■ ,i :- c . ■\ . ■'■ A. A ■ / / 1. SATURDAY, . i 0 . 1 9 4 |! I s :" f'-.. |p8BtirftgBti;r lEogttftm ^ r M K : . Vv ]Mai ir Bonds To v " / Ho. S ^ tUe '^ m o rta l /' r in'! Aw / iM AuxUM^, MraXOeorga To Be M arried .Ends Tjpftiningy'^ m T o w n W. Bpoai, l5S«, win.taett l^ok- Heard A^ong M0m Street A Ftrate Di^^ Ctrenlatlon The Weather ^ day aftam ^ at 1 o^eloek u tti6 For flMi ManA Ot Mareta, 1M8 Pen m t ni 0. & Weatber.Bmenn’ Menorlal/Aoapltai:' Membera oc Oroap *»win Join them, y \ And on^Some of Mu^he$ter/$ Side Slreels, Ton [o n l ■’ / ’ Pain, endine before mondng,; S , 1 0 5 slightly wanner tonight; fresh to of Temple tSiapter / x x - , , . / ' M 4 n ^ ad ,ma AndH'' / strong winds. tomorrow i Police- officers are called ii^ but about one third of Itself / / E. 8., are reinlnded of>v^ U give a gregt variety of seiw^ a held erect. Ami it was going X Bntann ot draolatldna Bltci^n> t€ ciBe tomorrow afternoon a«> ^ef Your Dr^Cleaning Work X tiM diw rlaf <tf < icea during their course '"of dpty. rough a. peculiar m'olion. The klanehetier-“ J^ City of VlUagt :80 at the Maabhie Temple. Thb* Ons, of the most obliging of tl way I can describe ft that it “S - win'taka flrat meetlim of the chapter a^h men on the .kfanchietter force/ls rocking itseli torw'ard and In. By the Ftrat of Next Mhl^k PRiCE THREE CENIN new qSicera hi charge ywill Adolph Simons Wfio this m on^ |s «■ Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRI 1943 K / (TWELVE Pj^BS) B In tlM Wedneeday ayeaing, ard. Aesin and again it )L. LX n.. NO. 164 Ctamiaiiic by tba <V>n> ^ the Mein etreet beat daytimes. wf>uld\dlp its head nearer the W. / This past week Simons ^ n t in- water, ^ n d thenT^ ., :\ To Be" Sure Tb Get It BOck for ay vreainc t t 960 tt. Paul Jones’i ator^, tbe/W ertem ‘■BaCk\f’ent the head of that / ■ ■ Auto Supply house at/kta|n and snake. ¥hfc jaws were distendpd, X , . ,_*a, HMtford./ FlsnUnc Park streets, and tp|d Jdnes to E a s t e r ^ \ Rutsiane Rebury H ondi^d' Dead atiiV. tn n ^ ilu tliiff a a i growtoK Ihiport^ t C. of C* the mijuth'bpen wide. So help me. \ ■ p\^ a two-cup coffee dripoiator one as F watched there. was a swish rf Btoiid Drive] y ' jlBntB win be qiaeaBaad. aad an In (de. Jones naturally thought that terMted wU b^ Meeiir^JVIonday fficer Simons wanted It for him­ from the wate.ip, and a fish - leaped b-H l ... self. out—straight ,lnto, the mouth However, a shoft time later the •the snake and disappeared. Is B egiiii Tp( waited isinopient. Th^ scrpent/im- lUv: Karl Rlchtar and Mre. \r o e r O win be an Important n^eet patrolman wpUrM into the store iUebUr win leave Sunday after- accompanied']^ Dr. A. E._. Friend, coiliid itseif and slipped in t^ the Boon for Rarrleburg, Pa., for a lu y o f the Merchanta Dlvlalon of pointed to ,y(t dripoiator and* said. water. ./ ■ / vialt wttn Ittielr aon Harold who the Chamber of Commerce at -\ There’s ^yriiat you're looking for, Did th a t snake charm A e fish? \ win bo Indncted In the aafvlce next ChamberNjWce Monday momlni due/’. Tour guegS is as good ^'^mine. All Vx n- know Is that the .system beats Goal weak,'He la tba youngeat of the April 1* « \ M o’clock. Two Im­ It ^ems that Dr. Friend was Dry is W tImM aona and Mra. Hloh- tsIKIng with Officer .Simons and No. 2 Ration Book tp get a meal.” portant Bubje^are on the ddcket . X and wfO married four/yearn Mlaa Dorothy Hale a If he saw a dripoiator ------ /- Lieut. W. A McParifauid 93 WELLS STREET P H O N E 7254 to be d iacu aaed ./^ 48 hour .per Mr*. William F, Steele., of «s; week, law and a plan to aUmulata any of. the stores along the / ' |l America’a Force^of eet-to have it put aside for him. Vernon street, yi/ites in t6:1^1 Second Lieutenant William J Free Call an4 Delivery Servicer A r m y He< aalee of war bonda m .the govem- Mr. and M n. (C. L. Hale This Sitnons did. So if you wont f ’jiiblic AFP«*1 Are •y meiita drive during April to aell 18 Henry street ahnounce r the that a l4-ouncis lemon./fs .. MeParCtand 'yvas. gijaduated I personal shopper just step out on tp brag about. The Herali the Bombardier School at the First Army Units Knock^^ billiona worth of bonda. \ gagement of thbir daughfbr. We street ahd ask a cop tb keep ipown Intb, Effofi. Every jnerchtot hi urged to thy, to Richard Hoag rted a story/laSt week abbul Angelo AJr Field In San Apgplo, ll S p rin g Tl B o m h Out Armored Rem-^ his weather eye open for the item ber on street Who hkd^ Texas, on. April 1st. W Scale Be- make a opedal effortt V> attend thia Longmeadowi Masa. \ you wont. that weighs 14 ounces, l^tsi meetinf. ’ Miaa Hale waa gri >ted frodr Lieutenant McPartland. / nants of/ German Af­ sayk that she has a lemon lore Attemple4; X®'* B u y B o n d s D r iv e ^ IDS Mancheeter High Sc: ./in IMO. She was a commando. / weighs two pounds. She a|sp has'* illrs. Mary McParthind, Xs* Weat H attsM o st rica Corps oh Plfiin Mwt be tamed la far aal- is at present a inior at >|r. and Mrs,, let's call ’em John an orange tree with 18 oranges op Center street, ryceivet^is Wings pnteers Handle Sal^« vage if Torn waat ta keep AUO^ qOFRAH Cbimecticut College Women Doe, were walking up'Main street it and several blossoms. / and commission after/undeigotng S h ip s Nortliwest of Kai- the new oBee^ (Baewa Aa Qneen Alice) in l^ w Londem, whelte ihe la an towards the Center engaged in a n intensive training/course at the iPoints^Qut Sol­ XX Red Moves playtBf !an Angelo field/and has been \ Bulletin! eM reo- SPIR1TDAL ilKUIUM bonor^^tident. heated - argument. Angry, worda Whenyfou can’t get -what you rduan /After Occupy- i Seventh Danghter of a Seventh Son Mr. R u e l^ ra attended \Wilbra- flowed back and forth between want, ..when and how yob. want it. assigned to the l^h Bomb Squa^ B^Jam es Marlpw dier Eioing Hit I Job on '. ’X — x"* ■ . qaanUty. Bom With a Vail, rrin.- This grxmp has earned the ing /City Yesterdayi,, ham Aca<ttmy and Cotumbto Uni­ Uiem and it was evident th a t St the store—whether It’s meat or 4 Ro^nt Homes i^aahbi^ton, April 12.-—^ Russian Attentioiix No,W Admiral Describes Aer- ■endIngB Dally, laclndlng Sonday, versity. / Heyita recently re­ neither' was gaining much head­ reputation of Ming the ”moi>t' dec­ M m y IfrontB; Ipar Ma- coffee or anything'Flse—remember LOCATEH.A^N B E fi^N , BRANFORD AND DURKIn I Airpien Strike Hard^\ KEMP'S tA .B LtotP. M. OrBy Appotat- turned/from Bermuda whiire he way. Aa ■ they were passing thib it’s ■ not the'X owrekeeper’s fault. orated” squadron In the Air Corps. trmeildoaa public/ re- terkd^ ISeed Cpnttant, Turned to Air;X^x- rial [gyi/e Able to ment. la the Servlee of the'Peo- waa employed by the F. H\ Mc- Church of the Nazorene. the lady That steak is feeding a fighter, A youngyr brother, Leo.,/ia an / STREETS IN.MANCHESTER I _ to i«i $13,000,909,009 pie for M Team. These hqOaee built wider F. Inspection wUI:. soon be tendy| P f e r c e ' Protective Bulletin! - TM.66M Orpw Company aaNnechanlciu en- dropped her gloye. As rite bent that coffe^an’t get here. Scream-' aviation ^det at KeUriy Field In Td drive, th^\|iiggeSt of hit- pect Raids on NSzi NS Mala St. IM Chamh Street, Bartfori, Ooaa. over to pick it up Mr. kicked in Texas. / ’ - , .for Ooeopnnoy. A down pnyniwt now wUl permit the boyeir By Ocn. George O.; Manthall, A I n «e d. Headquarters ia leer. \ ing help—jiist grin at the waa reported by~ the ^ties to Continue. D ecks\df Battleship. The daU of the weddingw ed d |^ la on unmentionable place. That waa guy. / . ---------------- " " ' • ---- Chief of staff. United SUtea Vorth Africa, April 12.— lury today/ dn the basis announced. hla mistake. Either ka waa hot When you get poor service or ing to board i t He notM tjiAt the Army. (WHlteS for The 'x " —The British Eighth Army T familiar with hia wife o. she had th e few ^ours of Ateoclatod Pieea and The Moscow, April ' 12.—(/P)—The Detroit April J3;;- tJP) — An nbne p t. all, it's probably because bus will always pull fquif oi^ flvf Contider ti$ete oiUttanding^ advantaget arst haa taken 20,000 prisoners in concealed the fact that ahe knew the hired help has gone off to fight fyet aw«^. Hadn't noticed ._.,A statem ent tal4>an*W,- Herald.) nuasionRusBian piiutcsplariea ^ h lc h bombed iI »rinorarm or -picr^:mK--piercing bomb that COn how a gentleman ahould ,bebaVa (IJ Lot Located inNpiie of aj Choice of 6 P tnoar^ the Battle of Tunisia dnes ________ THE REST>- THEN EAT THE Bl or to work inA wafplant.
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