I T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1895. V olume 5 0 . E n te r e d m Second Clan* Mall Matter. N uxbkb 2 8 The Courier-Gazette does I t oernbii-l.v Into M ore Fam ilies in Knox Comity Than Any Other Paper JPuhlislied. HOME HAPPENGGS. Maj.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov’t Report / T h e C o u r i e r - G a z e tt e fcoe.« r e ^ u A BIOGIiAJPHY larly into more families in Knox T. H. McLain of this city County than any other paper is one of our most suc­ Bakins Written fo r the Courier-Gazette by Edward K. Gould cessful celery raisers. M r p u b l is h e d . McLain does not bank [Begun in No. 8. Back number* can be hnd.| his celery, but uses tiles, which he slips down over T he C.-G. is delivered at more Rockland the plants. Protected Powder residences than any other paper published XXI. him “a career of usefulness and glory.” At from the sun in this way A lizard from Pleasant Btach, caught by In,the meantime the advanced regiments of the battle of Fair Oaks Smith again led the the plants blanch readily A B iQ U in tV PURE Wm Munroe, is the latest addition to T he the brigade, the Third and Fifth Michigan, Fifth Michigan in a charge, but it was his without being soiled by C.-G. collection. had steadily and courageously kept up the last, for a rifle bullet striking him in the tem­ earth. Roundaliout saw ple quenched at once his gallant young life. environment of rubbish strewn grass, over C. I’. Graves has tuned and repaired the fight. When the ammunition of the Fifth in Waterville at one time grown street gutter is like a man with a good 1 I l A I I I K First Baptist and Cong’l organs, this city, and gave out, Major Pierce of that regiment volun­ H u body was brought safely here for burial some extra nice celery suit of clothes and a battered hat. the Baptist organ. Thomaston. teered to procure cartridges and further and committed to earth with military, Masonic which was blanched with Have their illn like older folks, And the little and civic honors. Citizens should not only refrain from mak­ patients must not be neglected, flood health In John Blethcn has been chosen a director orders. This was a hazardous service as the newspapers. Old papers ing the street the dumping ground for rub-1 later life Inrgcly dependn upon good care In Infancy. enemy now enveloped both flanks, and these On the night before the attack on York­ were wrapped around the in the Bodwell Granite Co. to till the vacancy town in Ihe noise of camp and the bustle of bish, but should assist in keeping the street j If baby is III firat send for your doctor without occasioned by the death of E. P. Walker. regiments were in an isolated position, by plants and tied. in neat and tidy condition. delay, then fend the prescription to he filled at reason of the falling back of the troops upon preparations for the morrow, he made his will Mr. McLain is also very Donohue’s Pharmacy. In that way you avoid nil H. C. Day & Co. are lit’ing up one of 'S Something in Which Tax Payers possibility of mistake* In the. prep «rntlln of the their right. Colonel Terry of the Fifth Michi­ of which this is the closing paragraph: “And successful in keeping cel SUMMER~*SOUNDS- medicine Mistakes or the use of impure drugs are Farrand & Spear’s kilns with ihe Carleton gan was the senior officer present on this part now, having arranged for the disposition of ery late into the winter. bad at best, but In the cafe of a baby they may bo spra> ing system. Day & Co. are also bu3y of the line. Hearing rapid discharges of my worldly estate, I will say, possessing a full Before packing it away in Will Be Interested. fatal. Leading local physicians have pronounced with quarry and railroad work and have in musketry nearly a mile in the rear at the confidence in the Christian religion, and be­ Echoes From the Spots Where Busy Man our prescription department unequalled; therefore hand a job for the Bodwell Graritc Co.’s his cellar he removes all the outside leaves we have their confidence point where he had entered the woods, and lieving in the righteousness of the cause in until nothing is left, hardly, but the eatable treateth for Rest and Recreation. Spruce Head works. his ammunition having been exhausted, with which I am engaged, I am ready to offer my portion. In this way a great deal of decay­ Rockland’s Yu bullion This Y ear—Qnlte John Hartnett and Ernest Thompson got a no troops to support him, and daylight fast poor life in vindication of that cause, and in able vegetable matter is removed. E. K. Gould and family and Mrs. C. H. bad fall from the wharf to the vessel’s deck, disappearing in the gloom of night, he gave sustaining a government, the mildest and Pressey leave Thursday tor Bartlett’s Harbor, a Handsome Shrinkage—Total Com­ while discharging coal for Peter Kennedy & orders for the line to retire, which it did in most beneficial the world has ever known.” North Haven, for two weeks of cottage life. Co., Thursday, the ascending bucket catching good order, the regiments getting into camp Maine shall give him the proud epitaph he Roundabout called on Col. W. II. Fogler mitment-Regarding That Sale of Donohue's Pharmacy Electric lights have been put into the Rus­ the stage and upsetting them. They had a about nine o’clock. has chosen ; “ lie gave his life for his coun­ the other day and found that aftable attorney Bonds—City’s New Issue Selling Well Cor. Main & Limerook Sts., narrow escape from a serious accident. Colonel Poe’s Second Michigan had in the try.” In the words of Maine’s honored war puffing diligently at a cigar. sell cottage at Bay Point------The Old Whist meantime been doing good service on the governor, Israel Washburn, “ Ilis name and “ You seem to be enjoying that,” said Ciul) had a delightful time at Sunnyside, Wed­ —Tax Rate In Years Agotie. ROCKLAND, ME. The Biography of James G. Blaine, by nesday. The day was all that could be de- right. lie promptly obeyed General Berry’s memory are one o f the treasures of his native Roundabout. Telephone 68-2 Gail Hamilton, full reviews of which have sired while Landlord Buker served them ppeared in <>ur piper, is now bring delivered >rder to concentrate his regiment. Three State, and she will take care to guard the “ Yes!” replied the Colonel; “but I’m not companies were deployed across the road by sacred trust.” doing this for fun. When I first went into most appetizing repast, the table decorations, to Rockland sub>crihers by Miss Elizabeth style of serving and cooking being first-class. Marsh. Il is a noble book, and those who order of General Heintzelman with orders to the army I was not a smoker. I had not been HE city’s valuation to the front long before a case of small pox The cluti was entertained by Mesd. W. H, FEMALE PILLS. have not yet become subscribers should see stop all stragglers from passing to the rear. As darkness came to shroud in gloom that and IL G, Bird. this year is £4,786,- Miss Marsh at once and secure a copy The other five companies as soon as concen­ terrible field of blood and carnage, the Rebel was discovered in our midst. We were all 544, about £25,oooIcss , /assaK.jEia«ft» more or less frightened, and one of the boys Oak Hill Grove is having a splendid run of FA*- in prossed^acessire^cantyorpalnfulmen* trated were conducted by Colonel Poe to the advance had been stopped and the Army of than last year. This c -1 stration. Now used by over 80,000 C. P. Graves of Portland, the organ repairer scene of action, where it was assigned a posi­ said that smoking was a sure preventative, business, which is increasing under the very decrease is due large­ ladles m onthly. Invigorates these and tuner, was in the city last week tuning the Potomac was again saved fiom disaster. excellent management of Simonton & Hill. organs. Bew aro o f Im itations. Nams tion to support a line which was then being None contributed more to this result than and so I began, and have kept it up ever ly to the loss and paper. 82. per box, or trial box 81. Boni the First Baptist and Cong’l organs----- A since, as no one knows when a small pox Isaac Hahn is in charge at the restaurant, and sealed In plain wrapper. Bond 4o in formed on the right of the road. This front General Berry an J his gallant brigade In shrinkage of vessel property. The total com­ stamps for particulars. Retd by Local party of about 150 came from Bangor to epidemic may visit us.” Mr. Hahn’s ability to manufacture appetizing line, when ordered forward, did not number the words of their intrepid division com­ dishes is widely known. Jphn M. Smail has mitment to the collector will be £112,746.92, D rur|1ita Address PEFFER MUIfiM Camden on iteamboat Sedgwick, Tuesday.
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