29 RINGSFIELD AND WESTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Date of Meeting: 19th July 2019 Present: Chair Cllr Rees, Cllrs Warner, Statt, Scott, Sherriff & Wheeler Attending Clerk Mrs Brown, Mr Timm & 12 members of the public. The Chair decided Mr Timm should speak and take questions re the development of the land in School Road before the meeting proper. The land, jointly owned by Mr Timm and his brother, has been allocated in the former WDC’s Local Plan, now adopted by ESC, for the development of 30 dwellings. Mr Timm is keen to take into account residents concerns and feelings before deciding on the best way forward, he is presently being advised by land agents Landpro on how to make the best use of the land, they are not yet at the point of apply for planning permission. Two local builders have expressed an interest in the project. He is aware that a major concern will be parking and wants to include 10 – 15 parking spaces along the front of the field, along with spaces alongside the dwellings which will be of varying types and sizes, but probably not including bungalows. The residents of School Road at the meeting raised concerns about drainage, flooding and water pressure especially with the new development in London Road, Mr Timm replied that Anglian Water will carry out surveys and extra drains will be fitted – this type of infrastructure along with buses, healthcare etc will needed to be include in any planning application. Other questions – Will the trees along the road be cut down? – Mr Timm to check. Will the ponds be kept? – Yes. When will you lose any control over the development? This is dependant on how far along the route of planning permission they are when the land is sold. Their were also comments that the development is in the wrong place and Cromwell Road would have been better. Mr Timm agreed to be an intermediary for residents and will keep the PC informed of developments. Cllr Rees thanked Mr Timm for coming to the meeting and speaking so honestly. There were complaints from the public about inconsiderate parking along School Road by parents, which on one occasion obstructed a fire engine on an emergency call, and one report of abuse. Highways will look at the problem. The new development should bring more village children to the school which hopefully will mean fewer children being taken by car. There were also complaints about extra traffic caused by the Southern Bypass. The PC are regularly in touch with Highways on the subject, unfortunately Highways are presently unable to complete their survey. One member of the public asked when the lodges next to the hall will be finished, this is unknown. Cllr Rees said the planning permission allowed the buildings to be done in stages and hopes it will be finished before the development in School Road as this will give some idea as to what problems they faced with drainage etc. 1 OPENING OF MEETING - The meeting was declared open at 8.03pm 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - None 3 RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – D Cllr Cloke – other commitment, C Cllr Ritchie – other commitment. 4 ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF PC MEETING HELD 21st June 2019 – Proposed Cllr Statt, 2nd Cllr Warner, 3 for 4 abstentions 30 The Chair agreed to go to Item 8 Planning next: PLANNING – a Applications Rec’d – DC/19/2597/PN3 – Ringsfield Hall Farm. Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling. Cllr Rees proposed acceptance, 2nd Cllr Sherriff, aif. b Decisions Rec’d – None 5 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – 1 Neighbourhood Plan –Barsham & Shipmeadow have sent letter of agreement, so we can go onto the next step. When the plan is in place the PC will receive 25% of the CIL. 2 VAS – Cllr Rees has a usb to download the data. The sign will be placed in Cromwell Road next and once Ilketshall St Andrew have improved their poles and fixings they will be added to the rota. 3 Village Hall refurbishment– Cllr Statt has produced, printed and distributed a report on the questionnaire responses and has passed on the original plans of the hall with proposed changes to the architect who will produce a CAD for everyone to study. Cllr Rees would like to have a short Trustees’ meeting before the October PC meeting. 4 Grass cutting Cricket Pitch – Cllr Sherriff reported that after the last cut a volunteer spent 3 hours disbursing the cuttings, Cllr Scott reported that Norse made a lovely job of Beccles’ pitch last week, Clerk to write to Norse. 5 Traffic impact of Southern Relief Road – The meeting scheduled for 2nd August has been cancelled and Highways unable to complete their survey due to the closure of Station Road in Beccles. Cllr Rees reported that the verges in Church Lane are being ruined by the extra traffic and residents are putting out logs and stones out in a bid to stop it, the speed of the traffic along the road is frightening. 6 New Bench – The bench will be fixed to a concrete pad Clerk to check if CIL can be spent on this. Cllrs Wheeler and Sherriff registered their objections to both the siting of the bench and the concrete pad. 7 Recycling Bin for Village Hall - £5.68 per lift, free delivery. Cllr Sherriff proposed 1 for the village hall & 1 for the cricket pavilion, 2nd Cllr Warner, aif. The bins will not be emptied unless Norse are notified 8 Changes to refuse collections for narrow lanes – These affect Primrose Lane & Paradise Row, Cllr Sherriff said that the contents of the bins are mixed in the collection truck, so sorting refuse for recycling appears to be a waste of time. Nobody seems to have been notified or given instructions. Clerk to write to Norse. 9 2 Cllr vacancies for Weston – Cllr Rees hand delivered leaflets to Church Lane, Cucumber Lane & London Road with no response, she will deliver to the other side of London Road shortly. 6 FINANCE a. Accounts for Payment J Brown, Clerk’s pay & expenses June & July 446.94 HMRC PAYE 2 months 95.40 Total cheques 2 £542.34 Cllr Rees proposed acceptance and that these accounts are paid, 2nd Cllr Scott aif b Accounts already paid - None c Receipts – £253.62 East Suffolk CIL Money for Memory Cottage. d Bank Balance Statement at 30th May 2019 £15,526.84 e CIL money in hand £232.02.02 to spend by Oct 2023 + £253.62 by Apr 2024 f Presentation of Bank reconciliation to end June- Proposed acceptance Cllr Scott, 2nd Cllr Warner, aif g Presentation of Budget to Actual Spend to end June - Proposed acceptance Cllr Scott, 2nd Cllr Warner, aif 7 CORRESPONDENCE None. 8 PLANNING – See page 29 a Applications Rec’d – b Decisions Rec’d – None 31 9 REPORTS County and District Councillors Reports – None Parish Councillor Reports – Cllr Wheeler asked that the PC formally write to Beccles TC to be included meetings to look at Planning Applications for the new houses that include Weston. The portaloo in Cromwell Road belonging to ESC should be removed soon. Cllr Wheeler forwarded a report from Cllr Elliott (ESC) – copy on request. Cllr Scott has spoken to Cllr Bee who, given the lack of reports or attendance of PC meetings from our County & District Cllrs, would be happy to keep the PC up to date. The new computer system at Beccles Health Centre will be up and running soon. Cllr Rees will contact Cllrs Bee & Ritchie & Peter Aldous re traffic problems. Clerk’s Report – To include crime report sourced from Suffolk Constabulary’s website. There was 1 crime reported in May – 1 x violence, Russell’s Green – under investigation. Annette Dunning of the Rural Coffee Caravan has been asked by ESC to speak to as many local Councils as possible about fuel efficiency covering solar panels, renewable energy etc, the PC agree to her addressing the September meeting. 10 ANY OTHER BUSINESS – Permission to rest in August – proposed Cllr Rees, 2nd Cllr Statt, aif. CLOSE - There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.53pm. Signed………………………………………….Chair Date: 20th September 2019 .
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