Page Twelve TH~ ROCKETEER Friday, January 17, 1964 Taxi Drivers Spruce Up In New Uniforms! Neptune Ball Set For For the first time since NOTS SHDWBOAT began more tban 20 years ago, f RIDAY JAN . Station taxi chauffeurs will be Feb. 7 and 8 at Center " SWORD Of LANeElOT" (115 Min .) Cornel Wilde, Jean Wallace all spruced up in new uniforms, 7 p.m. beginning Monday. (Adventur. in Color) The famed Kni ght is in love w ith King Arthur's intended wife. The uniforms are Navy blue, A suspense, v iolent OCT ion and intrigue with Eisenhower-type jackets. spec io l sel in colorful Comelot. (Adults and The drivers will w e a r white Young People). shirts, black ties and eight-point SATURDAY JAN. 18 " FRANCI S IN TH E NA VY" (80 Min.) caps. Donald O'Connor Mrs. F. III. Mullin, the only 1 p .m. SHORT: " Witty KilTy" (7 M in.) woman chauffe ur, will have a " Ma nhunt No. I S" (1 6 Min.) Navy blue ensemble of skirt and - EVENI NG - jacket, white blouse, black bow· " TH E WRO NG ARM OF THE LAW" (91 Min .) type tie and a WAVE-type hat. Peter Sellers, lionel JeffreYI 7 p .m. Men drivers are J. V. Adam· (Comedy) When on outlide gong muscles son, F. L. Bennett, E. E. Blur· in the owner of on exclulive dresa l a lan (who is also an underworld leader) coop. ton, G. III. Brown, G. H. Davis, erotes w ith Scotland Yord to catch the ch i, ­ B. F. Durham, Joe Kiernan, lit e ling blighters. laugh away! (Adult). V. Manning, J. R. Neffew, R. R. SHORT: "Tomorrow We Diet" (7 p .m.) Raney and T. E. Stoudemire. " Speedway" (10 Min.) SU ND AY-MONDAY JAN. 19·20 Bohby Brown, head of per· " f OR LOVE Of MONEY" (109 Mi n.) NAVY RELIEF 100-HOUR PINS are presented by Capt. Leon sonnel of Public Works Trans· Kirk Douglas, Mitzi Gaynor, Gig Young Grabowsky, Executive Officer, to Phyllis Reilly and Helen port Section, says in the near 7 p.m. O'Connor (ri ght) for work in assisting the many local Navy future the new jackets will also (Comedy in Color) Wealthy widow hires Relief programs. Presentation was at the Commissioned Offi­ on attorney a s 0 matchmaker 10 gel her have shoulder patches inscribed, three daughters morried off, but he hOI a cers Mess. "U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Sta· heap of trouble with the loveli es and their PREVI EW OF NEW UNIFORMS is given by taxi drivers T. Mullin, R. R. Raney, J. Kiernan and J. R. Neffew. At left tion, Public Works Transporta· intended. Just for laugh, . (Adult. and YClJn g E. Stoudemire, J. V. Adamson, E. E. Blurton, Mrs. F. M. is Bobby Brown, head of Transportation Section personnel. tion ,China Lake, Calif." People). New Officers of Students' Salon SHORT: Football Hilites '63 (18 Min.) TUES DAY·WEDNESDAY JAN. 21-22 Council To Be Photos on Exhibit " THE DEEP SIX" (110 Min.) Capt. B/enman at Business Outlook Conference Alon Lodd, Dionne fOSler, Wm. Bendix Salon photographs taken by 7 p .m. Installed Jan. 23 Burronghs High School and Ba· (Action. Dra ma in Color) Destroyer's gun· Newly elected officers of the kersfield Junior College photo· nery officer run$ into trouble with Ihe crew China Lake Communi ty Council graphy students are now on ex· because of hi, Quoker bockorClJnd - until will be installed at a dinner hibit in Roo m B of the Co mmu· NEPTUNE BALL General Chairman Rhea Blenman and he gelS f ighling mad. Authentically fil med Tells NOTS Impact on aboard the USS Stephen Potter. (Adults and next Thursday evening, Jan. 23, nity Center. Tickets Committee Chairman Maura McCreery check agenda Young People). at the Community Center, start­ The show w h i c h continues Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California for various committees working toward success of the color- SHORT: " Menage to Gracia s" (7 Min.) ing at 7,30. through this month, includes abo ful event to be held at Community Center on Feb. 7 and 8. THURSDAY· FRIDAY JAN. 23·24 Vol. XIX, No.2 Friday, Jan. 17, 1964 The new slate is comprised of stracts which are interesting ex· Kern County Economy " THE HAUNTED PALACE" (85 Min .) P lans are well underway this week for the colorful Second Lon Chaney, Vincent Price, Deborah Paget Robert Glen, president; J 0 h n amples of the application of The economic impact of the U. S. Naval 0 rdnance Test Station on Kern Co unty in 1964 was Annual Neptune Ball which will be held at the Community Cen- 7 p.m. Hensley, vice-president; Rich­ design elements. (Horrar in Color) A superior of its typel stressed Wednesday by Capt. Charles Blenman Jr., ComNOTS, before the Business Outlook Con· ter on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8. An ancient cun e mode by on ancestor reo ard Frederick, executive secre­ Students whose work is ex­ Plan Commission to Help (erence sponsored by the Kern County Board of Trade at Bakersfield. Various committees, including a--re-a-s-f.,-o-l.,-Io-w-s-:------- incarnates in a mon who hal inherited a tary; Walter Schmick, recording hibited are Jay B r en t s, JoV Capt. Blenman pointed out · the Decorations and Tickets costle 0$ he seek, revenge on the lawn,· secretary, and Joe Dorgan, treas­ Broaker, Tom Frisbee, Evelyn that business contracts between which have been announced by ting out of the housing business Lucia Shults, assistant general people. E.E. ERIE I (Adult). urer. Myers, Brian Reese, Henning committees, swung into action chairman; Lois Hamblin, p r 0- SHORT: " Li ttle Wh irlwind" (7 Min.) NOTS and Kern County indus- President Johnson, "there is no and selling t h • ....id.nc.. Reservations for the $2.50 per Roth, Frank Vaughan, Carroll Operate McBride Park Here during the pas t few days. Gen­ grams; Sue Byrd, costumes; Mau- " Novy Screen Hilites' P" (l8 Min.) tries had increased from four to fo reseeable indication that this aboard the Station to occupants. ra Mcreery, tickets; Betty Clasen, --- ---- -----­ plate prime rib dinner should Wilson and Mike Young. Steps to form a China Lake "park commission" to assist fi ve million dollars in the past will affect any of the research "An open community would eral Chairman of the two-day Station management in day-to-day and long-range plans for the Valley-wide event is Rhea Blen­ treasury; Mickey Freedman, ar­ be returned no later than to­ The gallery is a project of year. and development installations of also mean that the Navy would morrow. Harry Bearman is in the Desert Art League. Visitors operation of McBride Park, were taken last week. man. rangements; Glenadyn Puckett Community participation in .---:---:--:-- - -:--- Cites Building Programs the military, such as NOTS." get out of the retail sales bus- charge of the arrangements. are welcome. May Transfer 105 Acres iness and allow private enter· Tickets are now available at and Joanne Grahowsky, co-dec­ . h · a.tion, pro.jected plans of opera- I He c I· t e d construction pro- orations, and Therese Valenteen th e par k operatIOn - w en It d t, d h "We feel at NOTS that we prise to perform that function. the Community Center, Commis­ is reactivated _ was the topic ben an Improvemen an 0:" I grams _ a new machine shop and Mary Stotz, co-chairmen of ~--------------------~! 1 contribute to the economy of Decision on Feasibility sioned Officers Mess, and of of a meeting at the home of It Will participate 10 the park s for which a $750,000 contract is dancing. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Kern County in many different "I would like to emphasize course from the Tickets Com· Capt. Floyd Reck is producer ACROSS G- Attempta ! Mrs. Marilyn Yukelson of th e operatIOn. b e i n g negotiated, elementary mittee members. In Ridgecrest fj- Hebrew . I American Association of Univer- Other committees probably school additions for which the and varied ways," Capt. Blen- that we do not expect a decis· of the show and Bill Valenteen I -Explosion lette r' ! man continued, saying that leg- ion on this matter this year. But they are available at Champs 6-Lifte d with 'i-Rupees sity Women. will ba needed fO.r scheduling, Federal government has com- is the director. lever (abbr.) islative action is now under we do expect a decision as to its Market and from Glenadyn long.r~nge planning,. general mited $1,500,000 _ indicating Anyone wishing to help them, l1-Favo r 8-Greenland study by Congressman Harlan feasibility, and if feasible, a date Puckett and Lo is Hamblin. ·12-Hold in high · E8klmo At a second meeting yester- opera!l~n . and maintenance, a continued growth of China please be at the Community Cen­ r ega rd 9-Lampreya Hagen for the transfer of 105 for its implementation." 14- Three-toed l O-Hope fo t" day at Mrs. Carol Chatterton's beautification, programs and ac- Lake's importance to the coun- Chairmen of the committees ter tonight at 7:30. s loth 11-Coullles home, Mrs. Yukelson was elect- t· ·t· d bl· ·t acres of land at China Lake to If the decision is rendered to IS-Caudal 13-T ooth IVI les, an pu ICI y: ty's economy. a ppendage 1 tl -U nlts or ed to serve as chairman of a Th ose present : Ma n Iyn Y u k e I - "w h t bel" Kern County for recreation pur- move toward an open commun­ 17-111 addition Latvian I S-Possessive cUr'renc)- steering committee to form the son, Janet Hays, and Carolyn e ave reason 0 leve poses.
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