;. m. >>:7« "r"H VOL. VII. NO. 17. f ESTABLISHED I < 1901. J PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY. AUGUST 1907. I OTKBID AC atCOKO I 89, t CLAM MAIL MATTES, j PRICE FIVE CENTS. OSPREY'S FIBST CRUISE. COLONY OPERA. AN The Hamilton A LITTLE LESSON IN LIGHT. INTERESTING TRIP IN LESS "THE 8TUNQ PRINCE" COM- FREQUENTED OF WATERS POSED AND STAGED BY J. P. H. L. HAMILTON. Prop. CASCO BAY. THOMAS, JR-, OF HARPS- More light than forty WELL. Two Portland Business Men Have A Chebea^ue Island, Maine. candles. Fine Three Days' Cruise. Wu Well Attended. May Be Re- Open June 25 to Sept. 15. We had planned to start Friday peated for Benefit of Church. morning. August and 2nd., prelimin- The little opera entitled. "The Better than ary arrangements had been to- light any- made, Stung Prince.** or "The Call of the gether with a list of and provisions Wa Wa," written by J. P. Thomas. other necessities for the cruise. but Jr., who is summering here, was thing daylight. Perhaps Friday Is an really unlucky given in the colony chapel on Tuesday day. At all events the day before of last week and was pronounced a the start Osprey broke down for the Coolest of grand success. The chapel was well light any first time In her life. It was none of filled with a very appreciative au- your little temporary derangements dience that highly praised their excel- flame. which most motor boats are subject lent work. Decorations and scenery to, and which can be remedied "while were most beautiful, and were de- you wait." The exhaust valve can signed by Warren Strode of St. Louis, Safer than elec- stud was broken short off at the boss, light who Is a talented sculptor with much the lifter rod was broken In two and ability, the costumes were very good the brass fork which holds the roll and added to the scenery. One of tricity. was badly twisted. That meant two the most gorgeous scenes was thu or three days of enforced rest for air first; "Outside of the hunting lodge." the purer than flame Osprey. N— could not leave his Keeps any light. while the second scene; "Inside the buslnes? except at the end of the hunting lodge" was also a triumph of No smoke—No smell. week, so the three days trip was art. held over for 9th. Re- Friday, Aug. Exceptionally good features of the pairs were completed In ample time to "burn out" in a opera were the parts played by J. P. Nothing thunder storm. and the writer took some friends for Thomas. Jr., as a sailor laddie, and a few days sail to Mackerel Cove the Spanish dance. Mandolin ac- to attract the on Thursday. The worked Nothing engine companiments were played by Mr. lightning. well, but N— was afraid he could Whipple. Dancing was under the di- not get away from the office. How- than or kerosene. rection of Miss Clara Baxter. The Cheaper gas, electricty ever, Thursday night he said he would affair went off very smoothly and anyway business or no business. the go_ much credit is due to Mr. Thomas and That's BECK-IDEN LAMP—the Friday morning was The perfect light. perfect. Mrs. W. A. McCandless for their effl- writer laden with a basket and dress aient work. The opera may be re- suit case full of dishes and clothing, peated next week for the benefit of various odds and ends arrived early the church if aultable arrangements at the Yacht Club House. N— was can be made by the members of the to join the ship later as some busi- R. company. Following Is the cast of S. ness must DAVIS letters be written before CO. characters and chorus: The newest and finest hotel in Casco leaving. Osprey was looking fit for Bay. Complete and after Moet of in detail of Portland's Complete Homefurnishers anything oiling up I towed Chandon, king Champagnia. every modern appointment and appliance. the tender in and hauled her out on Frank L. Baxter Baths and toilets on floor. the raft, for she was to at home. Barnacle, a long lost son. every Large rooms, polished stay wood floors and Cor. and The provisions had not arrived so Joel F. Sheppard rugs. All chamber furniture of the best Cxchangc Federal Sis. a I headed for the nearest gasolene Marlinsplke, sailor laddie, weathered oak finish, iron beds with National station and tanked J. P. Thomas. Jr. springs and F. up enough to hair and felt mattresses. £• HASKELL, , Treasurer. make 35 gallons, Osprey's full capaci- Herald, Hector M. Holmes Acetylene gas. 100 foot veranda Mumm ty. The next stop was at Murray's Queen of Champagnia. facing the Bay and beach. Finest beach in Miss Margaretta McCandless bathing Casco shop. Long wharf, where I took on all on our own some floor Princess Oleo Bay, 500 feet boards for the little * Margarine, private grounds only from cuddy the forward. _ The dynamo belt was a Miss Helen Baxter hotel. bit shaky so. the boat \>*a Wa. Prince of Arnica, The Store with small leaving **t of Big profits Long wharf. I went over to Knight Leslie Lord Plenty amusements, dancing, etc. Onejof Bros, to get a new one made. As The chorus was composed of: Zella the best chefs in New usual they went at It at once and Hall of Boston, Dorothy Hubbard. England. Rates and promised to have it at Randall and Alice McCandless, Emily Camp and booklets, floor plans etc. on McAllister's in quarter of an hour. Gladys Beach of St. Louis, Gilbert application. Their motto is "Do It Now." After Rldgway of Jersey Heights, War- City sence of expression that we conclud- buying a skillet, frying pan and a ren Stronde of St. Louts and William ed that It was a mechanical of SOUTH HARPSWELL. tin horn I went into Jor- Sheppard of Boston. player some sort. We set our anchor light IRA dan's to look at a Miss Margaretta McCandless F. CLARK cheap gave and our & lighted other CO. lantern, hanging mattress. Leaving it to be called a supper after the opera to the mem- ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THIS it from the bow of the spray hood for I rejoined the ship and bers of the at her POPULAR starting company parents' overhead. Two young fellows rowed SUMMER RESORT. the engine ran her round to Ran- cottage off to look us over but would not come dall's on the battery for the dynamo aboard. They prophesied that the Many Of The Will was. of course, beltless. on Cottagers Remain Right sausage, bananas and ginger ale. Oar mosquitoes would eat us alive time Knight Bros.' man came down Until Late Next Month. provisions were packed in the straw before morning—a catastrophe with a fine new belt and too Id for a terry crate which N— at once chris- which seemed more than Dr. Julia "Waylan is trifling repair on the Soon visiting Miss vaporizer. tened "the Larder." He took full probable but was R. D. Ross at the One after came happily not beautiful summer Price N— in Cash. luggage hand and of the charge cvlslne from the to overtake us. in home of a tale first. Only the early her sister. Mrs. J. P. Thomas. Spot of a hair breadth from a and the escape tempting meals which he pro- morning were they at all trouble- Miss Way Ian on her arrival here business trip out of town. We went J had duced from "the Larder" would do some. After breakfast, the Osprey just left Bar Harbor and up together and down the credit to Campbello brought a hotel chef with a made shipshape, we landed for a where she has been mattress city few for some time "husky" which looked none market at his and to too disposal. supplies stretch our legs. part. wide for one and after It The Then stowing Islands below Orr's are rough- starting our engine we steered Mrs. L. H. forward we got under and Spauldlng and daughter way ran er and more picturesque than those her up the upper reaches of the up to tbe club New Miss Helen of Ash Point, returned yacht for the stores. In the western of the Meadows to its Clothiers, We part bay and very headwaters. We from Boston on Hatters, found them this time and Saturday. summer They loading cottages are much l^ss fre- passed countless charming spots and were them In, left the raft at 9.45 away from their summer home bound quent. To my mind Ragged Island also the famous New Inn down the for three Meadows here for about one week. bay days. Osprey is one of the finest in that Mecca of is a Casco Bay trolley parties with its line boat, but she Isn't a cruiser. with Mrs. John S. Pratt of Auburn and Its light colored ledges next the shore dinners famous In a score of She is a twenty-seven foot daughter. Miss Jennie Pratt, of Bos- dory water and Ita crown of dark ever- states. After landing at a particular- Furnishers, launch, six feet beam. with ton are to spend the remainder of good greens. Its exposed position also ly inviting point for a look at the th« freeboard and Is what the fishermen summer months at the Stover cot- lends a touch of the heroic, and It country we again ran up to the Gur- call "able." She has a tage here.
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