 Nitrate-Nitrogen and Total Dissolved Solids 65 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 66 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 69 7,O REFERENCES CITED 70 3711.1 iii LIST OF TABLES Table After Page 3- 1 Habitat Quaiity Index (HQI) Criterion for Rating HQI 19 Attributes (Rinns, 1982). 3-2 Preliminary (Revised) Slaney Steelhead Model 22 (Slaney, 198 1). 4- 1. Summary of Similkameen River System, Resident Fish 31 Caught or Qbserved During 1983 Field Season. 4-2 Mean Fork Length and Weight of Rainbow Trout in the 32 Similkameen River System. 4-3 Summary of Standing Crop, Fish Population and Density 35 of Rainbow Trout in the Similkameen River System. 4- 4 Summarized Comparison Between Estimated (HQI) and 37 Measured Rainbow Trout Standing Crop. 4-5 Summary of Standing Crop, Fish Population and Density 37 of Mountain Whitefish in the Similkameen River System. 4-6 Summary of Standing Crop, Fish Population and Density of 38 Bridgelip Suckers in the Similkameen River System. 4-7 Summary of Standing Crop, Fish Population and Density of 38 Sculpins in the Similkameen River System. 4-8 Summary of Standing Crop, Fish Population and Density of 39 Longnose Dace inthe Similkameen River System. 4-9 Similkameen River System Fish Standing Crop. 40 4-10 Summary of Similkameen River System Steelhead Trout 41 Spawning Substrate, Spawnable Area and Spawner Capacity by Stream Section. 4-11 Summary of Similkameen River System Chinook Salmon 46 Spawning Substrate, Spawnable Area and Spawner Capacity by Stream Section. 4-12 Summary of Similkameen River System Juvenile Steelhead 50 Trout Potential Rearing Area. 4-13 Summary of Similkameen River System Juvenile Chinook 51 Salmon Potential Rearing Area. 3711.1 IV LIST OF TABLES (Continued) ---Table After Page 4-14 Summary of Mean Annual Smolt Yield and Mean Adult 52 Return Estimates by Stream Reach Using the Slaney Steelhead Model. 4-15 Estimated Chinook Smolt Production by Stream Length 54 and Area for the Similkameen River System. 4-16 Flood Flows by Reach. 60 4-17 Fall Minimum Daily Discharges. 62 4-18 Winter Minimum Daily Discharges. 62 4-19 Mean Stream Temperatures. 64 4-20 Summary of Temperatures at Habitat Assessment Reaches. 64 4-21 Temperatures Recorded at Streamflow Metering Sites. 64 4-22 Summary of Nitrate-Nitrogen and Total Dissolved Solids 65 Data Collected by the B.C. Ministry of Environment. 4-23 Nitrate-Nitrogen and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 65 Analysis of Water Samples Collected During 1983 Summer Low Flow Period. 3711.1 ____ -- ---- -- LIST OF FIGURES Figure After Page 2- 1 Location of the Simiikameen River System Within the 3 Columbia River Basin. 2-2 Study Area, 3 3- 1 Reach Divisions for the Similkameen River Study Area. 9 3-2 Location of Hydrometric Stations. 25 4- 1 Similkameen River System Stream Gradient Profile. 28 4-2 Substrate Profile by Reach for the Similkameen River. 30 4-3 Substrate Profile by Reach for the Ashnola, Tulameen 30 and Pasayten Rivers. 4-4 Length-Frequencies by Age Class for Rainbow Trout in 32 the Similkameen River (Above Falls). 4-5 Length-Frequencies by Age Class for Rainbow Trout in 32 the Similkameen River (Below Falls). 4-6 Length-Frequencies by Age Class for Rainbow Trout in 32 the Ashnola River. 4-7 Length-Frequencies by Age Class for Rainbow Trout in 32 the Tulameen River. 4-8 Length-Frequencies by Age Class for Rainbow Trout in 32 the Pasayten River, 4-9 Steelhead Trout and Chinook Salmon Spawner Capacity 41 Distribution Within the Similkameen River System. 4-10 Steelhead Trout and Chinook Salmon Rearing Area 50 Distribution Within the Similkameen River System. 4-11 Hydrological Zones. 56 4-12 Mean Annual Runoff. 58 4- 13 Hvdrographs -Mean Monthly Discharges Similkameen River and Tributaries. 62 4-14 1983 Hydrograph -Similkameen River Near Hediey. 63 3711.1 Vi IEC beak ___ --- LIST OF APPENDICIES (Volume II) 1 Similkameen River Stream Habitat Inventory. 2 Simiikameen River System Habitat and Fish Data Summary Map Series (Figures A 1-A 28) 3 Similkameen River Fish Sampling Inventory. 4 Similkameen River System Resident Fish Length-Frequency Distribution (Figures A29-A36) 5 Simifkameen River System Resident Fish Length-Weight Relationships (Figures A37-A46) 6 Similkameen River System Population and Density Estimates by Species. 7 Average Densities and PopulationEstimates in the Similkameen River System by Species. 8 Similkameen River System Standing Crop. 9 Average Standing Crop and Total Standing Crop in the Similkameen River System by Species, 10 Habitat Quality Index Attribute Summary. 11 Comparison Between Estimated (HQI) and Measured Rainbow Trout Standing Crop by Reach. 12 Steelhead Trout Spawning Substrate,Spawnabie Area and Spawner Capacity Estimates for the Similkameen River System Using Probability-of -Use Criteria (Bovee, 1978). 13 Chinook Salmon Spawning Substrate,Spawnable Area and Spawner Capacity Estimates for the Similkameen River System Using Probability-of-Use Criteria (Bovee, 1978). 14 Juvenile Steelhead Trout Rearing Area Estimates for the Similkameen River System Using Probability-of -Use Criteria (Bovee, 1978). 15 Chinook Salmon Rearing Area Estimates for the Similkameen River System Using Probability-of --Use Criteria (Bovee, 1978). 16 Estimat?d Steelhead Trout Mean Adult Run and Mean Annua! Smolt Yield/m Calculations (Slaney Model). 17 Hydrology Tables (Tables A I-A6). 18 Hydrology Figures (Figures A47-A49). 3711,1 vii IEC--- beak ____ . ----- ABSTRACT During the summer low flow period,a habitat assessment of the Similkameen, Tulameen, Ashnola and Pasayten rivers in British Columbia and Washington State was conducted between August 10 and October 10, 1983.The biophysical survey assessed 400 km (250 mi.) of stream at 77 stations. Fish sampling was conducted at each station to assess the resident fish populations and standing crop. Rainbow trout populations and standing crops were found to be very low. Large populations of mountain whitefish and bridgelip suckers were present in the mainstem Similkameen River below Similkameen Falls. High densities of sculpins and longnose dace were found throughout the system except for sculpins above the falls, where none were captured. 2 2 Approximately 961,000 m (1,150,000 yd ) of spawnable area for steelhead trout were estimated for the entire system which could accommodate 98,000 spawners. Nearly 2 2 367,000 m (439,000 yd ) of chinook salmon spawnable area was also estimated, capable of accommodating 55,000 chinook. Rearing area for steelhead trout smolts was estimated for the whole system at 1.8 millionm2 (2.2 million yd2). Chinook 2 2 salmon smolt rearing area was estimated at 700,000 m (837,000 yd ). Rearing area was found to be a limiting factor to anadromous production in the Simifkameen River system.
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